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Believing In Conspiracy Theories Is A Form Of Psychosis

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posted on May, 3 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by LargeFries

He certainly does, and it appears that the government is psychotic, with all these tales of conspiracy they keep going on about.

When are you going to stop heading to MCD's and start realizing just how much crap you are being told, it blows away Entertainment tonight with all the focus on meaningless and obvious lies being repeated.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 09:58 PM
Wow, yea, now I realize. This place doesn't suck. I've developed my own reality. Everything I feel is actually good vibes, and my perception is skewed by overexposure to internet commentary. Thanks Main Stream Mommy. My baby-food doesn't taste like bullsh*t anymore, can I have another spoonful please?...

The only psychoses I suffer are the ones inflicted by an upbringing in public schooling, forced to believe that this country is the greatest land of opportunity and all the crap. There is a period of unlearning all of the lies you are taught to believe is history. Being lead to believe that you are a consumer when you are in fact the consumed. That your Nikes matter. If washing your mind of all of these notions is some kind of illness, please don't cure me.

The simple fact is No Conspiracy, No Theorists. If TPTB wouldn't try to sneak things past us, we would have nothing to figure out. There is a small number of conspiracy theorists when compared to the massive population, it's no coincidence that intelligence among the massive population is probably a comparable ratio.
edit on 3-5-2011 by Bobaganoosh because: spelling correction

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 10:35 PM

the purpose of this thread is to keep you aware we are now being labeled as a fringe group..outcast cult,who have lost leave of our sense's..

We are only now being labelled? I'd dare say conspiracy theorists have always been labeled this way by the general public.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 01:06 AM
I'm not surprised that being interested in or believing conspiracy theories are labeled as being some kind of mental disorder. Sounds like a good way to convince people that they have a problem and need to seek therapy and behavioral medications to control themselves. What a money maker! People in the mental health business must be making some serious bank, seeing as how they have managed to turn every single behavior or thinking structure into some kind of problem that requires some to start taking crazy pills. I read an article today talking about how people (like me) that are cautious of what kind of food they put in their body have a disorder which needs therapy. So because I totally avoid foods with artificial ingredients, colors, chemicals and preservatives I am borderline Obsessive compulsive.
And silly ole' me thought I was just being healthy. We know we aren't crazy and psychotic, but it's everyone else that will be thinking you need serious help because of some lame article they read.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by Bobaganoosh
Wow, yea, now I realize. This place doesn't suck. I've developed my own reality. Everything I feel is actually good vibes, and my perception is skewed by overexposure to internet commentary. Thanks Main Stream Mommy. My baby-food doesn't taste like bullsh*t anymore, can I have another spoonful please?...

The only psychoses I suffer are the ones inflicted by an upbringing in public schooling, forced to believe that this country is the greatest land of opportunity and all the crap. There is a period of unlearning all of the lies you are taught to believe is history. Being lead to believe that you are a consumer when you are in fact the consumed. That your Nikes matter. If washing your mind of all of these notions is some kind of illness, please don't cure me.

hey great post.....sums it up perfect....

i was corrupted with the lies of religion as a child...and lies about history in school....and being the kind of person i am,that questions everything..i soon came to my own conclusion,that everything is a illusion,perputrated to control the mass's

i refused to take the social pill of acceptance to cure me of my socially irrational thinking and behavior.

the way i see it is 98% of people are in the consumerist cycle and look to objects for happiness.children mimic authority figures and parents are the ultimate authority while they are still is up to the collective consciousness to break this cycle of consumption,it is a very hard addiction to break,so it is up to you to break that addiction,and teach your children,to avoid the drug called consumerism,which will turn you into a working zombie ant,to acquire worthless goods in the hope of finding little moments of false happiness,in a our unfulfilled lives,all following the next person in the hope they know were they are going.

my point is,people are so hooked on the drug consumerism,to realize its all just a illusion,and those of us,that understand,all is not what it seems,whether it be subconscious or conscious,are here for a doesn't mean we are mental,or insane or suffer from a form of psychosis.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:23 AM
It's not as if we arn't in good company.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:41 AM
Yes, I think those who don't toe the line are under attack for their beliefs and questions, skepticism and analyzing of events..

Conspiracy Theories Under Attack By The Mainstream News.

