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Zionist Agenda Now In Full Control of America

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posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 05:23 PM
Does anyone really believe that Jews control the world? What about a confessed Zionist who claims just that?

From Ruth Katz
Zionist and proud of it

Dear Jeff,

Now that America is gripped in its 'elections' charade, let me remind you that we Zionist Jews are controlling - and always controlled the USA. Soon, you will be voting for one of our two 'candidates':

I assume that you already read The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.

It took us just 50 years to get the total control over the USA we have now. You Americans were 'sleeping' while we worked hard to complete every part of the Protocols - and at the same time convinced you that the Protocols are a 'forgery'. Guess again. Read them and you will find a virtual blueprint for what has been and continues to be done to America and the West.

To give you an idea how meticulous we are, I am enclosing a paragraph (1946!), from the book 'The World's Trouble Makers' by Bruce H. Brown (page 14):


Morris A. Levy
Secretary of the World League of Liberal Jews
Western Branch, Los Angeles, California
on 24-10-1946 wrote a letter containing the following:

"... the only true path to follow to gain real peace and honest government is through Judaism, and the Jewish people can and will lead the people to lasting peace. The promise of Jehovah for the Jewish people to rule the world, and for Jews to hold high places in World Government, has arrived... We, of the Jewish faith, have tried for centuries to teach the Gentiles a Christ never existed, and that the story of the Virgin and of Christ is, and always has been, a fictitious lie.

" In the near future, when the Jewish people take over the rule of the United States, legally under God Jehovah, we will create a new educational system proving that Jehovah is the only One to follow, and proving that the Christ story is a fake. We shall arrange a plan for Christian clergymen to enter a field of useful endeavour; they will have a choice of profession or a business; Christianity will be abolished. The Jewish people now control the money system as well as the economic system... The Jews shall see that a Jewish President is elected..."

It's too late, America, do you remember the 'frog in the boiling water'?.
We also convinced you that Mahatir Muhammad is 'incorrect'.
We now rule America, we now rull the world.


Ruth Katz
Zionist and proud of it

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 05:47 PM
Hmmmm...can we hear from any other self proclaimed Zionists to get an opinion on whether or not this one is representative.

By the way, if this were true, what is the purpose in telling us - gloating???

I don't get it (again).

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 06:02 PM
and I'm not even Jewish. Soul Reaper- the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a hoax just like your signature. (and just as psuedo intellectually lame)

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 09:07 PM
The claim of the Jews that the Protocols are forgeries is in itself an admission of their genuineness, for they NEVER ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THE FACTS corresponding to the THREATS which the Protocols contain, and, indeed, the correspondence between prophecy and fulfillment is too glaring to be set aside or obscured. This the Jews well know and therefore evade.

I am a student of the protocols and i bear witness that they are true.

I bet that all the users who will say it is a fake, will be people who havent read it

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by deevee
and I'm not even Jewish. Soul Reaper- the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a hoax just like your signature. (and just as psuedo intellectually lame)

I would be willing to bet 5000 dollars right now that you have not read one page of the book you call a hoax

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 10:18 PM
You know, it's articles like that on Rense that really discredit the site for me--which is a shame, because it really does have a ton of interesting articles (too bad the radio archives are going pay-only).

If the Jews are really so crafty and insidious as some conspiracy theorists claim, why would they send a letter to Rense basically announcing their guilt & invalidating the need for a secret society of world-dominating Zionists--blowing the whole game, really. Only villains from old movie serials with names like The Black Skull would do something like that.

And I've actually read some of the Protocols in Bill Cooper's book Behold A Pale Horse, which reprints the entire thing. And again, I have to make the point--if the Jews are such unbelievably cunning people (ones that have managed to covertly subjugate the entire world), why would they basically lay out all of their plans & other vital info in print? Cooper feels that the Protocols were really written by the Illuminati and purposely written so it would look like a text from the Jews--thus throwing the suspicion off of Them and getting some real genocidal hate going for the Jews, which They don't really like anyway. You see, that's a cunning, devious plan.

I'm no fan of the way Israel treats the Palestinians & I do think that needs to change so all the violence will stop (wishful thinking, I know). But articles like this one from Rense are beyond the pale of bad journalism.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 10:46 PM
This Ruth katz is a hoax, that much is plain by simply reading the letter and the language used.

I believe the protocols were found to be forgeries. I have read them. They are very interesting, but I think they were written by someone else who percieved certain patterns and activities others were up to, and simply stamped the Jews as the author.

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 11:07 PM
Precisely why we should believe that a group unable to control the distribution of their own meeting minutes would be capable of controlling international affairs, simply defies reason.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:08 AM
the protocols of zion?? antisemetism propaganda.
be careful what you believe and read , the nazis used rumours and lies such as these to brainwash an entire population ending in the death of millions of innocent jews.

there are three points i would like to make

1) Some Jewish people are very wealthy and successful, one reason is because they generally keep to their own (old school jews) pool their wealth and look after their own people, providing opportunities to other jewish people. They also keep wealth in families and teach a form of wisdom to their young that is unknown of or seen in any other culture or group of people. Generally speaking Jewish people are actually highly intelligent, work extremly hard and EARN what they make in life. All these attributes are taught and brought down within their families.

