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How likely is it that UFO's are indeed just secret military aircraft.

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posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:11 PM
When all the evidence is compiled and what facts we know are brought forth, could all these UFO sighting really just be a catagory of military technology that is so secret that only a handful of top officals truely know about it?

We all know the Goverment has decieved the public time after time,in fact they tend to cover the truth with rumors on top of rumors then a few far fetched tales to confuse the public even more. Could the UFO phenomenon really just be th ultimate cover story for one of the most secret operations.

The presidents of the United states most likely have very little information into these operations, as it would give the the deniablity when asked questions. Think about this, top generals of the military hold there position for years longer than a president can be in office so who really controls what is happening, and what secrets can be withheld.

Given the pace of how fast technology moves and how advanced our computers alone have become I think it is quite possible that the majority of sighting really are prototype systems.

What better cover than its a "unidentified flying object" you can literilly fly it over a vast population and then say "We dont know" its the perfect cover. Dont get me wrong i stongly believe that we are not alone in this universe however there really has not been a smoking gun that could not be disputed. If there is that smoking gun that has crossed the path of the public then the "man' has done a very good job at making it go away. Especilly in this day and age where just about anything can be duplicated by fancy graphics programs.

Could there be both manmade systems as well as extraterestrial systems among us?

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:15 PM
I think a great many of them are military aircraft in modern times, but that does nothing to explain the sightings going back into World War II. It definitely doesn't explain the references and drawings dating as far back as we can find examples to look at. UFO's may not be alien in origin, but they can't all be explained by military aircraft.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I think the tech in WWII was far greater than we think it was, the Nazi's alone were far more advanced than we think. Which in turn caused operation paper clip to go into effect. As for back in the biblical times there was no camcorders or cameras so what they were actually were seeing is subject to much debate. As I said i dont doubt aliens exsist but I think there are more reclusive now than they were centurys ago.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:28 PM
I would say it's more than likely many are misidentified aircraft, which definitely fall under the true definition of Unidentified Flying Objects.

That said, I'm on the fence as to whether there could be BOTH. I know there are secret military aircraft. That much has been proven for us. On the alien side, there's a lot to be intrigued about, in my humble opinion.

My jury's still out.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:31 PM
I think this is relative, and from a reputable source, imo. Micheal Stratt, an aerospace engineer, claims that we have military has crafts that are "quantum leaps" ahead of anything publicly known. We all know that tech is some 50 years ahead of what we see, so these days, that is saying a lot. There is no congressional oversight on these projects or their funding, so that leaves quite a bit of headroom for development.
Engineer is at 1:23 -


posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:31 PM
Given that UFO sightings have been reported for hundreds if not thousands of years , I think its highly unlikely that all UFO sightings are secret military aircraft .

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:32 PM
I believe that many ufo sightings can be attributed to black projects, but not all of them. I have witnessed ufos on four separate occasions the most recent being just over a month ago. My wife and I saw 7 craft flying over the middle of our city at about 1 am. The ufo's didn't hold formation the way you would expect top secret military craft would. They kind of moved close to each other then would quickly move away while continuously flying in a south eastern direction. They were completely silent and gave off a bright purplish red light unlike anything I've ever seen. I just can't see black opps going for a casual flight over a populated city with ultra secret air/space craft. I could be wrong but I find it very unlikely.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

thanks for the post, I was searching around for some good video but didnt come across any.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by Darkmask

Awsome! I wish i could be lucky enough to see such an event. But your type of sighting could be just what the goverment aims for. The fact alone that you said it would not be logical for top secret military craft to be flying over a populated area is what makes it a better cover

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by TheMur
This could be the case but if they wanted people to see, why do it at 1 am.? My logic dictates that there is intelligent life out there and some have been around for a very long time. Of course they know about us and of course they are studying us and our planet. I think it is illogical and foolish for us to assume otherwise.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:04 PM
I have witnessed about 3 UFO's in my life, and I am of firm belief that they were ALL government craft.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by gortex
Given that UFO sightings have been reported for hundreds if not thousands of years , I think its highly unlikely that all UFO sightings are secret military aircraft .

Unlikely aircraft in the old days.. yes, very true but just because they are not aircraft doesn't mean its an extraterrestrial flying sauce... Remember that in the old days people didn't know much thing... Zeus and his thunders come my mind.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Darkmask


posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:29 PM
You know.....? I had a thought once. That there were two types of Earth humans. Those who have traveled to other worlds and have access to ultra-high technology and are in constant contact with alien beings (perhaps the so called Illuminati?), and those who know nothing about it (the rest of us). Sounds really far fetched but something about it rings of truth?

Man,..who knows what these things are flying over our heads???

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:35 PM
I would say that until enough evidence can prove otherwise a great deal of "UFOs" must be explained as high performance terrestrial craft. Saying that, there are 10 - 20% of sightings that can't be so easily dismissed, these are the purest of what can be described as UFO's. Most that fall into this small group are those that are observed by very credible sources but the caveat is that even they are not completely infallible.

From my research I think it is possible that a very tightly controlled vein of technology and those who created it exists and is still in play and has been at least since the late 1800's. As Gazrok points out this may even go into our deep history but, to me, if you go too far beyond our own technological revolution it takes too much speculation to connect the dots. Beyond the 1880's or so, too much has to be presumed to make any sense out of it.

These may have survived through the years in black projects with black budgets and when the technology is needed it will be pulled of the shelf and used. No military on this planet wants to show too much of their hand and I would suspect our hand if very full of nice little toys. Quite possible that they use the UFO/Aliens fever as a cover for some public displays of high tech. They could even give peeps a glimpse of this shiny stuff to gauge our reactions to it.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by EmVeeFF
So what leads you to say they were government??

Was there indications in its appearance that they were military? I'm just curious.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by TheMur

Military aircraft? Hell 80% of the videos I see on these forums are civilian aircraft on approach and or otherwise misidentified.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Lost_Mind

Right on the head, fantastic post! I appreciate your thoughts.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by flyingfish

lol, I have seen many videos like that also, however I have also seen many pictures and videos that just dont make any sence. There is surely somethings flying above our heads that we cant explain.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by TheMur

I think the factor that leads me away from the idea that UFOs are secret military craft is that of their behavior, which in many, many instances is far from secretive. Deliberately approaching within a couple hundred feet of a bunch of civilians on countless occasions is not the best way to keep your technology under wraps. One question to ask would be this: How many formerly secret but now disclosed military aircraft were tested in such a brazen manner? Is the answer: A) Most of them; B) Some of them; or C) None of them?

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