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The simplest, cheapest cancer cure ever? Baking soda

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posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Damek

Good to hear, and congrats! I myself used Budwig protocol and essiac, as well as zyflamend (now there's an interesting product). For me the balance was after two months, no change in the cancer vs a promise of a cure...I went for the promise and the cancer is gone. Big thing here...the key is early detection!!!!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Mercurio
See this website,

It says that baking soda helps because it is alkaline. This guy reversed his cancer using baking soda.

Here is a video showing how to make the baking soda+molasses+water drink

You probably can use syrup instead of molasses but molasses is healthier

Thanks for posting this extremely useful info. Someone told me about this about two years ago (there's a woman doctor [MD] who recommends 1 teaspoon of baking soda in water everyday).

I want to add here, if no one else has, that it's best to use "aluminum-free" baking soda from the health food store. I have Bob's Red Mill.

Also I wonder if the molasses is necessary. Seems counterproductive to me. But apparently it worked for this guy.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by theRhenn

There was another remedy other than homeade cough syrup she called "Sof-a-tee-dauh" I have no idea how to spell it, but thats how it was pronounced.

Probably Asafoetida. I recall that from my youth up in the hills, and that it was somehow related to a home remedy for Whooping Cough and flu, but I don't think it was taken internally. Near as I recall, it was worn in a bag around the neck, sort of like an amulet.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

You're lucky! I have over $10k OUT OF POCKET AFTER INSURANCE in USA for Breast Cancer and not ONE penny yet for Radiation or Chemotherapy. Just costs for the mastectomies and radiation "prep" that now has to be done over again at my expense because there was a change. Consider yourself lucky! I'm checking out Baking Soda and that Solar Flare that just hit here for Radiation Therapy! LOL!

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by kissitgoodbye
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

You're lucky! I have over $10k OUT OF POCKET AFTER INSURANCE in USA for Breast Cancer and not ONE penny yet for Radiation or Chemotherapy. Just costs for the mastectomies and radiation "prep" that now has to be done over again at my expense because there was a change. Consider yourself lucky! I'm checking out Baking Soda and that Solar Flare that just hit here for Radiation Therapy! LOL!

Perhaps look into zyflamend and whatever you can do to boost your immune system to ameliorate some of the side effects of the radiation, and good luck on that journey.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Thanks for the kind words. I know what my future holds for me tho, all joking aside. I'm on the red and blue list because of my cancer and depression and knowledge of what is going on from this site and others. The "medical boards" have dictated that I am catastrophically disabled and not worthy of life. Obama Care/T4 at it's finest! You can guess what my outcome will be.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Turq1

Hello to all . I do hope this does not offend. I have to beg to differ. I take between three and ten thousand mg of vita C nightly ;I take bakig soda to null the acidic effect. I have also noticed that if I eat read meat or pork my joints "pop". I forget the person who wrote the book about pH and disease. There is a link in what you ingest and your pH.
I dont think anybody has spoke of the cures provided by lemon grass and apricot kernels. There also was a researcher whom found a cure my manpulating the energy of the cells ; they burned his lab. I forget his name. This was in the US. I am sure there are links to these things. The last might be harder to find. The bottom line : what you ingest can change the pH of the body..........Peace

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:51 PM
Not so much the PH level in Baking Soda that cures cancer but it's the oxidizing property that it has.
In otherwords it's just plainly oxygen that cures cancer.

I think I'm gonna have myself a Ozone shower everyday now *brings out the Ozone Generator*.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 05:06 AM
I found this today that might be of interest.....

do watch the video inside the article

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Golithion
I take three teaspoons a day works great for headaches and stomach issues. Don't over do it though cause it could have you sitting on the pot for hours at a time for three day's straight. Not like I'm saying that's happened or anything just maybe somebody mixed up the tablespoons instead of teaspoons...maybe.

I almost spat my beer everywhere. Yeah, mixing up the tablespoons and teaspoons part can result in some interesting side affects.

Cleans the system though, so that's a plus.

edit on 25-6-2011 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 08:02 PM
Not sure if this has been posted already but my recollection from my previous research into Baking Soda is that solution requires physical contact with a tumor - ie "washing" it.
This is difficult to do with a lot of cancers but should be given as an option because it is better than the other choices.

Another great candidate for this treatment should be ionic or "colloidal" silver. It also requies that it be in contact with the tumor but again - it should be on the table as an option.

