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Why Most Relationships Fail Right From The Beginning. (A Quantum Explanation.)

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posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by mattime

Amazingly beautiful my friend. Thank you.
Peace and One Love!

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by thegasface

I love it when that happens. I have had a couple theories in my head, only to find out it was thought of before. Usually I take this as meaning there must be some truth in it.
Peace and One Love!

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

I can appreciate where you're coming from, but I can assure you I am not a new-ager. If you are curious, I could only say that I am part 5%-er, part Rastafari, Part Christian, Part Muslim, part Jehovah's witness, and probably, unknowingly, part new age; and I amalgamate all of those "spiritual" teachings with "science.". I have understood the truth about our existence, in my own way, since childhood, and I have found pieces of the truth ALL throughout many religions. I'm sure I could be accused of being in many other religions that I know nothing about. In fact, a couple of my other threads have shown this.
My user name is nothing more than my birth signs amalgamated as one; so yeas, I guess it IS astrology, but only because I was born on the cusp and happen to like the signs I have. But I see no real meaning in them.
My avatar is not representative of me either, I don't believe there has to be hate to have love or there has to be dark to have light. I like WU Tang Clan, and my avatar is a design I made with the intention of making a T-shirt.
That being said, I can certainly understand why you would pass the judgement that I am a new age preacher, and I hope my little explanation can help shed some light on what I truly am, and therefore my true intentions.
Peace and One Love

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by simone50m

Awesome example, thank you for your comment.
I can really appreciate when someone is able to speak honestly and share life experiences. It is these life experiences that have allowed me to form the understandings I feel I have.
Peace and One Love

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by ProfATS

Thanks for the comment. Good point about harry Potter. I often like to point out that when the Jedi's talk about the force in Star Wars, they are talking about universal energy.
then I also point out that Star wars has an Empire!
Peace and One Love!

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Mactire
Here's how to find a successful relationship:

-Meet someone who you have a few common interests with, but by all means DO NOT have everything in common with that person. You'll only grow bored of one another, as your life becomes mundane and routine. Find some interesting aspect of what she likes to do, and she'll likely oblige you and return the favor.

-Make sure they don't annoy you. People very very seldom change. If they annoy you now, they will annoy you in the future. In fact; take the most annoying trait about this person and multiply it times 10. That's how much this little quirk will bother you in 5-10 years.

-Be spontaneous. This goes for sex, vacations, dates, whatever. Once you begin to scedule you're life, you've already begun to remove the spark in the relationship, and have replaced it with a spot in your day planner.

-Live together for a year before getting married. You can never EVER know someone you haven't lived with for at least a year. Running off and getting married 2 weeks after meeting Jessica at Cousin Kendal's wedding is dumb. Sure people have been able to pull off long and happy eloping marriages, but people also win the mega lottery. Besides; if it'll work out after 2 weeks, it'll work out after 12 months. What's the rush?

-If you want kids and the other party doesn't [or vice versa] get out of the relationship, no matter how much you love them. You're only headed for a lifetime of resentment in the future, and it isn't fair to you or them. Once you know you're serious, children should be the first topic discussed.

-[This is for my boys] If she asks you if she looks fat in an outfit, tell her the TRUTH. Her initial response may be to get pissed and put you into a knuckle induced coma, but she'll be even more pissed if she discovers she indeed does look fat once your outing pics hit facebook. She may not want to hear that the $200 skirt she picked up isn't working out, but she'd rather hear that than be immortalized and tagged for all to see on some social networking site.

-[This is for the ladies] Every man needs 30mins to an hour a day killing people online. This keeps him from killing people in the real world. You can take the man out of the cave, but you can't take away his need to decimate god's creatures whether they be living or pixelated.