The 5 craziest conspiracy theories on bin Laden’s death

Daily Show Ridiculing both Pakistan and Conspiracy Theorists

I think there were a couple of other threads about the mainstream media ridiculing and attempting to preempt potential conspiracy theories about the more recent events. Seems they're thinking that way, but the good news is that 1.) they're thinking and maybe even 2.) that they know there are people out there who are not easily led (even though number 2 can be bad news as well).

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:59 PM
Psychosis huh? Apparently the ability to have a thinking brain devoid of external control is also a mental illness.

Are we a disease or are we the Enlightened ones?

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:08 PM
ISis RA ELohim cult. Bless their hearts...i do hope these cults,religions, societies, and orders quit trying to jockey for power. Must be a miserable way to live.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Sheltered fools...
Here is the difference between them and us. Our reality doesn't come from CNN, it comes from the real world.
There, I just said what that book took hundreds of pages to write out, in one sentence.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Fiberx
Seriously, it's really really bad here at ats. I hadn't fully realized how widespread the delusions were until yesterday.

I really think an unnerving number of people here are doing anything BUT denying ignorance. Many of them may need mental health care in a very real way.

For the first time, I see this site as being dangerous and harmful.

Thinking about no longer coming here despite the fact that have seen some good and thoughtful analysis at times.

People are getting to caught up in paranoia and anti-whateverism. This community is manufacturing broken minds and creating a deep and insidous vulnerability in people.

Well not to be offensive but one could view your post and maybe even say you are being a little bit paranoid.

"Manufacturing broken minds"??? really I don't see it. What I do see is alot of people SOooo tired of being lied to and manipulated by mainstream news and the controlled press that they have to seek things out for themselves as they should. Really what I see happening too is that 'the state' and it's minions is losing the ability to issue propaganda and not have people question. A good example is when Cheney was out trying to sell his fear and propaganda and peddling his WMD conspiracy theories in order to provide a pretext to inavade another sovereign nation for geopolitical and economic reasons, that many KNEW he was spouting BS and they didn't fall for it... While those that lick the boot of the state may not have appreciated this, I personally think it's great the so called 'alternative press' was doing the job the MSM hacks simply refused to do, IMO these MSM shills and lapdogs have alot of innocent blood on their hands. Thank god for the alternative press and those who never stop asking questions.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:36 PM
Conspiracy Theorists do not suffer from a form of psychosis... we suffer from not believing everything spoon fed to us. We suffer from a semi-skeptical mind when the "facts" say one thing and common sense says..."Wait a damn minute."

For instance...If I said I caught a 500lb catfish...and then I released it back into the water...and no, I am not going to show you a picture. Would you believe me?

Ok, so if I say I got Bin Laden...most wanted man in the world...and dumped him into the ocean...and no, I am not going to show you the picture. Would you believe me?

How about the old Italian Carcanno Bolt Action Rifle I used to have....just like the one Lee Harvey Oswald "shot" JFK with. It was hard enough to duplicate 3 shots in less than 10 seconds at ground level accurately at 50yrds....even after much practice.

So, I should believe Oswald was able to do so from a book depository in Dallas, Tx... The same town where the Cheif of Police was the brother of the head of the CIA. The same state as the VP Johnson was from...and the Bush family...where GHW Bush was a relatively new agent in the CIA...and later become head of CIA... actually helped organize the Bay of Pigs of the ships codenamed Barbara...after his wife. After Kennedy canceled the promised air support for the operation in Cuba..the Cuban Nationals were slaughtered. The Mob/Mafia lost an opportunity to make mucho mass deneiro in Cuba by reopening the old casinos and hotels like in pre-Castro Cuba...

Yup, no need for speculation dots to suspicious circumstances there.

How about the Carlyle Group... Bush Family and Bin Laden Family are board members...the Carlyle Group invests in weapons developement and sales...imagine that...that's not conspiracy..thats straight from the CBS MarketWatch site. How convenient.

Oh, and guess who are members and friends in the same Yacht Club...the Bush Family and the Hinckley family...yup, the parents of one John Hinkley Jr.... the would be assassin of Reagan...had he died...Bush would have been President prior to 1988...

Yup, no need for any Conspiracy Theory there..just an odd coincidence.

