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MAJOR SPOILER WARNING, Major System Used for Making Miracles (i.e. Levitation and move) in Religious

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by topherman420

The Russian East Orthodox Church is another one. Personally I believe in what history has shown that this type of alliance between Churches just ends up collapsing in on itself after they come together successfully against their common enemy. Once they get rid of their common enemy they just end up waging war on each other and degrading themselves into miserable dark age state. But I dont think it will get there.
If they do get a chance at establishing their New World Order to any extent for any period of time it will be such a horrable and miserable tyranny of oppression, ethical abuses, and inhumanity that their failure will be met with less consessions than has been shown the churches in previous historical struggles between states and churches.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by ManchurianDisclosure

Okay, I give you that it is an interesting correlation. But at the end of the day, is this conjecture, or are there some actual data you can provide (links are not showing pics btw) that made you come to this conclusion.

Its a big statement to make and needs something more then conjecture and historical fiction (which is what this is atm) without some sort of sources on your research into the subject.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by ManchurianDisclosure

Wow! That's incredible!!!!! So you had no choice!!! It's so tragic.... thanks for the explanation. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this!!!

I couldn't get your links to work...

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:01 PM
OP. what are your views of derealization/depersonalization? I have both dr/dp and at times things can feel almost hallucinatory or in a fog. Or objects will seem unreal, or I'll feel unreal, or sometimes even the shapes and sizes of things seem to change. Very interesting thread... SnF

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:37 PM
Excellent thread. It is disgusting how many woo threads get billion of stars yet this one only got 5. S+F from me. I am well aware of the damage religion and mysticism can do to people. Best of luck to you. I agree 100% that these nutjobs want a Global Theocracy and will use delusions, lies and fear to get there. Religion of all types, even relatively benign ones should be met with pure hostility.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:25 PM


Here are some rough visual depictions of how the Hallucinations work. The drawings are very rough by hand, if you want to help me make better qualty or even animations such as with photoshop,image ready, or by other means let me know and I will be happy to assist.

The following visual depiction of how different types of Hallucinations are create:

(1) Hallucination type 1: This image depicts visually how Hallucination Movements are created in the Directions Left-Right, and Up, Down. This method also can be used to show how to make a doorway entrence appear to shrink as in the second image in the lower depiction.

Illustration 2. Movement Hallucinations and Walls Stretching Hallucination

(2) Hallucination Type 2: This image depicts visually how Hallucinations are created of objects a person is looking at getting bigger and smaller, as well as Hallucinations of things moving further away or coming closer.

(3 & 4) Hallucination Type 3 & 4: This image depicts visually how Hallucinations are created of objects a person is looking at spinning to the left or right. The lower diagram depicts how Hallucinations regarding specifically when looking at light can be created, Type 4 Hallucinations, causing light source to create longer or shorter beams of light.

(5 & 6) Hallucination Type 5 & 6: This image depicts visually how Hallucinations of objects splitting into doubles can be created. This is the same method used to create the mystic experiences people claim of seeing ``Auras`` or ``energy fields`` around a person or objects when both doubles overlap with a slight protrusion. This hallucination type allows you to choose how fast the doubles move away or closer to each other, or how far apart they stay from one another.
Hallucination Type 6 is a Hallucination type that works with split vision or doubles by controlling how transparent either of the doubles appear or wheather one of the doubles in invisible.

Example of a Hallucination Show
The following is an example how the different types of Hallucinations I have depicted can be combined to create a spectacular hallucination show of things moving around getting bigger and smaller further and closer spinning around and if its a hallucination of a light shinning brighter and getting dimmer. In this sample hallucination show I did a rendition of the Sun Dance Miracle because all of the descriptions of the witnesses were of either one of these hallucination types, meaning that miracle in 1917 did not do anything more than this system of hallucinations can do. It may have also used other systems of triggers, such as emotions (elations, fear, terror, sadness), muscle tension triggers, drug altered state triggers, bodily chemicles or neurochemicles (seratonin, dopeamine, etc) or one of many other systems of triggers.

This second depiction of a Hallucination Shows was my attempt to create what the trigger script looks like the many different triggers that would have been conditioning before a person could be made to invasively experience these hallucination against their will. In this depiction I was playing with how triggers wouldd be named, organized, and how someone directing the hallucination show would be making calculations.

