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Tokyo Now ABOVE Background Radiation Levels, even by the Worst Measurements

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posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:27 PM
Because of all these ongoing releases of radiation Tokyo is starting to show higher radiation readings EVEN by amateur radiation networks which most likely have their sensors sitting indoors nearby the computer that it is attached to !



Last night's radiation readings from the Blackcat System showed locations in and near Tokyo with a 33, 32, and 28, 28 is the TOP of background radiation readings with the scale used on the map !!!

AND if you are consistently reading that high it should be because it is a high altitude location, not next to sea level like Tokyo is, and any score in Tokyo consistently above 20 is MUCH higher then anything that I saw in Tokyo when I first started watching Japan from this network about a month ago.

How does the USA compare, well, California was ALL in the teens, normally there would be many below 10 and two or three in the teens. And in the East I have noticed since June 13th, when they meltdown may have hit a small pocket of ground water, that strangely New York is often at 29 or 30 and almost every time I check some one place in the East scores that high. I often check these figures late at night when it is daytime working hours in Japan.

So these HOT RADIOACTIVE PARTICLES are being moved around the World quite readily by the jet stream.

California seems to be increasing in radiation slowly like Tokyo, just at about half the rate, I suspect that within a year all of California will be well above normal background radiation levels and this will result in MANY measure able health effects, primarily infant mortality and a shorted life span by increased cancers.

WHO KNOWs how hot the land will be in 10 years and longer as Michio Kaku is saying this problem will last centuries !

Of course, the ELETES will spend most of their time in the air conditioned high rise towers with, WELL FILTERED AIR, so THEY will live almost as long as they do now, maybe much longer with the new drugs coming out. BUT REMEMBER THEIR CHILDREN WILL STILL DIE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE !

Today, June 22, 12 PM, I just checked and the Tokyo readings are a bit lower around 25, but it is 4 am in Tokyo right now so apparently while they work during the day the readings are going up, thus, they are opening the doors and releasing the radiation and NOT TELLING US ABOUT, more stuff ABOVE TOP SECRET !

Essentially they are killing their own people !!

If they worked at night with the doors open then hot particles would be released when most people are sleeping in doors breathing filtered air but by releasing the radiation during the day the hot particles go to people in Tokyo that are out doors working, traveling, and breathing those particles into their lungs where they might become permanently lodged and cause cancer.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:57 PM
May we see a link and/or could you explain what system of measurement is being used here?
It is most likely cpm, which would mean these levels pose no threat. IF, however, the readings are in microsieverts, then there is a cause for concern!
edit on 22-6-2011 by Negotium of Verum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by MACchine

[SNIP] Everyone here has airconditioning, its a bloody hot country, like most everyone in Tokyo lives in a highrise. The POOR especially in Tokyo live in a highrise, and even the poorest have aircon.

My children are not going to die. I am not going to die.

Also, the spike in radiation was back in March. The radiation levels have been stable now for almost 2 months, and back to background level.

Fearmongering is wrong. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf.

Mod Note: Courtesy is Mandatory – Please Review Link.
edit on 6/22/2011 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by ThousandIslandSunny

Your facebook page says IT ALL !

You are one of these guys who FIDDLES WHILE ROME BURNS.

The answer to your personal problem is that YOUR MEASUREMENTS ARE WRONG !

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by MACchine

No, I am not. You are a bunch of people far away from Japan who seem to delight in doom-saying and fearmongering.

Its distasteful and its wrong.

My children are gonig to be fine. I am going to be fine. Tokyo is over the worst of it, unless something major happens.

The REAL dangers with the radiation are the food and water, and that is avoidable.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:28 PM
CAn i ask you something. If I send my daughter to the US to study will she be called Jap to her face? Slitty eyed? How about sneaky? Cruel? Ive heard all of that here. Will people tell her that she is to blame for Pearl Harbor and war atrocities? Will people tell her she is going to die of cancer? Will people tell her she is not welcome to be in the USA studying? Will she be racially abused? Because from what I see here that is exactly what will happen if I send her.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by ThousandIslandSunny

The answer is no, to all of those. Not unless you happen to stumble upon a real a-hole with some serious issues. (Of course, those kind of people DO exist no matter where you go in the world) Even WWII vets I've seen speak about the Japanese have great respect for their former foes.

