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Rupert Murdoch's Media Empire Reveals Unprecedented $8+ trillion SEC scandal

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posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

I am going to watch this one and see what the new lie is going to be for this mess.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 10:10 PM
Wow check out the apollo publishing group... awfully odd..

board members do indeed consist of Bush Jr. and Sr.... Joe liberman etc... at least they are listed as such..

The truly real history of human being has never been recorded and known to us all.
From the piece of the legend, fairytale and fable, we could have only found a clue that our ancestry among different races on the Earth originated from the same creator, whom we call her - the God Luo in our solo solar system.

Human Being has carried the God Luo's figure, feeling and image more or less. There are more less love and truth in human's inner than God's.

Today, we are living the world without respect, equality and order. There seems no one truly searching the God, seeking the Truth and exploring the Love. Human being has witnessed too much unfair, unreason and unusual events in their short life.

To force ourselves numbling is not a way to make us live happily.

How could human beings avoid pains from others and ourselve? How could human beings live on the Earth more harmony? How could human beings find truly out who we are?

The truth is that the human being has been created unequally. There is no equal to all our mind, our body, our characteristic, our personality, our imagination, our voice, our verbaling, our expression, our energy, our ability, our beauty, etc. How could we deal with all these differences?
... ...
Apollo Publication Corporation has her mission to unify the world Language, History and Culture, to form all documents of Law on IOE(The Imperial Of the Earth), to print all Specifications and Standards on IOE, to issue the new and only Notes of Currency and Stamp on IOE, to publish News about founding of IOE, to consolidate Globe School Textbooks, to Web World Wide Customers Online purchasing, schooling, banking and charting, etc.

looks like the SEC denied the filing... kFWKKxhrgIa0HAjmbsv2yYM0c1dpCUD8mzpS0Rcex0ApNs00ppv9y6QqylrQ5wF0NGGtNTi8luK0vHjILgT4yqkvg6sP036Dwnxvq6ZmIzJtUkIs6f-8EgES2XpsYqECvcE-e&sig=AHIEtbQtWLl9 BP415ovcfytl1Ak92AnQxw

this is starting to look like a scam, but it's weird that with such heavy hitters listed as board directors that they wouldn't have had the website taken down...
edit on 22-6-2011 by wearewatchingyouman because: add

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Several days ago, Steven Jones of Dow Jones Newswires – a News Corporation company – broke what may be the story of the Millennium, literally.

According to 69 recent SEC filings that have now “vanished”, a Texan by the name of Johnny Earl Satterwhite claims to hold over $8 trillion in public companies like Microsoft, Exxon Mobil and City National Bank, among others.

Jones also obtained documents that show Satterwhite falsely warranting his ownership of almost one trillion shares in Microsoft. This is 100% impossible, as Jones brilliantly notes:

That is about 1,500 times more than company co-founder Bill Gates owns, and, in fact, more than the 8.4 billion shares Microsoft has issued in its 36-year history. Satterwhite's filings on Exxon Mobil, City National Bancshares and other companies claim similar-sized stakes, which exceed the number of shares outstanding at those companies.

Ladies and gentlemen, a scandal far larger than Bernie Madoff has just been uncovered and this is one element of a much crazier narrative.


This is indeed one crazy narrative, and the various elements of what is being exposed here involve the most MASSIVE fraud, and possible charges of treason against former US presidents and Mr. Greenspan.

I'm not sure what's more astonishing - the information which has been exposed or the fact that it has been exposed via Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.

Is this a sign of serious infighting going on amongst the criminals?

"They' are running around trying to figure out "What the Hades to DO".

The "VEIL" is being dissolved and all will be exposed.

