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Extraterrestrials millions of years advance then us.....

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posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 03:34 AM
I found this cool site

If other intelligent races exist in space, the chances are high that some of them will prove to be much more scientifically and technologically advanced than we are ourselves. The astonishingly rapid progress made, for instance, in the development of computers over the past few decades shows what dramatic strides can be achieved by a technologically ambitious race in a relatively short period of time. Given another century or so, humankind may have acquired capabilities in genetic engineering, nanotechnology, life prolongation, artificial intelligence, space propulsion, and other fields that, at present, we can barely imagine. As Arthur C. Clarke once wrote: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Iedited by Byrd... folks, please don't copy and paste someone else's website!]

[edit on 31-7-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 03:39 AM
This kinda reminds me of Star Wars, In star wars it is said that Hyper Space was brought to each one the races buy a Superior Alien race who conquered all of the known galaxy for its resources but once this race hit its apex it fell into rebellion then it collapsed but all of its creations were left behind and its technologies forever altered the galaxy and the people who lived in it.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:00 AM
More insight

Fictional portrayals of the first direct contact between an extraterrestrial civilization and our own have conditioned us to expect one of two extreme situations. Either the aliens will be ruthlessly aggressive (biological selection having made them, like our own species, into the ultimate survivors) or utterly benign, peaceful and wise (sociological selection having led them to renounce war as a prerequisite to self-preservation). Compare, for example, the disturbing Alien series of movies with E.T. or Close Encounters. A similar bifurcation of opinion is evident among scientists who have considered the possible consequences of contact. Ben R. Finney, professor of anthropology at the University of Hawaii, has examined various proposed scenarios and divides them into two main categories: "paranoid" and "pronoid". Those of the paranoid persuasion tend to argue against attempts at CETI Inescapably, however, our viewpoints are anthropocentric and our speculations about the possible temperament of other intelligent species are based on projections of the duality in our own nature-the good and the evil that are inherent, inseparable components of the human psyche

One thing seems certain. If there are other space-faring, star-to-star communicating races in the Galaxy, then we must be technologically primitive in comparison with the great majority of them A major concern then is what might follow from first contact with creatures who, whatever their nature, possess knowledge and power far in excess of our own. Examples from human history seem to offer a cautionary note: exploration has gone hand in hand with exploitation, colonization with conflict and subjugation. In almost every case, the more technologically advanced interloper, intentionally or otherwise, has eventually imposed its ways and assimilated or emasculated the weaker party. Even if this were not to happen, it is uncertain how the human race would react to the discovery that it was, in cosmic terms, so backward. An optimist might argue that we would relish the prospect of rapid growth and would quickly learn from our older, wiser mentors, as children do from adults. A pessimist might insist we would be crushed to learn that, despite all our efforts, others had vastly surpassed us. Concerns such as these were raised in a study carried out for NASA by the Brookings Institution at the dawn of the space era and have also been expressed by several prominent scientists, including Nobel laureates Martin Ryle and George Wald. Others, such as Carl Sagan, William Newman, and Arthur C. Clarke have defended the view that mature civilizations in the Galaxy would recognize the risks of first contact to younger races and would avoid revealing too much about themselves or their knowledge until the time was right.1-6

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:04 AM
I just hope the aliens we do make first contact with are friendly not some hostile crazy mofos who travel across the galaxy just to destroy us for no apperent reason.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:10 AM
Haven't checked the site yet but that was a good read with some good points. I've always liked the ant/human-human/alien comparrison.

There are probably beings so far beyond our comprehension and our physical reality. Probably beings of light (like the Vorlons-B5) and probably "organic technology"... living machines. Humans are "organic technology" in a way... "living" computers.

In cultures that place more value on intuition, the direct experience of nature, spiritual fulfillment, and transcendental modes of awareness, a remarkably different view of the world seems to prevail.

Basically the opposite of the mainstream-American culture.

While I'm on B5, here's a related quote:
"There are things in the Universe billions of years older than either of our races. They are vast, timeless, and if they are aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know. We've tried and we've learned that we can either stay out from underfoot or be stepped on. They are a mystery and I am both terrified and reassured to know that there are still wonders in the Universe, that we have not explained everything." -"G'Kar"

Oh, and where was that info conveyed in Star Wars? The original novels or EU?