Choices, that is what we need, choices and options....
When two out of the three mainstream cancer treatments are known to also cause cancer, we have a problem.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 12:50 PM
I supposedly had a seizure back in May of this year; I say supposedly because I woke up in an ambulance, had an MRI done, and the doctors told me it looks like a tumor is coming back (I originally was told I had brain cancer back when I was 17 years old; 1998, and I was put on Tegretol XR which totally SUCKS for several months, then ended up having brain surgery over the summer to remove the Astrocytoma. That tumor was also, strangely enough, discovered when I had a seizure during my surprise birthday party at a friends house - me and a bunch of my friends stayed up all night long chugging Mountain Dew and playing Golden Eye... then the next thing I know I'm surrounded by a circle of Paramedics... anyway without dragging it out into a long story, this past May I couldn't sleep and had to be up early to go do some office work for some friends of the family so I stayed up all night long chugging caffeine and then drank an Energy Drink the next day to keep me going - I went and did the office work, got home and was completely exhausted - so I laid down on the couch and passed out, then woke up in the back of an ambulance.

Because of all of this going on, I've been doing a TON of my own research into cancer, as far as what it actually is, possible causes, and possible cures; this has led me into doing a lot of reading into the PH of the body (something the doctors NEVER said anything about) as well as several other areas like Pharmaceuticals, Chemotherapy, Nutrition, Necrosis, etc etc.

My family doctor told me he didn't even think I had a seizure again that it looked like I just "blew a fuse" to put it into english, I basically OD'd on sugar and caffeine then blacked out. I printed out a stack of papers with a bunch of the information I came across and took it into my neurologist and asked him all kinds of questions. To summarize what happened quickly, he pretty much just laughed a few things off, told me they were "conspiracy theories" etc, but then told me he would contact the guys in Canada doing research into DCA - as far as I know, he has yet to do this.

I have quit caffeine 100% - I thought my head was literally going to explode for a week; and I'm taking in as little sugar as possible now, as well as eating a ton of fruits, vegetables, and nuts such as almonds to help balance my body's PH levels. I have yet to drink any of this baking soda molasses solution but it doesn't seem like that bad of an idea at all. I've already used baking soda as a remedy for an upset stomach in the past several times.

The worst parts of all of this are the stress it puts you under, my own family thinks I'm hallucinating (because it's a side effect of the Keppra I've been prescribed to by my Neurologist), and they would much rather listen to what a well known doctor has to say than a few random people on the internet - it is VERY frustrating. I just told them look, I'm the one with cancer, you're not, and I really don't want them to drill into my head again unless they absolutely have to. Honestly I think I'd rather just be dead than have to go through all that stuff again, I've never been the same since the first time around - not only because of psychological differences in the way I think (realizing that we can die at any given moment) which caused me to fail out of college 2 times and makes it hard for me to hold a job... but also because of the amount of morphine they pumped through my body after my surgery back in 1998...
edit on 3-7-2011 by Time2Think because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Mercurio

if it is true then you better tell that 15 year old bucket list girl Alice Payne.

She is dying of may have heard of her.

look in google.


she has a blog and is on facebook/twitter.

you had better contact her and save her.this will mean many people saved because then more people will know about it.

she has 14000 followers.

what do you and other posers here think about this idea?
edit on 5-7-2011 by nobodysavedme because: szpelling

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:29 PM
Baking soda no way.

I use to work in a plant that made baking soda as a middle step in making soda ash. Argus Plant Trona Calif

We breathed baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)dust, we got it in us and were covered with it all day.

I knew a number of old operators that worked there that died of cancer.

By what you are saying they should never have gotten cancer.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by ANNED

learn to read and comprehend.

you are meant to ingest it not breathe it.

too much tv dulls the brain.

"i work in a food plant.all day we were breathing in food particles and covered in food particles.

i knew a number of old operators that worked there that died of starvation".
edit on 6-7-2011 by nobodysavedme because: spelling.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 03:10 AM
Isn't the entire point to all of this that cancer can be cured by changing the PH BALANCE of the human body? As far as I'm concerned, that's what the real FOCUS is, not that baking soda can possibly help cure it. Lots of things can help change the PH of your blood, baking soda, fruits, vegetables, etc. The funny thing is I have yet to hear ANY doctor talking about this at all... to me, now that I've had to go through with all of it myself; it's starting to make a lot more sense - wouldn't eating healthier food be common sense? I mean if you eat tons of junk food, you have a lot more difficulty being healthy.

Back when you're in school and they put you through Home Economics in middle school you learn about healthy eating and the food pyramid, that kinda stuff. Then in highschool, I think we went over some of it again during Health class - probably even touched on some of the stuff again during Biology in college.. But, I do not remember anyone ever talking about WHY - what nutrition actually does... it's all just "common sense"; I think people need to dig into it a lot more... and I know some people out there definately have, like personal trainers... but what I'm getting at is this stuff should be GENERAL KNOWLEDGE - not the kinda information you go to college for 12 years to learn about then talk about in your own "magical language" that only you and your buddies understand....