PS: It's disappointing to see such incredibly negative generalizations (horror stories) about those living in the U.S.
edit on 22-6-2011 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by ThousandIslandSunny
CAn i ask you something. If I send my daughter to the US to study will she be called Jap to her face? Slitty eyed? How about sneaky? Cruel? Ive heard all of that here. Will people tell her that she is to blame for Pearl Harbor and war atrocities? Will people tell her she is going to die of cancer? Will people tell her she is not welcome to be in the USA studying? Will she be racially abused? Because from what I see here that is exactly what will happen if I send her.

YOU ARE INSANE, you have LOST your mind.

I DO NOT believe ANY of your measurements, I am SURE you just hunt around until you find a good reading and THAT is what you photograph and put on your Facebook wall.

But the TRUTH is, you have LOST YOUR MIND !!!


Any time I want I can go to the Blackcat system map and take a screen shot of readings that are at the TOP of background levels, WHICH I WOULD NOT HAVE SEEN 3, 4, OR 5 WEEKS AGO ! When I first started watching it was ALL at low levels, mostly below 10 a couple to a few in the teens.

I shot this at 4:25 PM 6.22.11 ...

Look at that 4, "21"s, tonight I will check it again and I am sure there will be many above 30 this time

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by ThousandIslandSunny
CAn i ask you something. If I send my daughter to the US to study will she be called Jap to her face? Slitty eyed? How about sneaky? Cruel? Ive heard all of that here. Will people tell her that she is to blame for Pearl Harbor and war atrocities? Will people tell her she is going to die of cancer? Will people tell her she is not welcome to be in the USA studying? Will she be racially abused? Because from what I see here that is exactly what will happen if I send her.

Probably not, Japan has pretty much been America's second best friend since WWII and a lot of people think Japanese stuff is cool.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

But I see ALL of those things said on ATS on a daily basis, and many times, and it appears that it is tolerated.

So, how come on ATS people say those things and it is ok, while in real life noone would say that to my daughters face, or my sons.

My husband was beaten up in a bar in the midwest, because some idiot wanted to racially abuse him and start a fight.

You say America is not like that, but from where Im standign that looks EXACTLY what it is like. Before I read some of the comments here, I thought that perhaps it was just a few old boys in the south who thought that way, but reading some of these comments Im shocked at the depth of prejudice.

I want to send her to the US, I know she would love the school, but how can I when I read all those horrible comments. She would never manage if confronted with attitudes like those.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by ThousandIslandSunny

Why don't you start your own thread on that topic ???

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:21 PM
Michio Kaku knows I am RIGHT ...

edit on 22-6-2011 by MACchine because: poop

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by ThousandIslandSunny

I suppose we have been off topic..but I'll just say real quick that not everyone on ATS is in the U.S... Sure, there are super losers in the U.S. who might say those things, but a-holes exist everywhere. I'll bet there might even be a few in Japan. ATS is a big place and it's full of them from all regions of the world (like any web forum), but it's better to laugh at em or ignore them.
edit on 22-6-2011 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by ThousandIslandSunny
CAn i ask you something. If I send my daughter to the US to study will she be called Jap to her face? Slitty eyed? How about sneaky? Cruel? Ive heard all of that here. Will people tell her that she is to blame for Pearl Harbor and war atrocities? Will people tell her she is going to die of cancer? Will people tell her she is not welcome to be in the USA studying? Will she be racially abused? Because from what I see here that is exactly what will happen if I send her.

Don't send her to the USA, we are even MORE screwed up then Japan. Remember the Gulf Oil Spill, nothing but lies, coverups, and censorship at the TOP levels of government, a prototype for what is happening in Japan now.

Beside the radiation is also coming HERE !

And the quality of our schools has really gone downhill in the last few years.

Send her to Twain or Singapore or Burma or any place that is an oasis in a WORLD GONE MAD !!!

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by ThousandIslandSunny
CAn i ask you something. If I send my daughter to the US to study will she be called Jap to her face? Slitty eyed? How about sneaky? Cruel? Ive heard all of that here. Will people tell her that she is to blame for Pearl Harbor and war atrocities? Will people tell her she is going to die of cancer? Will people tell her she is not welcome to be in the USA studying? Will she be racially abused? Because from what I see here that is exactly what will happen if I send her.