[edit on 31-7-2004 by MindWarrior]

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:42 AM
No actually it was part of the story in Knights of the Old Republic

Just pray to god that we stumble across a good alien out their in that big black void.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:45 AM
Imagine if their is acutally an alien civilization out their that is billions of years old imagine how much they know about us and about life. To them we are ants and we are nothing more then a brutal and violent race
Heh oh well, we will learn from our mistakes.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:50 AM
One soetimes wonders if, assuming alien race(s?) are the gods of all the world's religions, they look upon us as a game, playing both sides against each other... possibly betting on certain sides like a sports event. The ultimate form of entertainment.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:53 AM
I strongly believe that an ancient alien civilization out their played as God, Alah or w/e you call him. And made up the religions we have now a days, but why?

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 06:49 AM
Why indeed? And that's just it....

One of the arguments sometimes put forward against the existence of advanced extraterrestrials is that if they were present we would have picked up signals from them by now. However, beings that are significantly ahead of us might lie beyond our communications horizon; that is, we may simply not have the means to tap into their conversations.

Very true...but what about till they got to that point? Those signals should still be bouncing around the universe.... What many REALLY don't get, as it's kind of like looking around on a beach for a particular few grains of far as the search for ET signals.....

I'm always going to disagree that we are somehow no different from ants, to advanced beings. Surely, our sentience would be of some importance, just as we would surely not denounce another sentient, but less advanced least not in this day and age. With such advancement, comes a greater appreciation for that sentience. This is why we no longer have slaves....we have stopped (for the most part) seeing other sentients as inferior and not worthy of the same rights, etc. I would think the same would apply to aliens that are more advanced.

However, that apparently conflicts with the abduction phenomenon. Perhaps it's simply a difference in perception. They believe that as long as there is no memory of the event, no harm, no foul, they got their data (or whatever else they needed)....much as we view guinea pigs... It's hard to tell. I would hope that after "millions" of years, most sentient species would simply move on to a higher plane of some sort...which is why I'm not so sure they're sticking around our universe.... The ones visiting may be more advanced, but I've yet to see evidence supporting THAT level of advancement. Really, it all boils down to one invention, that we have the groundwork for but haven't yet developed on our own...a space-bending gravitic drive. This seems to be the key to it all....and the primary thing separating us from them tech-wise. So, I'm not so keen to put them on such a high pedestal....
They haven't earned it.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 07:41 PM
What do you mean a higher plane? Like into a new dimension or hell even travel to another galaxy?

Do you ever wonder how many civilizations out their are actually picking up our signals? I heard that if we focused all of earts generated electricity and pumped out in a form of a signal it still wouldnt be enough to get any extrateresstrial attention, So why even bother sending hopeless singals out into space!?

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by MindWarrior
...Probably beings of light (like the Vorlons-B5)

I hear this alot, and it has to stop.

There are some far fetched theories, which at least are theoretically possible, like time travel. Einstein and Hawkings would agree.

But 'light' beings are not.

Light is a wave, it cannot be slowed down or stopped.


posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:55 PM

I hear this alot, and it has to stop.

There are some far fetched theories, which at least are theoretically possible, like time travel. Einstein and Hawkings would agree.

But 'light' beings are not.

Light is a wave, it cannot be slowed down or stopped.

"Beings of light" only implies what we, as humans, can perceive it as. It doesn't, necessarily, mean that the actual being is made of light.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:57 PM

Light is a wave, it cannot be slowed down or stopped

Given a million years of evolution it can happen

And to our knowledge light is a wave , but maybe it is more then a wave.

WE have so much to learn about EVERYTHING

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by SpockO_o

Light is a wave, it cannot be slowed down or stopped

Given a million years of evolution it can happen

No. Lock this thread for a million years and check back, the laws of physics will *not* change. Nor do they rarely change by revolutions, mostly evolution, building upon what we've learned before.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 09:19 PM
In a million years people will look back on our so called understanding of physics and Laugh. Its going to be like when people thought the world was flat.

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