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Multiple personal failed Demonic Possessions

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posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:51 PM
These stories are what happened to me as I grew up. I had always been weary about religious subjects, never really tried to delve into any of them.

They all start the same, it's at night and for some reason I cannot go to sleep. I usually would have a lot on my mind, some days it would be about school, others would be about my own lovelife, and sometimes just what my life was going to be like. I would just look at the ceiling thinking about all the aspects of life, and I would hear a very strange distorted voice in my head.

The voice had a very low controlling sound to it, it always terrified me hearing it. Everytime I heard the voice it kept saying something, but I could never understand what it could say.

After I heard the voice in my head, I felt tons of thoughts of torture and pain being sort of planted in my head. I was completely horrified by it all. These images would usually include frantic screams by mothers crying for their children, while the babies where being tortured by other huge masked men, and sometimes it would even be one of my family members being hurt while I could only watch.

The worst part of all these encounters is that I was COMPLETELY IMMOBILIZED during them. I couldn't speak, move my hands, or even my eyes. I couldn't do anything to let anyone know about what was happening. It was as if I was being held down by some kind of invisible force that was trying to kill me. I was literally trapped inside my own mind.

There was only one way I could get out. I had to try and use my own thoughts to ward off the evil plaguing my mind. So in my head I always read scriptures I had previously memorized throughout my life. Luckily for me these encounters would always end right after a loud shriek from the voice that was trying to control me. Each of these encounters also left me exhausted, as if I had actually been fighting with these creatures of the night.

As of now these incidents have all stopped, but they do leave me worried when I recall all of them.I come to ask anyone on ATS if they have ever had an incident similar to this in their life.

edit on 3-6-2011 by binomialtheorem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 05:12 PM

1.A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation

Somethings are better left alone my friend..sorry to break it first..

However, that would be the most reasonable answer, yes Occam's razor was applied there my apologies.

If you want a real answer on what is happenning or what has been happenning, I recommend becoming more intuned with your spiritual self, allow you self to be aware of your own energy not the negative ones surrounding your life. Take control of it again, do not allow the darkness to influence you.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by EL1A5

1.A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation

Somethings are better left alone my friend..sorry to break it first..

However, that would be the most reasonable answer, yes Occam's razor was applied there my apologies.

If you want a real answer on what is happenning or what has been happenning, I recommend becoming more intuned with your spiritual self, allow you self to be aware of your own energy not the negative ones surrounding your life. Take control of it again, do not allow the darkness to influence you.

Yes but does it change anything that they haven't arrived in over 8 years now?

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 06:45 PM
I came to the conclusion long ago that each and everyone of us has an "attachment" from birth! Probably not if you are indigenous or are born at home, but most definitely babies born in hospitals!

It entails a blood-letting ritual whereby the child is given its Demon. Some get more than one, and there is a hierarchy amongst Demons. So even though a child with a low-ranking Demon should become someone important, a more important Demon steps in, possibly even keeping the lesser Demon to do its handiwork.

For boys it is circumcision most times; most definitely for those of Jewish Faith.

For girls I would imagine there is another way; it could be delayed for all I know, perhaps even Menarche. Which begs the question why they are force-feeding children with hormones and causing Menarche to begin as early as 6-years-old.

Innocent children, those who were not "demonized" are typically gathered in places like orphanages or even "schools" like what they used for native children in Canada, the US, and Australia; not to mention the other various places where a population of indigenous are born. In one way or another, any non-demonized person would be detected and administered to! It is Ritualistic and it is brutal by that point!

From there on we must conquer our inner Demon and cast them out at all costs, eventually they will grow weak and go dormant waiting for the day that the parallel Universe of theirs is opened completely and they all come spilling over! It won't happen though, the good side wins, and all the Demons get cast back to where they belong...including their "attachments", or those who have embraced their inner Demon! (Celebrities, Corporate, Music, Religious, and Political/Elite)

I agree, the journey and the path is to rid ourselves of these Demons! The Illuminati are nothing more than Demons Incarnate!

Do not embrace the Demon! Think about the symbology and mysticism that is all around us. In our media, our entertainment, our leaders with the fingers splayed outward, our churches with their hands reaching for more money! The symbology of Money and Masons alike! Rid yourself of these things and you will weaken the Demon within.

I love music but I will not listen any longer, I only listen to the noises of the world both natural and unnatural.

I threw out the symbols in my life!

I eat healthy food! (they hate that) And, I drink clean water! I pray everyday, but now I am not praying for just me, I am praying for us all!

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 06:58 PM
I will add one more thought before I leave. I understand the importance of "Stem-cell" research, and I realize that through the umbilical our life-force is sustained. The umbilical; when a child is first born it is throbbing with the full connection of mother and child, it is the most sacred bond!

