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I have a bad feeling that the war on conspiracy theorists has begun (or at least has been ramped up)

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:58 PM
i agree they are starting on us. i think we need to be known as truth seekers.

Truth seekers have an open mind, we accept the possibility of the impossible, we neither agree or disagree. we like to be awere of as much as possible so we can form are own opinions as the opinions of others are herd to belive. Are opinions are expressed and discussed by people all ova the world and are opinion will always evolve. we share knowledge and ideas. this is the message we need to send. we are not crazy!!!

It is more crazy to just except with out questioning.

If the media show the world what goes on they will pick out the crazziest theorys an It has defiantly got abit to crazy for the closed minded. People tend to dive in at the deep end, get there head blown away then dismiss everything. just look at some of the crazy stuff your greeted with on ATS home page. we need to change tactics. we need to find common ground, basic truth we can all agree on and all get right behind! we need to work together and fast to ease people in with truth as bait.

Truth like wen we thought the world was flat some one said it was round an he was ridiculed. A round world is impossible we would all fall off. but when the knowledge of gravity is introduced, the impossible then became possible

Calling are enemy the government is not right! many people will lay down there lives for the government and there are meny good people working for them, they actually think their making a difference so when the government defend them selfs against the things we will be saying they can be put on lie detectors and pass because the truth is anything they belive it to be.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Our current government has run out of phantoms, we the people who choose not close our eyes even as we sleep are subliminally being classified just as this.

The fact we have been belittled to a few 100 gigabytes of virtual space, as a whole it will take our souls in the streets. We must join hands and stand up against blind and hidden oppression. UFO's are fun to dream about, to continue to dream with a open voice and mind in public, well - as one we must form a beast so great and dimensional to devour those that wish to suppress awareness and conscious beings.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by AeonStorm

The truth of the matter is that people's psychological state, especially the collective psychological state of a group, can be deceived and duped.

Take 911 for instance. After 911 a lot of people were emotional, they were angry, they wanted revenge and they wanted it as soon as possible. I for one was one of those people, of course I was fairly young and perhaps naive and uninformed around the time that the 911 attacks happened. At the time of the attacks it didn't surprise me that people wanted revenge, and in fact since I was a part of the group who wanted revenge I felt that my opinion was somewhat commonplace and shared among most Americans. However, today I realize how dangerous that kind of blind mental state can be.

Then in a story somewhat similar to the tale of the Pied Piper, the government led the people to war with Afghanistan and against the Islamic religion by the sound of revenge and the cheer for war. Well, time passed, and it was eventually brought further into public light that maybe the attacks on 911 didn't happen specifically as they were told to have happened. It was brought forth that there might have been deceit. And this deceit was made even further apparent when the government again decided to go to war... only with Iraq.

With Iraq there was little sense to be made for the reason we invaded that country, especially since the hype from the war on Afghanistan and the 911 attacks were used as fuel to propagate the American wars further into middle eastern territory. And that's when you know something is amiss, and that's when you know you've been duped.

My second example is more closely related to this thread and deals specifically with the issue of OBL's alleged assassination. There was a government official who was against the conspiracy surrounding OBL's death, and he was also against the conspiracy theorists in general from what I could gather. He saw a picture of OBL after he was killed, and in an interview he definitely explained that the picture he was shown was absolute proof of OBL's death, and (i'm paraphrasing here) that conspiracy theorists were idiots who's position to question had no grounding. Then it turns out that the picture that was shown to the government official was fake, it was a picture taken from the Black Hawk Down movie that was altered to resemble Osama (i think). And I laughed.

From my examples you can see how people, even opponent's against conspiracy theories/theorists, will believe what they are told while still being culpable to being duped like I'd expect a human to be.

They teach us in school (at least they taught me this) to ask questions and they teach us to understand the subject matter being taught. They also taught me to follow the rules and to obey, yes, but that came second to learning. A person goes to school to learn, not to obey, so since when from the transition from being a child going to school to adulthood, did the concept of learning just suddenly... flutter off into the wind without a care, and since when did the people not have a right to question the subject matter that is being presented to them so that they can better understand what is going on?

My advice to anyone is if you don't want to be made to look like a moron like that one government official I mentioned (i forget his name), then don't take what you hear or see at face value and automatically believe it. Ask questions, research, and find a reasonable conclusion that makes sense to you.

All I really know is that the moment there is government intervention and restriction on free speech and the expression of conspiracy theories is the day that the father of conspiracy theories has been proven and it is no longer a conspiracy theory. Some might consider it a win and say "I told you so" while most others will just be silenced permanently.
edit on 6-5-2011 by arbitrarygeneraiist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by lucidwave

conspiracy theories are certainly not confined to the United States.

Conspiracy theories distract the open minded truth seekers, Most sense there is something not quite right so try to find out the truth. we come across all this really interesting stuff and get lost for hours.