2) Why are Jewish people ...or many Jewish people often wealthy and yielding power on earth?? Didnt God say he would bless Abraham ?? Isaac?? Jacob (whos name was changed to Israel.."he who wrestles with angels")

3) With all the above in context it must also be noted that like anyother group there are evil elements , forces and powers within cultures. Just like the Italians, most (99%) of whom are hard working people, there is still a small element who are involved in organised crime. There are some Zionists who believe in God the way they are supposed to and there are other Zionists who are bascially mobsters with skullcaps, corrupt, ecstacy dealing thugs.

Finally let it be known what the bible TRUELY says about Israel and the Jews. God does love them and will deliever on his promise to them , as the Lord loves unfailingly. However who will receive this eternal blessing?? It is the weak of the Jewish people, not the current leaders and powerful men, their pride will be broken in two like any other powerful proud man (as God resists the PROUD). It is a remnant whos shepards (leaders) have lead astray, that will be delivered in the end. Israel is not going to be what the leaders today want it to be. Its not going to happen. Because God said he would make Jeruselam a cup of trembling for the entire world. Gods words never return void they always happen as he said. The real peace will only occur when Jesus returns. Because God has chosen Israel as his NATION and favoured it above all others, this nation plays a central part in the end of the age. Is Israel the Israel of old? With a western democracy and western population?? Is it the same HEBREW faith as old?? Or is it RABBI based which came from Babylon?? Even their star on their flag is the star fo Molech who they worshipped in the desert and for which God left them plodding along for 40 years.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFiction

There are some Zionists who believe in God the way they are supposed to and there are other Zionists who are bascially mobsters with skullcaps, corrupt, ecstacy dealing thugs.

Do you know what Zionism is?

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFiction

The real peace will only occur when Jesus returns.

Jews do not belive in Jesus. We are waiting for the Massiach to arrive.

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFiction

Is Israel the Israel of old? With a western democracy and western population??

It does not matter where you are from - A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism. This has been established since the earliest days of Judaism. In the Torah, you will see many references to this . Leviticus 24:10 speaks of the son of an Israelite woman and an Egyptian man as being "among the community of Israel". (If you still do not belive, read the story of RUTH, one of the female ancestors of King David)

I think, Americans support Israel because they see the Jews of Israel as sharing common values (including religious values) and being willing to fight for those values.


posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 05:13 AM
Having neither read the protocols nor formed a concrete opinion on them yet, it stands to reason that even if they were originally a hoax, they might have been adopted by a group at a later time.

The wording of this article does lead one to question it's true purpose.

Here is an excerpt found in a rather, overall, disturbing "article" but it does pertain to this subject and it makes one think...

The Protcols are specific to Jewish Freemasonry, 'not' to the Jews (Egyptian: 'Habiru' lit. 'slave or servant')
I am just the son of a slave. Aryan War is War 'against' the Aryans who collaborate with the Jewish Mafia and who constitute the majority of their armies and police, despite the Jewish Luciferians planning and boasting of their intentions to carry out the Holocaust of all Goyim (non Jewish). The White skinned Goyim of the First World (the rich nations) are, in general, stupid; they are a foolish and moronic people; I will tell you that and the Jewish Masons will tell you that; they are 'Lemmings' and that is not a 'racist' statement, it simply a fact; how else can one explain the collaboration of the Goyim with the Jewish Freemasons who plan and prepare for the Holocaust of the Goyim? It is unbelievable that some of these idiots continue to believe that the Aryans are the Master race; never was there such a stupid brainless race of people led by the nose into willing enslavement and slaughter. The First World Goyim are generally morons devoid of moral worth irrespective of their mathematical I.Q's or education, and there are very few exceptions to that; they are lambs led willingly to the slaughter who refuse to face the Truth and who mostly live their whole lives in denial and are fed from birth to death on Illuminati propaganda and on circuses and TV comedies; they are laughing their way straight to the microwave ovens of the Jewish Satanists; they are a race of slaves; it is in their nature to be enslaved, and if you suggest otherwise they run away from you; it is not in the nature of the children of Africa or of the Jews and Muslims (most of whom are Jews) to be enslaved, and they resist enslavement, but the First World Goyim willingly and knowingly enslave themselves to the Jewish Mafia of narco-terrorists and Usuryists.

Religious extremism and hate-filled propaganda on all sides.. not a good sign.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 07:37 AM

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:10 AM
Soul Reaper

Do you have something against Jews, I don't, they live life believing to be the chosen ones and that is good for them, It does not bother me.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:19 AM
I ditto what MARG said. What have you got against the Jews?
R U jealous of how some have managed to become wealthy?
R U jealous of their academic achievments?

