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Fatah and Hamas sign reconciliation deal!

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posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:17 PM
This is VERY BIG NEWS...

Fatah and Hamas sign reconciliation deal

Palestinian factions agree to form interim government and fix general election date following talks in Cairo.

The American government, the European government and Israeli government will be pissed... A LOT...

Fatah and Hamas making a reconciliation deal... if Hamas can keep quiet for a few months at least... opens the door for PALESTINE...AS A COUNTRY... finally!

They want to declare Palestine official in September. Many countries support it.

All those years of paying bribes to Fatah were fruitless in the end... Warmongers are probably crying right now!

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Damn got it from Aljazeera, awesome dude, I'm very happy =D They need it!

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:26 PM
Something ain't right. I can't put my finger on it.
I'm extremely skeptical.
Anyone else getting that vibe?
edit on 27-4-2011 by illuminatitanimulli because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:46 PM
Well 80% of Egypt do not favor a peace treaty with Israel and now that Fatah and Hamas have signed a reconciliation deal, its not looking good for everyone else...I just hope all goes well in the middle east and their situation.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

The last thing Israel want is peace among Arabs..

I wonder what false flag attacks we are about to see..

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:03 PM
mubarak was made a multi billionaire to betray the palestinians, betray fellow arabs, protect the peace treaty with israel and supress any threats to the status quo.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:29 AM
Actually, there were about 3 or 4 of these "deals" in the past if I recall correctly, and they didn't really work.

If you'll spend some time in the west bank, you'll learn that they consider the Gaza Arabs as inferior to them, they call them "Beduins", that don't live in cities like they are...

You are all looking at this from a western perspective, the Arabs are a tribal society (as the various problems in the Arab world show you), check how many marriages are conducted between rival tribes, I'm guessing you won't find much...

I'm not putting too much stock in this "agreement", one side or the other will attack the other at first chance... remember, Hamas threw (yes, threw) Fatah people off roofs in Gaza in 2007 - when they won the elections, I'm guessing, we'll soon see if the same happens in Ramallah or other places in the west-bank.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by ender_shadow

You are all looking at this from a western perspective, the Arabs are a tribal society (as the various problems in the Arab world show you), check how many marriages are conducted between rival tribes, I'm guessing you won't find much...

Mate, stop with the generalization crap...
Check how many Jews marry none Jews..

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by backinblack

Arabs consider themselves the same ethnic group... as opposed to Jews who are a different ethnic group than Arabs? (are we clear on the distinction?)

Are you claiming that they are not tribal? are you claiming that there aren't what is known as "Hamula" wars? I think you are the one who is generalizing... oh, and if a Jew would have married an Arab, that Jew (and most likely that Arab) would have been butchered to death by that Arab's family...

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:55 AM
This effectivly ends any possibility of a negotiated peace. Hamas is way too radical in it's beliefs to ever make peace with Israel. This will make it extremely unlikely for the UN to grant statehood to the Palestinian people. However, IF for some unknown reason Hamas does recognize Israels right to exist, and renounces violence, while Israels recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to have a state and also renounces violence, then perhaps there is a chance. Time will tell.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:57 AM
Wow, there is finally going to be another massive eruption of war in the middle East. A really serious shooting war with two almost equally matched enemies, Isreal and the rest of them guys over there! Can't wait to see it! I know Israel has been making nukes hand over fist 24/7 for a good long while now! I know they'll use them because they have no choice right! This is what Palestine wants, they want to get exterminated? It's all about the martyrdom! Well, now that Israel has pretty much told everyone to pack sand, especially Barrack Obama, who do you think is going to restrain them when the shooting does start? Who? Egypt - Nope, Iran - Nope, Syria - Nope, Russia - Nope, China - Nope, the USA - Nope! But that's ok because Israel knows the score, so what if they are all gonna die? How many do you think they'll take with them when they go? And the NWO gets it's population reduction, and all the oil, and the only thing they have to trade off for is a bunch of big big smoking holes in the middle East? I would think for the NWO it's win-win all the way! Suckers! Oh well, it was a nice planet for a while anyway!

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by gem_man

Israel would have to stop the settlements and that ain't gonna happen..

THAT'S why there will be no peace..

