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The most accurate prophecies i have ever seen.

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posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:13 AM
Crikey! There are some grumpy peeps on this thread! Chill guys! As for our celebrity stalker, the wikipedia link that was given also said this:

Possibly related to this book, Voja Antonić humorously presents how to build a "Vampire detector" on his personal web site. The periscope-like device exploits the assumption that vampires do not have a reflection in the mirror and allows the operator (viewer) to quickly and easily switch between the straight-through and periscope views. He states that he will not apply for a patent because "Albert Einstein is no longer working in the patent office and nobody else would be capable of understanding the true value of this invention".

Hmmmmm, a debunker that needs debunking, lol.

Cheer up guys!


posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Great read whether it's from way back then or recently been played with a little which is possible but anyhow much of it has happened and is in the process of happening...

So when he says 'Country' as in only one Country will survive and this Country is as big as Europe he must mean 'Continent' right? My guess that has to be Australia as it's surrounded by Seas and way away from any wartorn Countries!!

And those bombs dropping are possibly dirty bombs hich were obviously created by Scientists who do everything by numbers!!

Well i don't know if this 3rd World War can be pevented or not but if it's not prevented i guess there will be much death & disease around the World!!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:25 AM

edit on 4-6-2011 by lover088 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by impaired
Just FYI, I did a Google search for Mitar Tarabich, and the only info I'm seeing on him is coming from fringe sites. There isn't even a Wikipedia article on him. Just sites like Crystal links, etc...

Me smells something suspicious.

He also uses the word " gadgets " which I didn't think was that old a word !

But perhaps I am wrong !

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:42 AM
Some links if you like translate end read Kremansko prorocanstvo ..

Here is 3 mb PDF end have all from last authors, "Kremansko prorocanstvo", Dragoljub Golubovic and Dejan Malenkovic.
Izdavac: "BATA", Beograd, 1991 ..


Here some other reads ..

Here you can download
Voja Antonić - Kremansko neproročanstvo, Study of a deception ..
Voja Antonić - Kremansko neproročanstvo, Studija jedne obmane ..

Peace ..

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:44 AM
He was likely referencing Canada, which is much larger than Austrailia and fits description better. Only bad thing is that our neighbours will likely instigate it >.>

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:45 AM

Wow I don't really follow prophecies but this guy is interesting.

Pretty accurate in a lot of ways, I liked the one that obviously references space travel.

So it seems Australia is the safe haven..Maybe I should move there

S&F nice thread.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by STONEcoleD
He was likely referencing Canada, which is much larger than Austrailia and fits description better. Only bad thing is that our neighbours will likely instigate it >.>

I don't think it's Canada, Canada isn't surrounded by seas.

Australia is surrounded by seas.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by impaired
Just FYI, I did a Google search for Mitar Tarabich, and the only info I'm seeing on him is coming from fringe sites. There isn't even a Wikipedia article on him. Just sites like Crystal links, etc...

Me smells something suspicious.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

True, but he probably didn't know of North America being divided into USA and we could include Mexico in this. That is surrounded by seas and is definantly as large as he stated. Althought it is very unlikely that a cannon ball with not fire from the US haha.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by wearewatchingyouman
To me, this is the most interesting part of what I've read from this man so far...

Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them, 'Come on, take me, don't you see that I am here, all around you.' Only after many a summer, people will remember this real power, and then they will realize how stupid it was to dig all those holes. This power will also be present in people but it will take a long time before they discover it and use it. Thus man will live for a long, long time, not being able to know himself. There will be many learned men who will think through their books that they know and can do everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realization [self-knowledge], but once men get this knowledge, then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened to their learned men. When that happens, people will be so sorry that they didn't discover it before, because this knowledge is so simple.

It really leaves you thinking...

It left Me thinking of plenum energy.

Here's a simple schematic for drawing on the plenum ("dark"/Zero Point/Radiant/Orgone/...) energy:

And it is rather simple...

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
reply to post by Misterlondon

Right Einstein, and in all the hurry during all those decades building the pyraminds, the Egyptian dumbarses totally forgot to leave room inside so they could actually shelter any significant number of people from "Tsunamis". Most likely that's the reason why they didn't survive the great flood. Oh the irony.