In our World today, they pinch off this flow of Life and cut it immediately, severing mother and child forever! Brutal! It is done ritualistically and often the people are oblivious to this and are not aware that "they" then "claim" the placenta and cord as part of their "work". It is the cord that they are utilizing with their rituals!!

In the natural setting when the child is born, such as with a mid-wife, often the cord is left alone and allowed to slowly lose the connection. Over about 20 minutes the cord ceases to function between the mother and child, it stops throbbing with a pulse, and only then it is cut. They do this to keep the psychic bond between the mother and the child; this will last throughout the life of the child!

So sad! We are all Demons within if we are lucky, otherwise they find us and they destroy us!

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by binomialtheorem

Do you mean that there has been no activaty for 8 years now?

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by binomialtheorem

While growing up, I had severe night terrors due to my abusive parents. I hadn't had any for a while, until participating in a domestic violence program where I have been forced to revisit my past, based on my current abusive husband.

What's been gong on in your life, that you are re-visting something?

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by EL1A5
reply to post by binomialtheorem

Do you mean that there has been no activaty for 8 years now?

Yeah none at all.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose
reply to post by binomialtheorem

While growing up, I had severe night terrors due to my abusive parents. I hadn't had any for a while, until participating in a domestic violence program where I have been forced to revisit my past, based on my current abusive husband.

What's been gong on in your life, that you are re-visting something?

I didn't have a troubled childhood, I was above average in intelligence. I just strived to be the best. I had taught myself Algebra, Geometry, Trigonmetry, Pre-Cal, and Calculus when I was 13 all within the same summer.

I just had previously seen a story on possessions on t.v. and wondered if anyone on ats had any experience quite like the ones I had.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:12 PM
This sounds sort of similar to some things I went through, and it sounds more like spiritual harrassment rather than possession..

I would awaken at night in my teen years, and have increased heartrate and some fear sense, and then have my spirit pulled from my body, down onto the floor at the foot of the bed, and be pinned there forcefully so I could barely move at all, but I could feel the carpet and even clothes on the floor near my hands..

I would say "Jesus help me" and then it would stop after a few seconds.. I was only 14 years old the first time, and maybe 20 something the last time it happened.. Has never happened since then and that was in the early '80's..

One time I woke up and felt like I was on a merry-go-round and so I grabbed all the bed covers, and then was finally thrown off the bed really hard, dragging all the bed covers with me... very bizarre thing, but I actually laughed out loud and told whatever it was, (if anything) that it didn't bother me in the slightest, and can we please do it again
then I just went back to sleep, and it never happened since..

I always felt that the goal of whatever it was, was to try and create intense fear, so I naturally made myself to not be afraid. During most of these were also similar to waking dream or sleep paralysis..

Your situation sounds a lot more inteligent in that it wants you to feel quite a few different fearful situations, but is similar in that it might be also be having the goal of creating fear to feed on, or for some other end result..

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by alienreality
This sounds sort of similar to some things I went through, and it sounds more like spiritual harrassment rather than possession..

I would awaken at night in my teen years, and have increased heartrate and some fear sense, and then have my spirit pulled from my body, down onto the floor at the foot of the bed, and be pinned there forcefully so I could barely move at all, but I could feel the carpet and even clothes on the floor near my hands..

I would say "Jesus help me" and then it would stop after a few seconds.. I was only 14 years old the first time, and maybe 20 something the last time it happened.. Has never happened since then and that was in the early '80's..

One time I woke up and felt like I was on a merry-go-round and so I grabbed all the bed covers, and then was finally thrown off the bed really hard, dragging all the bed covers with me... very bizarre thing, but I actually laughed out loud and told whatever it was, (if anything) that it didn't bother me in the slightest, and can we please do it again
then I just went back to sleep, and it never happened since..

I always felt that the goal of whatever it was, was to try and create intense fear, so I naturally made myself to not be afraid. During most of these were also similar to waking dream or sleep paralysis..

Your situation sounds a lot more inteligent in that it wants you to feel quite a few different fearful situations, but is similar in that it might be also be having the goal of creating fear to feed on, or for some other end result..

They never went that far but it does sound kind of like that.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:31 PM
I've had a similar experience and I remember a strange otherworldly language that I could not make out. I was also tossed about the room like a rag doll and there was a "wizard" like guy with this stunning, glowing medallion around his neck. It's funny now but was terrifying when it happened. I wasn't out of harm's way until I recited the Lord's prayer. It was so vivid, to this day I don't know if something malevolent really happened or if it was an intense sleep paralysis.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Greensage
That's a very interesting theory, and it does explain some things.

To the op, sounds like sleep paralysis to me.

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