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Electric People....Electricity & The Body

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posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:29 PM
No one in my family can wear battery watches, and I have to ground myself before touching a computer....drives DH nuts because the computers run fine till I come into the room....I had never "really" given too much thought to it, as it is normal for my family on my mothers side...then I watched a show a couple of weeks back on Discovery (I think it was on Discovery) about electric people....explained why we go through light bulbs like water! LOL Anyone have experience with this?

[edit on 8/3/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:31 PM
My mother had the same issue...not being able to wear a watch. Always puzzled me what that was about. She did come up with a way to wear one though (put tape on the back side of the watch). Not that that answers your actual question, but it could help you know what time it is.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:34 PM
Okay, after re-reading that post, guess I wasn't so clear (it happens). She too was "too electric" to wear a watch, and killed battery after battery. Just wouldn't run for her. Never had the problem, myself.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:47 PM
LadyV, Quick question, has your doctor ever ran electrolyte levels on you?
In all the cases that I have heard of people with this problem as well as causing static around electrical devices (translate magnetism/ radio waves), their electrolyte levels were much higher than normal.
Have your dr. check this out and if needed there are treatments to lower your levels.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:54 PM
I can't believe someone else is like this. My boyfriend laughs at me when I say that this happens to me. I used to go through watches like crazy, until I started wearing an all metal watch. I've had it for over 2 years now and still has the same battery in it. My sister is also the same way. I have so much static electricity that sometimes I hurt myself when I touch things. Cool...I thought this was a figment of my imagination......I've never seen anything about it before.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:56 PM
Couple of other dead give aways to high electrolyte levels,
metals including steel, silver and gold (under 20k) tend to deteriorate quickly when kept in contact with the skin

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Kenshiro
Couple of other dead give aways to high electrolyte levels,
metals including steel, silver and gold (under 20k) tend to deteriorate quickly when kept in contact with the skin

Yep...that'd be me...thanks for the tip, I will discuss with my Dr.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:58 PM
I would suggest looking into SLIDER phenomenon too, as you most likely are one. (we kind of know our kind, and I think you'll find it very interesting). The name is kind of long winded Street Light Interference Data Exchange Receiver. Go to and search for it. There was even a story on CNN a couple years back about a severe one...

And try working some magic on those streetlights, it's a fun little party trick to creep people out, hehe....

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 10:54 PM
I kill watch batteries really quickly also -- DH bought me a solar watch this past Christmas and it seems to be going strong still (this is longer than usual for me).....might be a possibility for you also. I also have to keep my laptop plugged in or it runs down faster than it will when anyone else is using it.

I don't know it this is related in any way but can any of the rest of you walk into a building and find where the alarm systems are because you can sort of hear/feel it (it is really hard to explain what it is like) And I absolutely cannot stand florescent lights -- they give me a migraine. Just curious if we have other things in common.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 11:02 PM
I used to prospect for minerals in northern Canada and ran magnetometer surveys (involves taking readings of magnetic field strength at regular intervals on a grid, from a portable instrument ). Its known in the industry that certain people can't do this job because the magnetometer readings fluctuate wildly without rhyme or reason when they use the instrument.

Don't really know if this is directly related to your phenomenon, but I expect its a related aspect of it.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 11:24 PM
I never really gave static electricity problems much thought except I knew it was fun to play with. High electrolyte levels might explain being able to carry a big static charge I suppose but I'm no expert on this. I was wondering if the people with static electricity problems usually only notice big problems when the air is dry or humidity is low.

What I really hate about light bulbs burning out is the one that keeps popping is the one about 20 ft above my head and I have to move furniture and get a ladder out of the garage every few months to change the bulb.

I see street lights going off and a few on all the time but I don't think it's that unusual. I've seen the same ones do this pretty routinely (going off for a few minutes, then back on). You're bound to drive or walk under a few of these at some point. Another possibility if you are driving is that some of your headlights are reflecting upwards (towards the street light when you get close enough) and your headlights are activating the street light sensors to turn off. I'm not saying there is some weird phenomena out there but some of it can be explained quite easily such as headlight beams bouncing off a water puddle and hitting the street light sensor (turning off the street light).

One thing I wondered about was those remote control door lock/unlock batteries. I had one last over 7 years and used it multiple times a day almost every day. The battery never went dead. I just got rid of the car at that time.

Anyone been in a room that had an unplugged florescent light bulb light up by itself for a whole minute? My college roomate could do this by lifting his bed blanket up about a foot and back down onto his bed. The light was a small desk light only about a foot from the side of the bed. That was freaky when we first figured that one out. We had a huge static electricity problem that winter. Very painful too until we figured out a good way to ground ourselves. To ground yourself, just hold onto the metal part of a screwdriver and then after getting off say like a college dorm bed, touch the metal end of the screwdriver to another large metal object.

Another reason to ground yourself, I was going to turn the channel on my roommates tv (no remote control) and a large spark shot out from my finger and temporarily killed the tv. Fortunately the tv picture came back on after a few seconds.

