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Childhood diseases return as parents refuse vaccines

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by beenupsince2007
As a mother of 3 girls who decided NOT to vaccinate my 3rd child I think this is a bunch of garbage...
I included a page from a CDC report showing your over dramatic increase. I have noticed a difference between my 2 older children and my youngest and will not change my decision period! Have you looked up the stats on the CDC website for all of the adverse affects from these wonderful vaccines?[/img]

Seriously! When my daughter (who is 7 now) was born, I was freaked out by Prevnar. I just couldn't see the need to give all of these vaccines in one dose. Whoever came up with that one is insane.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by fleabit

That is an interesting mantra, Fleabit, that people are living longer.

Are we sure about that?
In some parts maybe, but everywhere? I doubt it very much! That needs some serious research to confirm it.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:51 AM
If you want an interesting case study about people living longer because they got vaccines, look at this country's reservations. The large majority of Natives do get their vaccines, and our life expectancy is still real low. I don't see vaccines creating a longer life span there.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

I agree with you completely. WE are continually told that we are living longer and longer. I don't see it personally and figures can be made to lie.

My husbands relatives have a history of longevity living well into their hundredth year and beyond but this has started to decline and they are only living into their late eighties now. I see it with my own relatives with similar genes and in our community. I do NOT see people living longer.

Average figures are a means of deception. We should be looking at the Median figures and NOT the average.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

According to this source, Native life expectancy is less than 4 years lower than the average. This difference can be explained by their bad social conditions. I dont see how any conclusions about vaccines can be inferred from this.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

It is true that there is some risk associated with vaccines. Some people do come down with mild versions of the disease they are being vaccinated against and a very tiny percentage can have allergic reactions to the vaccine. However all of these risks are minute compared to the benefits. Many diseases that once killed children in droves have been all but wiped out thanks to vaccinations, unfortunately thanks to anti-vax panic they are making a come back.

Getting your child vaccinated is far less of a risk than not doing it, but human beings are quick to forget the harsh realities of the diseases these vaccines all but wiped out over the course of just a few generations.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:02 AM
People are still blind...they believe everything they read or hear on the news. The solution is very simple. If parents still gave their children hearty cereals for breakfast...the types with the proper nutrition in them, and the right amount of vitamins and minerals...then vaccines would become useless overnight. If I was vaccinated as a child...I don't remember it. I do remember eating a balanced breakfast every problems here.
edit on 17-6-2011 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Elliot
I agree with you completely. WE are continually told that we are living longer and longer. I don't see it personally and figures can be made to lie.

Average figures are a means of deception. We should be looking at the Median figures and NOT the average.
In Arizona, the median increase is even greater than the mean increase, and they do look at both so I think you're making up this "deception" claim:

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by Maslo

What I believe to be disgusting are parents who assume life is just peachy and that the government or the health industry would never do anything to hurt anyone. It's about the people, forget the money...

Here is a little more info concerning all of the payouts for adverse reactions to vaccinations. This is about your children and their safety so you must research to the fullest and make your own decision. Let's just hope your right.

** Take a look, I bet you didn't know all of this was going on huh???

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Please explain why my children got mumps after the MMR vaccination.....very badly.

Please explain why my daughter had reactive arthritis for a year after the MMR vaccination.

Please explain why children are brain damaged and drug companies pay out a lot of money for the damage done by their drugs.

Please explain why child hood diseases are increasing as poverty rises around the develoed world.

Please explain why people who have been vaccinated don't want people who have not been vaccinated in a class with their children IF vaccines actually work.

Please explain the marketing programme being pushed on the world at the moment for vaccinations while nothing at all is being done about homelessness and poverty that children are being pushed into as economies decline.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

It is true that there is some risk associated with vaccines. Some people do come down with mild versions of the disease they are being vaccinated against and a very tiny percentage can have allergic reactions to the vaccine. However all of these risks are minute compared to the benefits. Many diseases that once killed children in droves have been all but wiped out thanks to vaccinations, unfortunately thanks to anti-vax panic they are making a come back.

Getting your child vaccinated is far less of a risk than not doing it, but human beings are quick to forget the harsh realities of the diseases these vaccines all but wiped out over the course of just a few generations.

And human beings are also very quick to forget the horrors of Adolf Hitler and other tyranical Governments that are formed from trusting every word these people tell you.

Disease is natural. Injecting your 8lb child with 15 different shots is not natural. We as a species have survived through everything this planet has yet to throw at us. We do however seem to have a problem with ourselves and that we have those that wish to rule over those that are gullible enough to believe every single word they speak.

Curing disease is wonderful. People however are not. There are people in this world that would rather see you and your children drop dead than lift a single finger to aid you. If you're going to vaccinate your child you better know damn well everything about that single shot. Do not place the life of your child in the hands of a stranger simply because they come dressed in a suit with a piece of paper on their wall.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I am absolutely certain that in wealthy communities you WILL find that life expectancy has increased...totally absolutely and completely.

However, take a place like Glasgow and you will find that it has not gone up and yet these people are as vaccinated as anyone else.

So life expectancy is not linked to the amount of vaccinations we are given but to poverty and the kind of life we are forced to live.

