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CNN verifies Obama's legal birth documents in Hawaii

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posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by ShakaDoodle
This issue is not over by a long shot,by calling it "silly" is dismissing the legitimate questions the public has and if he is legit he should be praising the public for being on top of things,instead he is referring to us as silly and stupid,the one thing I learned in kindergarten is there is no stupid question,and have every right to be questioning this.My guess is that they're hoping that the other issues about Obama's past will be put into the same category as the birth certificate(silly)The strategies being used by the government can only be used so many times before the public starts to catch on to their games and tricks to manipulate the public into their agenda.Shame on them,they are being backed into a corner and eventually the truth will come out.....oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive!

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:33 AM
So wheres the other birth certificate, the one with Barry Soetoro on?
Besides, from the picture it looks a bit too neat and clear, my BC from 71 is brown and dirty and faded, but maybe theres always going to be a complaint about the BC?

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:34 AM
The release of this "new" long-form birth certificate has raised a few red flags for me. After extensively studying this document using fuzzy logic, a scanning electron microscope, a think tank, a few cups of coffee and a team put together by Mr. Hair himself, I have concluded that this document is fake. Here are the inconsistencies that gave me cause for alert.

(1) The said document was clearly Photoshopped.

(2) The color of the paper is incorrect for it's age. If it was from the time of his "birth" it would obviously have discoloration from age. It's clearly a new document as the color does not correspond to its age.

(3) The text looks too old, almost like it was purposely made to look old.

(4) It's clearly obvious that that this document was edited extensively.

(5) The document in question has various inconsistencies.

(6) The text is blurry in some places and this is artifacting due to NASA editing the content.

(7) The name stated on the certificate is wrong. It should read "Barry Soetoro" as we all know that this is his real name!
(8) The folds and creases on the said certificate where clearly an attempt to fool the general public into thinking that this is an old piece of paper.
(9) Numerous anomalies can be seen when holding a photo copy of the document at an angle of 38.929 degrees on the longitudinal plane.
(10) There is no visible watermark on the document. If there is one and we did not detect it then it's clearly a fake watermark and not a genuine one.

So after debating this with a panel of judges; including Myself, Steven, Jennifer and Randy, we have concluded that this "birth certificate" is indeed a fake released by TPTB to fool the People of the United States of America into thinking that he was actually born in Hawaii. There is a plethora of damning proof all over the internet that can be found via a google search that he was born in Kenya, en route to the hospital tent.
edit on 27-4-2011 by DenyPhilistinism because: Forgot some satire here and there

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Viking9019
Why did it take him so long or did they have to make one for him?

To discredit this book

The book is not out yet, and just look at the cover of it and you'll see right away how releasing the birth certificate now completely discredits other information in the book. And yet they say it was Trump's doing.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:36 AM
I've never been a "birther", but I have had questions about why he didn't produce the document when asked.

With that said...I'll concede that he was born in the US and put this whole thing behind me/us.

Now...with that said...and my agreement that he was born difficult would it be to make up such a birth certificate? With the level of access and power the government to things, years of preparation, digital and printing difficult would it really be???? Just a question. And this leads to the following suggestion which I have said so many times before. WE MUST CONFIRM ALL OF OUR "LEADER'S" RIGHT TO HOLD THEIR POSITIONS BEFORE THEY ARE ELECTED!!! This should never again be a question. There are groups, countries, etc. that would love influence in the US, and they would gladly spend years or decades growing and documenting that access. We need protection from outside influence and that should be obvious from this whole situation.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:37 AM
It doesn't matter if Obama was born on the white house lawn, he's still NOT LEGAL to be our banker puppet President! He lost that ability when he gave up his US citizenship to get financial aid from Indonesia!

Once he did that, he was no longer legal to be our President. This is not up for debate either since Obama freely admits he went to school in Indonesia and got aid to do so. You can't be a dual citizen in Indonesia. To get aid, you MUST be a citizen of Indonesia which means that Obama HAD to give up his US citizenship.

So Obama is NOT LEGAL to be our President no matter where he was born. That's why he sealed all his records!

Wake up Sheeple! Obama is a new world order monster designed to destroy the United States and he's doing a very good job of it. How do you like his new Libya war where we are now giving weapons and money to Al-CIA-DA! What a sick joke this country is!

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by DataWraith
So wheres the other birth certificate, the one with Barry Soetoro on?

You'll have to find someone with that name to find their birth certificate.
Our president's legal name is and always has been, Barack Hussein Obama II.

Besides, from the picture it looks a bit too neat and clear, my BC from 71 is brown and dirty and faded, but maybe theres always going to be a complaint about the BC?

This copy of the original document was issued on the 25th. TWO days ago. That's why it's all pretty.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by GlennCanady
He lost that ability when he gave up his US citizenship to get financial aid from Indonesia!

Whew! These birther lies are coming out of the woodwork now!

In dog training, this is called an "extinction burst". Where they try harder and harder to hold onto the old behavior before they finally resign to the reality that the old behavior no longer works. So, I expect ALL the old Obama rumors to surface again, especially by new members and those who cannot accept reality.

Wake up Sheeple!


posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
We already know his father was not a US citizen.
The LFBC is not going to shed any light on that.

WRONG !!!!
Not if he was adopted !!!!
His birth mother and birth father
might be totally different on the
LFBC and sealed due to state
adoption protocols and laws.
Using the adoption laws of Hawaii
would have been an excellent cover
for Obama being an Alien/Human Hybrid
placed into society.

