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Russian Scientist Unlocking the Mysteries of the Human Aura

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by 1000TonBlocks

Thank you for the enlightening and informative post. The older I get the more I'm starting to believe this theory, but I struggle to put what I think into words. I think you just saved me the trouble of trying to as you've just said what I think but also put it into words a 100 times more eloquently than I ever could.
would give a hundred stars if I could.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by 1000TonBlocks
Yes, it's worrying so many people are 'tuning out' and 'believe' we are destroying ourselves. Your theory is interesting, however I don't think humans as a collective are capable of morally/ethically letting their actions speak louder than their words. I think if we 'disconnected', most of us would probably die.
I wish I could be more positive about our race, but just a casual glance at our short history and accomplishments on the planet is more than enough to bring out my inner-nihilist.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Swills

"The device itself photographs each finger individually with different fingers responsible for different parts of the body, and feeds the information into a computer to interpret.

One supposed benefit of this technique is early diagnosis of serious illnesses like heart disease and cancer. "

Interesting I was watching tv last night and they had this old medical instrument from the 30's and it looked like this

Anyway that little glass coil that connects to the end fills with lightning type electricity like in a tesla coil and when held up to the body shot out little like lightning bolts ha I know that sounds crazy, but he said that it would be used to detect early on disease and even help cure in some cases also just over all stimulation and health of the body was pretty interesting though don't know if it could be related to what you speak of in your thread though. I think it's referred to as Oudin thats how I found it on google images anyway couldn't find much info on it though he said that is was put out of use I can't remember why though.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by BioStatistic

Probably not available in the US because the US is the man trying to keep us down. The Capitalist/Socialist doesn't want us knowing this stuff. Our country is getting to be pure evil. Poop on the lil man and feed the rich. Thanks for sharing this info though. Had no idea they were able to show your energy field. I can feel my energy at all times. You can focus it to different parts of your body
edit on 11-5-2011 by jeremiah8401 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:00 PM
I like how it says it was discovered in the 1930's.....

more like a few thousand years ago by people who actually respected the heavens and the earth.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by DeReK DaRkLy
reply to post by DarthPhobos

Iv always thought this was possible. Now excuse me, im off to concentrate on picking this weeks lotto numbers

I'm focusing on a world where money is obsolete, people give everything away for free, workers work to support their entire community, and blatant greed is a felony.

I so relieved to read that! You are the first person I have seen bring up that idea other than myself. I often try to explain it to the people around me but very few of them are able to grasp the concept of this.

Edit to add: Also, know that your positive thought are joined by mine, And mine by yours.
edit on 11-5-2011 by Midyew because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Midyew

You are the first person I have seen bring up that idea other than myself. I often try to explain it to the people around me but very few of them are able to grasp the concept of this.

Awesome, you're also one of the few I've seen who's responded to this.

I told my girlfriend the other day that I love her so much that I just wanted to give her everything I own.
She looked puzzled at first, but then she understood...

What if we all treated one another this way?

Only fear is stopping our next phase of evolution.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:17 PM
It is nice of the fact that the Russian Scientist is exploring this area of people. For most scientist don't dare to experiment or observe human Aura's because they believe it's all pseudo. Though the discovery of the Human Aura or Aura it self, Stretches for beyond thousands of years. I will certainly hope that people learn to accept the Aura.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by ATC_GOD
reply to post by BanMePlz

I like how your wiki link has a pic of one of them that has set himself on fire... Now thats real positive..

Sorry, couldnt help myself there.

But really, monks are humans yes, but they make some pretty big sacrifices for thier spiritual power. I would venture to say that most folks out there would not trade their x-boxes or cellphones to live on a mountain in Tibet and practice thier ummms and aaaahhhs.

Just saying..

I would. I'm just not sure how one goes about.....ya know, actually doing it. I don't think you could just show up and start doing it.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by DeReK DaRkLy

I completely agree. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Nostradumbass

Science is based around proving assumptions true in theory.

Not proving assumptions true by more assumptions.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:52 PM
No, there's a place in Berkeley, Ca. that does kirilan photography. My buddy used to go to it. I don't know the address, but its there somewhere.
I read auras, when I saw his kirilan photograph, I realized that it was accurate.
There's places around that do the techniques. Try to google it, you'll probably find something.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:58 PM
This makes sense to me on a personal level. I have a few groups of friends who are pot heads and users of other recreational drugs, but I do not. I am the one out of everyone who is regarded as being overtly positive, even my fiance says so to the extent that it becomes annoying since I am never 'down in the dumps.' I find the positive in any situation and exploit it to it's full potential.

