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peak a boo, i can still, see, you

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:58 AM
This post has been taken straight out of the Australian Air Force Cadets(AAFC) Field Craft Basic(FCB) manual, pages 42-51. this is for camouflage i plan to post more from this sires of books aswell from Australian Army Cadets
and Australian Navy Cadets

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:59 AM
FCB - 41
8001. Effective camouflage of the individual depends primarily on the choice of background and it's correct
use. The term "background" is used to describe the area surrounding an object when seen from the ground or
the air. The background is the controlling element in personal camouflage and clothing must blend with its
predominant colour. Light coloured equipment and any bare skin must also be toned to blend in for the same
8002. Personal camouflage techniques are designed to deceive observers both on the ground and in the air.
When applying any type of camouflage, cadets must be able to visualise how things would look from the
observer’s vantage point and learn to guard against both kinds of observation.
8003. Exposed skin reflects light and contrasts with the surrounding background. The face, neck, hands
and lower arms, which may be exposed below the shirt, should be toned by painting them in a disruptive
pattern or by wearing additional accessories such as scarfs or gloves. When using disruptive painting on the
face the lines should cut across the nose lines, cheek bones, eye sockets and chin lines. A darker treatment
of the skin will be necessary for night work, see Figure 1.
8004. Camouflage cream, burnt charcoal and dirt can all help to tone down skin colours. Individual
camouflage require planning, thought and imaginative use of materials at hand
Too Much Just Right Too Little
Figure 1 - Face Camouflage
FCB - 42
8005. In the absence of issued camouflage clothing cadets can make their own clothes adapt in colour and
pattern to the terrain background. The important thing is to make the clothing look like the terrain in which it
is to be worn. The camouflage of clothing is an essential part of good concealment.
8006. Shiny boots look good on the parade ground but are out of place in the field. Ideally a cadet should
have a pair of boots for both occasions. Polish should be applied to field boots to preserve the water
proofing of the boots but they must not be shiny.
8007. The floppy cloth bush had has a distinctive shaped crown which must be broken up by the use of
garnishing or a small amount of vegetation.
Webbing Equipment
8008. Irregular pattern painting using colours such as brown, black, ochre, grey and light green can modify
the solid green colour of the webbing equipment. The shape of webbing equipment such as packs, pouches
and water bottles can be broken up by the use of hessian, garnishing
and foliage.
Shiny objects
8009. All shiny objects must be concealed. This includes such items as watches, belt buckles and messing
Use of Cut Foliage
8010. Cut foliage will wilt and change colour particularly on a hot day. When it is used for camouflage it
should be replenished before this occurs. If a person is moving through the country, it is also necessary to
change cut foliage camouflage as the vegetation in the background terrain changes.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 06:00 AM
Concealment of Personnel and Equipment
8011. Concealment simply means hiding either personnel or equipment behind something so that it can’t be
seen. Concealment is often safer and easier to achieve than applying camouflage but has the disadvantage
that usually a person's view is restricted for observation purposes.
8012. Effective camouflage is an aid to concealment. The best camouflage will however be wasted unless
the cadet remains aware of why and how objects are seen. Effective concealment can be achieved by using
the following guidelines, also see Figures 2 to 5.
FCB - 43
Concealment (cont)
a. look around or through concealment rather than over it. If there is no
alternative but to look over it, try to avoid breaking natural straight
b. the skyline is the worst background. If observing over cover and
against the skyline, make use of something to break up the silhouette.
Avoid large bodies of water as they have the same effect as a skyline;
c. use available shadow and remember that positions in the open may be
disclosed by a moving shadow. Shadows move with the sun and moon
and therefore a position may need to be adjusted;
d choose a background which blends with your appearance;
e. avoid isolated cover, it is usually conspicuous and kept under
f. where possible use several routes particularly when entering and
leaving a concealed position such as an observation post;
g. when movement is essential move slowly, quietly and carefully;
h. avoid breaking natural lines
Figure 2 - Look Through Concealment
FCB - 44
Figure 3 - Avoid Skylines
Figure 4 - Avoid Breaking Natural Lines
FCB - 45
Figure 5 - Use Shadow
Additional Hints
8013. Listed below are a number of additional hints which will assist with concealment of personnel and
a use all available cover whether it is natural or artificial;
b. avoid unnecessary movement and remember that quick movement
attracts attention;
c. when movement is necessary, plan the move and then take it carefully,
making full use of other concealment and the weather, such as rain,
fog, haze and if the situation allows, wait for darkness;
d. when taking up an observation position try to do so laying down;
e. enter and leave concealed positions without being seen and without
showing movement;
f. avoid moving across open areas;
g. don't show anything that will shine such as a signal mirror, plastic map
case, compass face, mess tins or ration tins and binoculars;
h. remember that individual shelters and tents shine in moonlight,
artificial light or when they are wet;
i. don't drop litter, this will attract attention, particularly from the air;
FCB - 46
j. always keep your equipment packed and concealed when not in use;
k. when observation aircraft are in the area, don't move about, stay
concealed and don't look up at the aircraft unless ordered to as air
l. any spoil from diggings such as pits, latrines and so on, must be
concealed as must the diggings themselves;
m. smoke and smell from cooking fires will give your position away so
these must suit the tactical situation and are often not allowed;
n. always remember the reasons why things are seen (see paras 5004 and
5005) and try to visualise yourself and your position as an observer
8014. Camouflage is one of the basic fieldcraft skills which, when applied correctly and used in
conjunction with the guidelines for good concealment, enables us to deceive and confuse other observers
while maintaining our own security.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 06:00 AM
Individual Movement by Day and Night
8015. Each cadet needs to be able to combine the art of concealment with tactical movement. Different
methods of movement provide concealment for different types of cover. When moving between concealed
positions the following points are important:
a. before leaving one place of concealment, the next concealed position
and the route to it should be selected;
b. the movement of low foliage could attract attention either by moving
branches and leaves higher up or by creating noise;
c. tall grass provides good concealment, but when moving through it, care
must be taken as it may wave unnaturally and attract attention;
d if any animals or birds are disturbed, the individual or group should
stop, remain concealed and observe for any other reaction;
e. take advantage of any natural or artificial distractions to cover
FCB - 47
Movement by Day
8016. A knowledge of how to move correctly enables an individual or a group to cover ground or occupy
and leave a position without being observed. To assist in this, the following methods of individual daylight
movement have been devised:
a. the walk;
b. the monkey run;
c. the leopard crawl;
d. the roll;
e. rushing.
The Walk
8017. When moving in an area which is known to be in close proximity to possible observation, movement
needs to be made with silence and stealth. The essential elements to be remembered when using the walk
a. move slowly and deliberately;
b .maintain the body in a balanced position at all times;
c. keep the head up and observe in all directions, remembering that
peripheral vision is sensitive to movement;
d. always observe and note good cover while on the move;
e. be continually alert and ready to get into cover instantly;
f. move very quietly on hard ground, by placing the edge of the sole of the boot on the
ground first;
g. take extra care when stepping over small obstacles so that the body is
properly balanced before taking the next step.
The Monkey Run
8018. The monkey run is simply crawling on the hands and knees and is useful when moving behind low
cover, see Figure 6. The essential elements are:
a to reduce noise to a minimum, put the hands down in a place that is
free of twigs or anything that may make a noise, and then move the
knees forward to the position of the hands;
b. keep the buttocks and head low but continue to observe while
c. movement can be quite fast but remember, the faster the movement the
greater the noise factor;
FCB - 48
d. keep the length of pace short to reduce noise and discomfort.
Figure 6 - The Monkey Run
The Leopard Crawl
8019. This is crawling on the elbows and inside of the knees and is used when moving behind very low
cover see Figure 7. The essential elements are;
a. move alternate elbows and knees while laying on the stomach. The
body is rolled slightly as each knee is bent, but the same effect can also
be achieved by trailing one leg and bending only one knee;
b. keep the heels, head, body and elbows low but maintain observation
while advancing;
c. take care that any equipment does not become fouled with mud or dirt.
Figure 7 - The Leopard Crawl
The Roll
8020. The roll is a very quick method of moving away from a position when it is known that the location
has been observed; for example, when forced to take cover. The essential element is that the arms remain
close to the body, either at the sides or clasped in front so that the body is almost circular and will roll
quickly. It is good practice to roll away from the position every time when forced to go to ground,
FCB - 49
8021. The rush is the fastest means of moving from one position to another and is usually done when
crossing a piece of open ground which offers no concealment whatsoever. Where possible, it is desirable
only to make short rushes so that exposure is kept to a minimum. Rushing is achieved by:
a. carefully selecting the position it is intended to rush to;
b. burst quickly from cover, preferably when some other distraction is
taking place and move as fast as possible, by the shortest route, to the
new location;
c. drop quickly to the ground;
d. crawl or roll away to a concealed location and take up a position of
observation as quickly as possible.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 06:01 AM
Movement by Night
8022. Night movement demands more care to be taken than day, as detection by noise is most prevalent and
the individual must know how to react to unexpected light or flares. At night, people hear more than they
see, so even when moving silence is vital. The general rules for night movement are as follows;
a. to move silently at night, move slowly;
b. move by bounds (short distances at a time), halt, look, listen and then
move again. Halt in cover or in shadow if there is any and if there is
not, lie down;
c. move in cleared areas as must as possible to avoid making unnecessary
noise and to allow a better view of the terrain for navigation;
d. utilise sounds such as wind, rain, vehicle and aircraft noise and the like,
to cover movement;
e. running at night increases noise and also the risk of injury by falling
over obstacles. Running should therefore be avoided unless absolutely
Methods of Night Movement
8023. It will be apparent from the methods described here that movement by night can be very slow and
a. the walk at night is described as follows:
(i) balance the weight squarely on one foot then move the other
forward, raising it high enough to clear any scrub or tufts of
(ii) place the side of the boot on the ground first and feel gently for
a firm foothold free of obstructions;
(iii) transfer the weight to the forward foot and then repeat the
FCB - 50
b . the crawl, by night is described as follows:
(i) the monkey run is carried out the same as for daylight but the
free hand must be used to carefully feel the ground ahead for
any obstacles, brush or dry twigs;
(ii) the leopard crawl as done, in daylight is far too noisy for night
movement and needs to be modified by:
(a) lie on the stomach with the legs together and the arms
extended about half way forward then,
(b) reaching forward with the toes, raise the body clear of the
ground on the forearms and toes, carry it forward and
then gently lower the stomach to the ground again.
Reaction to Unexpected Lights
8024. Lights and flares frequently appear unexpectedly, particularly during tactical situations. The cover
available and/or the terrain determine reaction to lights and flares:
a. in open country, where there is cover move quickly into it, but if caught
in the open, drop to the ground and lie motionless;
b. when illuminated in close country it is best to "freeze" as any observers
are likely to be close at hand and noise and movement will be much
more easily recognised than a still object against a shadowy
background. If spotted, take cover and get away from the source of
light as quickly as possible.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:19 PM
Very nice, if a bit dry. It covers all of the major things that really need to be covered. For some practical stuff, bushes are your friend when you are hiding. You can hide behind, under or in them. you also have better visibility out of them than anyone looking for you has looking into them. My friends always ended up carrying lights during our games of manhunt because I was so good at taking advantage of this fact. Also, people never look up. So as long as your cautious about it you can hide in trees as well.

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