Ill finish this post with a final diagram that I have left ambiguos without actually saying what type of hallucination this one creates. If you have any ideas please post what type of hallucination you think these eye movements produce.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by ManchurianDisclosure



Sorry I'm still figuring out how the use the forums, I made the photo too tiny here is a better one:

(2) Hallucination Type 2: This image depicts visually how Hallucinations are created of objects a person is looking at getting bigger and smaller, as well as Hallucinations of things moving further away or coming closer.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by ManchurianDisclosure

The images you sent are amazing! I get it more now!!! It's amazing how this can be done so easily when you now how it works! Thanks so much for all of your info! If I could, I would bump this thread to the top of the feeds!!

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:17 PM


New Illustration of How False Miracles are Created with Hallucinations Caused by Triggering Eye Movements
I have made a bit nicer illustration of how the hallucination method looks and how the eyes move in relation to the hallucination. In this example I did a depiction of a hallucination of the moon moving when the left eye is triggered to move towards the left causing the moon to appear to move rightward'

This is a very simple illustration, by all means you can image anything in place of the moon and any background in place of the night sky.

If instead of the moon there was a long object such as the edge of a wall or fence or a wide building this hallucination will cause the wall or fense or building to appear to stretch and get longer or wider to where the moon moves.

The speed of the hallucination is in proportion to how quickly the eye moves. The hallucination can be made to move slower by conditioning slower eye movements to the trigger or move faster by triggering faster eye movements.

Illustration Hallucination Type 1 Movement (Rightward)

Pass on the information and this photo as well as any of the photos in my photo albums however you want.

Spread the Truth of False Miracles by Spreading the Truth of Hallucinations
LiVe In A WoRlD oF TrutH

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by ManchurianDisclosure



New Illustration of How False Miracles are Created with Hallucinations Caused by Triggering Eye Movements
I have made a bit nicer illustration of how the hallucination method looks and how the eyes move in relation to the hallucination. In this example I did a depiction of a hallucination of the moon moving when the left eye is triggered to move towards the left causing the moon to appear to move rightward'

This is a very simple illustration, by all means you can image anything in place of the moon and any background in place of the night sky.

If instead of the moon there was a long object such as the edge of a wall or fence or a wide building this hallucination will cause the wall or fense or building to appear to stretch and get longer or wider to where the moon moves.

The speed of the hallucination is in proportion to how quickly the eye moves. The hallucination can be made to move slower by conditioning slower eye movements to the trigger or move faster by triggering faster eye movements.

Illustration Hallucination Type 1 Movement (Rightward)

Pass on the information and this photo as well as any of the photos in my photo albums however you want.

Spread the Truth of False Miracles by Spreading the Truth of Hallucinations
LiVe In A WoRlD oF TrutH
Where the secrets of the past are all revealed.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:36 PM
This sounds very interesting. marking this so I can get some sleep and catch it later

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 01:02 AM
This amazing information, hands down the best thing I've ever read on ATS. The OP did an amazing job of presenting these concepts in a clear and precise manner. Those of you protesting how this thread belittles "real" miracles are missing the point completely. This system of manipulating reality is every bit as amazing and then some.

Everything about this thread makes complete sense, from the structured formation of visual movement archetypes through repetition, the use of background mythos archetypes to suggest possible outcomes, to the mechanics of the various eye movements. And it's in such explicit detail that anyone reading this could pull it off. Probably a good thing that most people won't take this seriously.

But... there is one element of control and shaping the illusion that the OP missed. That is the strong emotional state. Emotions flavor this stew just as much as the mythos around the statues would have. The stronger the emotion, in this care religious ecstasy or intense wonder and amazement, the more intense the experience, and the greater impact it will have on you.

Also, does the OP know of any other ways the concepts here are being used other than for these specific hallucinations? What you have presented here is a very refined and streamlined method for executing the task at hand, but the concepts behind this conditioning has much wider applications, and could be used for any number of things. Is you knowledge limited to this particular escapade, or have you uncovered any other similar conditioning plots? I honestly think something similar was used on Americans to condition them against the words Socialism and Communist, not to mention the latest word Terrorism.

