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The Mysterious Zone of Silence..

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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Yeah Thanks OP, Rising Against.

I love the really bizarre stuff.

Of course, it was all bizarre at some point.

I suppose a lifetime of contemplating the unexplained may leave one a tad jaded.

You may have inspired my first thread here. Let me get back to you on that. Time to hit the search button.

Wow... on that "former poles theory". (neformore)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by bhornbuckle75

I don't like to be a spoilsport but after watching the video, I've got to conclude that this is a bunch of nothing.....

First off, thanks for at least taking the time to watch the video. Secondly, skepticism is, and always will be, a great thing!

And really, I do appreciate your skepticism here, and from others also. I do have to say though, that as far as I'm aware, every single person who would visit this small patch of desert, and It is a small patch, would lose all radio signal, would lose phone signal, would practically lose their compass (as It would be worthless), and so on..

This is seemingly confirmed to occur here. You see, It isn't just a few chosen people whom have experienced this, or tales of a few chosen people, It's everyone who visits here.

In other words: This isn't just a theory.

But the thing I do have to point out to you though is the thing to actually be skeptical over here is not whether these things happen, because they do, but the thing to be skeptical over is whether any real paranormal or other worldly phenomenon occurs here, IMO. That's where the search lies thus it being where skepticism is to truly be needed.
edit on 18-5-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by SlackOps

You may have inspired my first thread here. Let me get back to you on that. Time to hit the search button.

I'm glad I have and I look forward to your thread.

Feel free to link it here when you're done so It's not missed also.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Just a note of thanks for posting about this. I did read briefly on it in the past. I just came in to work and have a S&F for later reading. Looking forward to my coffee break later.

I think it's a compelling story. Thanks for posting it!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:07 AM
I have to say thank you again, RA, for posting this thread for us all. I spent the better part of last evening searching the 'interwebs' looking for more information on this. I'm hoping that ALostSoul can dig up more information about Nefermore's theory of this location being an ancient pole, that is a theory that just floored me! Anyway, I've learned a great deal about the Zone of Silence because of this thread, and I came across a little tid bit that relates to ancient pole locations. There is no mention of the Zone of Silence, but perhaps minds better suited to this line of investigation can make use of it. Hope you don't mind me posting it in here......

In 1958 (updated 1970) Charles Hapgood presented his theory (along with 458 references!) that both the poles and the Earth’s crust have shifted several times in the last 120,000 years. He maintained that the last four rounds of the poles started 120,000 years ago when the North Pole installed itself in the territory of Yukon in Canada at 63 N and 135 W; then it went to the Greenland Sea at 72 N and 10 E about 84,000 years ago, moved from 54,000 until 48,000 years ago and settle in the middle of Hudson Bay at 60 N and 83 W; it rested there for 30,000 years, then wandered again from about 18,000 to about 12,000 years ago when it came to its present location. He uses evidence from geomagnetism, continental drift, the failure to explain the ice ages, the failure to explain climatic changes, the sudden melting of the ice sheets, the shaping of earth’s surface features, the evidence for violent and rapid extinctions.

Polar Shift and the AA Theory

In the link above, a little more than half way down the article, there is a chart listed with purposed ancient pole locations. I found this interesting and perhaps relivent to the work ALostSoul is doing.


posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:23 AM
can someone say road trip?

grab a six pack or 10 and head down there. i would if i lived in north america.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

I did a post on the Jefferson Ley Line and the BP Oil Gusher (it was never a spill) here: which also occurred on the Jefferson Ley Line which The Zone of Silence appears to have a magnetic grid line running also through this same line.

Ley lines are the magnetic grid of our planet and they are affected by our sun, the planets within our solar system, and many other things both within and outside of our planet including but not limited to solar waves of which we are experiencing a massive amount of incoming ones now.

Aliens / ETS and their connection to Ley Lines? They probably, for the most, at the junction points of ley lines are "vortexes" or door/gateways to other dimensions/wormholes or interjunction points between bubble multiverses or parallel worlds..........or simply some ETs technologies run on and powered by a magnetic type of energy????

Star and's all starting to fit together.

The more information we can bring together the better.

Very interesting thread.

Now, I see if you go back and look at my post link and look at your map in this thread you will see "The Zone of Silence" lies at a couple minor junction points..........even minor crossing points (a couple ley lines that meet and cross) are important because these at least double in intensity a simple grid (ley) line.

