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Death and Destruction: An Obsession

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posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 05:54 PM
Well, I'm not going to get into the why, but I am going to merely note to you all an observation. As I'm looking at the ATS Forum Main Page, these are the top news headlines:
2. Iraq Government Orders Al-Jazeera Offices in Baghdad Closed
3. San Francisco Man Fakes Beheading Video
4. This Summer's Terrorist Threat - US & Abroad.
5. bombs explode in north Spain
6. Killer of 6 in Florida Still At Large
7. NY Times Blows Cover of Al Qaeda Mole
8. Officials Worried Over Drop in "Chatter"
9. Top Iraq Cleric in London
10. Thousands Evacuated in India Due To Melting Glacier

Of the 10, a total of 7 have to do with terrorism. 2 have to do with various death and destruction. And the spin-off of 9, has to do with implications between Iraqis killing more Americans or Americans killing more Iraqis. The best one though is 7, though it has to do with terror, it is much more journalistic, inquisitive, and thought-prvoking.

And I ask you, why are we so preoccupied with all the terror, death, and destruction. It has seemed to consume us here as we become increasingly more fearful and paranoid of the world-at-large. What happened to journalism at the bare minimum I ask, something engaging? I flip through these headlines and all I see is "Be afraid, be very afraid..."

[edit on 7-8-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 06:08 PM
Yeah, I made this obversation the other week, I posted this

In one single day, we went from properous unguided individuals to doom gloomers and scary story tellers. Our media is fueling the biggest terror the world has ever witnessed, in sense not just scaring the civilians of America, but fueling the fires of diplomatic pressures between countries that are ready to go to war. In sense, fueling the next World War between a multitude of countries that have been ready to shoot for years, but would not in the sense of being a trouble maker. The terror thats shooting across this world by over zealous media is causing tensions to rise.

And deep down inside, the generations that did not witness the WWII are hoping for WWIII. The tensions in one country affects another. A haystack of countries abroad are on the verge of collapse and turmoil. Another haystack of countries are at the brink of war. And somewhere in the middle of the haystacks is YOU, the needle, hoping to be found and knowing this all has to happen, and is going to happen if you like it or not. The tensions of this world will not fix itself. The old saying of history repeats itself is oh so very true at this very moment. Our world is a mess, and the only thing thats going to fix it is the realization that we're all being a bunch of idiots by killing millions of our men and women fighting over things that don't really matter. Al la World War.

long ass article and thought I'd get a few replies, but it didnt contain anything predicting death and destruction and was swiftly buried in the over zealous doom gloom posts.

Its a shame its come to this..

[edit on 7-8-2004 by rwsdakota]

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 06:11 PM
i think for the most part the answer lies in two main categories. first is people use these situations to bolster their views and opinions and ideology that says that terrorism is everywhere and should be weeded out where it is found. that appeasement and being pacifist in nature doesnt work. then you have the flip side of the coin, those who use such situations to show that being agressive is wrong and only makes things worse.

the preoccupation i believes not so much with the goings on as much as it is a preoccupation within so many people using those events to further their ideologic theories.

there is a common bond between the two though. they both view the world as a terrible and violent place but blame "the other side" for the condition of the world.

i think its a preoccupation with pushing ideology more than it is an obsession with the events themselves.

[edit on 7-8-2004 by ThePrankMonkey]

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 06:31 PM
I think some are over reacting to things at this point. Just becasue there is a lot of discussion does not necc. mean it is all based in fear, at least that is not the case for me.

Part of why I come to ATS is to stay on top of these things. It is to stay vigilant & informed, not to frighten myself. Yes, the climate has escalated recently, but so has the situation in the world, and I think this will continue at least through the elections unfortunately. Anyway for those who do find it increases their fear I think there is something to be said for the merits of being able to express it and discuss it, kinda get it out of your system.

