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Your Own Personal American Revolution: 10 Things YOU Can Do Now, Really, To Start Change

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posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:27 AM
Don't listen to listen to this guy!

What people don't realize is that attacking the corporations themselves does nothing for us but HURT US. Think about this for a second people, do you really think this would affect the corporations executives lifestyle in any way? At the end of the day, they own several properties, several cars, and a masive bank account not in U.S. Dollars.

Now consider this. Stephen Lerner, a financial executive for one of the nations most powerful unions SEIU, outlined the same ideas as the OP just a couple months ago. Except Stephen Lerner actually said what the main goal is. That is(in his own words); "cause a new finical crisis" "bring down the stock market".

How would this help us? The only thing this would accomplish is the destruction of the middle and lower class, and my theory is that it's the banks that are behind it, as well as everbody else 'in the know'. If you can blame the people for the desruction of the economy, they'll be much more submissive your globalist ideas.

Here's some other interesting things said during this conference in front of union leaders and politicians nationwide.

"The thing about a boom and bust economy is it is actually incredibly fragile."

"10% of homeowners are underwater right their home they are paying more for it then its worth 10% of those people are in strategic default, meaning they are refusing to pay but they are staying in their home that's totally spontaneous they figured out it takes a year to kick me out of my home because foreclosure is backed up.
If you could double that number you would you could put banks at the edge of insolvency again"

"We have an entire economy that is built on debt and banks so the question would be what would happen if we organized homeowners in mass to do a mortgage strike if we get half a million people to agree it would literally cause a new finical crisis"

"We hope to inspire a much bigger movement about redistributing wealth and power in the country"

We all know that unions like SEIU, AFL-CIO, ACLU are corrupt right? They're in bed with the corporations as much as they are with the government. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. The banks have crippled our economy and in the process made our economy dependant on them.

We need to go after the people themselves and charge them with treason, not the buisnesses.

Please please please don't do this America, you're being setup and you don't even know it.

Something very bads coming.

It began early this year with a conspiracy theorist going ballistic on citizens. They made sure they could turn people against us. They talked more about his belief in conspiracies than anything else. He certainly could have been just really really crazy, but it's hard for me to believe a CT would attack citizens. Giffords maybe, but we're for the people, why would he do something he was fighting against?

Next begin the Middle East revolutions started by our own government.
Tunisia collapses, and now it's likely the radical Tunisian Islamist Party will take control.

Mubarak get's outed and now the radical group the Muslim Brotherhood is coming into power.

Want to know how the citizens of egypt really feel?

These people hate us and they hate Israel and now that Mubaraks gone so is their peace treaty with Israel.

Iran says the Muslim version of the Bible's Revelations is happening but to get they're messiah to return they have to go kill a bunch of people.

Hilary Clinton says Iran is "hi-jacking the Middle East revolutions."

Turkey, Egypt and other countries side with Iran.

Obama, our media, and foreign media does just about everything they can to further anger the Muslim people.

Protests spread to Europe, America, and South America.

International Socialist Organizations pulls permit for union rallies.

Socialist, and Communist organizations organize rallies.

Extremist Muslims partnering with liberals.

George Soros( the guy who's collapsed economies in the past using revolutions, and another billionaire calling for a "New World Order") holds new financial order conference.

China and Russia condemn U.S. and NATO operations in Libya, as our drones are killing civilians.

For the first time the people of China can kill American Soldiers in a video game.

Bin Laden was killed living less than half a mile away from an enemy military accademy, in a residential area composed of enemy military families in a giant 18' bunker, who never left, and burned their own trash.

Our government waits a week to tell us, and when they do there's no pictures, and they dumped his body in the ocean and tell everyone it was because it's "traditional Muslim practice" when it's NOT.

Protesters being killed in Syria, and other counries completely ignored by our government.

Large players cashing out of U.S. Dollars, Bonds, Treasury Bills, and stocks.

Dollar goes down and down and down.

Gold, silver, oil, and almost every other commodity goes up and up and up.

It's interesting that you're posting this now. and it's interesting you posted your thread in the Global Meltdown forum...