Israel doesn't want peace, Israel wants land, all of it.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by backinblack

I've been reading an interesting book. Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. It dedicates a small portion- atleast 50 pages of the book to the Israel-Palestine conflict. It states that low-intensity war(War on Terror, the intifada's) are extremely profitable for Israeli counter-terrorism, surveliance, intellegence, security and defence industries- which also build defence barriers/walls inprisoning Arabs/Palestinians.
I am pointing this out becuase you say Israel dosen't want peace. I agree those in government controlled by the hi-tech industry/counter-terrorism industry which make up the bulk of Israels economy doesn't want peace as peace isn't profitable.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

Let me offer you a counter argument then... (and I don't agree with the imprisonment claim - but that would be the topic for another thread)

What about UNRWA and the PA itself, they are living off donations from various countries, and UNRWA has a pretty big budget, and they basically control the day to day life of many palestinians... there's a lot of money to be had there too... they have an interest in keeping the status quo...

And BTW, the Israeli high-tech industry is mostly an export industry... (I'm part of it), even the security related stuff is being sold mostly to outside countries... (again, from personal experience and knowledge)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

I am pointing this out becuase you say Israel dosen't want peace. I agree those in government controlled by the hi-tech industry/counter-terrorism industry which make up the bulk of Israels economy doesn't want peace as peace isn't profitable.

True and the US is a perfect example of Billionaires from war..

But Israel also want continued war so as to continue the illegal settlements..
It's a win win for them...

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by backinblack

I certainly agree with you but what Israel wants may not be what they get. IF the unified PA issues a statement recognizing Israel and renouncing violence Israel could be forced to make peace. Of course Israel must also recognize Palestine AND renounce violence also. The settlements ARE a serious obstical and we will have to wait and see on that. From the Palestinian point of view the "Right of return" is important. We shall see.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by ender_shadow

I don't like you use of personal expirience as being you source to off-set claims. The reason why is becuase I don't know what your proffesion is and I don't know how high up on the food chain you are. I understand that it is mainly an export industry however the whole selling point for the Israeli high tech industry is "hey... look here, we've been dealing with these Muslims for our whole existence, come to us for help"- "It is not a war that can be won by any country, but winning is not the point. The point is to create security inside fortress states bolstered by endless low-level conflict outside their walls." I'm sure you have hered if Elbit and Magal. The publicity Israel recieves for its defence barriers are free advertisment for them.
However the issue I am discussing is far deeper and broader than the regional conflict.
edit on 28-4-2011 by SpeachM1litant because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

I accept your criticism, suffice it to say that I have been involved in various security related projects, that went to several countries (I am an engineer/system architect). Plus, I have many personal friends who are employed with companies such as Verint and NICE systems, also Elbit, Elisra and others.

However, I agree with the fact that it's not the main topic here... but I would appreciate your opinion regarding my ideas in regards to UNRWA and the elements within the PA that would much rather keep getting donations then have their own state (having a state is much different then "preparing to have a state" which is what they've been doing for years now)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by ender_shadow

I think your criticism of UNRWA is in the broad sense precise. However I disagree with some elements of your statement in regards to the fact that they don't want a Palestinians state. Are you trying to say that they are attempting to block the creation of a Palestinian state in order to maintain a flood of donations? It is my belief that UNRWA isn't a power broker to the same extent that many corporations involved in the high-tech industry are. You may get the sense that I am circulating around the question, however I would appreciate if you could maybe ellaborate on the question so I have somthing to reply too.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

Well, I do know that UNRWA manages every aspect of the daily lives of Palestinians, from food to education... therefore, they have a huge mechanism of man-power and influence in the PA... UNRWA are also responsible in a large amount for the good that come into Gaza, so, that puts them in another power position... that was my main point...

And in regards to blocking, while they may not be "actively" blocking anything, I'm pretty sure, that if you think about it, the amounts of money that have been invested thus-far in the PA (which are in the billions and billions) could have bettered the lives of palestinians many times over... but it hasn't...

As I see it, there are two powers at play here, the first is the leadership, which is in essence corrupt and get a percentage of all this money that's coming in, and if they have a state, that money dries up, and if the money dries up, and they have to start dealing with the day to day management of a state, with all its problems, and the risk of being ousted by their people, it's a much better deal to keep the status quo with Israel as the "obstacle" to peace (disregarding the argument about settlements at the moment)... and the second power is UNRWA as stated, since their whole existence is based on the premise that there are Arab refugees, and when there is a palestinian state, the refugees have a state to live in, and UNRWA loses it's reason for existence... and therefore, many people will be out of a job and influence...

Might be a bit long winded, but those are my two cents on the matter - it's actually not really "on-topic" so to speak, but I agree with you, there are parties on both sides that are interested in the status quo...

I for one hope that the palestinians will have their state, that they should be happy. All I want is for them to just let us live where we are in peace... hopefully, enough of them feel the same.

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