I am less dismayed by this than all of the discussions about the merits of pot and it's legalization, which are rather frivolous IMHO compared to these news reports.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 06:48 PM
Well, I am not so much concerned with the fear, as with the increasing frequency of news relating to terror, death, and destruction. You may say that you want knowledge, but how does that knowledge serve you? You stay informed and alert and I read paranoid, sorry, its just my opinion. When I see alertness of terror, death, and destruction, that is what I take of the statement. As Prank was alluding to, these kinds of things will always exist, so why the increasing obsession...

I don't think things are escalating, I think people are telling me they are, but I really do not see any escalation beyond mass media reports. These reports only affect me if I decide to act on them. But I choose not to, because these media reports conflict with my general experience. That is why I am questioning the frequency of reporting.

I'd like to think we are smart enough to be observant of suspicious acts without resorting to looking for them.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
As Prank was alluding to, these kinds of things will always exist, so why the increasing obsession...

I don't think things are escalating, I think people are telling me they are, but I really do not see any escalation beyond mass media reports.

I'd like to think we are smart enough to be observant of suspicious acts without resorting to looking for them.

These things have not always exisited and will not always exist (hopefully). But there is an increasing amount of things going on right now that are cause for caution. The Olympics are coming, the Republican convention, the elections. Perhaps there is some over reaction at this point but it is a more vulnerable time this summer. I for one admit there is absolutely nothing that I can do about any of it as it is beyond my control if something does happen, but I would like to be mentally prepared, unlike 911 which was such a total shock I couldn't funtion for days.

(I lived in NY at the time but was out of state. I had family members and coworkers who were suppossed to be there but luckily for some really stupid reasons, none of them were in the towers that morning. But there were 3 NYC firemen living on my street and one was never heard from again.)

As for being smart enough to be observant of suspicious acts, well 911 doesn't do much to support that being smart is enough (as I am & it didn't help:lol
, you must also be informed as to the possiblities, not necc. believe all of them, but have some sort of awareness. My opinion of course and it works for me, but if it doesn't work for others, they don't have to read about it do they?

But come on, lighten up - isn't this what ATS if for? How can you deny ignorance if you only want some of the information some of the time? Don't you really need it all to disseminate anything?

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:13 PM
Maybe it's just our realizing how vulnerable we ordinary mortals really are.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:15 PM

But come on, lighten up - isn't this what ATS if for? How can you deny ignorance if you only want some of the information some of the time? Don't you really need it all to disseminate anything?

Maybe I am reading too much into the frequency of reports, but I see subliminal indoctrination in it. See, I'm paranoid too. I don't have the ability to disseminate all the information available in the world. That is why I choose what takes priority, and I don't see why many people beleive that these are their top priorities. I don't want to sway them to my opinion though it may seem as if I had, and if I did, I'm sorry.

But back to my original point, I see this as more disinformation. I'm speaking specifically about the terror alerts, I think they are totally bunk. And I don't want that information because I honestly don't trust it, I'm denying it or whatever.

And I do think last night's basketball results are more important than 90 people dying in India. Not because I don't care about people who die, but because its futile in obsessing myself with all the bad things that happen in the world. It just doesn't serve any purpose in my mind other than making me afraid of dying.

Its a delicate balance that I wish to intake, and when the balance is disrupted, I get cranky.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:15 PM

We also had and increased of dooms day predications, also people tend to become more religious during extreme situations.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:25 PM
Jamuhn.... I suspected you were a little cranky tonight, not your usual loveable self. I hope I am not aggravating you further, but one last thought.

If you think it is all bunk, just would seem to me seeing all this info might help you at least disseminate if something does happen, whether or not it is/was. At the very least it gives you more perspective in the future to disseminate info don't you think?

Like all those doomsday predictions over the past 10 years that actually stated dates, and can be quite terrifying when you're young, but eventually you live through enough of them to see that nothing ever happens and then there is no fear of them in the future. See what I mean?