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:29 AM
I think the title of this thread is wrong and paints a limited picture. Quite frankly, I think Americans are too absorbed in America to give a f*** about anything else! This thread is a prime example. It's an excellent list of suggestions, but, for crying out loud...these things can be applied to people's lives globally. You think America is the only country that suffers from the elite. They have their hand up the entire world's ass, puppeteering it. So why doesn't this read "Your Own Personal Revolution: 10 Things YOU Can Do Now, Really, To Start Change"? What does America have to do with that? You think only Americans have vegies and fruits cultivated by big corp like Monsato? You think Credit Cards and banks only exist in America? I am absolutely fedup of Americans thinking that they are the world. Most of YOUR problems in your oh so powerful country are experienced in countries throughout the globe.

11) Stop being so damn narcissistic and open your eyes to the rest of the world!

edit on 4-6-2011 by sdrawkcabII because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by BlackStar99
Think about this for a second people, do you really think this would affect the corporations executives lifestyle in any way?

If everyone did it, yes!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by pajoly

Excellent idea. Especially to stop using ATM, credit cards, to go one day at a time to not spend even one cent! To many Americans, shopping replaces socializing. We are all working all the time and it is a pleasant 'down time' to go into a seductive store, to be talked to in a friendly warm way by cajoling clerks who act like your best friend for the term of a sales transaction, then you go back outside into the busy world where you barely exist. The idea of stopping to help, or talk, means real communication not the false commercial quick friendship just indulged in - everyone of these ideas are spot on. I'm on it.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 03:17 AM
that was a fantastic reading thank you very much for your time and effort
I will be sure to link this on my web page

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 03:52 AM
Very good thread. We need to do this all over the western world, not just USA.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:38 AM
If I may add something:

Stop buying anything new. There are good deals in used goods. If it has to be new, buy only when it's on sale.
Switch to seafood (unless you have growing children) since they cook in minutes thereby saving a lot of energy.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by pajoly

Great post with great suggestions.
Do we have permission to copy this and send it around?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by eldard
If I may add something:

Stop buying anything new. There are good deals in used goods. If it has to be new, buy only when it's on sale.
Switch to seafood (unless you have growing children) since they cook in minutes thereby saving a lot of energy.

What a good thought. I didn't consider seafood is healthy and saves energy used to cook it.
Great point you make. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by BlackStar99

And your post deserves its own thread started on the topic.
You make some good points also. At least with these we have some solutions offered and we don't feel like helpless sheep getting our wool sheared when baby its cold outside!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by eldard
Switch to seafood (unless you have growing children) since they cook in minutes thereby saving a lot of energy.

Deplete, deplete already scarce sea life population! 90% of the ocean has been fished out, but that shouldn't stop anyone from feeling imaginative.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:23 AM
great post, we all need to share this...

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by ArcheoAstronomer
reply to post by pajoly

Excellent idea. Especially to stop using ATM, credit cards, to go one day at a time to not spend even one cent!

Great! May I also suggest you would go one day at a time without brushing teeth or even better, using bathroom at all. Very progressive! Let me know how that went.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by includao

Check out General Smedley Butler's book War is a Racket. He really knows what he is talking about. (Two time Congressional Medal of Honor winner.)

If Americans want to end unecessary wars, Butler has the solution. Draft everybody, including coporate entities. During wartime everybody works to GI scale. Nobody and especially no corporate entity works for profit. Corporations cover costs and no more.

If you take profit out of war, the only wars fought will be the truly necessary ones.

Thankyou General Butler. Would'ncha know he was a Marine.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
Deplete, deplete already scarce sea life population! 90% of the ocean has been fished out, but that shouldn't stop anyone from feeling imaginative.

The sooner China consumes all the resources the sooner mass starvation can begin. It's fun, silly!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:43 PM
How about:

Not watching TV or supporting any MSM outlet.

Reducing your power consumption -
Electricity - cut down, turn off, use less. Turn thermostat up in summer, down in winter. Cook larger portions so you can simply reheat a portion for later meals rather than cooking an entire meal again.
Gas - buy a old fashioned push mower, use public transportation, ride a bike or walk or just don't go at all.
Buy American made goods if possible, at least some of the money will benefit your country,

Really great post.
I started my revolution 30 years ago.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 03:10 PM
I lurk for the most part but logged in specifically to star this and post this high five in comment form.

This is precisely the steps everyone who is frustrated with our society should take.
I recently made most of these changes and I felt like a weight was lifted.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
reply to post by includao

Check out General Smedley Butler's book War is a Racket. He really knows what he is talking about. (Two time Congressional Medal of Honor winner.)

