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do you feel it?

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posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Odin2305

I like you more conceptualized view of things. The more I've learned about the human condition through hardships in politics and relationships in general the more I feel i've actuallly grown more spiritually. I think its as black and white as a person who wants better for every person on the earth vs. a politician who wants all the wealth for their bloodline. I also feel as if it's as complicated as trying to help enlighten everyone that we are making it harder on ourselves than it has to be when we are still learning that lesson ourselves. There is a definitive reason why people with collective consciousness exist and come together. I personally would rather step out on faith and trust the fact that there are people that evolve and change during their life. Sometimes I honelty feel so fraustrated with us as people and our self-rigeousness it makes me sick, becasue I feel like it's become our culture to halt spiritual progess, or individuality. No one wants to admit theirs an issue until their hamburgers and beer goes up in price despite the fact that the signs have been in their face the whole time.

There is a shift happening, at least I feel it in me. I do my best to walk with as little fear as possible, but I know the feeling is real. I know my intent my whole life has been to acquire peace not only internally but to fight for it externally. I also have seen so many different forms of evil through politics, relationships, internal struggles through others, I have had no choice to turn inward to better myself and in doing that maybe that is why I feel something happening within myself. I just know I must have faith and I take stock in the fact that there is a possibily I may not be walking alone...Thank God!

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by 11azerus11

this reality will have to crumble before the next one can be built. also, you must remember: with your gift of empath, you are feeling the energies of everyone around you, even the world in general. those downward spirals of random depression/anger could very well just be you sucking negativity out of the atmosphere and channeling it out (which then brings the state of joy). i, too, suffer from mood swings. thing is...i've always felt like these mood swings weren't even though my moods were being influenced by the world around me. i now feel that to be the truth.

when you're in the depths of depression...ask yourself why are you depressed? do you hate your life? your job? your kids? is there any real reason for you to be depressed or is it kinda random? i have random swings of anger, a little depression and even random floods of tears that take me over and wash through me. i alwasy feel as though it's not my pain i'm crying over.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

I don't see any evidence or proof of any claim in your post. All I see is speculation and conjecture. Thanks for wasting so many people's time.

PS Jk, it's your topic so you can make w/e you want. I noticed I have been sleeping A LOT more than usual lately and so has many other people here.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by cushycrux

That actually makes sense.

I'd be interested in hearing more.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
funny swear you're not being negative or insulting yet everyone keeps picking up on it.

i heard an old wise man say this once: if i have a day where someone is an a$$hole, it's probably them. if i have a day where everyone is an a$$'s probably me. seems as though most people here think you're being negative. maybe, just maybe, the group is right and you are wrong. of course not though...we're all shot out.

see...i told y'all. your negativity will not produce the fruits you are seeking. we are a different lot. here for peace and love. if you try to bring disharmony in here, you'll not have your way. although, just by me responding to you right now and everyone else, you are ahving your way.

yeah...maybe we should just stop responding to anything you have to say darkesthour or anyone else who seems to be here simply to bring strife and discord.. maybe then you would stop trying to "rain on our parade".

Really now? Am I an asshole for questioning you? Wow, I had no idea that clearly, I am being negative because I'm questioning you.

It's sad to see a group of individuals not be able to answer a few simple questions, blindly dodge everything and continue on with baseless beliefs. Do you want to know why you perceive me as negative? Because my thoughts pose a threat to your ego. In reality, on Earth, you know the place you claim to not be from, I'm simply a human asking you a question.

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
i've always felt different, as though i'm not human. even as a small child i felt like i wasn't from here. always felt like my birth parents were kinda like foster parents. hell...even my mom and grandpa said they knew i was different before i was ever born. i can recollect memories all the way back to a year or two old. always been sensitive of energies around me. i've seen beings around me, when i was younger, just kinda watching over me. i had visions when i was younger of some giant green being laying in bed, dreaming me.

i feel as though i am Christ. not to the extent that like i am Jesus, the man, but that the spirit of Christ is the building block for my DNA. i have self-imagry of Christ always playing in my head. feel as though i was put here to help people. help them find peace and usher in a new tme.

Yes a little logic can be quite threatening to that kind of thought process. A love filled being feeling some extraordinary gifts eh? Or someone with an inflated ego?

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by TheDarkestHour

At least he knows not to feed the ego

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

no. this movement includes everyone who is for love, peace and truth. those of us who feel this movement are the ones who will be the leaders of it. you not feeling what we feel doesn't mean you won't "make it" it just means that you're not meant to lead it.

again: if you are for love, peace, unity, truth...then you are a part of this. but it is those of us hwo feel this calling that are meant to lead it. so just ride the waves with us brother/sister! there's room for anyone who thinks there's room for everyone.

I missed responding to this post earlier.

Not everyone wishes to be part of a "movement". Some prefer to work quietly behind the scenes and contribute whatever they are able according to their gifts or talents.

If a movement, even if based on love, creates an us-and-them division among people, then it has undermined its own objective of unity and love.