I don't understand why the world keeps thinking the Jews are
behind every scheme or that they are running the world. IF the
Jews really ran the world, they would have been able to
kick the Palestinian squatters off their land years ago
and they would have nuked the muslim countries that
keep swearing that they'll destroy Israel (a soverign nation)
and all the Jews everywhere.

'Jews run the world behind the scenes' doesn't make sense.
'Jews run America' doesn't make sense either. Why?
Look at the same reasons I just listed. If they really ran
America, which is Israel's best friend, America and Israel
would have gotten together and nuked out Syria, Saudi Arabia,
Iran, and Iraq.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:35 AM
there are jewish people who believe jesus christ is messiah, have converted to christianity and believe that one day JESUS will rule in ZION. that my friend is a form of ZIONISM.

a breif definition of Zionism is the governance domination and control of the world from Israel.

One day Jesus will return and he will rule from Zion. Any Jew who does not belive Jesus is the messiah will not be present or take part in his rule over the earth.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:54 AM

Thanks for the input,

What people believe or not believe is not for us to analyze unless it affects us personally, Jews has their beliefs and I think is good for them, I don't have to agree with these beliefs they are many religions in the world that thinks theirs is the right one, I don't see what is the point to said their are going to take over the world or not, yes I like conspiracies and I will love to speculated but coming right out and bash a particular religion on things that can not be prove is not right.

I see the radical muslins trying to take over people through acts of terrorism and intimation and that is a fact we have seen it and it can be proved but the Jewish are trying to take over US I can not see it.

This nation is built on immigrants and everybody has a link to one group or another because we are so diverse but that does not mean that a particular group is trying to rule this nation, this is just speculations.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFiction
there are jewish people who believe jesus christ is messiah, have converted to christianity and believe that one day JESUS will rule in ZION. that my friend is a form of ZIONISM.

a breif definition of Zionism is the governance domination and control of the world from Israel.

One day Jesus will return and he will rule from Zion. Any Jew who does not belive Jesus is the messiah will not be present or take part in his rule over the earth.

The word "Zionist" derives from the word "Zion" (hebrew: ����, Tziyon), the name of a stronghold of Jerusalem, as mentioned in the Torah. Zionism has always had both religious and secular aspects - some of the founders of the State of Israel were atheists.

Jews were exiled from Eretz Yisrael by the Romans in 135 CE and up to 1948 jews did not have any control on the land again. But the Jewish people never gave up hope that we would someday return to our home in Israel.

That hope is expressed in the song Ha-Tikvah (The Hope), the anthem of the Zionist movement, which is the antem of the state of Israel.

Kol od baleivav p'nima
Nefesh Y'hudi homiya
Ul'fa-atey mizrach kadima
Ayin L'Tziyon tzofiya
Od lo avda tikvateynu
Hatikva bat sh'not alpayim
Lih'yot am chofshi b'artzenu
Eretz Tziyon v'yirushalayim.
Lih'yot am chofshi b'artzenu
Eretz Tziyon v'yirushalayim.

As long as deep within the heart
The Jewish soul is warm
And toward the edges of the east
An eye to Zion looks
Our hope is not yet lost,
The hope of two thousand years
To be a free people in our own land
In the land of Zion and Jerusalem.
To be a free people in our own land
In the land of Zion and Jerusalem

That, TruthStrgnrThanFiction, is Zionism.


posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Ashlar
The claim of the Jews that the Protocols are forgeries is in itself an admission of their genuineness, for they NEVER ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THE FACTS corresponding to the THREATS which the Protocols contain, and, indeed, the correspondence between prophecy and fulfillment is too glaring to be set aside or obscured. This the Jews well know and therefore evade.

I am a student of the protocols and i bear witness that they are true.

I bet that all the users who will say it is a fake, will be people who havent read it

I have read the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion, and not only can I say not only is the whole thing is incredibly dumb and melodramatic, I can state for certain that they are plagarized forgeries.

The main bits of the Protocols come from Dialogues in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli by Maurice Joly. In it the authoritarian Machiavelli and the reform-minded Montesquieu meet in hell and have a conversation. Montesquieu defends democracy but Machiavellli (who is supposed to represent Napoleon III, the French ruler at the time) says that despots can still use deciet and suppresion to control the people.

A good portion of the "statements" attributed to Jews come straight from the mouth of these imaginary words of Machiavelli. Thus, for someone of a Machiavellian bent the Protocols would seem ring true.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 03:56 PM
zionist want to run the world, islam wants to take over the world, who gives a #?

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 06:28 PM
From Behold A Pale Horse, Cooper says:
"This has been written intentionally to deceive people. For clear understanding, the word "Zion" should be "Sion"; and reference to "Jews" should be replaced with "Illuminati"; and the word "goyim" should be replaced with the word "cattle."

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