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The Extent of Jewish Control

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posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Baddogma
reply to post by blueorder

"A state of paranoia and hate due to indoctrination..." read your own words and apply them where they fit.

I can assure you my education was, if anything, sympathetic to Israel

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:36 PM
How about a stereotype Jewish control of a network say Jaggons from the FOGNL network.

Next Time

Jaggon Aliens (German)

Jaggon Remix (English)

Stereotypes of Jews are generalizations or stereotypes about Jews. Jewish people have been stereotyped for over two millenia throughout Europe and the Western hemisphre as scapegoats for a multitude of societal problems.[1] Antisemitism continued throughout the centuries and reached a climax in the Third Reich during World War II. Jews are still stereotyped as greedy, nit-picky, stingy misers. They have been often shown counting money or collecting diamonds. Early films such as Cohen's Advertising Scheme (1904, silent) stereotyped Jews as "scheming merchants.".[2]

In caricatures and cartoons, Jews are often depicted having olive brown skin, curly hair, large hook-noses, thick lips, large dark-colored eyes and wearing kippahs. Common objects, phrases and traditions used to emphasize or ridicule Jewishness include bagels, playing violin, klezmer, undergoing circumcision, haggling and uttering phrases like "Mazal Tov", "Shalom" and "Oy Vey".

Source Wikipedia

The problems today are not caused by Jews. Many are trying to scape goat them just like the Third Reich. Is society going to don brown shirts and massacre the Jews again? Grow up.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:41 PM
Ya know, I usually avoid the threads that have titles that indicate racism or bigotry. That this has all these flags already makes me question what I am doing, and who I am hanging out with by coming to this site.

Conspiracy talk is great but bigotry isn't.

ATS is better than this.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Oh really?

Here are a few links showing the opposite:

My personal favorite being the third from last article. It picks apart the rediculous myth that Jews conspired to commit 9/11. Anyone buying into that rediculous claim would do well to read it.

Perhaps you dont remember Reuters fudging of photos of the so called "peace flotilla", in which they cropped pictures of "activists" holding knives as they stand over the injured bodies of Israeli commandos? No bias there!

In case you have forgotten:

Yes, jews own news publications. They are very business savy, and make money where they can. As the most villified cultural group in the history of humanity, they have to be to survive as a people. You hate them, i applaud them, if for nothing else, surviving as long as they have with all the hatred directed their way.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Bramble Iceshimmer

actualy one of the creators of South Park is Jewish . The show doesnt pull any punches it makes fun of every one Christians and EVEN Athiest
edit on 31-5-2011 by OpusMarkII because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:44 PM

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:50 PM
Who controls The US Media ?

American Mass Media is controlled by Zionists!

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
reply to post by TikkunAlex

Why are the Jews God's chosen people? Do they have the best military in the world? No. Do they have the largest economy in the world? No. Do they have the most advanced space program in the world? No. Do they have the only world reserve currency? No. Does their sole power in the UN come from the United States ability to veto? Yes.

So, if the Jews were God's chosen people, why is it United States is better than Israel in every aspect?

We are chosen not because of anything you said above, but because we where able to uplift this physical word to the spiritual plane. When everyone was idol worshiping. Avraham went against his people and worshiped one G-D, He was called Avraham The Evray(Hebrew) For a reason, because the root word for evray means the other side. Meaning he was the other side of idol worship which was serving ONE G-D. We the Jewish People have a promise if we gaurd 3 of our eternal Covenants, we will be kings among men, animals, ect. But we fall here and there, but G_D is always there for us, through thick and thin. Until The messiah comes, we will never be truly close to G-D do to our sins. As we were before ADAM sinned, but soon it will all change. Shalom Melech Hamoshiah!

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by AngryOne

"While I may not agree with everything you say, I will stand by you and fight for your right to say it". This is still America, and still the watermark for the rest of the world. Things seem to be getting worse everyday as our so called "leaders" come up with new laws and new ways to oppress us. I however, refuse to believe that we will sit idly by and let this great nation become a third world consumer plantation. There will come a time when words of defiance just won't cut it anymore.
I do not have anything personal against Jews, but if one were to research on their own they would see that a VAST majority of Hollywood and media outlets are owned by Jews. And yes- a lot of high ranking Politicians as well. I don't care what anyone's race or religion or ethnicity is, and I don't judge people. However, the ones who hold positions of great power are the exact opposite and you can bet they are all serving their own agendas. It would be naive to think any different. The race card is a tired game that is still being played on all of us, it's part of the "divide and conquer" tactic that continues to be very effective in distracting all of us from the real issues.
I am lucky to be alive in this very important window in mankind's evolution, I have seen many amazing things and I am very grateful to have been witness to it. There are enough resources, enough food, enough of everything on our planet for EVERYONE. No one should be wanting for a meal or a place to call home. The ones who hold power are greedy, corrupt, and EVIL, and they will continue to make this life a constant struggle as long as we let them.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:01 PM
Here we go again! More anti-semetic claptrap against my people. What did we do THIS time. Make an honest living in a world that is set up for the average income person to fail financially in. This is how it began in nazi Germany in the 1930's. Put the blame on a segment of the German population which just happen to be My People, the Jews and put all the blame for the faltering economy on us. Then you stage a crystal nacht, burn Jewish businesses, force my people to wear yellow mogan davids, segregate my people into ghettos then finally round us up, pack us into box cars and let the executions begin! Who said it can't happen here in America. Just keep on posting that GARBAGE that you just posted.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by musicdoctrumpet
Here we go again! More anti-semetic claptrap against my people. What did we do THIS time. Make an honest living in a world that is set up for the average income person to fail financially in. This is how it began in nazi Germany in the 1930's. Put the blame on a segment of the German population which just happen to be My People, the Jews and put all the blame for the faltering economy on us. Then you stage a crystal nacht, burn Jewish businesses, force my people to wear yellow mogan davids, segregate my people into ghettos then finally round us up, pack us into box cars and let the executions begin! Who said it can't happen here in America. Just keep on posting that GARBAGE that you just posted.