This is a messageboard.
America is a society.
Schools in America are schools.

Behavior differs among each of the three. Is sitting at a lecture in Todai the same thing as chatting on Mixi?

edit on 6/23/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by ThousandIslandSunny
reply to post by MACchine

No, I am not. You are a bunch of people far away from Japan who seem to delight in doom-saying and fearmongering.

Its distasteful and its wrong.

My children are gonig to be fine. I am going to be fine. Tokyo is over the worst of it, unless something major happens.

The REAL dangers with the radiation are the food and water, and that is avoidable.

Normaly bias

The normalcy bias refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of the government to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.

'nuff said.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 10:28 PM
Now we have for the FIRST TIME 2 locations near Tokyo OVER 30 on 6/24/2011 at 5:56 PM pacific time which would have been 9:55 AM in Tokyo, work hours at Fukushima. Background radiation on this map is 1 to 28, but those high readings should only be a high altitude ...


posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by MACchine

Out of concern I checked levels in various places in the U.S. shortly afterward. I still keep looking for good numbers on rainwater. In the process of all that looking I found an interesting article that predated the Japan Crisis and was instead a reflection on Chernobyl years later.
It turns out that the reality is that cities around the world subject a resident to higher levels than the disaster. It is apparantly the nature of cities. There are regularly spikes. I know I don't have the source. The article was written sometime in the past decade and, while you'll have to take my word for it, it was scholarly enough to pass my "junkometer" test.
So, I don't doubt that you are seeing East Coast Spikes. But, they were seeing those spikes when this article was written before the disasters in Japan.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by ThousandIslandSunny

I know Japanese students. This is what I can tell you.
Yes, I know for a fact that one has been taunted in regard to Pearl Harbor. It is sad but it happened and it happened more than once and by more than one other student. Pick a more metropolitan area of the country if you are going to send her: it will be somewhat less likely to happen there.

Additionally, the Japanese students I know are not impressed.
They find behavior in American classrooms intolerable. The emphasis on creativity (which I am prepared to defend) in the U.S. system lacks the discipline and structure that most Japanese students are used to an embrace. They find it difficult to adjust. Now, if you want her here so that she can learn the kind of group dynamics and decision making that flourish in good U.S. schools, than by all means: that adjustment, however difficult, is exactly why you are sending her. But I don't think you should expect her to enjoy the experience. Learn and grow from it, sure. But not enjoy.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by ThousandIslandSunny
CAn i ask you something. If I send my daughter to the US to study will she be called Jap to her face? Slitty eyed? How about sneaky? Cruel? Ive heard all of that here. Will people tell her that she is to blame for Pearl Harbor and war atrocities? Will people tell her she is going to die of cancer? Will people tell her she is not welcome to be in the USA studying? Will she be racially abused? Because from what I see here that is exactly what will happen if I send her.

When I was in highschool, late 1970s I had heard about a program for Japanese students which they had at a University nearby to where I grew up Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California (You should be able to find, San Luis Obispo, CA, easily on Google Maps it is on the coast dead center between Los Angeles and San Francisco.) In this program they brought new students to the USA to Cal Poly during the summer to teach them better English and then at the end of summer the students would go to the other schools throughout California, the schools that they were actually admitted to, you see this program was just to get started, learn English, and learn about California, then they get sent off perhaps to the BIG CITY school that they were admitted to, San Luis Obispo, has a very small town atmosphere and is a beautiful area, probably NOT as beautiful as Japan and its ancient history but NICE, so students unaccustomed to California's strange ways and sometimes dangerous big cities they get an easy start.

I do not know if this program exists today, but my guess is they have something like this just perhaps at more locations around California now.

IF YOU WANT A SAFE SMALL TOWN WITH A GOOD UNIVERSITY FOR HER, send her to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California, renting here is expensive but ALL of California is expensive and this area is similar or a bit less then many others.

Now, I DO NOT KNOW what will happen at Fukushima if it goes China Syndrome we could get a BIG dose of radiation, JUST LIKE TOKYO, Cal Poly was one of the first places to record high radiation in their milk. This is probably NOT because of more radiation hit us, we got the same as everyone else, is would be because their Agricultural students are more HONEST !

edit on 25-6-2011 by MACchine because: changed my mind

edit on 25-6-2011 by MACchine because: HOW

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