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Insomnia, and NOTHING works to fix it. I am looking for those who might be able to offer their exp

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:44 AM
OP, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but have you asked your doctor about temazepam (Restoril)?

If the "Z" drugs (zolpidem, eszopiclone) and the benzodiazapine drugs (clonazepam, diazepam, temazepam, etc) aren't providing you any relief, you may want to suggest the use of a barbiturate-class sedative like pentobarbital (Nembutal).

Just to warn you, pentobarbital, when used in any dose other than the prescribed amount, is an extremely dangerous drug; So much that it is used in lethal injection and physican assisted suicide. However, it WILL make you sleep.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:47 AM
I suffer from insomnia also and can't take prescription drugs as they mess me up mentally/physically. I can only recommend one thing, unfortunally it is illegal in some states. It is the big bad boogie drug medical marijuana. Straight up the best thing for insomnia. I recommend "indica" strains over "sativa" for insomnia. The strains purple kush, og kush, chemdog family strains(chemD,chem91,chem4,ect.) are straight up some of the best pain/insomnia medicine in the world.

THis is not for everyone so take with a grain of salt but it works for me. I am asleep by 11 every night and ready for work in the morning with 0 side effects.
edit on 12-6-2011 by Starwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by JBurns

I've been prescribed clonazepam and temazepam. They seemed to make me comatose at night and like a zombie through the morning. I also tried diazepam, but it hardly seemed to work for me.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Starwatcher

I burn through plenty of what you've mentioned, but it doesn't seem to help me sleep. In my personal experience it has made the anxiety worsen.
edit on 12-6-2011 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by TheArchaeologist
This is quite serious. And I would prefer no herbal remedies etc, not that I dont believe in them, but I am well past the strongest stuff out there.

So you would rather a pharm solution to what may very well be a simple dietary imbalance?

I wouldn't stick my head so far into the herbal sands if I were you.

Have you tried a magnesium supplement? (ie peter gilhams natural calm)
Have you tried eliminating caffeine?
Have you checked the side effects of any pharms you may already be on for conflict with your issue?
Have you tried a hotel room or a friends house? There may be things about your bedroom not conducive to sleep... ie a 200 amp service panel located on an adjacent wall.
Have you experimented with kava? What did it teach you?
Have you experimented with valerian? What did it teach you?
Have you tried a consistent 9 PM glass of red wine.
Have you read Raja Yoga? Do you know fully comprehend chittam?

good luck,

Sri Oracle

edit on 12-6-2011 by Sri Oracle because: bold on magnesium... most people are magnesium deficient because of modern agriculture practices and this deficiency often leads to both insomnia and anxiety. I take a mag supplement myself at least 2x a week to avoid such symptoms.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by TheArchaeologist
Hello, I am in my mid/late 30's.

4 years ago I had a traumatic even happen to me, and since that time I have had issues with anxiety. I am not a wallflower, I THRIVE on extreme sports, racing, snowboarding climbing, you name it. However this issue involved a child, and affected me in ways I cannot explain.

I'll skip over therapy etc. Yes, I have been.

Here's where I am. I can take 5 lunesta, and literally 10 klonopin, and it does ABSOLUTELY nothing to help me sleep. Please don't explain how dangerous this could/can be. I am well aware. However after living for years not being able to sleep, you become less worried about such things.

I am not ignorant, I am not a drug addict, I am not a drinker, I have a high level job, but lack of sleep or poor sleep for about four years is just too much.

The pharmacist says ambien and lunesta ARE the two most potent out there.....I am half afraid to ask the doctor again because he really is trying.

Anyone else had this problem? Did you find a drug that worked?

Thank you in advance!

Please no PROPOFOL JOKES. This is quite serious. And I would prefer no herbal remedies etc, not that I dont believe in them, but I am well past the strongest stuff out there.

Hello, I believe you have grown a tolerance to the drugs, especially the Klonopin which is a benzo. I would ask your doctor about a different sleep med, I've found that Lunesta sucks royally compared to Ambien. Ambien is good but the tolerance raises super quick so you would have to alternate between the Ambien and say a natural sleep drug(melatonin,valerian,chamomile etc) Diphenhydramine(benadryl also works well, but can be unpleasant.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:10 AM
Go 100% gluten free for 3 months. Pretend you are a celiac. After the first month, start gradually reducing the medications you are taking. I bet you will sleep just fine after three months. But 100% gluten free, no exceptions.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

Hi, I too had this problem for a while and still get it when i get stressful or have a lot of things going on in my mind that i can't switch off but i also have other probs besides...