Getting back to my friends who are users. When I visit, as I do from time to time to 'check up on them', I walk in the room and I can physically see how my presence effects their moods individually. For most, it's as if someone has opened the shades to a bright light. Conversation usually stops, and most will actively begin doing things they normally wouldn't smiling.

You see, I grew up with very very poor friends, and while I myself was not poor, nor was my family, we grew up side by side without prejudice. As adults, when I come around (successful as I am), my positive influence that has benefited my own life, begins to benefit them. I'm not sure if it's simply their drive to succeed accepting the challenge to meet my own success, or if it's my 'energy field' passing off protons into their more neutron or electron filled energy fields. It would make sense though, sense those energy fields would attracts my protons so that they'd become more and more the point that they'd be at a level where they could take it unto themselves to positively charge their environment.

My last last visit, ended up being a series of short visits over a period of about 3 months. Partying and drinking together and it resulted in two of them deciding they wanted college degrees and another to go out, get a job, and quit recreational drug use all together...not because I said anything about it, but simply because I was around them.

I know this because I've known them all for 20+ years and they've never changed. But when I bring my extremely positive energy field around them, they become happy, motivated, and energized. There is really no other way to explain it, as I do not preach to them, or brag, or even show up to their houses in my brand new Cadillac CTS (as I feel that would be a bit like rubbing it in and would hurt them more then benefit them)...but instead my normal Nissan pickup truck.

I dont guys thoughts? I'm not lying though, I am extremely positive and have had the luxury of living a very easy going and happy life. I'm a believer that God has always led me because certain things have always came my way without too much effort and when I feel down, I pray and leave my life in Gods hands and go on my merry way without a negative thought in the world...and then all of a sudden, things just work out on their own. It's been like that my entire life. God's my protector and my guide.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Xterrain

There is really no other way to explain it, as I do not preach to them, or brag, or even show up to their houses in my brand new Cadillac CTS (as I feel that would be a bit like rubbing it in and would hurt them more then benefit them)...but instead my normal Nissan pickup truck.

LoL.... You enjoy that Cadillac.... I'll enjoy my recreational drug use.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by DeReK DaRkLy
reply to post by DarthPhobos

Iv always thought this was possible. Now excuse me, im off to concentrate on picking this weeks lotto numbers

I'm focusing on a world where money is obsolete, people give everything away for free, workers work to support their entire community, and blatant greed is a felony.

Not only that, but mass media must be abolished since they are the source of all negativity, doom and gloom. Sorry to say but ATS is nothing but doom and gloom as well and doesn't differ much from MSM in that aspect.

Stay away from ATS for two weeks and see how you feel.


posted on May, 11 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by 1000TonBlocks

This type of stuff has less to do with physics and reality and more to do with psychology.

I love the idea of "The Power of Positive Thinking" and "The Secret." However, this is all for lack of a better term, self-help mumbo jumbo.

From the aspect of creating your world and the things you want by positive thinking etc, this is merely mental conditioning to classify or recognize things that may typically go unnoticed as being positive. You can see the same thing between two people of opposite perspective. The positive person can recognize all the positive aspects of the negative persons life that they do not 'see' and the negative person can point out all the negative aspects of the positive persons life that they don't seem to acknowledge.

This mental conditioning can be see in many religious practitioners, such as monks. They can control there perceptions, themselves internally. They don't actually have the ability to control things outside of their bodies.

If this idea was true, that positive and negative thought produces the same reality, then the world would consist of majority extremes. The positive and negative realities would be exponential. Positive peoples lives and realities would grow increasingly positive in all aspects and negative peoples lives would grow increasingly negative.

It's all warm and fuzzy, but its all internal and psychological.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Kharron

Originally posted by DeReK DaRkLy
reply to post by DarthPhobos

Iv always thought this was possible. Now excuse me, im off to concentrate on picking this weeks lotto numbers

I'm focusing on a world where money is obsolete, people give everything away for free, workers work to support their entire community, and blatant greed is a felony.

Not only that, but mass media must be abolished since they are the source of all negativity, doom and gloom. Sorry to say but ATS is nothing but doom and gloom as well and doesn't differ much from MSM in that aspect.

Stay away from ATS for two weeks and see how you feel.


The mass media wouldnt print doom and gloom if it didnt sell papers.

So, boycott your local media outlets, refuse to buy newspapers or watch CNN, and when their rating plummet and they start polling to find out what people want, tell them its puppy dogs and rainbows.

The media isnt the source of doom and gloom, its the people who want to read it who demand it of them. They are just giving people what they want.