Originally posted by ManchurianDisclosure
The hallucination of making something a person is looking at move to the right can be done by making the left eye move to the right while the right eye remains focused on the object. The speed of the hallucination moving depends on how fast the right eye moves to the left. To make the object the person is focusing on with both eyes look like it is moving up, such as levitating, (a hallucination of something moving up or levitating) can be done when one of the eyes moves down while the other eye focuses on the object.
The hallucinations that are caused by pubils changing differently from one another, such as when one pubil gets bigger and the other pubil gets smaller. This creates the special effects of hallucinations that cause objects the person is looking at to look like they are getting bigger or getting smaller by a substantial amount.
The hallucination of an an object that looks like it is spinning is caused when a person leans his head to either shoulder without realizing he is leaning his head. The effect of a person tilting his head causes the hallucination of the object they are looking at to be rotating in proportion to the tilt of the head.

Many of those sound like the types of things experienced during night terrors. You often hear description of things things being both big and small at the same time, moving but not moving, far but close. All these cognitive dissonances each have a parallel with the visual tricks you described. Have you ever heard of conditioning taking place while people sleep? I suppose night terrors could be after effects of having been conditioned during the day. Night terrors tend to start around 3 years of age and up, which would be the perfect time to start conditioning someone.

THanks to this thread I'll never look at children's cartoons the same way again. It would just be so easy to incorporate those methods into a cartoon to condition them to react. I have no doubt this kind of crap is going on in children's entertainment, and it's only a matter of time before clever ATSers begin to identify them.

I found the information presented by the OP very easy to digest because it utilizes every aspect of what I call "dream control". Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to link to this thread because what you described there is exactly what I try to teach in dream control, and it's a perfect example that has everything. This thread is such a perfect example, it actually made me realize I was under utilizing "triggers" in my dream control techniques. That whole setup and execution the OP described is pure genius, and it just amazes me how pro these guys are. What I call dream control applies to the waking world as much as it does to dreams, but I never dreamed it could be used in such a massive engineering project as the scenario presented by the OP.
Everything but the eye tricks are basic dream control techniques as I describe them here

edit on 14-6-2011 by The Cusp because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:21 AM


New Hallucination Method Illustration of Hallucination Type 1 Movements: Upward Direction:
which is caused when there is a downward movement of one eye while the other eye remains fixed on the object. In this example, you can imagine the moon is any object on a table to make it look like it has levitated off the table or imagine that it is a light switch one a wall to make it look like it is moving up the wall. If you are looking at the top of a door frame it will look like the door frame is getting higher.

Illustration Hallucination Type 1: Upward Movement

Hallucination Exercise You Can Do Right Now Yourself:
By the way if you cross your eyes while looking at a person standing on the edge of a beach or if you cross you eyes while looking at a picture of a person standing on the edge of a beach you can see what the hallucination of a Rightward Movement of a person standing at the edge of a beach to his right looks like. The only difference is with a Rightward Hallucination Movement there wouldn't be the double on the left you would only see the object moving rightward. Now if you imagine him walking in one spot while experiencing this hallucination he will look just like he is walking on water.

If You Need Help Crossing Your Eyes
If you cant cross your eyes by yourself, you can put your index finger on your nose and stare at the tip of your finger while focusing on the background image of the beach. You can move your finger out further in front of your nose or bring it closer while staring at the tip of you finger to make the doubles move further or closer apart.
You can use this image of a person standing on the edge of a beach to cross you eyes with:


Another thing you can do is, while crossing your eyes you can tilt your head left or right to see what the Upward or Download Hallucination Movement looks like relative to the actual position of the object. If you tilt your head while crossing your eyes looking at the person on the beach you will see what looks like the person levitating.

Spread the Truth of False Miracles by Spreading the Truth of Hallucinations
LiVe In A WoRlD oF TrutH
Where the secrets of the past are all revealed and common knowledge.
Lets Begin to Live in This World Now!

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 03:40 PM


Illustration Hallucination Type 6 Cross-Eyed: Hallucination of Doubles

Spread the Truth of False Miracles by Spreading the Truth of Hallucinations
LiVe In A WoRlD oF TrutH
Where the secrets of the past are all revealed and common knowledge.
Lets Begin to Live in This World Now!

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:18 PM
WOW. Mind blown. So, to see someone levitiating, my eyes would have to cross and my head tilt? But I still have a double.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:30 PM
Thats one simple way of seeing a levitation.