If Americans want to end unecessary wars, Butler has the solution. Draft everybody, including coporate entities. During wartime everybody works to GI scale. Nobody and especially no corporate entity works for profit. Corporations cover costs and no more.

If you take profit out of war, the only wars fought will be the truly necessary ones.

Thankyou General Butler. Would'ncha know he was a Marine.

This. This is key. Absolutely key.

I am a HUGE Maj. Gen. Butler fan. He is the last soldier that I have ever admired. Before i read him, i kept my concerns about the "thuggish" military squashed in the back of my mind. Ever since, i pity soldiers for their misguided zeal.

Yeah, i know...what i just said will piss off a lot of members. Sorry bout that.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by BlackStar99

And your post deserves its own thread started on the topic.

I tried with some success. ATS took the thread off the front page, but I'd like to see it removed completely. It's probably too late anyways. Almost no one will read this far back in the thread, and realize that they're watching the right hand while the left hand shoves it's fist deep up into the *** of the United States, the EU, Israel, Canada, and others.

at least with these we don't feel like helpless sheep getting our wool sheared when baby its cold outside!

That's exactly why this will work. I thought up this same strategy long ago and wondered why the globalists never thought of it to. Perhaps, this has been their plan all along, they just had to wait for the right moment.

Lets break down pajolys thread;

We all struggle with this topic. We are all disgusted with the status quo. Almost all will agree, no matter your political stripe, that our federal government has over stepped too many of it Constitutional boundaries. We ALL know that the big banks have fleeced us with the full complicity of the government.


We ALL know corporations run the show.

We should also ALL know that the corporations have successfully infiltrated all the powerful unions like Lerners SEIU.

Now ranting and wishing aside, let's also acknowledge that almost none of us are going to take up arms, at least not any time soon. The vast majority (over 99.9%) will not choose violence, unless you or your family is in imminent anger.

Again, that's why this such a good(horrible) idea.

Some of you might be inclined and even take part in the political process (personally, I think the process is useless as it stands to foster any real positive result). So what can anyone really do? Here are few tangible things you can do STARTING TODAY

Lerner said their plan was to begin to be implemented in May, Interesting timing eh?

that, if done with even a small percent of the population, can have significant results.

Stephen Lerner:

if we get half a million people to agree it would literally cause a new financial crisis.

500,000=1/600 of the population

How does it work? Because it applies pressure, monetary pressure. This is the U.S., like it or not only money talks and only money rules, so you must make the big banks and corporations feel extreme monetary pain. So here is my top ten things you can do starting today to begin your own personal American Revolution.

Attacking the buisness itself does nothing to the executives.

1. Remove ALL your money from the big banks like Chase,

Interesting he mentioned Chase first.

Stephen Lerner:

So a bunch of us around the country think who would be a really good company to hate we decided that would be JP Morgan Chase and so we are going to roll out over the next couple of months what would hopefully be an exciting campaign about JP Morgan Chase that is really about challenging the power of Wall Street.

Bank of America, etc. Put all your money into your local credit union as the first choice, a small local bank as a second choice. The big banks make mega billions by collecting fees from all us dolts. Credit unions are member-owned coops who must put all profits back into the service. Take the fees and interest away from the faceless mega banks. It is not hard. I did it in a few days back in 2009.

The big banks fall, so do the credit unions.

2. Stop using ATMs, stop using creidt cards. Again, it is all about taking away the interest and fees from the banks.

Again calling for an attack on the buisness.

Money is power; remove the money, you remove the power.

Maybe if you 'remove' their personal assets, but that's not what this thread is about.

If you say you need your credit cards to get by, that's the surest proof you should do all you can to get rid of them because it means you are spending more than you make, making you an economic slave (even more than we are). The Fed gives our money to the banks at near no interest; those same banks essentially loan OUR money back to us at even 25% interest (credit cards). It is a sick scam.


Stop buying ANYTHING that is discretionary. EVERYTHING, unless you absolutely NEED it. Do you really need another pair of shoes? Probably not. If you do, check out the local thrift store. If you MUST really need a new pair, a pair made in the USA, even if it cost 30% more. If you must buy anything, make sure you are penalizing offshore work and putting money into a USA person's wages. This is hard for some, we've grown so accustomed to impulse buying that $19 dollar shirt or $12 pair of shorts at Target or Wal-Mart. But those are made in China or Indonesia or etc.. Reject those goods. Be clear, this is NOT about nationalism -- it is about saving the American job. I'm a veteran, when the bullets fly, squads are not fighting for their country, they are fighting for their buddy next to them. Fight for your neighbor's job. If you think this is hard, then try this, pick one day of the week, every week, where you buy NOTHING. Just make it a game. You WILL save money and you'll stop feeding the beast.

