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After Serving Two Tours in Iraq, Ex Marine is Killed in Own Home by SWAT Team

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Screwed

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
reply to post by MachiventaMelchizedek

I would like to think that many of these SWAT members are probably very uncomfortable with thier actions that resulted in an innocent civilian being murdered.

So would I. The difference between you and I is...I have the ability to accept reality that we live in a police state and you apparently have made up your own reality based upon what you'd "like to think".

I don't imagine them with swastikas on their uniforms.


That's too bad and rather unfortunate that you chose to denigrate my opinion as not being based in reality simply because I do not think like you do. To say that I "have made up your own reality" is akin to saying I live in imaginationland.

I certainly don't justify the actions of the SWAT team members, but I also would like to believe that their humanity isn't causing them grief over their actions. I can't ascribe blanket statements to law enforcement officers because of isolated incidents that take place.

Blanket statments and sweeping accusations deprive us of critical thinking and the ability to DENY IGNORANCE.

If ATS is going to become a playground for hate speech and blanket accusations against groups within society, then I will withdraw my membership here immediately.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by kellynap43
reply to post by jessejamesxx
Maybe if you werent guilty of anything, you wouldnt have to be afraid of the police. Food for thought.

I know Im clean, are you? Sound like your scared of the police. Wonder if the NSA read this blog at all?

So if someone is guilty of a crime that could put them in jail for a couple months, they should also be scared of being killed in their own homes, by police? Ever read the constitution?

Your accusations are very revealing about your stance on this subject.

"Pfft, I don't care if they put an RFID chip in my arm, where they can track me any time of day.. I'm not doing anything wrong!!!"

Also, I like how you ignored every great point I made in my post because you couldn't counter them. I'm done with you. Thanks for playing!
edit on 13-5-2011 by jessejamesxx because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2011 by jessejamesxx because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:22 PM
It just amazes me that so many people think a person should be executed just on suspicion of commiting a crime. Killing this guy or killing Bin Ladin, kill 'em all and let Jah sort 'em out. Not the advanced people I thought we were.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Two things, then Im done answering to your questions. I dont like debating with someone who doesnt understand basic civics, american history or political science.

1. Even more so. With today gun compared to the 1920s? Yes. Al Capone could have hope for a Thompson, high fire rate but nothing compared to today's AR-15. They were also kind of in the same trade, illeagal substance.
2. If your not guilty then why are you so jumpy? Why so quick to grab for a gun and point? And is it possible this guy was guilty? Yes

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:25 PM
Hey does anyone remember how they find out if someone is guilty or not???

Ohh yeah. In court, with a jury and judge.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by jessejamesxx

You are so smart! I wonder how many more officers whould be dead under your control?
Lets give the bad guys a head start. Lets knock on the door and let them know we are here. Oh. excuse me, are you busy? Can we please come in, possible drug trafficker?

Please Please read more and internet less. Education is a terrible thing to waste.

edit on 13-5-2011 by kellynap43 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Conciliatore

I don't believe your sister was really killed and your just sitting on ATS calmly complaining about it.

If anything was more disgusting then the killing, it's you lying and/or not #ing caring.

That is YOUR SISTER, you must fight and avenge her death.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by kellynap43
reply to post by Cuervo

Two things, then Im done answering to your questions. I dont like debating with someone who doesnt understand basic civics, american history or political science.

1. Even more so. With today gun compared to the 1920s? Yes. Al Capone could have hope for a Thompson, high fire rate but nothing compared to today's AR-15. They were also kind of in the same trade, illeagal substance.
2. If your not guilty then why are you so jumpy? Why so quick to grab for a gun and point? And is it possible this guy was guilty? Yes

He was convicted of nothing. He possibly did nothing wrong. This guy could have been any innocent person, even you. This was not a raid! I don't understand why you can't make the distinction.

And for you, a man who thinks it is okay to invade and open fire on a family under investigation, to tell me that I do not understand "basic civics, American history, or political science" is a phenomenal feat of irony.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:35 PM
If there was a hell, it would be filled with people who don't avenge their dead family members, they don't even have the love in them to take the law into their own hands. I find those people the most digusting of all.

This wife should do something or she never loved him at all.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Ksorum
If there was a hell, it would be filled with people who don't avenge their dead family members, they don't even have the love in them to take the law into their own hands. I find those people the most digusting of all.

This wife should do something or she never loved him at all.

All she can really do is get reporters to tell her story. Most of them won't, since they support the status quo. Trying to get revenge would be fatal.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by kellynap43

1. Even more so. With today gun compared to the 1920s? Yes. Al Capone could have hope for a Thompson, high fire rate but nothing compared to today's AR-15. They were also kind of in the same trade, illeagal substance.

Check your ballistics and history. Back then you could order crates of military firearms and have them delivered to your door. Anyone could. The Thompson was a .45 caliber machine gun that devastates whatever it hits. Another popular arm of the day was the BAR. A .30-06 machine gun.

