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Ok! Your opinion on what life will be like on Earth In 10 year's time?

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:19 AM
Had to put this here because haven't reached my 20 yet, but think It's something that need's to be asked.

I'd like to know your actually opinion, In simple enough terms, of what life will be like for us all In 10 year's time?
We are currently living through very interesting times to say the least, the whole Planet has a different and lively Energy to It and It just seem's to be picking up pace.

Natural disasters and world wide event's have skyrocketed In the last 2 year's, wether that Is being carried out methodically or not Is besides the point here, what Is the point Is that we are having to and going to have to live on this Planet while all this is happening, so what changes are we actually going to see?

The Economy, the system that we live under Is only fiction, It Is an idea that exsist's only because we allow it too, It has advantages yes, but It Is clearly broken beyond repair, Food and Oil are just going up everyday and people and working just to break even!

I guess the point I'm trying to make Is life will be very different, as just In the last 2 year's everything has started to shift In balance.

Well here's my take, as far as a Post-apocalyptic, Mad max scenario on Earth, It's very unlikely just due to amount of people, maybe If Solar Flaries do knock out the power but apart from that no.

I'm kind of leaning on a bad outcome to all this guy's, I can see this really being a Prison Planet In 10 year's, I can see every aspect of our live's controlled and watch and freedom being a thing of the past entirely.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:26 AM
People will be lining waiting to enter the mall to get an Augmented Reality Device (Implant Option to come) for Xmas.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:27 AM
I see a proliferation of police states. A continued loss of wealth for the middle and lower classes. More death. More terrorism and/or false flags. A huge war in the middle east with a large coalition attacking Israel. A general decline in religious freedom for all except muslims. A continued invasion of the US(if it still exists) by illegal immigrants. And, before the end of the next 10 years, the end of the US as a sovereign independent nation.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Zakka

I'm kind of leaning on a bad outcome to all this guy's, I can see this really being a Prison Planet In 10 year's, I can see every aspect of our live's controlled and watch and freedom being a thing of the past entirely.

Not while I'm alive!
Keep fighting. Don't let them have their way. Freedom is alive as long as there are people who fight for it.

Be positive, we are making a difference.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by AboveTheTrees

Ya and we have back futuristic shoes(Back to the Future 2 failed though, no flying cars and it's already 2011 lol)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Zakka

I have starred and agree with sonofliberty1776 and would like to add, we are at a cross roads, if enough of you people, start actively taking back your governments, in a non-violent manner there is possibly still hope and time.

We are being Dumbed Down, Distracted and Divided.

United we stand, divided we fall.

There are still more of us than there are of them and it's time we demanded accountability from our government and for our governments to make a total break from and kick Corporate America & The Military Complex out of their beds in Washington and elsewhere around the entire planet..........for this has now become a planet wide issue.

reply posted on 17-6-2011 @ 06:27 AM by sonofliberty1776
I see a proliferation of police states. A continued loss of wealth for the middle and lower classes. More death. More terrorism and/or false flags. A huge war in the middle east with a large coalition attacking Israel. A general decline in religious freedom for all except muslims. A continued invasion of the US(if it still exists) by illegal immigrants. And, before the end of the next 10 years, the end of the US as a sovereign independent nation.

There is still time, but only if everyone wakes up, puts down their cell phone, ipod, video games, complaining on Conspiracy Boards and actively starts protesting by either taking to the streets (peacefully), stop funding the war machine (taxes - they can't put all of us in jail), and stop going to work planet wide for one full week.

Let the elite farm and transport their own food, clean their own toilets, mow their own lawns, etc.

But - I sincerly doubt this will happen, there are still too many sleepers in the Matrix and too many traitors that only seek to service themselves not seeing the big picture that by their apathy, they too shall either perish or sign their children and children's children over to slavery.

Lastly, and laugh at me all you want, I firmly believe there is a possibility that the ones at the top of the pyramid, not the "leaders" they are simply PR Puppets placed into office by the real puppet masters who are unseen and remain in the shadows - possibly not even totally homosapien.

Our DNA has been and is being tweaked yet again.

OfHumanDescent. June 17, 2011
edit on 17-6-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Thanks. I agree with you that action is necessary, but I do not believe it is forthcoming. We shall pass with a whimper and the majority have already accepted their slavery. I believe that that most people prefer the "security" of slavery. This is especially so with socialists. They cannot seriously expect to retain any true independence under a nanny state. A government big enough to give you everything, is big enough to take it all away.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Revolution9

From the minute you now step out your door until you re-enter your home (unless you have BuzzRadio and friend as your neighbor) you are on camera.

Our "reality shows" is getting us accustomed to enjoying and profitting from spying and filming (reporting) on our neighbors........another way of how the few control the many and most of you don't even see the big picture emerging.

We are being enslaved as a species and if we don't rebel and revolt we will become slaves.

The time to rebel is now.

No on the fence.

You either sell your soul by going along quietly and accepting in apathy the way things are.

You fly and allow you and your children to be scanned and groped, yes you are a traitor - even if this means going to a job or whatever.

You go to work for minimum wages that don't allow you enough money to maintain a comfortable lifestyle you are a traitor.

If everyone banded together as a group, all the pions, we might have a chance.

But as long as people choose to remain asleep, apathetic and compliant we are headed down a very bleak road, one of either total enslavement and or total annihilation as a species.

The choice is yours.

You have all been warned many times.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

I believe you are right, however my soul's mission was to warn and warn I have done.

Resisted, yes, I have openingly protested both the War in Vietnam and the War in Iraq. I have contacted my state reps and The White House on a weekly basis (to no avail), I am active in my local government (that works, and is not corrupted that I can see).