By all means, spread your message, but be aware that it is a razor's edge you are walking.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by mysticnoon

Yes, let us never forget that there is a very fine line between holiness and assholiness and that it always takes one to know one!

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:35 PM
i will proably lose track of this thread tomorrow whilst at work. i will try my darndest to keep up with this thread but keeping my job is a bit more important at this current juncture.

please allow me to apologize in advance if i miss anything crucial or important. i will try to keep an eye out during work but will get back on here as soon as i'm home. i will probably lose track and not be able to catch up and will just have to kinda pick up where it is tomorrow though.

if there are any of you who are confident enough in your awakening (and feel up to it) to answer people's personal quesiotns via emails, please speak up and post on this thread to let them know. there are many waking up right now and need guidance or they will end up on prozac. funny...i wonder if big pharma has a flunkie or two on this thread.

so yeah...not gonna impose on anyone but if you feel as though you are far enough along in your growth that you can help a newbie out, please say so on this thread. i have been swamped with emails all day and have been doing my bestest to respond. i have responded to everyone i think but have only been able to give short responses to some. the recently awoken are lost and need a little direction as well as a welcome home hug. so any help would be greatly appreciated. anyone can feel free to message me still. but please be aptient and realize that at this time, as far as i know, i'm the only one taking emails so it gets a little backed up.

i'm not going to bed just yet but just letting it be known now. thanks.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:36 PM
see the thing is he is right, what i am experiencing is not love hate empathy or anything, its bigger then that, its a sense, and only will i know what to feel once change has being effected if at all , and also I am sure the everything I'm experiencing is very current 12months or so.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:36 PM
I do feel that something is about to happen and have been feeling this way since the 80's when I was a young adult. I became aware of a feeling and the best way to describe it is like the whistle of a train very far in the distance that over time becomes a little bit louder as it gets closer.
I can't say anything about acquiring any supernatural powers , that is non-applicable to me.
What I do know is that I have witnessed stuff in the last 20 years or so that I have never thought I would ever see happen in the US. A lot of that stuff makes my hair stand a bit on end.
Even my younger brother (who's pretty much an average working Joe) stated to me during a phone call the other day
"You know, there is some really weird s%!t going on in this country..I mean REALLY WEIRD s%!t"

We are about 3000 miles apart and he's telling me that maybe we should move much closer to each other and I am inclined to agree.
I don't profess to know what kind of change it is because I don't know.
I just hope me and mine are ready when whatever happens, happens.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:39 PM

i will proably lose track of this thread tomorrow whilst at work. i will try my darndest to keep up with this thread but keeping my job is a bit more important at this current juncture.

please allow me to apologize in advance if i miss anything crucial or important. i will try to keep an eye out during work but will get back on here as soon as i'm home. i will probably lose track and not be able to catch up and will just have to kinda pick up where it is tomorrow though.

if there are any of you who are confident enough in your awakening (and feel up to it) to answer people's personal quesiotns via emails, please speak up and post on this thread to let them know. there are many waking up right now and need guidance or they will end up on prozac. funny...i wonder if big pharma has a flunkie or two on this thread.

so yeah...not gonna impose on anyone but if you feel as though you are far enough along in your growth that you can help a newbie out, please say so on this thread. i have been swamped with emails all day and have been doing my bestest to respond. i have responded to everyone i think but have only been able to give short responses to some. the recently awoken are lost and need a little direction as well as a welcome home hug. so any help would be greatly appreciated. anyone can feel free to message me still. but please be aptient and realize that at this time, as far as i know, i'm the only one taking emails so it gets a little backed up.

i'm not going to bed just yet but just letting it be known now. thanks.

Hit me up friends!
[email protected]

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

Actually, I am feeling the change. However, I am not feeling uneasy, but rather--wonderful. For me, it all started after I really started feeling love all around me. Now, I too was always a very empathetic person, even being abnormally shy as a child. Nonetheless, one night I was standing out from smoking when a sudden feeling came over me--like I knew something was coming. Moments later a huge--what looked like a meteorite with a long tail--shot out of the sky and into the forest behind my house. I closed my eyes and waited for the sound of it striking the ground. Nothing.
The strangest feelings have been pouring into me ever since I really started to understand love. It is as if someone is blowing me up with love.
Usually, I tell people that G-d came back. They just look at me like I am crazy, but it really doesn't matter because I am finally comfortable on this planet. Though, that is not to say I am not angry as Hell of all the madness around us.
I commend your kindness in offering people an hear to listen to there story of transformation. Although I don't feel "uneasy", I can tell you that it would be amazing to share these feelings with others, and not called crazy.

In the end, however, if this is crazy, than I hope I am an absolute madman!

Stay in love...