What i did was wean myself off the prescription drugs slowly as i didnt want to be on them for life and eventually ended up not taking any although for the first couple months it was tough to sleep but i persisted and can now have a good nights sleep depending on time i hit the sack!!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by TheArchaeologist
Hello, I am in my mid/late 30's.

4 years ago I had a traumatic even happen to me, and since that time I have had issues with anxiety. I am not a wallflower, I THRIVE on extreme sports, racing, snowboarding climbing, you name it. However this issue involved a child, and affected me in ways I cannot explain.

I'll skip over therapy etc. Yes, I have been.

Here's where I am. I can take 5 lunesta, and literally 10 klonopin, and it does ABSOLUTELY nothing to help me sleep. Please don't explain how dangerous this could/can be. I am well aware. However after living for years not being able to sleep, you become less worried about such things.

I am not ignorant, I am not a drug addict, I am not a drinker, I have a high level job, but lack of sleep or poor sleep for about four years is just too much.

The pharmacist says ambien and lunesta ARE the two most potent out there.....I am half afraid to ask the doctor again because he really is trying.

Anyone else had this problem? Did you find a drug that worked?

Thank you in advance!

Please no PROPOFOL JOKES. This is quite serious. And I would prefer no herbal remedies etc, not that I dont believe in them, but I am well past the strongest stuff out there.

I was also an insomniac. Then seven years ago, totally unrelated, I had an episode of atrial fibrillation. I've been taking a drug called Flecainide ever since to control my heartrate. Ever since I've been on this drug, I've never missed a night of sound sleep for at least four hours straight. The only problem is you have to be hospitalized while they get the correct dosing for this drug.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:28 AM
Insomnia is caused by the fact that every time you sleep you're entering into a nightmare such that you prefer to wake up. Waking up means your psyche is moving up out of the nightmare of hell below. This is the problem millions of people who for various reasons are entering into hell because they are on the wrong side of God. Especially if such persons reject the existence and supremacy of God. Are you in that category ? Thus your insomnia ? My advice is that you reconnect with God. This is usually done by reading the Bible or going to the Church.

ינסאָמניאַ איז געפֿירט דורך די פאַקט די יעדער צייַט איר שלאָף איר רע ענטערינג אין אַ נייטמער אַזאַ אַז איר בעסער צו וועקן זיך. וואַקינג אַרויף מיטל דיין פּסיכיק איז מאָווינג זיך אויס פון די נייטמער פון גיהנום אונטן. דאס איז די פּראָבלעם מיליאַנז פון מענטשן וואס פֿאַר פארשידענע סיבות זענען ענטערינג אין גיהנום ווייַל זיי זענען אויף די אומרעכט זייַט פון גאָט. ספּעציעל אויב אַזאַ פנים אָפּוואַרפן דעם קיום און שליטע פון ​​גאָט. זענט איר אין אַז קאַטעגאָריע? אזוי דיין ינסאַמניאַ? מייַן עצה איז אַז איר ריקאַנעקט מיט גאָט. דאס איז יוזשאַוואַלי געטאן דורך לייענען די ביבל אָדער גייט דער קהילה.

However, you can reconnect with God anywhere and anytime without going anywhere near the Bible or a Church. Just sit still. Do not move. Breathe in and out slowly and monitor your thoughts. Observe the state of your mind as it passes through your consciousness. Do not try to stop the thoughts that arise. Just observe whatever thoughts rise up in your consciousness. At some point whatever it is that is in your sub-consciousness causing the insomnia it will present itself, at which point you can analysis it and deal with it in your mind. After such sessions of meditation I do believe that you will be able to catch some sleep. However nightmares will make themselves manifest. The secret is to simply try to observe whatever the nightmare is. It is a message for you. Perhaps information about a past life reincarnation ? In which you were evil ? Now you are paying the Karma for sin committed in that past life reincarnation ? I cannot say for sure what might present itself to you. Only you can understand what it will be that will present itself to you. Allow yourself to be open to whatever it is that will manifest. You have been blocking and ignoring the message. Thus the insomnia. Once the message has gotten through to your consciousness then presumably the insomnia will evaporate as if it never even existed ? That is my theory because that is how it was for me.