How do you make humanity destroy them selfs?? give them evrything they wont! Wait untill the worlds resources are gone, people are in survival mode fight/killing them selfs. the rich who have been stock piling enough resources to hide away long enough for us to kill each other then re-apeire an take control by offering food and petrol to trigger happy idiots.
But the only way we will kill areselfs in this way is if the truth of the seriousness of global warming is hidden! humanity will change befor we willingly kill are selfs. i belive this is why there is nothing on the Mississippi.

global warming made into a conspiracy by the oil barrens, have you seen the vids when people say the whole solar system is warming up because were moving in to a different vibration and new density so give up on this life and prepare for the next. they will do what ever it takes if we come out of one dream they need us to step into another, that stuff is very empowering whitch makes it very real to a truth seeker. the trick is to give us what we wont.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:23 PM
Probably true. However, we are often our own worst enemies as it seems we re now assuming everything is a conspiracy. We don't seem to take the time to research. Most of these theories pop up in a day and we jump on board. It's absurd. Sometimes, sh** is as it seems. Not all the time, for sure. But often enough, it's not a conspiracy.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Scytherius

Very true. Very often things are as they seem, but sometimes your gut just tells you they're not. I just talked to my parents, and not even they believe the story about Bin Laden, and they're not ones to ever be concerned with "conspiracies".

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:30 PM
Just have to post about this:

Did anyone see Bill Mahre tonight??

I usually have respect for him and used to think he was smart, but after tonight.....not so much.

First off, he ridiculed what he called 'conspiracy theorists nuts',; anyone who doesn't believe in the 'official account' of 9/11...

and they NEVER NOT ONCE mentioned the inconsistencies in the OBL death story (stories).

no one mentioned the 5 min DNA test
no one mentioned why the U.S, decided to kill him instead of capturing and trying him in a court
no one mentioned the fallen helicopter reasons
no one mentioned the wife (human shield) mystery
no one mentioned the helo flight to the Navy ship
no one mentioned the washing of OBL's body, funeral rites OR MOST IMPORTANTLY


His show really disappointed me tonight, as I was very intrigued on how he'd discuss this story

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Right? Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, etc. used to put off the illusion they were anti-establishment, turns out they are nothing but partisan hacks. Had this happened under Bush, they would be calling out all the BS. But, since it's Obama, we should just blindly trust the government all of the sudden.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
reply to post by ButterCookie

Right? Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, etc. used to put off the illusion they were anti-establishment, turns out they are nothing but partisan hacks. Had this happened under Bush, they would be calling out all the BS. But, since it's Obama, we should just blindly trust the government all of the sudden.


I noticed this on CNN with Michael Moore last night, and I was shocked.

Even Piers Morgan stated to him," This is a very different angle from you, especially with the fact that you made Farenheit 9/11 that showed how the U.S. lied about the official account of 9/11.."

Michael Moore never addressed that question at all...just kept on cheerleading for Obama ..

are they being paid to do this or something??

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
reply to post by ButterCookie

Right? Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, etc. used to put off the illusion they were anti-establishment, turns out they are nothing but partisan hacks. Had this happened under Bush, they would be calling out all the BS. But, since it's Obama, we should just blindly trust the government all of the sudden.

I dont know about Maher. He's made a career out of mocking anyone who questions the 9-11 story.

And I enjoy the Daily Show at times, but if anyone thinks Stewart is 'anti-establishment', they arent paying much attention. Dude carries more water than an African woman.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

To be honest, I pretty much stopped watching Stewart after Obama was elected, he just wasn't really funny anymore. I guess he's just an instigator to keep the division and the two 2 party wingnut scam alive. As for Maher, don't have HBO, my impression was that he questioned the government, but again that was mostly during Bush. But Fahrenheit 9/11 Moore, is really a hypocrite, and as was pointed out even Piers Morgan called him out on it. He says Obama "earned" his trust, I guess by not doing what he said he would do, and also for getting us into another conflict in an oil rich country, while ignoring so many other bloody crackdowns in ally states. Surprised Moore feels he's earned trust.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:11 PM
Hell, we even see way less foreigners bashing us, even after these latest actions in which we shot an unarmed suspect in a sovereign country. Obama's smile and sincere words seem to fool alot of people who used to have alot of distrust for the U.S. government. At least Cheney was honestly dishonest, that guy had the same look as the emperor from Star Wars on his face 24/7. If you looked closely, you'd see a faint red glow from time to time.

edit on 6-5-2011 by 27jd because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by TWILITE22
reply to post by newcovenant
No he doesn't have a point because they(msm) are on some kind of campaign to put conspiracy theorist in with the terrorist.How soon they forget that we still have freedom of speech,that is until they decide to take it away.

edit on 6-5-2011 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

If freedom of speech was in danger Westboro Baptist Church would be GONE - but it isn't - so freedom of speech has never been safer. Not like during the Bush years when a couple was asked to leave an event for wearing peace signs on their T shirts. Where were all you vigilantes then?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
Not like during the Bush years when a couple was asked to leave an event for wearing peace signs on their T shirts. Where were all you vigilantes then?

Here was me back in 2004...