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:52 PM
Ah, Relentless, you always make me think.

I see what you are saying. And now I do see it as a little naive to believe that this information is not useful. But, I still dont agree with its frequency and prominence among news. Yin and Yang, it all must fit in its delicate dance. I just hoped to see a different side of news displayed prominently with the rest, ya know.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:57 PM
Perhaps *Shock Horror* It's because these thing are actually happening? I mean I hate to burst the propaganda bubble that everything is going great, but sometimes reality is a bitch.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:58 PM
Yea kegs, stuff happens. But these aren't the only things happening. And I hate to burst your bubble, but everything isn't just horrid either.

[edit on 7-8-2004 by Jamuhn]


posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Relentless
I am less dismayed by this than all of the discussions about the merits of pot and it's legalization, which are rather frivolous IMHO compared to these news reports.

I would much rather see more discussion about healthcare, space exploration, medical research, scientific breakthroughs, freedom of speech or even the dreaded legalization of pot. This terror stuff is getting to the point that it is not a lot different than the local news showing me the daily traffic accidents. I just don't give a damn about the latest bomb in east timor or some nomad seventh cousin of osma arrested in pakistan.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:16 PM
Jamuhn, go to the international headlines of any major news outlet and what do you see?

The worldwide situation at the moment is far from sun and roses.
Saying that, think about what the media latches on to.

They all report this stuff as priority because it�s the only international news that that most people are now interested in. Anyone that threatens themselves. The sad fact is that the amount of people prepared to buy a paper announcing a humanitarian crisis in country X is far less than those willing to buy one if the same country X threatens to blow us up.

No one gives a crap until it affects them. It affects us all now, at least, of course, according to our friendly media who are undoubtedly completely pure of heart and are only out to promote the truth�

That might sound contradictory, but if you follow world events and the media from vastly different sources, you start to see the full picture.

[edit on 7-8-2004 by kegs]

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:18 PM
I know kegs, thats why I created this thread. I am trying to figure out why people are so obsessed with it. Any ideas?

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by df1
I just don't give a damn about the latest bomb in east timor or some nomad seventh cousin of osma arrested in pakistan.

Well, I suppose we could just all go around not giving a damn about the rest of the world. But I personally feel that a lot of good in the world would be lost if we all felt that way and lord knows we need some good to counter some of the horrors in this world.

Like, if no one knew or cared about bad things happening then no one would ever be there to give/help in a tragedy - like maybe 911 - and all the people who came forward to volunteer their time at ground zero and contribute to the 911 fund for the families that were left without their breadwinners.

Of course there are a million other examples. Just my opinion.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:24 PM
But how often did we hear about terrorism before 9/11. And 9/11 created a huge impact on America and the things we read about these days pale in comparison.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:27 PM
Sorry Jamuhn, I'm a bit drunk. I'd say it's because paranoia sells. It always has. So does fear. People go on rollercoaster�s to experience fear without repercussions. The rush of adrenalin. People like being scared. That�s why the threat of terrorism works IMO; it�s not likely to happen to you, it�s not even likely to happen in your city, but hey! It�s a scary thought that gets you talking! People like danger, it makes them feel like they need to do something for the greater good, it creates fantasies. I�m not saying it doesn�t exist but the media and the government knows very well the effect of this kind of thing on the human psyche.

EDIT: Basically what I'm trying to say is sensationalism plays a large part, but yes things are actually as bad as it's being made out right now.

[edit on 7-8-2004 by kegs]


posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Relentless
Like, if no one knew or cared about bad things happening then no one would ever be there to give/help in a tragedy...
Of course there are a million other examples. Just my opinion.

Name for me just one act of kindness or relief you have personally performed out of all these millions of examples. I wager the answer is none. This is not intended as a put down, as I will admit that my record is no better than yours. These millions of global examples being reported serves no purpose other than to desensitize us to the point that we do not even respond when these tragedies happen in our own neigborhood.

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