אבער, איר קענען ריקאַנעקט מיט גאָט ערגעץ און עניטיים אָן גיין ערגעץ בייַ די ביבל אָדער אַ טשערטש. נאָר זיצן נאָך. צי ניט רירן. אָטעמען אין און אויס סלאָולי און מאָניטאָר דיין געדאנקען. אָבסערווירן די שטאַט פון דיין מיינונג ווי עס פּאַסאַז דורך דיין באוווסטזיין. צי ניט פּרווון צו האַלטן די געדאנקען וואָס אויפשטיין. פונקט אָבסערווירן וועלכער געדאנקען העכערונג אַרויף אין דיין באוווסטזיין. אין עטלעכע פונט וועלכער עס איז וואָס איז אין דיין סוב-באוווסטזיין קאָזינג די ינסאַמניאַ עס וועט פאָרשטעלן זיך, אין וואָס פונט איר קענען אַנאַליז עס און האַנדלען מיט אים אין אייער מיינונג. נאך אַזאַ באַגעגענישן פון קלערן איך טאָן גלויבן אַז איר וועט קענען צו כאַפּן עטלעכע שלאָף. אבער נייטמערז וועט מאַכן זיך באַשייַמפּערלעך. דער סוד איז צו פשוט פּרובירן צו אָבסערווירן וועלכער די נייטמער איז. עס איז אַ אָנזאָג פֿאַר איר. אפשר אינפֿאָרמאַציע וועגן אַ פאַרגאַנגענהייַט לעבן גילגול? אין וואָס איר זענען געווען שלעכט? איצט איר זענט פּייינג די קאַרמאַ פֿאַר זינד קאַמיטאַד אין אַז פאַרגאַנגענהייַט לעבן גילגול? איך קאַן ניט זאָגן פֿאַר זיכער וואָס זאל פאָרשטעלן זיך צו איר. נאר איר קענען פֿאַרשטיין וואָס עס וועט זייַן אַז וועט פאָרשטעלן זיך צו איר. לאָזן זיך צו זייַן אָפן צו וועלכער עס איז וואָס וועט באַשייַמפּערלעך. איר האָט שוין בוך פון אלע פארשפארטע און יגנאָרינג דער אָנזאָג. אזוי די ינסאַמניאַ. אַמאָל דער אָנזאָג האט גאָטאַן דורך צו דיין באוווסטזיין דעריבער מאַשמאָעס די ינסאַמניאַ וועט יוואַפּערייט ווי אויב עס קיינמאָל אַפֿילו געווען? וואס איז מיין טעאָריע ווייַל וואָס איז ווי עס איז געווען פֿאַר מיר.

Another way to approach the problem of insomnia is through receiving hypnotherapy from a genuine hypnotherapist. Hypnosis really is a sure way to get the insomnia out of the way. However, hypnotherapy is expensive. Hypnotists really are rare thus they are able to charge huge amounts of money for something that is basically very simple.

אן אנדער וועג צו צוגאַנג די פּראָבלעם פון ינסאַמניאַ איז דורך ריסיווינג היפּנאָטהעראַפּי פון אַ עכט היפּנאָטהעראַפּיסט. היפּנאָסיס טאַקע איז אַ זיכער וועג צו באַקומען די ינסאַמניאַ אויס פון די וועג. אבער, היפּנאָטהעראַפּי איז טייַער. היפּנאָטיסץ טאַקע זענען זעלטן אזוי זיי זענען ביכולת צו באַשולדיקן ריזיק אַמאַונץ פון געלט פֿאַר עפּעס וואָס איז בייסיקלי זייער פּשוט.

Insomnia can be caused by too much BETAWAVE brain activity. This can be countered by inducing ALPHAWAVE brain activity using a "brainwave entrainment device" two or three times per week. I use one such device myself. It does the trick. Such devices are available via the Internet by mail order.

ינסאָמניאַ קענען ווערן געפֿירט דורך צו פיל בעטאַוואַווע מאַרך טעטיקייט. דאס קען זייַן קאַונטערד דורך ינדוסינג אַלפאַוואַווע מאַרך טעטיקייט ניצן אַ "בראַינוואַווע ענטראַינמענט מיטל" צוויי אָדער דרייַ מאָל פּער וואָך. איך נוצן איין אַזאַ מיטל זיך. עס טוט דעם טריק. אַזאַ דעוויסעס זענען בנימצא דורך די אינטערנעט דורך פּאָסט סדר.

