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How we control the body?

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posted on May, 23 2011 @ 06:50 PM
I have been thinking lately about how I control my body and tell it what to do. I don't think it is by thought because I can think of my body moving and it doesn't. I'm not sure how I can move my body other than that I can.

Anyone else wonder how we control our body, by what means?

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Ralphy

High school biology & anatomy pretty much explains it.

edit on 23-5-2011 by goos3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Ralphy

With our brain


edit on 23-5-2011 by AmerikanDekline because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 07:04 PM
A small part of the whole: muscle memory.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 07:12 PM
I understand the brain plays a part in muscle movement, what I'm referring too is the connection between consciousness and matter(the body).

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Ralphy
I understand the brain plays a part in muscle movement, what I'm referring too is the connection between consciousness and matter(the body).

Golly, Ralphy...that IS the question. And it's a darn good question.

Reminds me of an exchange with grandpappy:

Grandpappy: Lil' GUT, do you know the meaning of life?

Lil' GUT: No Grandpappy. What is the meaning of life?

Grandpappy: How the heck should I know?


posted on May, 23 2011 @ 08:01 PM
Seems to me to be to be the most fundimental question.

The differance between the "old man" and the new. Control over the flesh.


posted on May, 23 2011 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Ralphy
I understand the brain plays a part in muscle movement, what I'm referring too is the connection between consciousness and matter(the body).

What will really bake your noodle are the contradictions in the typical muscle memory and biological explanations. For example, your receptor for everything you feel is in your brain, yet you feel it in the body part in question. You vision? Back of your head, yet your imagination projects it three-dimensionally in front of you as if it were really seeing these things.

According to conventional explanations, we should be experiencing life much like we experience Grand Theft Auto; all points of entry for stimulus going through one television set. Yet... our brains create this reality that really inserts us directly into the fray. There are signs that give away the illusion such as still being able to tell which direction a noise is coming from with only one ear.

In fact, it's that illusion that inspired the Holographic Physics Model. Take the way our brain operates and controls our bodies, then expand it to a cosmic perspective, and you have a very interesting alternative to the standard physics model.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 09:02 PM
Perhaps you are discovering the limits of free will...

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 03:07 AM
The way I see it, our bodies act according to what we previously have learnt, which can be controlled by our will, or we can simply be put on autopilot.

Yes, of course you can stare at your hand and say "MOVE! MOVE!" and it will not, but then all you have to do is move it, and it moves. The difference is will. Will, not thought.

For the most part, we are on autopilot. We give only small commands to our body, such as "go", "stop", etc. and this is all that is required for the body to get on with whatever it thinks it should be doing. Several commands can be bundled as a concept and given in one act of will, and the body will go and act out that task. For example, tell yourself to get up, pick up an object at the other end of the room, then come back. Once initiated, your body will just do it, while your mind can do something else, effectively watching the body perform its action.

Notice how when you approached your chosen object, your hand just reached out by itself. It was already set, and all the calculations for doing this were made automatically. No more will is required than the initial command. You can also use this to stop yourself in the middle of an action in which you would not normally stop (such as walking up the stairs). Your body will be surprised by the command and you'll get an extra little bit of lucidity as it stands there waiting for a new order.

Another good example is when you're thinking about something, your mind wanders, and you totally miss 15 minutes. This is usually when you're doing something your body is already very well trained for, and so does not need to ask for any advice - such as driving/walking home from work/school, or taking a shower.

Once you understand this, it is possible to use it. Give your body a command and let it get on with it without concern. Or alternatively, try to stay always in direct control of your body, aware at all times and don't let it just do what it wants to do without asking you first.

You can also use this to achieve things you otherwise thought you could not. You can run faster and further, for example, by ordering it and then ignoring any requests from your body to stop.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Ralphy

Explanation: S&F!

Your asking about where the seat of the mind is ... where the observer resides within that brain ... I recommend that its not all in one place at the same time and generally dispersed through out not only the brain but the whole body [its a feedback mechanism ... or whats your spine and spinal chord for eh

BUT I would give a slighty self informed uneducated guess that it starts in the Amygdala [basic fear, fight or flight or freeze.. responses ... which are very hard to train oneself into and out of ... i.e.they are more hardwired than firmwear [using computers as metaphorical similar example] but ultimately they are just BIOS and then you [and I and others] ALSO have our TEMPORAL LOBE ... which is basically where we actually think and process high order concepts such as politics as opposed to did that flicker of light in my peripheral vision mean I should duck, run, ignore etc. The bios happens 1st ALWAYS [amygdala] before the cpu [frontal cortex] even gets a looksee!

Personal Disclosure: Even the Terminator rebooted from his big toe.
But what about oobes and remote viewing and dreams ... where are we when thats happening? In bed ... or just in our own head?

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 03:35 AM
do this....think, then do.

you can't feel the very subtle transference there?

think about doing something very abrupt, like throwing something or jumping but don't do it and tell me if you can't feel the signal burn out.... like fire in your nerves.
edit on 26-5-2011 by ChaosMagician because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 04:14 AM
I think this is where the limits of free will come in.

My personal way of seeing it and dealing with it has been formed by my experiences training horses.
I deal with it exactly the same as I train and work with a horse! My body, like an animal, has all sorts of natural reflexes and reactions that have developed for my own survival and that of my DNA.

It also has a collection of experiences, and ideas about those experiences, that have been formed by my self consciousness and by the collective consciousness.

I cannot force those out of my body with a burst of will. I can, however, have my will interact with them, and slowly "educate" or change them.
Beating a horse severely or repressing it by force will not change their instinctual or learned behaviors- they will most likely make them grow stronger (at least the defenses).

But in nurturing trust, and a progressive step by step introduction to new kinds of experiences, I can transform them, and get my mind and body working together in harmony as a team.

My judgements today shall mold my reflexes and perception tomorrow. Perception is not a passive reception- a whole complex set of evaluations and expectations occur simultaneously as I recieve sensorial input. They are subconscious, but were planted there by my conscious evaluations in the past.

I could go and on with this, it is my passion, in fact! But I'll stop there.

edit on 26-5-2011 by coquine because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 06:04 AM
When you were a baby, your body moved on it's own simply randomly activating whatever it could activate. The body created the idea of a self which began to believe it was the body and it was moving itself. It is that belief that allows the self to exert it's will over the body.

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