Sounds a lot like Palestine to me..

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by TikkunAlex

You are not chosen. You are the same as anyone else. You are not special. Get off your high horse- the text you recite is nothing but a fairytale. We are all in this together, and the sooner you realize that and accept it the less time I have to wait for you at the evolution bellcurve. Peace

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:12 PM
jews are the main source of problems in the world. they enter different countries and try to build their temples without permission, they own all the banks in the world that are crooked, these banks go on and fund both sides of all wars, they have our own government backing them to every extent, without a doubt treading on ending the world through some kind of nuclear holocaust. we can go on forever about the jews, and no, i am not anti-semite. im just convinced this has to be the center of all the major conflicts regarding this planet.

if the jews werent so busy starting all this trouble around the world, then maybe we would be here alot longer?

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:12 PM
Dearest "AngryOne",

May I suggest that you need to talk about your paranoia with a professional psychiatrist before it gets to be out of control. Dare I suggest that you're suffering from a form of hysteria induced hallucinations ? Seeing the dreaded "Jew" under every bed and around every corner ? Ask your doctor about some "Seroquel" antipsychotic. I am serious. Not joking. You need it. Such anger [hate and jealousy] within you is by definition insanity. It might cause you to commit an act of murder. Or even it might end up with you commiting acts of genocide. I suspect that in your twisted angry comprehension the World War 2 "holocaust" is just an Jewish lie ? A lie to decieve you ? I suspect that you might have an Jewish ancestry but that your infantile dementia is causing you to rebel against it. What I suggest is that you stop being such a hate monger and try to grow up. Start seeing the dreaded "Jew" in a more positive light. Try to understand that "religion" might be corrupted by mankind, but it is certainly not created by mankind. Whether you like it or not, nevertheless GOD does exist. "From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the One Absolute. The one True God. Her names are many but She be the one True God. The one God there be no other God. The one Judge there be no other Judge". NGL 2000.

מאי איך פֿאָרשלאָגן אַז איר דאַרפֿן צו רעדן וועגן דיין פּאַראַנאָיאַ מיט אַ פאַכמאַן סאַקייאַטראַסט איידער עס געץ צו זייַן אויס פון קאָנטראָל. אַרויספאָדערן איך פֿאָרשלאָגן אַז איר זענט צאָרעס פון אַ פאָרעם פון היסטעריאַ ינדוסט כאַלוסאַניישאַנז? געזען די דרעדיד "איד" אונטער יעדער בעט און אַרום יעדער ווינקל? בעט דיין דאָקטאָר וועגן עטלעכע "סעראָקוועל" אַנטיפּסיטשאָטיק. איך בין ערנסט. ניט דזשאָקינג. איר דאַרפֿן עס. אַזאַ כּעס [האַס און קנאה] אין איר איז דורך דעפֿיניציע מעשוגאַס. עס זאל גרונט איר צו טוען אַן אַקט פון מאָרד. אָדער אַפֿילו עס זאל סוף זיך מיט איר קאַמיטינג אַקס פון גענאָציד. איך כאָשעד אַז אין דיין טוויסטאַד בייז קאַמפּריכענשאַן די וועלט מלחמה 2 "חורבן" איז נאָר אַ ייִדיש ליגן? א ליגן צו דעסיעווע איר? איך כאָשעד אַז איר זאל האָבן אַ ייִדיש אַנסעסטרי אָבער אַז דיין ינפאַנטיל דימענשיאַ איז קאָזינג איר צו בונטאַר קעגן אים. וואס איך פֿאָרשלאָגן איז אַז איר האַלטן ווייל אַזאַ אַ האַס מאָנגער און פּרובירן צו וואַקסן אַרויף. אָנהייב געזען די דרעדיד "איד" אין אַ מער positive ליכט. פּרוּווט צו פֿאַרשטיין אַז "רעליגיע" זאל זייַן פארדארבן דורך מענטשהייַט, אָבער איז אוודאי ניט באשאפן דורך מענטשהייַט. צי איר ווי עס אָדער ניט, פונדעסטוועגן גאָט טוט עקזיסטירן. "פֿון אייביקייט צו אייביקייט, ומענדיקייַט צו ומענדיקייַט, דאָרט זייַן די מען אַבסאַלוט. די איין אמת גאָט. איר נעמען זענען פילע אָבער זי זייַן די איין אמת גאָט. די איין גאָט דאָרט זייַן קיין אנדערע גאָט. די איין דזשאַדזש דאָרט זייַן קיין אנדערע דזשאַדזש ". נגל 2000.