In Birmingham in the UK life expectancy for children is dropping. Infant mortality is rising rapidly. These are amongst he most vaccinated children in the world. It is not doing them any good.

Vaccination is not the problem but poverty.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by e11888

Disease is natural? That's your answer? Yes disease is natural, but so are volcanic eruptions, failing organs, burst appendix, tornadoes, hurricanes, cancer, failing vision. I guess we're not supposed to help anyone dealing with those though, because they're natural, so we should just let them kill people and runamuck.

Do not place the life of your child in the hands of a stranger simply because they come dressed in a suit with a piece of paper on their wall.

Right, don't trust more than a century of scientific and medical break-throughs. I'm all for safe-guarding children and being aware of what's in vaccines but being paranoid about it and spreading lies about vaccines (the way anti-vaxxers do) doesn't help anyone.

reply to post by Elliot

I'm not an immunologist. I don't want to sound cold but perhaps your child had some immune deficiency. vaccines work because they contain dead or weakened versions of an actual disease. I'm no medical doctor but if your child had something wrong with their immune system it might have made it easier for them to have a serious reaction to the weakened/dead virus in the vaccines.

As for programs to support vaccination I imagine any increase in marketing is a direct reaction the paranoia of the anti-vax movement. And yes there are other issues, both at home and abroad, that need dealing with but generally those aren't in the same department as disease control.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

The ploy of the salesman is to blame the failing of the product on the user.

There couldn't possibly be something wrong with his product, could there?

Not if it makes good money there couldn't be!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by Elliot
Vaccination is not the problem but poverty.
Wealth is a factor, but did you look at the figures in the link I posted?

The Hispanics probably have a lower average income than the whites and as you suggest their life expectancy is also lower, which may confirm wealth is a factor. However, the life expectancy of Hispanics increased even more than that of whites, probably because it started out lower so it has more room to go up, but I don't think the evidence supports the claim that life expectancy of less wealthy people isn't also increasing. It appears to be increasing for all races (and probably for all income levels too since there is still some income disparity among races), though the mean and median figures aren't equal.

Disparities in income have risen substantially between rich and poor countries, and between rich and poor states in India. But disparities in life expectancy have shrunk, sometimes dramatically. In 1950, life expectancy in India (31 years) was less than half that in the US (68 years). But by 2005, India (64 years) was not far behind the US (77 years)…In terms of per capita income, the richest major state, Maharashtra is four times as rich as Bihar. Yet, life expectancy in Bihar (61 years) is only slightly behind that of Maharashtra (66.4 years). Indeed, Bihar is almost on par with the national life expectancy of 62.7 years.
Yes wealth is a factor, but I think some people tend to overstate the effect of wealth.

And as I said, in Arizona, the increase in life expectancy of the less wealthy Hispanics (7 years longer) is even greater than that for wealthier whites (4 years longer).

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by mb2591
reply to post by Griffo

Source not needed it came from my doctor think he'd make that up?

You're kidding right? You should be a little more critical in your judgment good sir or madam.

Yes, he's a doctor, so he may sound like he knows what he/she is talking about, but you have to remember people exaggerate, and others flat out lie, sometimes to push an agenda, for example, keeping you sick.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:54 AM
I just think - bottom line - that we must surely hate each other b/c it seems the majority thinks that the govt. can 'call the shots' (pun intended) better than parents.
Meaning, of course, that the govt always knows better and cares more than any particular set of parents.

And I just disagree with that basic premise.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:03 AM
People are looking at other statistics that support the fact that vaccines aren't all safe. Ask most people who get a flu vaccine if they get the flu that year. I also read that they're vaccinating to eliminate chicken pox, its ridiculous to me. You get it once and then you're good for the rest of your life, i'd rather I and my future children get sick and build up their immunities. We'll outlive the rest of you vacciners lol

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:17 AM
From personal experience any one I have met and discussed this with, who have a larger family, stopped vaccinating the later born kids. They have done this because they have seen the adverse effects of vaccinations. They also have reported that the unvaccinated children are much, much healthier. This would be worth surveying, to see if there is an actual trend. It is certainly true in my own family. The oldest was clearly #ed up from vaccinations, the youngest are miles healthier than their peers. Most people only have a kid or two and do not see the trend.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Revolution9

Originally posted by Griffo
reply to post by Revolution9

Illnesses such as those you have just stated, IMO, are natural.

So are a lot of diseases. Do you suppose we should just avoid going the dentist when we get tooth decay?

It is my sincere belief that that these illnesses are necessary as part of the development of a child's immune system.

The immune system doesn't really work that way

Yes, the Immune system DOES work that way. Do you know how vaccines work?
They inject you with a weak strand of the virus they're vaccinating you against, your immune system takes care of it, and from that point on you have those immunities. For a while.

The problem with "letting nature take it's course" and getting the disease naturally is that the "full strength" disease itself can kill you, If you're not prepared. But measles is correct in the sense that he now has the immunity.

This is the very reason you only get chicken pox/measles once.
edit on 17-6-2011 by semicolonsmile because: fixed quote

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