That about sums it up.
edit on 25-5-2011 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

I loved this!
Dear god do I get annoyed easily. Which is why I'm single and probably will be for a very long time. When I meet a man who doesn't annoy me after the first 10 mins, I'll know he's a keeper! lol Thank you for posting.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

Obviously, you two must be doing it right. Unfortunatley, most do it the wrong way and end up corrupting themselves.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Seektruthalways1

while we may not agree on all points, I appreciate and enjoyed your comment. I would like to mention, however, that my interpretation of us being energy beings is not my sole understanding of what we are, it is simply all I used for this thread. I believe that we are a soul being, a soul made of loving conscious energy.That is how God created us.
Peace and One Love

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Scorpitarius

If you are curious, I could only say that I am part 5%-er, part Rastafari, Part Christian, Part Muslim, part Jehovah's witness.

That’s one hundred percent New Age.

I amalgamate all of those "spiritual" teachings with "science."

No you don’t, not if you put science within inverted commas. I can see that you are not educated in science. There's no shame in that, so long as one does not pretend to knowledge one does not have. I trust you'll take my meaning.

I have understood the truth about our existence, in my own way, since childhood

So have we all. The trick is to understand it as it truly is, not in our own way. That gift is given only to a few. I do not believe I am one of them. I do not believe you are, either.

I have found pieces of the truth ALL throughout many religions.

Please. I am South Asian. My recent forebears were Buddhist, Hindu, Anglican and Roman Catholic. Our next-door neighbours when I was little were Sunni Muslims, and I think there was a Shia family across the street. I have joined in fellowship at pujas and Assembly of God meetings, I have watched dervishes dance and smoked ganja with sadhus. I have made sacrifice to Kali. I have listened (in Dubai, over a glass of red wine) while a guy I used to work with in advertising, now wearing black robes and a long beard, explained to me why he was migrating to Saudi Arabia – this was two years before 9/11 – so that his son could be brought up as a true Muslim. I have read the Bible (was steeped in it, actually), the Bhagavad Gita and (in English only, I fear) the Koran. I have read too many Buddhist scriptures to mention here. I have been fascinated with Gnosticism, Neoplatonism and Tantrism. I am an atheist and an empiricist, but I will happily claim to be a Taoist also, and to this day I sometimes still cast the coins to see what the I Ching has to tell me, though more as an aid to insight into my own psychology, nowadays, than as any kind of oracle or advisory.

And I am here to tell you: there is no agreement among religions. This I am certain of, for I know their doctrines and I see how they are incompatible. But if you say there is a transcendent truth to which all religions pretend but none attain I shall agree with you. I don't know what this truth is. You don't either.

My user name is nothing more than my birth signs amalgamated as one

I figured. Solar and ascendent? Or solar and moon? See, I know this stuff too. I just don't take it seriously. It's bilgewater.

My avatar is not representative of me either, I don't believe there has to be hate to have love or there has to be dark to have light.

Well, I’m damn’ sorry about that, because, unlike the astrology blether, I take your avatar very seriously indeed. I am – see above, see – a Taoist. And I’m telling you that the distilled essence of How to Live is packed into, or implied by, that symbol. The Tai'chi is the wheel that rolls through life. Or, if you prefer, the wheel that rolls life.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Scorpitarius
reply to post by Seektruthalways1

while we may not agree on all points, I appreciate and enjoyed your comment. I would like to mention, however, that my interpretation of us being energy beings is not my sole understanding of what we are, it is simply all I used for this thread. I believe that we are a soul being, a soul made of loving conscious energy.That is how God created us.
Peace and One Love

I think we all agree to your point of being an energy being, most of the posters are getting caught up in semantics. I think your points are very well articulated and I thank you for sharing.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

Obviously, you two must be doing it right. Unfortunatley, most do it the wrong way and end up corrupting themselves.

Thanks SystemResistor, I hope to get it right. I think I started with not trying to change him or compromising myself to have him accept me. Acceptance unconditionally. In the process of getting to know each other we got to be friends. To the point of failed relationships, neither one of us drains each others energy (too much). What I take, I try to replace. I think we balance each others energy. It is because I am so at peace within our relationship that I am so at peace with the world.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:55 PM
Lack of morals and self respect is all.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 02:55 PM
This is a really good explanation and I will take this advice for future relationships.