Bring down the banks, you bring down the economy, and all those 'savings' have as much purchasing power as Monopoly money. I agree you should save your money, but I suggest exchanging any savings you currently have for gold, silver, or the currency of a communist country, namely China and Russia.

4. Try to cancel some of your mobile phone service or even all. The big telecom companies are among the most aggregious violators of your privacy, though you may not know it. Not so many years ago we did not have these gadgets and lived quite well without them. If you need one for work, so be it. But does your 12 year old son or daughter really need it or are you just caving to peer pressure. If you are caving, then you are part of the consumerist problem, teaching your kids subliminally that their self-worth is tied up in their ability to match their peers' material things.

5. Stop flying the not so friendly skies unless you must for work or some emergency. Aside from not feeding the Machine of Corporatism, the nice side benefit is you don't have to interact so much with the TSA. You are cattle to an airline. You are a potential terrorist to the TSA (your government). Airlines will think nothing of holding you, without food or even water, for hours on the tarmac. Demand your dignity and demand service; don't reward them with your money.

6. Stop tithing or donating to your church if it is engaged in ANY political activism. I know many won't agree, but I believe a key problem in the U.S. is the politization of our worship. When politics combine with religion, all reason and rationality go out the door because the two are mutually exclusive. Religion is personal and spiritual. It is BY DEFINITION based on FAITH, whereas politics, the Constitution and civic issues belong in the realm of facts.

7. The next time you see someone on the side of the road with a flat, or a woman struggling to open a door, etc. then stop to HELP. Helping others, even in small ways is good for you, more for you than them. It also allows us to connect with each other just a little. This can help slowly to stop seeing enemies all around us, so we can focus on the real enemy -- the giant companies.

8. If you can, buy your produce from the local farmer's market. You will get healthier food and it puts money back in your local economy. Chances those grapes you just bought came from Chile. I happen to like Chile, but I'd rather buy things locally. That means we will go without things that are not in season, but so what, so did our parents or grandparents. For you greenies, it also is a big way to reduce your carbon footprint since it takes a lot of power to bring that Chilean grape from the slopes of the southern Andes to your mouth.

9. Pay attention to the political donations of the major companies from whom you buy from or whose products you use. If you find they are too deep in to politics (you be the judge), tell the local manager you are going to slow down or discontinue your patronage. I don't care what party they support; donations from big business are a pox on our nation and the root of nearly all graft and favor granting.


10. Share these simple, doable, American-friendly steps with your family, friends and neighbors. Teach others that in America, real activism begins with the wallet and once the pain is felt, then you make clear your demands to those who seek or hold office.

Please don't.The pain WILL BE felt in YOUR wallet NOT theirs.

If just 10% of America did these simple steps, we'd have a much different country

We sure would, except not like you think. Wasn't it Obama who said we needed a 'fundamental tranformation' and 'change'? How's that working out for you America?

For the most part I don't disagree with this thread just 1, 2, and 3.

1) Bring down the banks, save U.S. Dollars
2) Bring down the banks, save U.S. Dollars
3) Save U.S. Dollars, don't buy assets.

This CANNOT work.

OP, I don't know if you're with us or them but this wreaks of disinfo. If you care about this country you will ask the mods to remove this. If not, we'll see where you really stand.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by BlackStar99

You may be right, but I think when you are talking about only impacting maybe 20-30% of the major banks business you are not talking about bringing down the country. What you will do is force them to divest into some liquidity to try to regain marketshare. You may also see better "deals" given to patrons as they focus more on service and less on pure profit.

If the whole nation followed this plan, it would destroy the world economy. But if maybe 1/4 followed, it may just shuffled some of the money locked up in Wall Street back out to Main Street.

With how much the middle class has shrunk, that is what is really needed to jumpstart our economy: to get enough money into circulation that the middle class is once again relevant.

Well, that and the mass exportation of money to places like India by doctors and Indian business men. That 3rd world nation has improved greatly thanks to US dollars being shipped in by loving family members.

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