One can only do what one can do.

When historians look back upon these posts, at least they cannot say the people were not warned.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:58 AM
I hope it is a better world. One where power crazed criminals who murder and plot to control others through total absolute greed get removed from power. Also if not the same people I hope the ones who steal/stole from our childrens' education funds saved for them in Wall St funds should be removed from power. Retirement or College funds, they were obviously pilfered by the large money scandals that the governments of the world failed to protect us. Even now when they have the paper trail already. The only arrests are the Bernie Madoff's who scratched a living while the real theives walked.

I am also concerned for my family by the comments I've seen from several powerful and/or super wealthy people about lowering the population and the idiotic notion of the first law on the Georgia Guidestones, "thou shalt not have more than 500 million people."??

Also in this same theme of less people, I see our Sun was predicted to do strange things soon to the Earth by ancient civilizations and their modern descendants the Hopi are telling this in particular. Plus we seem to hear recently, scienctist are showing their data is suggesting Earth's mangetic field is weakening and can cause harmful radiation. Solar blasts along with unfiltered cosmic rays affects will likely make it to the lower atmosphere possibly killing people foodstocks, wildlife and electronics worldwide.

Therefore since the possibility exists, it is the lowering of the population that is my prediction. Either by man or the will of God. As no human can control the large objects that orbit a sun or it's magnetic fields. Climate I feel will get cooler and I hope not headed toward or in a situation where it is a lot cooler. In fact I hope that those idiots at the IPCC are not total idiots as we know they are indeed liars and cheats. If the are even a little bit right you can eat food grown outside still then, because it is a fact you simply can't eat much food grown from year round snow covered fields.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Justoneman because: cause

edit on 17-6-2011 by Justoneman because: damn editors not here

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:02 AM
Well in ten years time, I hope to see total collapse of european union, chain revolution already achieved across the world. The dissolution of all governments, and a world of self governed individuals who are finally free of the perpetual war of governments.

I suspect this won't be the case however, I expect in ten years time people will be killing eachother for food, and burning houses to try and stay warm. The planet will be much cooler, as the grand minimum approaches.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Tephra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:08 AM
I'm voting for apocalyptic catastrophe.

What ever catastrophe happens, I have only one hope:

That it gets TPTB before they have a chance to get to their bunkers.

If it gets them humanity may have a chance this time around.

edit on 17-6-2011 by Version100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Paulioetc15
reply to post by AboveTheTrees

Ya and we have back futuristic shoes(Back to the Future 2 failed though, no flying cars and it's already 2011 lol)

you'll be in that line waiting for it, boy. and I'll meet you in the Ford Flying Cars store in 30 on.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:15 AM
I see more violence and bloodshed from the governments around the world. I see a battle worldwide between the citizens of this planet and the ptb.

I see the continued loss of freedom and liberty, as swat teams kill people, and pets, and the continued robbing of our private property.

I see more false flag events.

We will see much more in the press about domestic terrorists.

The middle class in America will be gone.

Massive unemployment, with no hope.

Continued natural disasters.

I really wonder if the internet will still be around for the average person.

I expect people will start banding together to grow there own food as money will lose much or all of it's value. I expect the state to raid these types of camps as the government must have control.

I don't expect anything positive until we the people change our current system.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:20 AM
Blade Runner.
That's the future I envision.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 09:56 AM
I only know what is happening around me because of this evil little box that sits in front of me! Soon, very soon, it will die and not come back on again. I will miss the library I have built and as often as I have told myself that I should be printing out this info on paper, I realize that I would probably just have to burn it to stay warm one day. Oh the Irony! LOL

At any rate, once this does occur there will be a brief time where I will hear the pain far off in the distance, but then the silence will come. No more music, no more dance, no more sounds of cars and planes buzzing by. The nervousness of it all will fade and soon a comfort will envelop me as the silence takes over. I will think about everyone and how they are coping but I will never really know the horrors that exist "out there". I will take in as many people as I can and I will offer them all that I have and through them we will recreate a village again. A generation will come and no will notice. If we are lucky we won't forget and then we will know from the great Light that will shine in the East that it is finally over!

The 5th Age of Man!

Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Man! Heaven on Earth!

Then the true sounds of Joy will be heard!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 10:06 AM
I will have a moon shine still in my backyard making lots of alcohol to sell to people so they have something to drive their mopeds on.

Life went on before oil existed. Henry Fords first vehicles all ran on fuel he made himself. Potatoes of all things. Even a little hemp oil..times were good.

Time will start to slow down. Not because we ran out of oil...because we passed the Galactic Plane.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 10:56 AM
The elite will still be living lives of unimagined luxury drnking the cleanest water, breathing the purist air eating the most nutitious food.

The rest of us will be chipped, flouridated GMO fed squalor in shrinking cities(ABC...XYZ as the suburbs are plowed under for 'the public good. The internet will not extend outside each indvidual city (For security purposes- it's for yur own safety)

Then one by one the cities (call cities A the first) will dissappear and every living thing within. The remaining cities (Call it city B) will never know about it (no city to city internet remember.) If anyone questions about the the city A they will be told that it was shut down and the citizens relocated to another city if you ask where are the new citizens you wll be told oh they were not sent here to city B they went to They went to City Z, If someone from city Y asks what happened to the people from city Z they are told that they were relocated to city A. This will be believed because no one ever questions authority anymore the first to do so were taken ill and sent to a hospital in city A to recover but they liked it so much there they wanted to stay and they send you their best and they thank you for asking about them.

By the time they get around to cities M&N the pampered elite will have androids to serve their every need.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 11:27 AM
Something like that (Minus the happy end):

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