I've had failed relationships in the past. It was obvious I was putting in all my energy and getting little back and my energy was depleted. I really do back this concept. Many thanks for posting.
edit on 26-5-2011 by dawnbreaks because: Typo

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by Scorpitarius

Dear Scorpitarius,

Thank you for gentle ways. We are on the same page. Consciousness is the base, emotions are a result of awareness. We become self aware the minute we are taken from the womb and slapped awake, our first reaction is to cry. We are aware that we are uncomfortable. Most people spend the rest of their lives seeking comfort again, others seek to learn and grow to challenge themselves and even their bodies, to see how far we can push the envelope and this experience.

Problem is that if we seek comfort in a relationship, it dies. If we seek to grow together, it takes effort, no rest, working on ourselves and each to see how far we can grow together. I was talking to one of my daughters today about my ex wife. My ex did some very bad things towards the end; but, when we divorced she no longer had me to rely on and had to begin to take care of things herself. She went back to school and graduated, best thing that she ever did for herself. It took discomfort for her to begin truly growing again. I on the other hand got to rest and didn't have to take care of as many things, I had pushed for too long till the point where I was in and out of hospitals and stress literally blew out my left eye (not blind just permanently damaged, a minor thing).

Our emotions have physical impacts, our emotions project into our bodies in many ways. Joy can actually help heal us, that is proven in medicine.Sorry, got to cut this short, be well.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:07 PM
This energy bully could apply to overbearing 69 year old unhappy widowed mothers. I constantly have to deal with that energy draining issue. Distance, limits, and forgiving myself for my true feelings, allow me to live in peace. Yes, bullies come in all packages. Ignore them and omitt them from your life when possible.

When dating someone check out their family early and look for the bullies. Decide if you want to spend your precious moments and holidays with those people.... this is very important to your happiness and your children's.

I have been married twenty years. My advice is don't sweat the small stuff, learn to bite your lip often, men should learn not to pee on the toliet seat, give the lady her own bathroom when possible. Take trips and time apart often. Never go to bed angry. Snoring maybe inevitable, start in bed together then move down to the guest room and try not to feel disappointed. A good nights sleep is worth a million dollars. Develop a thick skin,
stash some money on the side for yourself for special things/ occasions. Never share a joint checking account, transfer money around so everyone has some control over the finances, and so that you never bounce a check giving the bank a raise. There are lots of things to say but I will stop here. Best of Luck to all!

Enjoy the small things in life and you will feel happy and content with positive energy.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Dear illusionsaregrander,

What a wonderful explanation you have given. Thanks for letting me read it. Be well.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

Yes, when both people are independent, interdependency is not required unless there is a shared responsibility.

Its very sad when people "need" each other and then argue when they are unable to take from the other. I see the pattern all over the place.
edit on 26-5-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by Scorpitarius
reply to post by B.Morrison

I've read the Celestine Prophecies and it's accompanying books a few times. It was a great foundation to my understandings of energy, though only a starting point.
I recommend the book to anyone and everyone.
Peace and One Love

aye, the book was good. The straight to dvd adaption on the other hand should be avoided at all costs

edit on 26/5/11 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by SystemResistor

Yup, the "need" thing is not good. When one person needs the partner more than viceversa, watch out. The less attached one has All of The Absolute Power.
Like an above poster said, self respect and morals. sometimes those things are realized very unfortunately late in life after hitting rock bottom.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by simone50m

Although, sometimes, people can be delluded, they might genuinley be distressed, however, it is usually up to themselves to save themselves, I guess.

I often find that I am blind to the peril that most people are in, because I demand honesty from people, and most people are too proud to admit that they need help or try to project thier suffering by reversing thier emotions... And as you can tell, I overanalyse.

I think I would be the parent that lets his child play in the mud, and when hurt, teaches them to bandage thier own wounds.

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