Have you thought of taking an antipsychotic such as SEROQUEL ? I take it myself as medication from my doctor. However before they prescribe it they might like if you stay for a few weeks in a psychiatric hospital for observation. Once they officially recognise your insomnia as being a psychosis such as schizophrenia then they will be able to allow you the SEROQUEL or something like it as a prescription. You probably might not consider your insomnia to be schizophrenia but if left untreated your insomnia will eventually turn you into a schizophrenic whether you like it or not. That is the way it goes. Getting a regular amount of sleep is very important for mental health. I hope my humble advice is helpful to you. Obviously I hope that you will be able to resolve your insomnia. I truly empathise.

האט איר געדאַנק פון גענומען אַן אַנטיפּסיטשאָטיק אַזאַ ווי סעראָקוועל? איך נעמען עס זיך ווי מעדאַקיישאַן פון מיין דאָקטאָר. אבער איידער זיי פאָרשרייַבן עס זיי זאלן ווי אויב איר בלייַבן פֿאַר אַ ביסל וואָכן אין אַ סייקיאַטריק שפּיטאָל פֿאַר אָבסערוואַציע. אַמאָל זיי אָפפיסיאַללי דערקענען דיין ינסאַמניאַ ווי זייַענדיק אַ סייקאָוסאַס אַזאַ ווי סקיצאַפריניאַ דאַן זיי וועלן קענען צו לאָזן איר די סעראָקוועל אָדער עפּעס ווי עס ווי אַ רעצעפּט. איר מסתּמא זאל ניט האלטן דיין ינסאַמניאַ צו זייַן סקיצאַפריניאַ אָבער אויב לינקס אַנטריטיד דיין ינסאַמניאַ וועט יווענטשאַוואַלי אומקערן איר אין אַ שיזאַפרעניק צי איר ווי עס אָדער ניט. וואס איז די וועג עס גייט. געטינג אַ רעגולער סומע פון ​​שלאָף איז זייער וויכטיק פֿאַר גייַסטיק געזונט. איך האָפן מיין אַניוועסדיק עצה איז נוציק צו איר. דאָך איך האָפן אַז איר וועט קענען צו האַלטן דיין ינסאַמניאַ. איך באמת עמפּאַטייז.

One other thing which I have discovered is that I am nocturnal. Thus I work at night and prefer to sleep during the day. I actually sleep best during daylight hours and work really intensely during the night time hours. As soon as the sun is coming up that is when I feel tired and ready to sleep. Why not simply accept that you're a naturally nocturnal person ? Start working at night ? However you might not be able to do this since you may not be self employed like I am ? Being self employed I can work and sleep anytime that suits me. I am not driven by some one elses agenda. I set my own time table. Thus I get to be able to live my nocturnal life style. Thus no more insomnia. But my neighours are convinced that I am a damned to go to hell vampire. Perhaps we are vampires ?

איין אנדערע זאַך וואָס איך האָבן דיסקאַווערד איז אַז איך בין נאַקטערנאַל. אזוי איך אַרבעט בייַ נאַכט און בעסער צו שלאָפן אין די טאָג. איך אַקשלי שלאָף בעסטער בעשאַס טאָגליכט שעה און אַרבעט טאַקע ינטענסלי בעשאַס די נאַכט צייַט שעה. ווי באַלד ווי די זון איז קומענדיק זיך אַז איז ווען איך פילן פאַרמאַטערט און גרייט צו שלאָפן. פארוואס נישט פשוט אָננעמען אַז איר רע אַ געוויינטלעך נאַקטערנאַל מענטש? אָנהייב ארבעטן בייַ נאַכט? אבער איר זאל ניט קענען צו טאָן דעם זינט איר זאלט ​​ניט זייַן זיך אנגעשטעלט ווי איך בין? זייַענדיק זיך אנגעשטעלט איך קענען אַרבעט און שלאָף עניטיים אַז סוץ מיר. איך בין ניט געטריבן דורך עטלעכע איינער עלסיז אַגענדאַ. איך שטעלן מיין אייגן צייַט טיש. אזוי איך באַקומען צו קענען צו לעבן מיין נאַקטערנאַל לעבן נוסח. אזוי ניט מער ינסאַמניאַ. אבער מיין נעיגהאָורס זענען קאַנווינסט אַז איך בין אַ דאַמד צו גיין צו גענעם וואַמפּיר.