It was really cool one day when the humidity dropped below 10 percent in our statically charged room. I could actually hear a crackling sound all around me while sitting on my dorm bed and could feel my hair starting to stand up. I could even hear my fingers zap the cinder block wall as I touched each finger to the wall. Then I could repeat the process. It was fun.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 11:37 PM
there are some other threads that you might find interesting on at. try searching on sliders. ive got this type of effect too, cept for me its watches and streetlights...if im thinking about something real hard and driving streetlights will go off as a drive by, not every one but often enough that you can notice it

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 08:27 AM

I see street lights going off and a few on all the time but I don't think it's that unusual. I've seen the same ones do this pretty routinely (going off for a few minutes, then back on). You're bound to drive or walk under a few of these at some point. Another possibility if you are driving is that some of your headlights are reflecting upwards (towards the street light when you get close enough) and your headlights are activating the street light sensors to turn off. I'm not saying there is some weird phenomena out there but some of it can be explained quite easily such as headlight beams bouncing off a water puddle and hitting the street light sensor (turning off the street light).

Yep, this is what most would LIKE to think... However, I can go up to certain lights and turn them off, then on, then off, etc. at will. Thats where the explaination fails. Like I said, fun at parties...
I'll leave it up to the researchers to try and figure out WHY it happens, but I do know personally, that it is a very REAL indicator of mind over matter. Why streetlights are so easy, is beyond me. I think one of the freakiest things I ever did, was show a group of teens (when I was a teen) the "talent". They asked, "like which lights?", and I looked around, pointed, and said, "That one!" and it went out, hehe.... It was fun, but they kind of felt a little awkward around me after that. Since such experiences, I tend to only show close friends and relatives now. They too try to use the explainations given above...but quickly recant when I make it go out, and come back on again.

EDIT: As for light bulbs...they tend to be a "bulk" purchase of ours, hehe, as my wife has the ability too... She doesn't have as much control as I do, but when she's emotional, it's more pronounced than mine. (and a bulb is sure to go on the rare occassions we argue, hehe...) At least it usually has the effect of ending the argument as we chuckle over it...

[edit on 4-8-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 08:42 AM
question Garzok, how do you control it? I am extremely interested in this aspect as I have had the experience many times (that is why I gave a few pointers earlier to identify the cause). I have not heard of the slider ange before your posting yesterday. I just thought it was something freakish or paranormal (meaning ghosts) and not me (others with me) were actually responsible for the events.
thanks for any info you can provide.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 09:20 AM
Well, the first part is identifying what lights to affect... The sulphur ones (more orange in color) seem easier, but sometimes works on others too. What I do, is look for a light that is already either dimmer or brighter than the surrounding ones (or off completely, while the others are on). I then use visualization. If the light is off, I'll look at another light and then mentally visualize the light transferring to the out light. Usually only takes a few seconds for the light to come on.

If trying to then make it go out, I concentrate on an area of darkness (in some trees, etc.) and then visualize the darkness enveloping the light. Again, usually only takes a few seconds.

An odd thing I've noticed, is that it is actually tiring, and if I do it for more than say 10 minutes or so, at a time, it gives me a minor headache. The night I mentioned with the group of teens, I did it for about a half hour (they were pretty psyched on it, and we drove around looking for lights, as I wanted to prove it wasn't just one...) and I did it for about 6 lights or so, and I had a monster headache after that...

EDIT: Good question by the way, I've never had anyone ask me that really....

[edit on 4-8-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 09:41 PM
I saw we breed you slider people together to see if we can get a telekenetic slider baby.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 11:31 PM
Ever since I began practicing healing, I've been unable to wear watches because the batteries die very, very quickly. Am I absorbing their energy? So I just keep a watch in my purse.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 11:35 PM
Gazrok, have you ever caused multiple lights to go off at the same time or within a sec or two of each other? I've seen multiple lights turn off as I approach but usually try to just explain this as some problem with certain lights in an area. I guess if you see stuff like this often enough, it just seems like alot of lights just have problems with staying on. I have observed street lights in the distance constantly turning off and on throughout the night.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 09:01 AM
Yep, I've seen this almost every night... However some really can be explained by other means...

For example, the hood on some lights make it appear the light is off until you get a certain distance away (or vice-versa). The way to be sure is to look at the light pole, and you can tell if the light is really off or just "looks" off. These are especially common on bridges.

Some lights are just unstable (similar to some florescent lights), and really do come off and on on their own. As I mentioned though, the proof for me is in making them do this at will.

I saw we breed you slider people together to see if we can get a telekenetic slider baby.

Well, my wife is too, as I mentioned, though the only child we have is hers from a previous marriage (and to a non-Slider). Guess we'll see what happens when/if we have one together.

As for multiple lights, yes, but this is rare. In succession, I see that all the time. One time my wife and I were having an argument in the street, and we knocked out 3 different lights at the same time (while other nearby ones, and on the same street, etc. stayed on) The argument died down a bit, and then we chuckled as the 3 lights struggled to come back on, which helped end the argument.... Luckily, such arguments are also rare in the extreme.....

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 10:41 AM
same thing here with street light going off and bulbs burning out constantly even the Big flood light bulbs burning out in less then a week bulb after bulb finly got tired of it and started buying the new typ of florsent screw in bulbs they are doing go up to this point.
Ps the reasion why street lights go out more offton then most typs of lights is because the street light has a light senser in it and the senser being Much MORE sensitive in order to work. picks up the magnatic or stadic charge easly from you and of corse being desined to do one of two things turn off or turn on the interference from you causes it to turn off easer.

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