Revealing this LFBC might just reveal
Obama's whole life was a lie from the time
he was engineered. Which might be the
exact reason that everyone in Obama's
immediate family had ties to the CIA
including Stanley Dunham (Obama's grandfather)
his birth father Barack Hussein Obama II and his
stepfather Lolo Soetoro.
And Barack II and Lolo both had connections
with the CIA coup in Indonesia.
Stanley Dunham was on assignment with
the CIA in Lebanon.
Madelyn Dunham was the first female VP
of the Bank of Hawaii which also funnels
and launders CIA funds to the Asia Pacific
region. And Ann Dunham worked on assignment
for the Ford Foundation in Indonesia and then
later for USAID in Pakistan both of
which are a CIA front. And let's not forget about Obama
himself. Obama's first job out of Columbia was
working as an editor for BIC which is also a CIA
front. EVERYBODY in his family including his
stepfather was CIA.

This might be the prime reason why Obama's DNA
does not match his maternal grandparents.

another side note, Obama's mother Ann was cremated.
to prevent DNA testing maybe???
edit on 4/27/2011 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)
[ quote]I agree 100%,you cannot even get a job as an daycare provider unless you have a background check(among the many jobs that require one),his doesn't check out all of his history is vague and brings up way too many questions that are not being answered.Apparently whatever is in this Corsi book must be explosive for Obama to release this document(B.C) at this time,if the book is released there will be many more questions he will have to answer,and I doubt that he will......

edit on 27-4-2011 by TWILITE22 because: sorry, I messed up this post somehow

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:46 AM
So, a man that NO ONE remembers from Columbia, spends hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting release of a birth certificate (That he says he has but you can't be trusted to see it) , when finally put under too much pressure releases a Certificate of Live Birth, calls it a Birth Certificate (which it's NOT) and thinks that will put everything to rest? I don't think Barry is as smart as he pretends. I guess I could just check his college grades. Oh that's right, in the spirit of a new transparency they've never been released. I'm glad he cut his press conference short and didn't allow any questions or someone might have asked him about his Social Security number or what passport he traveled to Pakistan under. This all reeks of theater and distraction.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by marcsnothere
As I have said in other threads...
He released it,
as asked.
Birthers are STILL NOT convinced...
Nothing he says or does will be good enough, no matter the issue, no matter the time...
No matter what.
Just sayin

This "birther" is convinced... it's a dead issue. I still hate Progressives, Marxists, Communists, Fabian Socialists and Liars; He is all of the above.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:51 AM
(Note: Off-topic, but had to add that, considering your comment, your user name is pretty damn funny.)

Originally posted by IamAbeliever
What a joke! This thing just "miraculously" showed up, after 2 years nonetheless.

I assume that you basically worded what you meant to say poorly, but just in case...

It didn't just "miraculously" show up. Everyone knew where it was. People just couldn't get to it. It isn't like he was digging around the White House attic and sumbled upon a long-lost document.

If you wanted to say anything was miraculous about the reveal, you have a better chance of saying that Obama miraculously changed his mind after 2 years.

Small, petty point by me, I freely admit, but it just sat wrong with me in it's original context.

EDIT: Ooops. Sorry for saying what others had already said. My same point was conveyed by others even better in the time I was writing my comment.
edit on 27-4-2011 by cuthbert because: Apologizing for repeating someone elses comment, thus creating spam.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I thought they had a lot of heat(not scripted)between them?

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE
Until someone unbiased picked by the public and studies the B.C to say it's legitimate and not a forged document,I'm not an expert but wouldn't they be able to tell by the paper its printed on as well as the typewriter that was used if it's legit or not?This whole thing stinks of damage control to me,the games are the same the names have only changed.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I guess you anti-American Marxist will be 'popping the cork' at Soros MoveOn, Media Matters, Fox, MSNBC-GE,CNN, Daily Kos, Fight The Smears,FactCheck, St.Peters Time-PolitiFact and Huffington Post-AOL?

Anybody in their right mind knew this was coming..If you can do one forged 'Illegal document' and the 'corrupt' Federal Justice Dept just turns their back...why not do another!
With Soros pixel at a time..This did take a while!

Looks like we will have this lying, criminal POUS for another year and a half: But the world will always know the "TRUTH!"Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama "Marxist-In-Chief"

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by filosophia

This book is the "TRUTH" ...And anti-American, Democrat, Marxist, at MoveOn, Media Matters, Daily Kos, MSNBC-GE, TIME& Newsweek, NY&LA Times,Huffington Post-AOL, Fox, St.Peters Time PolitiFact,FactCheck,CNN, Federal Justice Dept.(All the same) Can't stand the "TRUTH!"

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by truther357
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I guess you anti-American Marxist will be 'popping the cork' at Soros MoveOn, Media Matters, Fox, MSNBC-GE,CNN, Daily Kos, Fight The Smears,FactCheck, St.Peters Time-PolitiFact and Huffington Post-AOL?

Anybody in their right mind knew this was coming..If you can do one forged 'Illegal document' and the 'corrupt' Federal Justice Dept just turns their back...why not do another!
With Soros pixel at a time..This did take a while!

Looks like we will have this lying, criminal POUS for another year and a half: But the world will always know the "TRUTH!"Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama "Marxist-In-Chief"

And what, exactly, would please you oh smart one?
And what, exactly, do you want your President to act like for the next round?

Some are only happy when it rains

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:13 AM
on my birth certificate i have a rased seal. wheres is the rased seal on this????

Just say

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Vipassana

lol you have CNN as your source so you expect me to believe everything they say is true? There paid big money to lie to you, and no Obama wasnt born in hawaii both his parents are from kenya and he even went to school there so of course they are goin to say hes from hawaii wouldnt u?

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by malcr

Originally posted by Stratus9
The issue of the birth certificate is to make white racists feel better about having a black man in the most powerful seat in America by letting them imagine he is not legitimate.

It's that simple.

Exactly. What a coincidence that no president before this (all white) has ever been asked to show his birth certificate.

Actually John McCain was in 2000 before he could run for President.

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