I'm used to not thinking about it at all and just eating whatever I want whenever I want to, but now that has all changed drastically.... it sounds so weird to me that getting off of caffeine is so difficult when caffeine is perfectly LEGAL and pretty much everyone I know or have ever met in my entire life drinks it on a regular basis... I'm not saying that caffeine is "Evil", just that most people tend to overuse and abuse it on a regular basis - even more so these days with all of the energy drinks all over the place. Most kids these days chug that stuff like it's nothing. I personally was so hooked on soda (liked that more than I ever liked coffee), ever since I was a little kid my parents had me on the stuff. It was nothing for me to go through an entire 2 liter bottle in a day. After going thru the 2nd round of all of this stuff, I decided enough is enough, and I completely quit drinking caffeine 100% and take in as little sugar as possible. Instead of drinking a soda or eating a candy bar, I now get all of my "sweets" from fruit like watermelon, kiwi, and bananas.

So far I feel a lot better, but I'm still stuck with being "clueless" until around September when I have my next MRI and they can compare the fresh images to the original "suspicious" ones - I say suspicoius ones because of the fact that I had surgery back in 1998, I obviously have scar tissue... and it just so happens this possible new growth is right where the scar tissue is.... my doctor is trying to get me to let him give me a biopsy, but I REALLY don't want to go through an experience like that ever again in my entire life. Honestly, I think I would rather just die... and I say that because ever since the surgery in 1998 I've never been the same, mainly because of all the morphine I had pumped through my body, but I also had to relearn several things like basic math, and had to go through a good amount of physical therapy to regain hand-eye coordination. Sorry for "venting" but I'm tired and this kinda stuff really stresses me out.
edit on 8-7-2011 by Time2Think because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-7-2011 by Time2Think because: .

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:14 PM


posted on May, 1 2012 @ 11:11 AM
There is another thread that has great info about PH I wanted to mention it :

This is an account of my own experiment on myself with my ph level.

Now I do not have Cancer but I am a healthy person I exercise, gave up sugar 5 years ago. I do not smoke. On occasions I have a glass of wine and I eat as healthy as I can with the occasional piece of meat or something sweet.I really believed my PH is neutral.

I bought the strips and did the test without doing anything I was at 5.5 and 6 on certain days.Now I want to remind you I drink water , green tea and fresh 100% orange juice on daily basis so the result really took me by SURPRISE.

1 week and a half ago I started the process of alkalizing my body within 5 days I reached 8.0 PH Level.

This is how I did it:

In the morning half teaspoon of baking soda Arm &Hammer with half of a lime squeezed in it. It does wonders it tastes good and the lime is not acidic as many believe.

Before my main meal half an hour I take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of 100% maple syrup with a halfof lime and a more than half teaspoon of baking soda.
I mix it in a glass of water and it tastes awesome on some occasions I add chilly powder to the mixture.

In the evening before I go to sleep a teaspoon of baking soda with water just that.

First of all this does not cost a lot of money so is easy to follow and mantain.

Second I have noticed that before when i used to take just apple cider vinegar i would pee all the time after i did the mixture with baking soda and maple syrup and all that I mentioned above I would not use the bathroom so much for pee.

Second I used to be constipated the maple syrup and chilly powder will do justice when it comes to that.

It took me a while to refine this but now I know it works.

It keeps my PH level at 8 on a daily basis.

Now keep in mind I eat meat once in a while , I have chocolate and a coffee once in a while I eat sweets once in a while BUT I do not Drink MILK I have notice that it does not help with my PH level.

I try to eat very rare yogurt and I eat cheese almost every day but a very small quantity like a small size.

Now if I was to have cancer I WOULD NOT under any circumstance have any kind of MEAT or Dairy Products ..none ..they do not help they should be eliminated from a diet of someone who wants to get well from a major illness.

This is based on my own research and trial and error.

Use flaxseeds I buy them milled so is easy to digest and flax seed oil is really really good for you.

Hope this will help someone.


posted on May, 1 2012 @ 11:15 AM
I use baking soda and peroxide (with peppermint oil) to brush my teeth and it works better than sodium flouride. Baking soda is wonderful dont tell the government that.

posted on May, 1 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by nobodysavedme
reply to post by Mercurio

if it is true then you better tell that 15 year old bucket list girl Alice Payne.

She is dying of may have heard of her.

look in google.


she has a blog and is on facebook/twitter.

you had better contact her and save her.this will mean many people saved because then more people will know about it.

she has 14000 followers.

what do you and other posers here think about this idea?
edit on 5-7-2011 by nobodysavedme because: szpelling

i contacted Alice Payne last year and Oh My God what a cow she is.

I contacted and i tried to tell her but she was very rude,arrogant and full of herself in her reply and her so called followers also than joined in with a lot of hate and vitriolic.

she was quite unpleasant in her reply and i am wandering if she even has cancer or if it just some kind of media circus.

i think she just craves and wallows in the attention and her 14000 followers are little more than "lets gawk at the accident victim" vultures just waiting for her to fizzle out so they can pay tribute on her website saying she was a fun person and all the other media soundbite BS.

Isaac Asimov once wrote a story called the "The Gentle Vultures".

Go and read that instead.

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