Both of those make the AR look like a childs BB gun in fire rates and calibers.

2. If your not guilty then why are you so jumpy? Why so quick to grab for a gun and point? And is it possible this guy was guilty? Yes

I'm terrified of police. Not because Ive done anything wrong. Because they have the power to harass, detain, confiscate and make my life an absolute living hell for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

The possibility that a cop would pay for their criminal behavior is no condolence. A revenge based penal system does nothing to right the wrongs a victim suffers.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:48 PM
They are targetting vets.These are the few who would be leaders and specialists in a revol;ution.
Theywill continue to murder as many as possible sdo they wont have to dealwith them later

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by stirling

This thread has gone insane. You don't love your family member if you don't go kill everyone who was on the scene you deem had something to do with it. Vets are being targeted by SWAT teams now?? Most SWAT teams are staffed with vets for Christ's sake. Stop making insane posts. Half you people seem to have lost your minds. A judge signed a warrant so something was suspicious. They guy pulled out an AR-15 which is understandable living down there with all the illegals running around but once you do be prepared to face the consequences. Some act as though returning vets should be allowed to live lawless lives once they return. Make some sense if your going to post. If it shakes out like the original article then it's a travesty. Big "If" right now in my eyes.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

God you are so smart when it comes to Guns. I wish I could be just like you. After all, I guess the AR doesnt have and effective range of over 500 ft, where he could knock off police officers two blocks away. Nope, that Thompson is so much better with an effective range of 50ft. That is what the military should be using today, a weapon from almost 90 years ago. My God you should be running our military. You are so smart. Why did we ever switch weapons? Please explain oh master of weapons! ( I put two elementary sites down for your reading so you may grasp what effective range means)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by stirling
They are targetting vets.These are the few who would be leaders and specialists in a revol;ution.
Theywill continue to murder as many as possible sdo they wont have to dealwith them later

Bingo! You win!

That is exactly what they are trying to do. They also use the "racist" swat members to carry out their evil deeds. An easy way to use brainwashed racists to commit crimes for you, in this case, getting rid of experienced veterans in the case of a revolution. They cant kill em all though!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by kellynap43

Look at context and your initial response.

You claimed the AR was some super-weapon far surpassing the 90 year old Thompson.

It's not.

Especially where close quarters are concerned. Like holed up in your home when intruders come knocking.

The Thompson type is used today. Quite widely. By an awful lot of police no less.

And the AR is absolutely no comparison to the BAR.

All of the firearms we have today are direct decedents of 100 year old designs at least.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:16 PM
this homeowner should not have had to die in his own home. period.

it seems, in my sneaking suspicion, is that the system we all live in, when abused, seeks to destroy the individuals right to be, an individual. a person who owns a home cannot defend that home, lest they are either charged with a crime, or in extreme cases, killed. the individual cannot (in most places worldwide) use reasonable or equal force based upon the level of the perceived threat(anti-gun city, states and nations) if put into a threatening situation.

and some people want it that way.....the "if you've got nothing to hide?" argument is stupid at best. because while i may be innocent of a crime(as a black male in america, i've never seen the inside of a jail cell...ever) i do not, nor will i use that as reasoning to allow another person to dig thru my personal belongings just because they say so, with no suspicion of me doing anything wrong. haven't allowed it before, will not in the future. for those that use the "if you've got nothing to hide" argument, you might as well just leave doors, window and wallets open
because you never know when someone may need to conduct a search....

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

It may be a great gun. But its not tacticle. This is a urban scenario. Where accuracy and precision account for everything. Not your Alcapone loving thompson and BAR. Seriously, a little less "Call of Duty" and more library. Read any current book today on it, you may even like it, some have pictures, maybe even have some coloring sections for you, and some even pop up with moving parts and sounds, it will be a lot of fun for you.

Oh. And a 600 foot advantage is nothing when it comes to a shoot out. (Sarcasm)
edit on 13-5-2011 by kellynap43 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2011 by kellynap43 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Ksorum
If there was a hell, it would be filled with people who don't avenge their dead family members, they don't even have the love in them to take the law into their own hands. I find those people the most digusting of all.

This wife should do something or she never loved him at all.

your right....she should sue the PD, and press for criminal charges against the people that contributed to the death of her husband. because "taking the law into her own hands" and i'm guessing you're saying in a "punisher" type way, could end up leaving a child who lost his FATHER, without his MOTHER as well, to possibly be taken as a ward of the state and raised according to that system.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by kellynap43

You're still ignoring context.

We are referring to an urban environment.

Unless the victims house was 50,000 square feet?

You said the cops should have shot him because his AR was super compared to Capones Thompson.

In his situation, in his environment, in his distance of contact his AR would have been less effective than Capones Thompson.

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