You are probably 15 years old Mako, high school student, with a liberal and retarded teacher for history, who thinks that the holocaust never
How did we break Article 13? It's the paparazi who take pictures of those prisoners and then publishes them, the government has not released
publically humiliating photographs of Camp X-ray. Or any of the prisoners.
Also never when the government allowed pictures to be taken, were their faces revealed.
Article 18, is fake, when taking prisoners you are allowed to strip them, and take their possessions.
Article 22 is also construed, he carefully chooses his words to make you think one thing, but it is really another.
Here he uses "Penitentiary" in Article 22 it would be referring to torture devices, in english, while this is still an acceptable definition, it is
of course, not what you'd think it means. As it is popularly understood as a prison, which is where you hold prisoners.
They do have proper mess facilities, so Article 28, is pointless.
They have their religious premises, as they even have a sign pointing them to mecca so they may pray.
Physical excersise? This they probably have, not sure though.
Article 41, never been followed. 70 and 71? They have no families, or no one has 'claimed' them, being that they have no identification, and that
they've given no information of who to contact.
72 has also been followed, this guy is just full of crap.
Article 118, we are allowed to hold them as prisoners until the Al Qaeda formally surrenders and hands over all weapons and assets to the USA. I
guess the author is just pretty stupid and doesn't understand, hostilities have yet ended.
Back to Article "17" you are allowed to interrogate prisoners, but they are only REQUIRED to tell you that stuff, meaning anything else they tell
you they can be prosecuted for.
Sleep deprivation, bright lights, and being in a chain-link fence for a cell (doesn't qualify as isolation) are not in the Articles, the North
Koreans applied this tactic, and the UN didn't care.
"Unsurprisingly the prisoners have tried to kill themselves" Duh, another ignorant and leading statement, as if they wouldn't have done it blowing
themselves up in a resturant somewhere.
Now the US's claim that they are not even lawful combatants is a perfectly legitimate clame, as who is to surrender the "Al Qaeda" they are all
independants who are paid from another independant. They are not a recognized country.
LoL look at this slander: "Many of these prisoners appear to have been working in Afghanistan as teachers, engineers or aid workers. If the US
government either tried or released them, its embarrassing lack of evidence would be brought to light"
Yeah they taught alright, a fanatic form of Islam, they sure were engineers too, building all those defense works.
And they aided Afghanistan alright, right back to the stone age.
"On 21 November 2001, around 8,000 Taliban soldiers and Pashtun civilians surrendered at Konduz to the Northern Alliance commander General Abdul
Rashid Dostum." Now he's just stopped giving sources, and decided to entirely just say stuff.
Oh wait, even worse, he does give a source, a speculative news source.
Even this site says "alleged murder of Taliban prisoners"
Ok I'm sick, I've never seen such a fool follow such a peice of crap as in this one thread.
Anyone who is against America, does have the Swastika, in their souls.