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Lazy People = End of Civilization

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:58 PM
Here's a rant that is sincere.

I work and will work 60-80 hour weeks. I will watch the morning shift come into work and watch the afternoon shift leave. If I am asked to stay, I will nod and get more hours.

Part of my character. I will bust my ass until I fall apart at the seams.

On the other hand, the majority of people would rather complain, about conditions, about hours, about co-workers, about something at home, etc. etc. etc.

I'm sick of it, if I can do it so can others. I can't stand the whining attitudes. Everyone should spend time in a gulag, prison or internment camp just to realize that there are worse things in life than putting a few hours in, to make money.

People want to blame the economy on bankers, corporations, etc. etc.

I agree with most of it, but I say the workers are the backbone, and if the workers work, than business will spring up. No corporation can compete with a small business that has an army of hard workers, that care about what they are delivering. That is why strong small businesses turn into franchises. That is why people rise of from the bottom.

My rant: Stop complaining and just do something. If you work for a small business especially....

Stop complaining, just get it done. If you are unemployed, (I understand there is a bad economy out there), even though there is a bad economy, there are some people with jobs, and there are some people without.

Guess who don't have them?

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:00 PM
just watch that movie Idiocracy

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by boncho

I agree wholeheartedly.

I hate when someone gets a job and then slacks off to add hours! My university pays students to work and keep the university functioning, and the vast majority of people don't do anything! And, if someone does do something they do it half way or flat out wrong. Shear stupidity.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:08 PM
I would bet you are over 35?I understand the brainwashing believe me..But you can have your extra hours and money..NOT WORTH IT!!!

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:12 PM
I Agree 100% about lazy people. But our lives have been controlled for quite some time. If it's not the gov its big business nit picking in our lives. That's what we know how to do. It's pretty much our only other choice other than sucking it up and working. So while I don't mind the work I can understand both sides of the coin.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by earthship35
I would bet you are over 35?I understand the brainwashing believe me..But you can have your extra hours and money..NOT WORTH IT!!!
Under thirty five. And I hope to run my own company some time soon that rewards people for their hard work.

Of course, getting there won't be done by being lazy....

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by boncho

i hear you for sure, but let us never forget that if it were not for the illegal IRS and the unspeakably evil Federal Reserve you would only have to work half as much for the same amount of money, and if you didnt want to work the amount you do now for twice as much then others would be able to pick up the slack for a much easier to make living wage...

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:29 PM
Having goals and dreams is never a bad thing neither is having drive and determination to make them happen, just don't forget to stop and smell the roses, as the saying goes, along the way. Try not to totally bust you self BEFORE you reach your goals though. If you over work yourself and get burnt out while you are still young you won't be able to enjoy owning your own business or your retirement.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by earthship35

good luck with that.No sense in working hard till after the reset..Trust me

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by boncho


There is no reason to quote any part of your post. It stands alone and is unbreakable. Give me a minute, I want to read it again.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by STEADFast
just watch that movie Idiocracy

Totally downloading this right now, it sounds awesome! thanks for the recommendation

Also - to the OP, you are doing well mate but if you were in the Third World, you would just be like everyone else. I am surrounded by people here in SE Asia that work their ass off every single day, for around $100/month....but you know what, the mentality spreads to others and I even know some guys who still work their ass off though they are making $1000/day....

To STEADFast who mentioned the movie Idiocracy, there is a similar scene in the movie Wall-E, where humans leave all the work to Robots and thus become fat and lazy....This becomes more likely every day since the dawn of Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:52 PM
So everyone should work hard at jobs that don't matter, so some rich guy can get richer?

Or should they work harder and longer to buy stuff they don't need, that they were brainwashed into wanting to buy in the first place.

For $10,000 a year, one can buy shelter and food. It's probably more like $5,000 a year.

Keep working for your masters, slave.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Nick_X

I lived in Asia before, been friends with people that made a pittance, and even though they worked hard and got paid little, they found ways to get by and live life to its fullest.

Funny thing, is that the harder you work, and the more humble you are, community will grow around you, families and friends will grow around you. There are people out there with nothing, making nothing, having more than any 250k job/year could offer in the West.

I am just tired of the lazy selfish attitudes that people carry, people will complain and complain and complain, but if we are going to make a change, we need to change the system from the ground up. If that means less wages but stronger communities, than so be it. Eventually the effort of people's labor will meet back with the value. But it seems these days that activists will quickly look for a free lunch before making an actual difference.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
So everyone should work hard at jobs that don't matter, so some rich guy can get richer?

Or should they work harder and longer to buy stuff they don't need, that they were brainwashed into wanting to buy in the first place.

For $10,000 a year, one can buy shelter and food. It's probably more like $5,000 a year.

Keep working for your masters, slave.

This post would imply that I waste my money on non-essential things, which is not true. In fact, I often keep uncashed paychecks lying around, while my coworkers cash theirs on the same day we are paid.

Work hard at a nowhere job? Yes, see how it is run and see where there can be improvements. Understand what it means to put in some effort. Certainly you will make someone else money for awhile but only until you can find a worthwhile place to work that is worthy of your toil.

No decent place will hire someone who is mad at the world. Suck it up, work, prove yourself and then move to a company that appreciates you....

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 12:02 AM

Admirable. An honest position that deserves only admirable response. In my short three months at ATS yours is the best rant I have read.

Well except for that guy who said"%][%^+€>~][|~#

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Ghost375


You hit that nail. Because the issue is slavery isn't it? You suggest that a worker is just a deluded slave.
Slavery is a core issue in human enterprise and to toss it around so lightly as you have in your post does little to mitigate the effect of this fundamentally flawed approach to being a self sustaining species.

Calling a slave a slave shows that we know what a slave is. Calling a worker a slave shows that we don't.
So for me, you demonstrate that you know something about slavery but that you don't know enough.

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