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by mysticnoon

you are correct. but, i do not feel that everyone is going to "make it". meaning, i don't think everyone has pure love and peace and truth at their core. i think they will perish. this movement isn't about the ground breakers or front lines...this movement is the entire world. does that make more sense?

feel free to work from the sidelines or behind the scenes. please! any and all help is necessary. the movement i'm refering to is the change coming. the fire or revolution or whatever i'm inciting with this message is completely different, which i think is what you're trying to distinguish. don't have to be on the front lines (or whever i am) with me to be a part of the movement.

keep doing what you do. even if it's jsut to say a little prayer on your way to work or actually talk to the cashier next time you're at the store. brighten someone's day...even if it's only your own!

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by TheDarkestHour
Really now? Am I an asshole for questioning you? Wow, I had no idea that clearly, I am being negative because I'm questioning you.

It's sad to see a group of individuals not be able to answer a few simple questions, blindly dodge everything and continue on with baseless beliefs. Do you want to know why you perceive me as negative? Because my thoughts pose a threat to your ego. In reality, on Earth, you know the place you claim to not be from, I'm simply a human asking you a question.

Yes a little logic can be quite threatening to that kind of thought process. A love filled being feeling some extraordinary gifts eh? Or someone with an inflated ego?

How dare you question the mighty one with logic and science. Don't you know only conjecture and fantasy is acceptable these days as proof to claims? Or do you just want to be burned at the stake?

If he says the sky is green then you had best redefine yourself, buddy.

Or else....

edit on 26-4-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
funny swear you're not being negative or insulting yet everyone keeps picking up on it.

i heard an old wise man say this once: if i have a day where someone is an a$$hole, it's probably them. if i have a day where everyone is an a$$'s probably me. seems as though most people here think you're being negative. maybe, just maybe, the group is right and you are wrong. of course not though...we're all shot out.

see...i told y'all. your negativity will not produce the fruits you are seeking. we are a different lot. here for peace and love. if you try to bring disharmony in here, you'll not have your way. although, just by me responding to you right now and everyone else, you are ahving your way.

yeah...maybe we should just stop responding to anything you have to say darkesthour or anyone else who seems to be here simply to bring strife and discord.. maybe then you would stop trying to "rain on our parade".

I believe that you are feeling the influence of the Universal Christ. This is the true meaning of the Second Coming of Christ, and so many are waiting for him to appear in his Ascended Master Light Body, but we are meant to experience the Christ within. Think of it as your connection to the Inner Christ and the Inner Light that we all can experience. Some people are not ready for this awakening, and we understand that. They rail and call names because they do not understand or perceive. I have seen this over and over in the time that I have been on ATS. Healthy skepticism is one thing, but some people are too stuck in the scientific materialism to ever perceive the spiritual reality.
Perhaps you are one of the frontrunners for the 7th root race which is supposed to incarnate in South America.

Maybe this will help

Oh yes, and I had a dream about a year ago, that I was looking up into the night sky and saw millions upon millions of wonderful bright stars, and then some of the stars were shooting out of the sky and into the ground of the earth. I was watching this happen and I could hear the sound of these shooting stars as they came to the earth. Then I was looking around in the ground for a particular star that had come into the earth. I perceived the earth as a kind of plasma energy. It was such an amazing dream. I knew inherently in the dream that the stars were the avatars, the incoming souls who are the frontrunners of the 7th root race or the Aquarian Age, and that they were incarnating to help.
Does that make sense to you?
edit on 26-4-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:43 PM
Nope, don't feel a thing.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:53 PM
Hello I have been feeling a lot of what you have been saying in this thread. I feel like I'm different from most people and that I was sent here for some reason to help others. I definitely feel like there is something coming soon and actually am relying on it because I don't really want to live in this f-ed up world and this messed up country (US). My name is Joshua and is another name for Jesus, and means God is salvation. Sometimes I feel like I might even be the second coming or something similar to that, because I have no idea if any of this is even real. I am not Christian, but believe Jesus was real. I don't believe in any religion just that love is the answer. I have been having a bunch of conflicting thoughts about what to do with my life. As: should I leave my college take some time off and move back with my family. I have been having a bunch of conflicts with my girlfriend who I love, but am not sure if she's the one for me. If you have any advice let me know please!

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:53 PM
i understand your dream thirdeyeofhorus.

i'll have to do a little more looking into this 7throot race but i did brin the link up in anothr window to look at at a later time. it's 10pm here and i get up for work at 430 so as you can imagine, my time with the computer is now limited for the night.

thanks for the link, though. looks interesting. i know that i am definitely an incarnation of something from another world/universe/dimension. i am an ancient ancient as they come. i feel as though i am one of the oldest souls this earth has ever seen. i do feel as though my home is from above.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
i understand your dream thirdeyeofhorus.

i'll have to do a little more looking into this 7throot race but i did brin the link up in anothr window to look at at a later time. it's 10pm here and i get up for work at 430 so as you can imagine, my time with the computer is now limited for the night.

thanks for the link, though. looks interesting. i know that i am definitely an incarnation of something from another world/universe/dimension. i am an ancient ancient as they come. i feel as though i am one of the oldest souls this earth has ever seen. i do feel as though my home is from above.

Can you fill us in more on being from another dimension? What is an ancient soul? How old is ancient?

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