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Why don't you play God today then!

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posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:35 AM
Hello ATS’ers,

I have a challenge for you all and it has been on my mind for some time, so instead of it lingering around in my head anymore, I thought I would share it with you all and see what happens. Call it an experiment is Social Science, or just curiosity.

I want you to play God! You don’t have to believe in God…it’s not a debate on the existence of a higher power or not…you just have to have the ultimate authority over what I am about to ask you and for the purpose of this you are now God, Lord, reigning authority over the decision you are about to make.

I want you to change one thing in the world, from the past that you personally would change. It can be anything.

Maybe something personal:

• Your weight, height, hair color, eye color…maybe a health issue, bring back a loved one, have more money, change something from your personal past, or maybe change some perception you have for the better.

Maybe it is something global:

• The Holocaust, the invention of nuclear weapons, the economic world, the business world, the people in power, the crucifixion of Christ, the assassination of Kennedey, an earthquake, flood, fire, fall of Rome, or mankind maybe.

Maybe it is something fantastic:

• Maybe you would like proof of alien existence, unicorns and leprechauns should exist…use your imagination…you are God (or whatever you choose to call yourself) and you can change anything…anything you want!

With so much diversity on ATS and all the opinions, facts, and rumors that come to this site there is an awesome culture developed on the site, and a broad diversity of people…academics, working class, business class, mothers, fathers, religious backgrounds galore, atheists, and the list could go on ad infinitum…that is what makes this so interesting to me!

So enlighten me...

What would you change if you were God today? Please keep in mind I am using God figuratively and you actually don’t need to be God…your just the guy, gal, alien, or whatever that has the power today!

Note: Mod's please feel free to move this, or edit any changes you deem necessary.
edit on 5-6-2011 by jerryznv because: ...

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:39 AM
If i could change one thing. it would have to be my perception of reality.
I wouldn't want to change anything else, as everything has its place and time in the progression of the wheel of life..
After all its the past that has made us who we are today. with out it we wouldnt have a reference point.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by jerryznv

I killed a bug.
I planted a tree. Glorify me.

Just bustin ya bro - s&f, good idea for a thread!

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:51 AM
I thought you were gonna
ask us to go get out the
magnifying glass and find an ant hill

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by jerryznv

Well, depends on the limits.

I would change myself to be semi-omnitpotent with the ability to process both my immortal physical self and my out of body consciousness where I can travel in time and unlimited distance without any fear of harming myself. Pair that with the ability to access all knowledge that has existed with the ability to use that knowledge at will (say speak any language ever) and the journey can begin.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by sprocket2cog
If i could change one thing. it would have to be my perception of reality.
I wouldn't want to change anything else, as everything has its place and time in the progression of the wheel of life..
After all its the past that has made us who we are today. with out it we wouldnt have a reference point.

I had a rough time making up my mind and thats why I posted this thread...I could not awnser my own question with an awnser that made enough sense to me. I think the past is in place for a reason and althogh I would like to make a long list of things I would change, I could not single out just one. Who would not like to have more financial stability or be able to impact the lives of thier fellows in a hopefully positive way? I want to change everything sometimes...the way others think and act...but then I am left with the question: What would I really change if I could change just one thing? It's a tough one to awnser.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by infolurker

Well, depends on the limits.

There are no limits at are in completely in control and whatever you want to change it's at your will. Would you really want to know all though (leave no mysteries), and all powerful without any limitations at all?
edit on 5-6-2011 by jerryznv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:10 AM
Well since we are just supposing.

If I were God I would like to go back to the first few days of FDR's administration and tweak his decision to not nationalize the entire banking system instead of just closing it down for a little bit then handing it back to the bankers.

I'd like to see how that might have worked out.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:35 AM
First, I would make myself omniscient. Then I would write a series of books exposing the complete truth about everything. History, conspiracies, "aliens"(if there are any), religion, et al. And once all people on the earth knew and understood the truth. I would let the world continue on it's way without any further interference from me.

It is the truth that will change the world. Maybe not for the better at first. But eventually, it would ultimately benefit mankind the most. IMHO.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:52 PM
Do we possess the power of God?