And see, just almost a year ago when I posted this the number of people that retorted, "oh but this doesn't exist, or make any sense".

To the naysayers I suggest reading Old Straight Track by Alfred Watkins and Timpson's Leylines: A Layman Tracking The Leys by John Timpson and Derry Brabbs for additional information.

Just do your research.................don't just comment without having at least read 4-8 books on this subject.

A magnetic grid line some call ley lines do exist. Again, at crossing points (2 that meet and cross) are powerful and at junction points (points where many join and than cross, it is at these points that the energy is vastly increased).

Another really good book I am currently reading and highly recommend is Earthing by Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. and Martin Zucker.

Throughout time, we humans have strolled, sat, stood, and slept on the ground—the skin of our bodies touching the skin of the Earth—oblivious to the fact that such physical contact transfers natural electrical energy to the body.

Modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the Earth’s energy, making us more vulnerable to stress and illness.

Earthing is the landmark discovery that this energy upholds the electrical stability of our bodies and serves as a foundation for vitality and health.

In an age of rampant chronic disease, reconnecting with the Earth’s energy beneath our very feet provides a way back to better health.

We are bioelectrical beings living on an electrical planet.

The two videos are just 2 of like 15 (see the link at the bottom of this post for all.........they are very interesting and gotten from The History Channel so we're talking about mainstream science speculation now, in other words, the scientists and mainstream academics are now paying close attention instead of ridiculing this now).

Google earth fly over of geopolitical alignments, alignments of culture and war, city alignments and link them up with the Ley Lines.

You see, our brains are organic computers which are more powerful than a whole building full of Cray computers. Our memories are magnetic and it might be that our personalities are as well. So when solar flares hit the earth, causing geomagnetic storms, it can disrupt our brains to the point of confusion.

Some of us have a great sense of direction naturally, which has to do with having tiny lodestones in our brains. Yes, actual stones…rocks in our heads. They are minute but they are there and the purpose is similar to that in animal species: directional sense. Since we are entering a new part of the universe and being subjected to strange new energies, our consciousness AND our DNA is being affected in new ways. Those who study such things are saying that “no human has ever made it this far into the galactic plane and stayed alive.” You might say that it is pretty amazing that we have a planet full of plant and animal species that are now mutating into….what?

So back to the brain confusion: when those geomagnetic storms hit, I literally can’t find my way home. Normally I have such an excellent sense of direction that I can find my way back to my starting point even if blind-folded, driven around and let off in strange surroundings (yes I have tried that). Through the years I have learned to stay put when the solar flares start wreaking havoc with my internal computer. I also have learned not to try to put thought to paper during those times as my usual lucidity doesn’t seem to work too well either. We all are affected this way but unless one is in tune with the body it might go unnoticed (my first clue was realizing I was lost when driving my usual route).

The problem with this magnetic flux is not just what it does to animal brains; the magnetic poles of the Earth are in flux as well. If you have heard the theories about the pole shift and how devastating that could be, that refers to a physical pole shift, not a magnetic pole shift. However, if the magnetic poles shift far enough, it can indeed cause a physical shift…which would be devastating to all life on Earth. Scientists have found that such physical pole shifts have happened before in Earth’s history and will likely happen again…maybe in 2012 (which has been adjusted to be October 28, 2011). There are major fluctuations occurring now in Earth’s magnetic poles; you can check that out with a simple compass. If you have had occasion to use a compass lately during one of those fluctuations you might have wondered why the needle was swinging wildly and not settling on North…and then settled in a direction you know is not North.

I mention all this because it is important that people realize that WE CAN CHANGE IT. Yes Earthlings, it can all be changed via quantum physics. WE are little vortexes of magnetic energy. By combining our intention (meditation, prayer, thought) for a smooth transition, we can actually make it happen. WE can overwhelm the magnetics of the Earth by combining our heart-centered brain-power. How? Start by forming groups of people who agree to concentrate on the intention of smoothing any transition that must occur. Find a time that is agreeable to all and stop whatever you are doing at that time and spend a few moments sending Love and Peace out to the Earth (it may sound a little too New Age for some but those are high vibrations and we are moving into a very much higher vibratory section of the galactic plane). The more people we can get to combine intention at the same time, the easier the transition will go. Do it yourself several times a day and see how your life goes smoother.