Regards and Nameste,


posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:31 AM
If I had to guess what the false flag would be, I would say that the Missouri River dams will fail, those nuclear plants will get flooded, and it'll be all over the news to cover that scandal right up. $8 trillion is a LOT of money, and I think a cover-up is bound to happen, either by a complete media black-out like what has been happening lately with lots of important worldwide issues, or some big event such as a nuclear crisis in the country to distract everybody.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:01 AM
dont know anything about markets or whatever so don't know if this is what the person posted or not but i found it anyway...

sec filings

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by justyc
dont know anything about markets or whatever so don't know if this is what the person posted or not but i found it anyway...

sec filings

Great find. The amounts are staggering!

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:34 PM
There is only 1 way those numbers could exist.

An old retired military man told me since the US was made a Corporation and we all are property of the Corporation our birth certificates are traded.

When we're born the Federal Corporation is allowed to borrow $1 million for each person. Your money is then invested abroad and your bond (birth certificate) begins to accrue more value. Maybe the reason we're seeing former Presidents...a weird new world order that will tell us our actually the illuminati who run the Birth Certificate Bonds....

Why did the President of China start saying China is a CORPORATION?.......their birth certificates traded as well to generate $$$$$???

Sounds kookie....but it's the only way this dead horse will get jump started. Lots of people will be mad seeing how the corporation robbed them over the years....never owning their homes....will the lie be bought....errr....maybe their story will have some truth to it.

But I doubt it. I think the Baby Boomers forsaw this Generation couldn't bear the burden of supporting them.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Got to be a typo: A Johnny Satterwhite discloses spending $100 million--that's $100,000,000--lobbying NASA on that agency's work with the Energy Department to "combine the technologies both entities have pertaining to the access and use Of (LIVA) to generate energy." In Satterwhite's registration, filed on April 13, 2010, he wrote, "At this time I am requesting that the Unemployment benefits be extended." Lobbying certainly pays off!

Second highest: Assuming Mr. Satterwhite really did spend $100 million lobbying, the second highest total spent on lobbying disclosed so far for the third quarter of 2010, is $4.15 million by Boeing. We're eagerly awaiting the U.S. Chamber of Commerce filing, which, if the past is any guide, should be more robust. While some organizations file early, third quarter lobbying reports aren't due until Oct. 20.


So as well as lobbying for NASA it looks like he's worked directly for Senator Carl Levin

Here's a video about carl levin the SEC including goldman and sachs
edit on 23-6-2011 by hiwhatsup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:52 PM
These appear to be completely false filings based on the trading and the stated share outstanding of these companies.

Only way this could be true is if they own what amounts to a large number of counterfiet shares. I wouldn't be surprised if 100 times of the stated shares of companies were longs (share owners) and 99 times the numer of stated shares were shorts(sold shares without owning them). there has been cases in the past where company executives accumulated more shares than outstanding to expose the illegal short selling. Of course, the DTC which tracks share ownership is a private company owned by the NYSE which has been able to resist all court challenges for information. As someone who earns their living from equities it is a scary possibility.

Despite the above i still think this guy is just a nut making up fake filings.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Originally posted by wcitizen

According to 69 recent SEC filings that have now “vanished”, a Texan by the name of Johnny Earl Satterwhite claims to hold over $8 trillion in public companies like Microsoft, Exxon Mobil and City National Bank, among others.

Jones also obtained documents that show Satterwhite falsely warranting his ownership of almost one trillion shares in Microsoft. This is 100% impossible, as Jones brilliantly notes:


I am calling Bull Ploppies on this whole thing. The math in the article from "" just doesn't jive. Let's assume that we are dealing with Class A common shares...

At roughly $24 per share for Microsoft, "almost one trillion shares" adds up to almost $24 trillion dollars (give or take a ham sandwich) - and that's just the MSFT portion of this dude's supposed portfolio. Just the MSFT portion of this guys supposed portfolio is 3 times larger than what the article claims are the total holdings of this fellow. Sure, the article claims that the total holdings are "over $8t" and surely $24t qualifies as "over $8t". However, I think that any credible and serious journalist would be much more accurate is his/her estimates. I would like to have Timothy Barello (the author of the article) respond to this gross error in his estimates.

