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Obama floats plan to tax cars by the mile

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Have you written or spoke to your congressman lately?

Didn't britain do something like this? right now you pay different fees per mile to use the HOV lanes in the bay area if not a car pool, two or more. Wouldn't a small penny a mile tax be ok to keep the roads in good shape and safe be a good thing? i would rather have this happen than go to toll roads as many countries have. Ever driven over the Rockies in Canada, yes you must pay to do so, and the road is safe.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:20 AM
This would burn there butt...go back to the horse and buggy. sure it will take longer travel time but is a whole lot cheaper, and is NOT harmful to the earth or air, and maybe far less major accidents.

I want to see those extortio---ooops, put tracking crap on them first...I want to know where they go when SHTF.
They are sure in a delerious rush to steal all the money they can. Maybe a few trillion more to go to finish there shelters or human arks?

Voting? has voting so far helped any? It is always the same crap lies to get the job....Hey, I bet they can be fired by MILLIONS of us. Who wants to keep them on the job? I want to see them in jail for crap they have done.
They should NOT be exempt from anything. If they are taxing us they should also be taxed. When they commit a crime they should pay the price like the rest of us. We bleed, so do they. The people should be the ones to create the laws FOR the people BY the people and cut out those who not only failed to do the jobs they were so generously paid for, but brought this country down and used the people (and still using) as fools. A few of us cannot stand alone. All of us as a whole must stand.

Think of it this way, a big lion can intimidate and eat any scared sheep whenever he wants. but the day will come when the sheep in their panic stampedes and tramples that damned lion into a bloody pulp. That one set of sharp teeth never a match against thousands of little hooves.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:23 AM
I posted this in the wrong thread earlier...

They already do this with gas taxes, no?

The Federal Tax of 18.4 cents per gallon is collected in all states in addition to any state or local taxes on gasoline

It pisses me off that they are squeezing every last penny out of those who still have some pennies left, which is fewer and fewer of us everyday, because they were such bloody idiots and to stupid to see the erosion to our tax base coming as they merrily allowed jobs to be shipped overseas, billionaires to hide their money and pay lower taxes, and corporations to pay virtually NO taxes, despite the fact that they use the LIE of an excuse that our rate is higher than any other country's. Yeah. On PAPER. Because they were incompetent or had a nefarious plan, now we have to pay even more? Bleep you federal government. Bleep you to hell.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by timmhaines

A penny a mile may not be a bad thing at first, but later, that penny turns into two pennies, nickel, dime etc.
The point is many people are begginning to see something is wrong and has been wrong for way too long.

As a side note, we are so very deep in huge debt, yet there seems to be endless funds to keep firing missiles and running expensive military vehicles, etc. I say what is wrong with that picture?
Yet, the folks at the top travel and do stuff like nothing is happening. Like I said, THEY should follow all laws and rules just as they rest of us. Either that or replace them with real people who will.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Taking companies and money overseas? the way I see it, if you are living here or doing business here, your money better stay here. This country is getting totally ripped off. We need a good strong set of folks who will track down these thieves and make them bring that money back over here in these accounts. Hey, if the IRS can track down a person for not reporting every blood, sweat and tear cent, then surely those runners can be found. Bring that money back to this country, and fine the heck out of them. Let's start with the bankers.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by thorazineshuffle
We have to get rid of this idiot in 2012!

Can you look someone square in the eyes and tell them that "we" honestly have any say in the matter?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by triplereiki

As a side note, we are so very deep in huge debt, yet there seems to be endless funds to keep firing missiles and running expensive military vehicles, etc. I say what is wrong with that picture?
Yet, the folks at the top travel and do stuff like nothing is happening. Like I said, THEY should follow all laws and rules just as they rest of us. Either that or replace them with real people who will.

"We" did not run up a debt. "We" had no say in transferring the industrial capability of the US to foreign lands. "We" don't have any input whatsoever in the organised destruction of the US.

"We" did not make fraudulent loans, bundle those fraudulent loans under a fraudulent "AAA" rating and fraudulently sell those loans to investors, countries and retirement funds around the world. "We" did not bail these criminals out. "We" are not a driving force in this equation.

We are victims of a global central-banking and NWO fraud and power grab.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:24 AM
If Americans ONLY think and talk about money in this issue, you deserve to be "chipped" like the fatcat funders you will and are being turned into.

Sorry, but you make me laugh.

Money for cr*p is obviously more important to you than freedom.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:45 AM
sorry, it's past the time to run to work really, so, well, this might have been brought up...but...
well, how are they planning on tracking how many miles each of us travel??? what if I let my son use the car, and well, what if that car is in my huband's name, but I am the one who drives it the most?? what if a theif comes and steals the car and takes a joyride???
a car is not a person, can you really tax it???

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar
sorry, it's past the time to run to work really, so, well, this might have been brought up...but...
well, how are they planning on tracking how many miles each of us travel??? what if I let my son use the car, and well, what if that car is in my huband's name, but I am the one who drives it the most?? what if a theif comes and steals the car and takes a joyride???
a car is not a person, can you really tax it???

Great question.

I believe the technology already exists.

You will be forced - at your own expense - to install it.

And it will not only track how far you drive but also where you go.

Mega -

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by tyson

You are wrong. "WE" allow it to continue.
All those with their blindfolds on still will continue to vote with hopes, hopes, hopes...BS.
It is WE who can make changes for OUR country and WE have the power as a WHOLE to do so.
No further argument on the "we" thing I take it?.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by tyson

And one more thing to add to your correction of my post:
Eventhough THEY are snively, decieving theives, and because of their actions, yes WE are in debt.
Not just our country but now us in general. If you lose a job guess what happens YOU are in debt. This all falls on US, WE because of THEM.
Yep, Obuma said there will be changes...that would be fantastic if they come about not by his hand, but by ours.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:16 PM
There are laws and bills signed without our approval.
Heck no, I dont approve of mileage tax, that is crazy. The noose would be getting tighter. Look at all the miles our delivery drivers do. They will not be bringing home a paycheck, they will starve working to pay the taxes.

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