Originally posted by 27jd
If Bush were President during an event like the Cuban missile crisis, does anybody think civilization would have stood a chance? With their lack of concern or respect for pretty much the entire world body, does anybody think they could have resolved the crisis with diplomacy? Or would only cockroaches (and Keith Richards) be walking the Earth today?

Originally posted by 27jd
I'm sure many of us can remember Bush saying many times that we WILL win the war on terra, and, on a few occasions, we have heard Bush say we may not be able to. Which is it?


Keep us scared Bush, total control is almost in your grasp.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by AeonStorm
…just so they can create a list. Hopefully, people would see through that and join the rest of us here on ATS

Well joining ATS is the quickest and most surefire way to get put on a list. … And those who manage the list are on the same list but many of them don’t know it… so were ALL on the list.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:15 AM
truth will be known one way or another, in this life or on the other side..

all hidden truths revealed..

thank you


edit on 7-5-2011 by cornucopia because: changes

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:58 AM

I have a bad feeling that the war on conspiracy theorists has begun

The war has been going on for a long time, pretty much since humans huddled into large towns there has been factions and apposing factions on lots of things, and a war on those who ask to many questions or theorize to much. Do you want to know when the war on conspiracy theorists begun? When the term conspiracy theorists was put together, because really there is only theorists. Though ya your right op, now they are more on the attack because, well for some reason they never thought that conspiracy theorists would be listened to on such a wide scale. And you know the rest, it's all cutting into there rating's, literally.

Anyways the first step in such a war is to label your target as a target or the evil ones, or whatever nefarious Connotation in both name and insinuation, and as words put things into a box, names describe and give the outlines of the box, so a conspiracy theory is a box, and the war has been going on to define that box for a while, using words such as bad, crazy, terrorist, nut's, psychotic, delusional, etc etc you get the picture.

Second is to destroy opposition by all kinds of ways such as infamy, ridicule, plain o'l propaganda ie making stuff up, and even set them up for a fall, when all that does not work then more violent ways will follow, mostly as a way to control reactions.

Third is to get hold of majority consensus of peoples minds by all and any means necessary. A trifecta of control to get everybody to dance to a specific tune. Whatever the tune might be.

It's crazy how this whole thing works, as well as very predictable. And people really need to chill because if your afraid what anybody says or theorizes on the net or anywhere else in the world in general, then you know something is up, and something is hidden and has an agenda and you really need to get a life if your bothered by what some dude or dudes say online, or maybe you already have a life, and it's part of your life to be bothered by what people say online or elsewhere. Oh man who knows whats going on, it's all a big mystery.

But all that is really same old same old. Now one box and Connotation that really is way more nefarious is the word "sheeple" and meaning and insinuation that is tied into it is that ultimately when you get to the heart of it and past all the left side vs right side opinion or ignorant vs not ignorant bickering. The meaning/translation comes out to be something like "free roaming herded food" so there all being herded somewhere, and for something and some purpose. You see way more nefarious.

But that is really for some other thread I take it. A more nuttier thread no doubt.
Ah the world is a laughing matter, like watching sideshow bob form the Simpsons continuously steeping on rakes. Whats the definition for insanity again? Something about doing the same thing and expecting different results, or something like that.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by AeonStorm

Do you actually call yourself a conspiracy theorist? Like, "I am a conspiracy theorist."
I thought it was just a description of a person specifically in regard to a particular issue or idea.
I did not think it was a blanket description of a personality.
Years ago people in a constant state of denial about everything were called paranoid/delusional.
Has this become politically incorrect?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:21 AM
I believe that BIG things are indeed about to happen.

And anyone with any sence of the world has seen it comming like a turtle in the distance.

Why else would there be record numbers of traffic on ATS the last few months.

Why else would there be record traffic on the Alex Jones Show?

We're not all crazy. Some crazy f'd up stuff is going on and lots of people are still ignorant to it.

The way we deal with the enviornment, the economy, the government, oil and food (water comming soon) among other things will all have to change very soon or else this planet and this brilliant race of people, along with other life on this planet is screwed.

BTW ... The reason I started comming to ATS is because I saw a UFO about a year ago. Classic silent triangle with yellow lights, gliding slowly close to ground in a remote location.

After my last year of reasurch on various topics; life in general.

It is my professional opinion as an 18 year old that it is either going to take exponentially better Leadership and Actions of the people of earth ( Btw i don't think we can sustain 6 billion of us [soon to be 7] ) ... Or it's going to take the Aliens comming down and biach-slapping us all on December 21st 2012 if we haven't figured our shiz out by then.

either that, or we will all die a slow, painfull death in a crazy, polluted planet...

or we might just NUKE ourselfs, thats always the quick way out.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by AeonStorm

Do you actually call yourself a conspiracy theorist? Like, "I am a conspiracy theorist."
I thought it was just a description of a person specifically in regard to a particular issue or idea.
I did not think it was a blanket description of a personality.
Years ago people in a constant state of denial about everything were called paranoid/delusional.
Has this become politically incorrect?

I am a conspiracy theorist.
see post above
and call me what you want, guy

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