There is a plan to the way things work in our Universe and we are just now discovering how to use quantum physics in our lives. We must grow and adapt to our new circumstances or we will fade away. No matter what craziness is going on in the world—and there will likely be a lot more of that—we can choose to stay calm within ourselves and the more peaceful we are, the more peaceful the Earth will be. That’s the way the quantum physics works.

©2011 Dr.Valerie Olmsted/Universal Balance LLC All Rights Reserved


Now, if you take off your shoes and walk upon moist thick grass that hasn't been treated with pesticide, you will feel, if you are sensitive and quiet your mind (no ipod, cell phone, etc) a tingling, a actual magnetic energizing starting at your feet.

For all the trolls and naysayers out there, go play somewhere else if you don't have some real standing proof for discussion.

Our brains are run by electro magnetic connections..................we are connected to Mother Earth and her energy grids, for better or for worse.

The video above is important because it proves that the ancient Shaman were more connected to our planet than we are now...............we have become disconnected and I believe (as a good conspiracist) our disconnection from Mother Earth has been hold us back.

The question is by who? The video embedded explains this.

In case this video is deleted or doesn't work it's link is here:

edit on 18-5-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar added video............need to see all 15 though, very informative

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

for more information on Mexicos zone of silence please visit this link

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Interesting thread, I just wish you would have skipped trying to make it sound overly intelligent because it caused you to make a lot of grammatical and syntax errors which made it rougher to read in some spots than it needed to be. No need to try to impress anyone on ATS, just write normal, we'll still S&F.

"Particularly sightings of strange anomlous lights in the skies are sighted"
"Some even claim to have seen objects rise from one of the nearby lakes here among seeing actual beings in separate incidents also"
"Strikes hit here"

Like I said, interesting subject, I had forgotten about this weird desert area. Its almost like a mini Bermuda triangle on land. Just keep it simple next time, this isn't a scientific journal.

edit on 18-5-2011 by Watts because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:21 AM
Well, occasionally, I have to take a vacation where no one can reach me. So, we created these zones and made sure advances in technology could never penetrate them. Telegraphs still get through though. And couriers.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Watts

Interesting thread, I just wish you would have skipped trying to make it sound overly intelligent because it caused you to make a lot of grammatical and syntax errors which made it rougher to read in some spots than it needed to be. No need to try to impress anyone on ATS, just write normal, we'll still S&F.

Wow, how rude.

I'm not trying to sound intelligent, and I'm not trying to impress anyone. Instead, I'm trying to bring an interesting story forward for discussion. If you disagree with how I've decided to present such a thing, feel more than free to bypass the thread and move on. After all, the last time I looked, no one was forcing you to read and then subsequently post.

There's simply no need to try and try and insult anyone as well. It's completely unnecessary. Now, if you have anything of value to contribute, I'd love to hear it. Thanks.

edit on 18-5-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Watts
reply to post by Rising Against

Interesting thread, I just wish you would have skipped trying to make it sound overly intelligent because it caused you to make a lot of grammatical and syntax errors which made it rougher to read in some spots than it needed to be. No need to try to impress anyone on ATS, just write normal, we'll still S&F.

He's not trying...he just is intelligent. That's why to people like me, it may seem over my head. Grammatical errors have no correlation with that....probably just random errors......he's not trying....he's just too clever for us

Edit: I can't find many grammar errors.....
edit on 18-5-2011 by BlackPoison94 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Watts

Originally posted by Watts
reply to post by Rising Against

Interesting thread, I just wish you would have skipped trying to make it sound overly intelligent because it caused you to make a lot of grammatical and syntax errors which made it rougher to read in some spots than it needed to be. No need to try to impress anyone on ATS, just write normal, we'll still S&F.

"Particularly sightings of strange anomlous lights in the skies are sighted"
"Some even claim to have seen objects rise from one of the nearby lakes here among seeing actual beings in separate incidents also"
"Strikes hit here"

Like I said, interesting subject, I had forgotten about this weird desert area. Its almost like a mini Bermuda triangle on land. Just keep it simple next time, this isn't a scientific journal.

edit on 18-5-2011 by Watts because: (no reason given)

Perhaps this is overly difficult for you to understand, but his thread reads fine to me.
Being here 1 month. Im sure RA and the rest of us who enjoy his threads, appreciate your advice.