Just another thing that you should try. This is a really secret formula. Try it out. See if it does the trick. Just lay down in bed as per normal. At this point most people lose their concentration. However that maybe the problem. What I do is I concentrate my mind on looking into the black field in my closed eyes. To get the real darkness I sometimes have put my head under the duvet. If my head is cold I cover it with a pillow. I look into the darkness. I concentrate my attention into the darkness. Purposefully entering into the darkness. Believe it or not God is to be found in the darkness. So by looking into the darkness I am connecting my psyche with God. Thus my insominia literally goes out the window. See if it works for you like it works for me.

פונקט אנדערן זאַך אַז איר זאָל פּרובירן. דאס איז אַ טאַקע סוד פאָרמולע. פּרוּווט עס אויס. זען אויב עס טוט דעם טריק. נאָר לייגן אַראָפּ אין בעט ווי פּער נאָרמאַל. אין דעם פונט רובֿ מענטשן פאַרלירן זייער קאָנצענטראַציע. אבער אַז אפֿשר די פּראָבלעם. וואס איך טאָן איז איך קאַנסאַנטרייט מיין גייַסט אויף איר זוכט אין די שוואַרץ פעלד אין מיין מוז אויגן. צו באַקומען די פאַקטיש פינצטערניש איך מאל האָבן שטעלן מיין קאָפּ אונטער די דווועט. אויב מיין קאָפּ איז קעלט איך דעקן עס מיט אַ קישן. איך קוק אין דער פינצטערניש. איך קאַנסאַנטרייט מיין ופמערקזאַמקייַט אין דער פינצטערניש. פּורפּאָסעפוללי ענטערינג אין דער פינצטערניש. גלויבן עס אָדער ניט גאָט איז צו ווערן געפונען אין דער פינצטערניש. אזוי דורך איר זוכט אין די פינצטערניש איך בין קאַנעקטינג מיין פּסיכיק מיט גאָט. אזוי מיין ינסאָמיניאַ ממש גייט אויס די פֿענצטער. זען אויב עס אַרבעט פֿאַר איר ווי עס אַרבעט פֿאַר מיר.

edit on 12/6/2011 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

This will sound ridiculous I suspect...but one thing that works extremely well for me --- almost like magic ---- are self-hypnosis CD’s.

I originally downloaded a bunch of the CD’s because I’d been learning about past lives and I thought why not give one of those “do it yourself hypnosis” CD’s a try?

I know it sounds crazy...but I really recommend trying it out. The videos definitely are a little on the new age side...but they do put me to sleep very quickly. You can download a whole bunch for free through demonoid torrents and elsewhere.

Here are some playlists on youtube...just click “play all” and they should play all videos in order automatically.
Definitely works best with headphones!!

and also:

For me it doesn’t matter what type of “self hypnosis” I listen to...almost all of them which are longer than 20minutes will put me to sleep.
(they don’t have to be for Past-life hypnosis, I’ve tried confidence building hypnosis, quitting smoking, increase you memory, ect. and they all make me sleep. I still smoke, have a sh*ty memory, and feel unsure of myself though)

I really hope they help you as much as it helped me and I’m sorry your going through this. Insomnia is the worst type of torture!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:35 AM
I also have the same issues. ptsd as well. What i use is "Holy Basil" Safe, no addiction issues etc.
I also turned to NLP tapes to help me sleep and heal mentally. A few i can suggest follow: for sleep
Hemi-sync "pain control"
any of the "HPP" line will knock you flat

If you are interested i can e mail you an assortment. U need an mp3 player and headphones.

Good luck!

(pain is unavoidable, suffering is optional)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by soulssong

Awesome. Thanks for that information. I am checking it out now.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