By your choices, you create the world around you and cause ripples in the worlds of others. We can move mountains or live forever if we know how to use our faith properly. We have the potential to create any possibility for the benefit of ourselves or to create detriment for others.

We have one power, however, that God does not use. We can also use the power of evil. With this power, we can destroy ourselves and those around us. The possibilities are endless. It all comes down to choices and time. Given the right choices and unlimited time, we can do anything. Fortunately, for us, we are extremely limited by God's law. God is also limited by His own law. Since he is righteous, His choices can only give; His choices can only do supreme good. He can only love us by acting in accordance with wisdom and truth. Only evil can come from our own choices.

Poor choices (living with sin and unrighteousness) reflect a narrow consciousness. Narrow consciousness keeps awareness close to self. Therefore, we only act in accordance with what we want from pride. God is the opposite. He acts in accordance with ultimate truth. His consciousness is unlimited and broad. His awareness is in every part of His creation. As long as we strive for self in any way, we cannot embrace the totality of truth and wisdom. We are all on a scale by degree concerning this fact. God is at the top of this scale. He can only act in accordance with bestowing the supreme good in our lives. All of our destiny will follow this path. Resist as we may, the universe will balance according to this inexorable truth. Ultimately, our choices can only reflect the quality of our mirror as we shine the light of truth across the landscape of our lives.


1. Choices

We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow, unshakable.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Live with such thoughts and you live in hate.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Abandon such thoughts, and live in love.
In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.

reply to post by jerryznv

edit on 5-6-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 06:58 PM
I'd change things so that rats evolved to the size of present day humans and I'd give them an opposable thumb.

Humans would develop to the size of present day rats and dogs would be a little smaller.

Rats could rule the world and humans could do their best scavenging from rat civilization. That way rats would do all the hard work and humans could enjoy the fruits without doing any of the labour.

Plus, rats wouldn't be so warlike and humans wouldn't be big enough to polllute and spoil the planet.

And because dogs would be tiny, everyone could have a puppy.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:33 PM
If I were God today, I would give every living being in the Universe one moment to be aware of what God is. In that moment, the Infinite Collective Consciousness would be self-aware. This moment of understanding that All are One is seeing and feeling and experiencing that we are infinite beyond the far reaches of our Universe and infinite beyond the quantum world. After that moment all will see God in the negative space.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by stonergeek
If I were God today, I would give every living being in the Universe one moment to be aware of what God is. In that moment, the Infinite Collective Consciousness would be self-aware. This moment of understanding that All are One is seeing and feeling and experiencing that we are infinite beyond the far reaches of our Universe and infinite beyond the quantum world. After that moment all will see God in the negative space.

That is pretty deep! What do you mean we will all see God in the negative space?

I have never heard God referenced that way and I have no idea what you mean.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:36 AM
I'd start by taking off 5 weeks a year like my faggot buddy with pay and I'd recoup the 3 weeks a year with pay that I didn't get for the last 26 years I've been working starting today. So might as well say I'd take 78 weeks off from work first with pay.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Voyager1
I'd start by taking off 5 weeks a year like my faggot buddy with pay and I'd recoup the 3 weeks a year with pay that I didn't get for the last 26 years I've been working starting today. So might as well say I'd take 78 weeks off from work first with pay.

Why don't have to play God to do that! Take 78 weeks off starting right now (although you may have to do without the pay)...besides...your playing God don't have to work again ever if you don't want to!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 04:40 PM
That is pretty deep! What do you mean we will all see God in the negative space?

I have never heard God referenced that way and I have no idea what you mean.

We all tend to look at the things we see, but we never look at the space between these things. We look at the planets and we look at the quantum particles, but we don't look at the space between them. It's kind of like the negative space in artwork and optical illusions, once you see it, you cannot un-see it. We are all connected by this empty space or negative space.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Honestly... I would never have taken that first drink.


posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by dalemcfad's alway the first drink that kill you right...the rest go down pretty smooth...

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:28 PM
I'd be able to read the minds of people and animals (at will, along with the power to shut it off)

Mostly so I can finally find out WHY MY CAT STARES AT ME LIKE THAT!

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Forevever

Your probably okay as long as the cat is not wearing a tinfoil hat too...this might indicate trouble!

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