Ill have to admit, i find Middle Eastern unrest much more interesting to read than the success of Aunt Marthas bake sale.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by ATC_GOD
reply to post by doubledutch

Your perception of reality yes...but actual reality? You think you and 10 friends could sit and focus on the ugly chick in the bar and wish she were Jessica Simpson (or whom ever you fancy) and poof!!!!! There she is?

Creating your own reality, literally, is borderline "God complexish". Not to say I trash the thought of us all being part of fact I believe that very thing... But to be able to actually affect the tangible world with nothing more than positive thoughts and rainbow's and heart beams out of my chest is a stretch IMO.

Too many conditioned mental blocks in place for such a feat.

It doesn't really work that way. Here's what it is. We generate thoughts in the mental field and the thoughts produce a form. It's called a Thought Form, and I even had a book called Thought Forms in the 70's. It's a Theosophical book, and I picked it up when I was practicing yoga and suddenly I started to see this incredible spiralling golden energy swirling around in front of me. I asked someone about it and recommended the book. It was an amazing vision to me. The book really explained a lot to me about the different levels of awareness and density of our consciousness. So, anyway, we generate a thought and it takes on a pattern. It literally clothes itself with an energy pattern. When you think of someone, you send them energy in the form of this thought form. This is why prayer can have interesting effects on people. This book explained that when you think of people intensely, that thought form goes to that person, and attaches to that persons's aura. That person can then feel your energy. If it was a negative thought, that person may suddenly feel on edge or upset and not even know why. So this is how we affect people around us. This is also why we must get into the habit if trying to be as positive as possible because any negative energy you send out can harm another and it will come back to you as bad karma. This is what the discipline of the monks is about, and they know the reason why they must not be negative. In the system of yoga, this is called "ahimsa" or harmlessness toward all life. That is also one reason why a Buddhist will never kill even a roach.
Eventually, with practice you can begin to have more discipline over those stray thoughts or control any violent emotions.
Have you ever heard of the power of attraction? Well this is how it works. We attract positive or negative experiences by our thoughts. Thoughts are things. This is how people manifest things they want. By focusing on that idea continually in a postive way until it "manifests" for them. Whether it be a new job, or better pay, or a trip to the Mediterranean. It can take minutes or years.

Here is that book in eform. You might like to take a look at it.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321
reply to post by 1000TonBlocks

This type of stuff has less to do with physics and reality and more to do with psychology.

I love the idea of "The Power of Positive Thinking" and "The Secret." However, this is all for lack of a better term, self-help mumbo jumbo.

From the aspect of creating your world and the things you want by positive thinking etc, this is merely mental conditioning to classify or recognize things that may typically go unnoticed as being positive. You can see the same thing between two people of opposite perspective. The positive person can recognize all the positive aspects of the negative persons life that they do not 'see' and the negative person can point out all the negative aspects of the positive persons life that they don't seem to acknowledge.

This mental conditioning can be see in many religious practitioners, such as monks. They can control there perceptions, themselves internally. They don't actually have the ability to control things outside of their bodies.

If this idea was true, that positive and negative thought produces the same reality, then the world would consist of majority extremes. The positive and negative realities would be exponential. Positive peoples lives and realities would grow increasingly positive in all aspects and negative peoples lives would grow increasingly negative.

It's all warm and fuzzy, but its all internal and psychological.

This post nailed it for me.

I have always been considered a "positive person" by most people i know. I do get down in the dumps, but generally speaking, i tend to look at the good in things. This has allowed me to live a relatively peaceful existance. Im not overly material. I want things, but i do not lose sleep when i do not have them. I work a decent job that pays my bills and provides a decent life for my family and I. We cannot always afford expensive trips, but we dont need them. We are very happy to load into the car, drive and hour out of town and camp in a tent at one of Canada's beautiful parks.

I have often argued with people on this forum about the power of self-sufficiency. Some people are happy to blame all their problems on their government or or job, but they forget the person who can have the greatest effect on their own lives are in fact themselves. We have it within our power to do just about anything we want with our lives, at least here in the Western world.

The changes made by attitude and positive thinking are not tangible, but much more abstract. Those with good attitudes tend to make others around them more bouyant. Do you like to spend all your time with someone negative and unproductive? Not many people do, as their negativity tends to rub off in much the same manner.

edit on 11-5-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 05:49 PM
Another one to find another piece that was already found. Using you own energy to do things is the standard. Question is who's paying the scientist to find this information that was already there? And plus where does the negative energy come from directly?

Apparently, there was already a group that did find the truth about Auras. How to read them is in the link.
edit on 11-5-2011 by FreedomCommander because: incomplete

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