"Do for others as you would want others to do for you". "Be for others as you would want others to be for you".

"צי פֿאַר אנדערע ווי איר וואָלט וועלן אנדערע צו טאָן פֿאַר איר". "זייט פֿאַר אנדערע ווי איר וואָלט וועלן אנדערע צו זייַן פֿאַר איר".

edit on 31/5/2011 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:16 PM
During an argument between the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, Peres said that Isralis' policies of continued violence might "turn the US against us".

To this Sharon retorted:



-- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
October 3, 2001
(IAP News)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:17 PM
You know something?

In my personal opinion... which is to say this is just my sentiment....

I hate to see this kinds of thread titles at the top of the board; I know it's up to you all (me included) to decide what we want to talk about, and how we feel. That's cool. I get it.

But I see these kinds of threads as fodder for those who wish to make statements like "ATS is all XXXX"....

.. and that observation has relevance here. But only because of the illusion in which we allow ourselves to indulge.

You see, as we make statements about Israel, Jews, Muslims, Christian, Iran,.. heck any group that can be held in the ethereal status of "others unlike us" we simply take for granted that the generalization should hold water. But it doesn't.

In the case of the OP it doesn't hold water - not because of platitudes like "loyalty" or "allies" or "evil" or "parasites" but because the logic is entirely flawed.

If there is one thing any member of ATS learns first; it's that we don't all agree. So calling ATS anti-semitic or Zionist is equally in error. Saying the "Jews" control everything (or many things) is just as obtusely irrational.

In a conspiratorial sense. such generalizations only serve to conceal those who truly bear responsibility for the evil being discussed, and they likely enforce the mis-direction in the first place.

Responsibility for such things as are allowed to happen unimpeded can not be simply attributed to one party. There are those who are complicit and would stand apart and be untouched by the thing they failed to deter, and in many cases, they swore to deter such things from happening.

This extends to ATS as well. While there is criticism of actions and policies of many countries' policies; it is not singular nor especially focused on Israel. In fact, we have problems that transcend the Israel topic.

Remember, since the dawn of man there have always been people who engender cabals of power, compartmentalized duplicity, and an overarching need to dominate. This is not a failing of any particular people. It's a human failing. We try to govern ourselves to resist the abuses that accompany this failing.

America was founded on the most advanced set of self-governance principles ever attempted at the time ... we have yet to succeed. While we take the time to admonish others for their predatory style of conduct, we must also wonder, why we allow it to happen... and why are some allowed to benefit from it?

This is an excellent topic for political theater. Any guesses why?
edit on 31-5-2011 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by RainDog
reply to post by TikkunAlex

You are not chosen. You are the same as anyone else. You are not special. Get off your high horse- the text you recite is nothing but a fairytale. We are all in this together, and the sooner you realize that and accept it the less time I have to wait for you at the evolution bellcurve. Peace

Well think about it like this, If it wasnt for the Jews receiving The Torah on Mount Sinai, there would be no America, You legal system would be in chaos if there would be one at all. You would have never have had the American Constitution, ect... It was the Jewish People that made the word it is today. Dont forget im not talking about the other religions that came after. We Observant Jews Who hold the Covenant with G-D are only trying to create peace, and Serve Justice, all man have the same rights. I never made my self have special privileges, only that we were Chosen to be the reflector of the Divine Light to the Nations,

Don't Mix Jews that are Chosen, to Jews being the ones who have special privileges are things of that sort, You know why we are called Yehudi(Unification or Unifier) , because we strive to bring peace to the world and tie this world from its chaos into the divine justice of the Creator.

Your definition of the Chosen People and the real Definition of it are two opposites. If you dont Believe me Pick up a Torah(OT) and see what we are all about.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by mayabong
Everyone should watch this movie. It shows how young jews, especially in Israel are brainwashed to think everyone is out to get them. Its pretty horrible, not sure how I would act if I was taught the whole world hated me. I'm sure i'd try to get alot of money or alot of power so I could be safe. I dont know. This is made by an Israeli Jew BTW.

Anyways. Watch the first 5 or 6 minutes at least.

This video has content from channel 4,which is a british channel,and guess what folks,it has been banned from being viewed in the the uk,very odd this new power and authority that can do this.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:21 PM
It's not Jews who are doing this infact if you surf the net you will see more and more Jews coming out against the conspiracy along with the rest of us..
It's Zionist who are an extreme sect of jewdism just like the extrem muslims and if you read the Zionist bible you will be shocked.
The media owners don't need to be Jews they just got to be greedy, corrupt, or immoral so they can be manipulated.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:23 PM
To be anti-semitic means you are anti-arabic not anti-jewish, or israeli, or hebrew.

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