The proper way of seeing a levitation is while both eyes are looking at the person:
The person gives an act or performance waving around their arms and saying some words,
then one of the eyes is triggered to move downward while the other eye remains fixed on the person.
The person will appear to levitate and there will be no double and the act put on by the person will add a bit of dramatism. Instead of the moon hallucinating upward imagin a person standing, the eye movements are the same as of the hallucination of the moon going upward in the sky.

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 11:26 AM
I've been giving some thought to creating some simple animations mixed with sound to try to condition ourselves into seeing these at will (with the right triggers). WHile I lack the understanding to craft images that cause eyes to move in different directions, I assume it's pretty much what happens in these types of optical illusions.


In fact, with a little searching, I'm sure it would be easy to find an image that uses each of the different eye movements. Make a sound track that repeats a specific tone every so often, and each time you hear that tone, stare at that image. When the tone stops, look away. With enough repetition, might this be enough to trigger a hallucination when the tone is played?

edit on 15-6-2011 by The Cusp because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by The Cusp

Creating Triggers (Conditioned Stimulus)
What I can tell you is what a PhD. had told me that the conditioning process of creating triggers should take a minimum of 10 days, with what I think maybe a few exercises each day. It can be done consecutively or according to my guess even none consecutively.

Causing Irregular Eye Movements
I hope to make a conditioning exercise so people can use to create triggers and go out and see their own sun or moon dance. My guess is it will take a few minuets of exercises every day for ten days, and then the a sound file will be able to trigger the eye movements to with the triggers arranged in any order according to how you want the hallucination to look. Causing the irregular eye movements which I have experienced many times when they are triggered on me, my guess of how to make the eyes move like this is by making a video or animation with two markers one for left eye and one for right eye that are originally beside each other and move around together developing consistency with the eye moveents. After some exercises when the markers move the eyes should be accustomed to following them automatically. Secondly start moving the markers to cause the eyes to cross. once the eye is accustomed to crossing with the markers crossing then I suppose that when one marker remains fixed and the other marker moves off it will cause irregular eye movements that can be associated with a trigger.

The Sun Dance Game
I want to do something I'm calling Sun Dance the game a conditioning file with a triggering file you can arrange the triggers in whatever order you want to produce your own Sun Dance miracle for yourselves, family, friends, and whoever. While I can joke about it like this here this method of making hallucinations has been a very carefully guarded secret that has involved committing scientific fraud and cover ups.

Irregular Eye Movements a Covered Up and Supressed Natural Ability
I hope there will be a day one day when all people will develop the ability of looking at the world with the ability of changing their visual perspective to see all the amazing intricate hidden relationships in the world. Wheather this secret gets out past this thread I dont know, or maybe this ability will be left for another time of greater prevailance of truth. This ability has been supressed and covered up in humans so that it may remain a way of tricking people that they are experiencing the false miracles this method of hallucinatiob can create.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:02 AM


New Hallucination Method Illustration: Pupil Diulation Hallucinations

Illustration of Pupil Diulation Hallucination Types: Objects Getting Bigger or Appearing to Be Moving Further Away

Spread the Truth of False Miracles by Spreading the Truth of Hallucinations
LiVe In A WoRlD oF TrutH
Where the secrets of the past are all revealed and common knowledge.
Lets Begin to Live in This World Now!

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by The Cusp

I can tell you how this hallucination method is used. In Christianity there are intelligence organizations like the CIA but it functions very much in the criminal world, is illegal, and without any moral or ethical standards. Its functions is profit, control, power, influence. One of the objectives is securing political puppets, puppet spiritual leaders, cult leaders, religious leaders, people with direct influence over groups of people, preparing them many years before they enter politics, and some even before birth. They have a system of indirectly guiding their lives with handlers. In this process they even prepare blackmail should ever they want to destory this puppet for any reason.

Hallucinations are used to trick people that worthless stone statues have incredible powers over the world around them and can override the laws of nature. They can use the hallucinations to intimidate people, showing some miracles with threats that if they do not follow instructions the miracles will turn torturous or even send the person directly to hell and eternal damnation.

This method is used to fundamentalize people, especially people with power and influence into the Christian faith. It has been used I believe to create the miracles that have made Pope's saints, at least in one case. It has been used to make people throughout time appear to have godlike powers. I believe it has been used in 1917 during the giving of the Fatima Prophecies, which used a mass hallucination session on a crowd of 33,000-100,000 to give credibility to the prophecies, which I believe is the way the Vatican implements policy through religious fraud and deceite.

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