I believe that this story is intentionally crafted with big numbers to make all of our eyes gloss over and turn off the parts of our brain that handle simple arithmetic and turn on the parts that respond to impending doom.

Now, turning our attention to the supposed SEC Form4 filings seen here ""... There is something fishy going on with those forms. Note the 9's in every field of the "Other transactions:" table. This really looks like some software engineers was testing an automated SEC Form4 filing program and decided to max out each of the fields... and oops, the test data mistakenly got submitted to the SEC and subsequently "removed" from the system as false/test data.

I hate to say it guys, but I think all of you who think that this story sheds light on something evil and nefarious have just been hoodwinked. I will admit that there is always a possibility of something wicked happening on wall street, but this just doesn't seem like its anything more than a combination of technical glitches an poor reporting.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:03 PM
I say off with all their heads
no trial no warrant no indictment just the guillotine..EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.

you gotsta make sure

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:23 PM
This Satterwhite character is also listed as a 'potential creditor' of Bernie Madoff. The San Antonio address listed in the Madoff documents returns to a realitively modest, somewhat older home in a middle-class area of the city. Satterwhite's new address returns to a kind of dumpy looking condo/apartment neighborhood.

Just speculating, but I wonder if what we have here is a regular guy that lost a whole bunch of his retirement/nest egg in the Madoff debacle and is now going both barrels at Wall Street cuz he's got nothing left to lose. Making the SEC look like fools despite the potential for jail time would seem to fall in line with the MO of somebody in that situation.

Madoff docs: ors-

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

Here's the original article from the Wall Street Journal.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Well the guys house sure does not look like a trillionaire.

I got the address from this form.

edit on 23-6-2011 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
Well the guys house sure does not look like a trillionaire.

I got the address from this form.

edit on 23-6-2011 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

Yup. That's the same one listed in the Madoff documents. Probably an older dude with a very serious, very legitimate axe to grind.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:01 PM
I did find something interesting following a email address from him.
[email protected]
Thats from this form.
When you do a blacklist check on

abuse Listed Sep 12, 2010 2:09 EDT Sep 12, 2010 11:39 EDT Never Never

Thats from here.
And whats interesting about that is the date.
Sep 12, 2010
Thats the same day as this.
So did the Koch Brothers do it again?

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:26 PM
Hes listed in this document from about Madoff.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 07:01 PM
Looks like this guy has been doing this since 2000.

Login (it's free!) to receive e-mail alerts about this person.

Company Position Address Business Phone vCard First Verified Last Verified
JPMORGAN TRUST I login login login 2000-10-15 2011-06-14
EXXON MOBIL CORP login login login 2000-10-31 2011-06-13
NEWFIELD EXPLORATION GULF COAST INC login login login 2000-10-25 2011-06-13
BAMS MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 1999-9 login login login 2000-10-31 2011-06-13
MORGAN STANLEY INSTITUTIONAL LIQUIDITY FUNDS login login login 2010-06-06 2011-06-03
GOLDMAN SACHS TRUST login login login 2010-06-06 2011-06-02
AT&T WIRELESS CAPITAL TRUST I login login login 2010-06-06 2010-06-11
CITY NATIONAL BANCSHARES CORP login login login 2000-10-15 2000-10-15
MICROSOFT CORP login login login 2000-10-15 2000-10-15
JP MORGAN ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGEMENT INC login login login 2000-10-15 2000-10-15

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 07:18 PM
I'd be willing to bet that LIVA is Quantum Computer technology.

I wonder if somehow someone hasn't done some kind of "test" with this and quantumed-up trillions of dollars worth of shares in the before-mentioned business as some kind of proof or test to show that it works.

Defense Department, LIVA = hmmmmmmmmmmm things that make you go Quantum!

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Notice how there has been NOTHING since this original story mention of criminal charges, no arrest, not even a 'nothing to see here move along' from the SEC. Very, very curious.

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