Frankly, if you don't see any reason to go are the one suffering from denial and psychosis.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

And no matter how often some of these theories have turned out to be proven true, we are still crazy for questioning new and suspicious events...... Just seen on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart that he's calling us crazy for questioning Bin Laden's very timely body disposal... Now I have to delete him again off of my DVR for a while. And just when I got over him ridiculing us about the swine flu vaccine conspiracys.....

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:50 AM
Despite both in the USA and UK having a two sided party political system, its patently obvious that whichever side is elected, it merely carries on the same policies the previous opposition party enacted. .

Looking at what Obama and Cameron promised before they got elected, has very much changed from ~Bush and Brown?

If that is not a government conspiracy to deceive the people of each country, what is?

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by katndew
reply to post by AlreadyGone

And no matter how often some of these theories have turned out to be proven true, we are still crazy for questioning new and suspicious events...... Just seen on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart that he's calling us crazy for questioning Bin Laden's very timely body disposal... Now I have to delete him again off of my DVR for a while. And just when I got over him ridiculing us about the swine flu vaccine conspiracys.....

Sure, I actually believe there must be some kind of 'brain disorder' in people that DON'T question events that don't make reasonable sense, and who will believe the LEAST likely explanation simply because told to them by anyone who looks the part of an 'authority figure'. Where does this blind naive trust come from, what part of the brain has been turned off in these people.

And as you mentioned with the swine flu hoax, how rational would people really be to take untested unproven vaccines especially after companies like Baxter have allegedly been found TWICE to actually be contaminating their vaccines with the very type of viruses their vaccines are claimed to be designed to fight. Wouldn't common sense tell people if a company is this sloppy and stands to make huge profits off of such a thing that maybe scepticism is really called for, and just MAYBE what we are really witnessing is a CRIME rather than just a 'conspiracy theory'.

For some reason some people believe they can just shove their lack of common sense and lack of scepticism into a little box and label it a 'conspiracy theory' and then it makes inconvenient questions magically just go away. When crimes happens on the small scale for small amounts of profit so many have no problem accepting that as potentially valid, but when crimes happen for hundreds of millions or billions of dollars by big players they can't seem to grasp even the possibility. The one thing I hear that seems to override their common sense is again ths blind naive trust ie, "THEY just wouldn't do that". Well WRONG, *THEY* certainly WOULD do that, and the more to gain, the more likely.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by TheMaverick

People that rely on the mass media for their news live in their own little reality. The reality created for them by the mass media..

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
Psychosis huh? Apparently the ability to have a thinking brain devoid of external control is also a mental illness.

Are we a disease or are we the Enlightened ones?

Disease, I say NEVER! We are the Enlightened ones! We run this place no one else.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by LargeFries

He certainly does, and it appears that the government is psychotic, with all these tales of conspiracy they keep going on about.

When are you going to stop heading to MCD's and start realizing just how much crap you are being told, it blows away Entertainment tonight with all the focus on meaningless and obvious lies being repeated.

GrinchNoMore I agree with the sentiment about our government not being mentally well. we are dealing with a body of people mostly from affluence & privilege, and all the trappings that go along with it.

I have no idea what MCD's are. I used Google, all I got was McDonald's, the fast food restaurant. Please reply and expand on what you are saying, I am not understanding what you are trying to share.

Thank you

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by LargeFries

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by LargeFries

He certainly does, and it appears that the government is psychotic, with all these tales of conspiracy they keep going on about.

When are you going to stop heading to MCD's and start realizing just how much crap you are being told, it blows away Entertainment tonight with all the focus on meaningless and obvious lies being repeated.

GrinchNoMore I agree with the sentiment about our government not being mentally well. we are dealing with a body of people mostly from affluence & privilege, and all the trappings that go along with it.

I have no idea what MCD's are. I used Google, all I got was McDonald's, the fast food restaurant. Please reply and expand on what you are saying, I am not understanding what you are trying to share.

Thank you

Let us not also forget one fact, with generation upon generation of imbreeding has caused more mental disorders then the general populous. This is why and how the collective intelligence of Government has deteriorated in recent years leaving a bunch of people who should be in a mental institution being allowed to dictate policy over the State and having the launch codes handy!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:42 AM
Omg, im not even worried about it. This nonsense is gonna come to an end soon. It will never work, I think "them" are realizing it now... lol. It will never work because people are not as stupid as "them" want to assume... Its laughable and pathetic like the newscasters in that video...
edit on 9-5-2011 by BanMePlz because: spelling

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