Geebus just think for a single second before putting effort into uploading fancy pictures, hmkay ? You can barely squeeze 200 people into even the biggest of all pyramids, since it's basically a giant pile of bricks and nothing more. Fancy Image

On a side note .. I do have reason to believe the pyramids served a water-distribution and pumping purpose, They were standing right next to the Nile at one point. But that's a topic for a whole new thread.

the einstein bit is a little unnecessary.. are you looking for a fight or something?

i made no claims about the pyramids, i just mentioned a THEORY i had heard, that could fit with this.. after all people are just throwing ideas out there, which is the whole point of this forum.. that is how we prove or debunk things, by collectively posting our ideas..
also if you read the post properly, you will see it says underground caverns, not inside the pyramid itself. the idea i heard was, the pyramid is so far above ground, so it would be above water in the event of a flood and the vents are for the supply of air.. (just a theory i read somewhere, not mine)

and the Fancy pictures as you call it, is just to make it a little more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, as oppsoed to having walls of text, if that offends you so much, (without breaking t&c's) you know what you can do!!
edit on 4/6/11 by Misterlondon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:13 AM
Wow awesome post!!!! I am a croat and my Bubba (grandma) came from there and moved 2 america. I had never heard of this man before this so I wanna say thank you . ATS is awesome so many people with so much info....again awesome post !!!!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
Yes it all makes a wonderful and heart-wrenching read I shed a tear as well ..

But now it's time to burst everyones bubble, I'm afraid, and wake up to reality again, I would like to quote from the Wiki entry of the author Voja Antonic, who studied these alledged "prophecy" in the 80ies:

Non-Prophecy from Kremna: A Study of Deception
Continuing his sceptical interest in fortune telling, Voja Antonić took action against a prophecy popular in Serbia, made by self-proclaimed prophets Miloš and Mitar Tarabić from Kremna village by the city of Užice. He uncovered that twelve issues of the book Prophecy from Kremna were all different and altered over time. During his research he visited Kremna where he was offered the "original handwritings" of Mitar Tarabić, who was illiterate.


this does not prove anything... wikki is not a reliable source, also did you read the whole article about this guy?

Possibly related to this book, Voja Antonić humorously presents how to build a "Vampire detector" on his personal web site. The periscope-like device exploits the assumption that vampires do not have a reflection in the mirror and allows the operator (viewer) to quickly and easily switch between the straight-through and periscope views. He states that he will not apply for a patent because "Albert Einstein is no longer working in the patent office and nobody else would be capable of understanding the true value of this invention".

this guy doesnt seem that reliable to me...

and, did you even bother to read the whole thread? this was already talked about. (its quite annoying when someone only reads the op, then without reading the other comments, posts a reply, trying to be smart and only reiterating what has already been stated)
i challenge you to find a reliable source that debunks this guy..

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

sounds more like a man who has found himself
and not so much as predictive... he listens to the deep whispers in his heart and voices them...
if it sounds like predictions, so be it, but i do not think that was the purpose of his jotting down these notions which leaked from the astral realm into this reality

let me say that i think he was in a free association phase, and was not out to impress anyone with future trends or events that he seen or felt
edit on 4-6-2011 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:40 AM
People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold, which will give them light, speed and power, and the earth will shed tears of sorrow, because there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior. The earth will suffer because of these open wounds. Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them, 'Come on, take me, don't you see that I am here, all around you.'

There are two things all around us and both have been harnessed rather easily as an energy source. Magnetics and Water. Water is easily broken down into Hydrogen and BMW has a motorcycle with a water engine as do others. You can use sea water, river water or anything for the power supply. It is all around us and makes up the vast majority of the planet.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:44 AM
Very interesting indeed.

I'll save this so I can read later.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:46 AM
Of course the downside to using water as a power source for cars and so forth is that water is that what is not burned is released as oxygen into the atmosphere and that causes humans to have better health and live longer if carbon monoxide is the outcome then of course everyone dies early and animal life is choked out of existence and you know how the people in power hate life.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by shutdownormeltdown

Yeah, the fact that Israel did not become a nation until the 1940s was the first thing that ran through my mind too.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:07 AM

Man will travel to other worlds to find lifeless deserts there, and still, God forgive him, he will think that he knows better than God himself. There, except the eternal peace of God, he will see nothing
reply to post by Misterlondon

That was so beautiful, I sherioushly teared up...

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