I was watch-in a Bugs Bunny cartoon the other day and it would seem that a blow to the head with a hammer
will do the trick!
On a more serious note, Hi ATS... I am a long time lurker, and this is my first time here.
I fell your pain and had to log on, I to have insomnia and it can go on for days. The longest I went for was 5 days, it got to the point that my internal organs began to hurt. My doc told me that going with out sleep is one of the worst things for you. It will wear your body down, he said if I didn't get to sleep that eventually my body would shut down.
I have tried ambien ,almost ODed on that stuff.I take klanopin like it was candy for my anxiety but nothing seems to work. Over sea's Uncle Sam used to give me lorazapam, this seemed to be the best bet but good luck getting it prescribed, it is highly addicting so they say, I did not have a problem with it.I know you think that a lesser drug or natural remedy won't help, well if you not willing to try it than your problem is not as severe yet.I tried vit-B and vit-D, this helped with anxiety and depression.I also took some advice from a natural pathic doc, he told me to try the opposite drugs and it worked for me, kind of like when they prescribe Ritalin for hyper kid's, all that is like coc aine, it's an upper.I ordered some "special tea" tea from peru, and it has very small amounts of stimulants in it and it helped me sleep. If you want try drinking coffee at night, this worked for me but it usually works on day three or four that I cant sleep.WARNING,Before you try a stimulant you need to ween yourself of of the other crap, otherwise all you will be doing is a form of speedballin, some times these drugs that they prescribe are the actual culprit.You said your into extreme sports and stuff well this will give you a constant form of stimulus that's hard to turn off. When I returned from doing Uncle Sam's dirty laundry I had the worst of it trying to sleep, because I was so jacked up.You say your in the 30's, let me tell you that you do not want to be dealing with this in your 40's 0r 50's.My advice is to make a list of all the things that you like on hear and show it to your doc, get his approval first, especially if you going to decide weather or not
you are going to mix pharmacy grade drugs with natural remedies.If you don't like the outcome, get a new doc.The road to hell is paved with good intention's, and nobody on this site can prove to you that they are a doctor, this is my advice and that's all it is.

Good luck!
edit on 12-6-2011 by fireFNmissles because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-6-2011 by fireFNmissles because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:28 AM
as a long term nightshift worker, my body sometimes just refuses to go to sleep at night. My sleep patterns will probably take years and years to adjust normally, but i find a hot soak in the bath, a scent of lavender on your pillow, an audio tape or something peaceful (optional) and a personal issue with me is LED lights, from router,tv,laptop, all the other electronic devices, i make sure i turn them off or cover up the lights from them by something because its so irritating, i also out of habbit of having a south facing window which is annoying as after a night shift to block out most of the sun.... but at night there is other ambient light sources which can shine through, i really like total darkness to nod off.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by tamusan That is the link to the HPP stuff. Look in to it, very good for people who do not respond to traditional therapy.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:31 AM
Only when you feel secure in your life again, will you sleep. The drugs/herbs won't work.

Figure out the mental thing, that's the key.

Know from experience and it is the answer. (plus getting all the chemicals out of your system)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by TheArchaeologist

Hot bath preceded by a'll be falling asleep before your bath is finished

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:45 AM
You should definitely try to get off of the prescription drugs, I'll list off a few natural solutions that I've found helpful.
Valerian is a good natural sedative and chamomile as well although the effects of chamomile are very mild and would be best used in combination with other herbs. There are teas by the companies Traditional Medicinals, Flora and Celestial often called sleepy-time teas or something along those lines that are also mild but can help especially in combination with Valerian or something of the variety. Catnip and Passionflower are helpful herbs as well.
Try to avoid sugary foods and fruit before bed. Alcohol too, although sometimes it help you get to sleep it is said to cause shorter and less restful sleep.
Good ol' cannabis has been the most effective thing for me, however it all depends on how familiar you are with it in the first place and how it affects you personally. It is variable for everyone, but I found it a life saver for getting to sleep and getting a full restful sleep. If you found it worked you could make a case to acquire it for medicinal purposes. (Depending on where you're located).
The other thing that helps me a lot is a supplement by the company AOR called "ortho-sleep." It's an all natural herbal medley that comes in pill form.
What works is variable for everyone, I'd suggest you try to find a natural health food and supplement store and browse through their products, try a few different things until you find one that works. It might be best to do that when completely off your other medication though, so you don't risk any drug interactions.
Good luck!
edit on 12-6-2011 by 22ndsecond because: spelling & addition

edit on 12-6-2011 by 22ndsecond because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:05 AM
Cannabis is one of the most effective treatments for insomnia, and it's completely natural. Of course, it's illegal according to this countries messed up legal system, so I'm not advising you to start up a grow-op which could get you thrown into prison, but if you live in a state where it's decriminalized according to state laws, you can see a doctor and just tell him no other treatment works and you've heard THC is effective. Typically it's the indica strains that help insomniacs, the high typically makes people tired because it's more of a body high compared to sativa strains which are more of a head high and tend to make people more active and social.

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