BTW maybe I'm dumb, but I thought a syntax error was error of language resulting from code that does not conform to the syntax of the programming language...maybe you can enlighten us on what you are talking about? actually don't, you'd be off topic.
edit on 18-5-2011 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by Watts

Interesting thread, I just wish you would have skipped trying to make it sound overly intelligent because it caused you to make a lot of grammatical and syntax errors which made it rougher to read in some spots than it needed to be. No need to try to impress anyone on ATS, just write normal, we'll still S&F.

Wow, how rude.

I'm not trying to sound intelligent, and I'm not trying to impress anyone. Instead, I'm trying to bring an interesting story forward for discussion. If you disagree with how I've decided to present such a thing, feel more than free to bypass the thread and move on. After all, the last time I looked, no one was forcing you to read and then subsequently post.

There's simply no need to try and try and insult anyone as well. It's completely unnecessary. Now, if you have anything of value to contribute, I'd love to hear it. Thanks.

edit on 18-5-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

I agree that it was a rude remark !

It is a great subject and you were obviously trying to put as much information and quotes into it as possible, so some spelling mistakes etc, are bound to creep in. It is not helped by the modern trend on the internet of spelling words in whatever way a poster thinks is correct, although this way of spelling things stupidly developed way back in about 1963 and was very quickly dropped as many people could not spell correctly afterwards, this sort of corruption of the English language has happened again, due to the internet and it is sadly here to stay.

So criticise poor research, bad data, bad attitudes, but remember that when you criticise other peoples spelling, you must run every future one of YOUR posts through a spell check, to avoid being called to task about it.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Kadmiel
reply to post by Rising Against

for more information on Mexicos zone of silence please visit this link

I do not mean to be a devils advocate but it seems that in the attempt to find more information on this subject I have found things that are inconsistent or have other explanations. I have no doubt that this area exists and it is doing what it is reported to do, but I find myself with inconsistencies. In getting to the truth I have to remove them. Therefore I must treat your article with the same as any other. I do not wish to be rude or disrespectful however your article is inconsistent(first 300 miles then 400 miles) and repetitive and as I have found almost a word for word statement from another article seen here eofsilence.html .

In researching the "Fire Rock" claim I found this article that I found very interesting as it goes into much more detail.

A meteor magnet Allende Meteorite found in the Zone of SilenceScientists are still trying to understand the unique properties of the area. High levels of magnetite have been discovered in the Zone of Silence and scientist have also noted that the area is a hot bed for meteorite activity, raising speculation that there may be some unusual magnetic properties associated with the minerals in the chalky soil. The area seems to attract metallic particles of extraterrestrial origin. There are nearly constant falls of small meteors known locally as guijolas. On February 8, 1969, at 1:05 AM in the morning, a huge meteorite hurtled into the area known as Pueblito de Allende. Locals compared the sight of the meteor to “staring into a flashbulb”. The original stone was the size of an automobile and moved at a speed of more than 10 miles per second. The impact produced a massive shock wave that could be heard for many miles. To date, the Allende Meteorite is the largest meteorite ever found on earth.

edit on 18-5-2011 by IPILYA because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against

The Mysterious Zone of Silence..



Like most people currently posting on ATS today, I enjoy nothing more than hearing about impossible sounding tales of earthly anomalies, paranormal phenomenon, the "unknown" and so on. I find them nothing short of fascinating, and I'm sure others feel the exact same way.

And the worst part is some lucky bastard gets paid pretty good money, not counting travel expenses, to research and photograph those places.

god I wish I would have studdied in school.

If anyone is going on expidetion, Can I go? Please.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by IPILYA
Could you show or site particular examples of mutated animals or flora....?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Plotus
reply to post by IPILYA
Could you show or site particular examples of mutated animals or flora....?

I'm looking into it right now, I will post my findings shortly.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by IPILYA

I'm looking into it right now, I will post my findings shortly.

Looking forward to seeing what you find also.

I've enjoyed your posts thus far.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against

Like most people currently posting on ATS today, I enjoy nothing more than hearing about impossible sounding tales of earthly anomalies, paranormal phenomenon, the "unknown" and so on. I find them nothing short of fascinating, and I'm sure others feel the exact same way.

I think you give people here too much credit. Most are just political trolls and couldn't care any less about this stuff. I know its off topic and not necessary but I found some humor in it.

How do you know the intentions of "most" people on ATS?

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