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Michael Moore shamed O'reilly last night.

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posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

b- The Iranians also gassed the Iraqis. It's funny how the media and political hacks always seem to leave that little detail out

Prove usual, you show no verifiable proof what so ever. And � is not a reputable source�sorry�.

Go ahead and vote for Bush. You will be on your way to BASIC shortly thereafter, unless you fall outside the age range. Glad I already did my time....Lofty rhetoric. Have you served or are you planning to?

Yeah, keep raising the "YOUR GOING TO BE DRAFTED!!!" bull...takes an act of congress, won't happen for this, period.

I guess you have a very short memory, ECK. I'll be retiring very shortly. I've done my time, your time, and 3 other people's time. I know the score, so your rhetoric doesn't fly with me....

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:05 AM
The funny thing about all this is that the weapons that Saddam supposedly had were outdated and past it's shelf life. I do not know the last year that Bush sr. supplied them but we will say 1989. That makes 1996 the last year that they could be used. So he was no threat to anybody.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:07 AM
I can't say I was thrilled at staying up to 1.30am (my local time) to watch that but it had it's moments.

I thought O'Reilly's show-long crying about the level of bitter rancour in the current election a tad hilarious what with O'Reilly being one of the most aggressive and hostile little bile-spewers on the US right. Kind of a 'reap what you sow' moment there, IMO.

I also thought O'Reilly's bland two-word dismissal of Moore raising the known fact that Bush had demanded Iraq be linked to 9/11 within hours of 9/11 happening as 'side-stepping' incredible, staggeringly absurd and cheeky.

The rest was a noisy too and fro that didn't get either a big 'hit' IMO although O'Reilly's obvious floundering on the issue of whether it was worth another life to pacify Falujah knowing what we now know was a sight to behold.

Moore had one nice joke about him saying Bush was lying and O'Reilly claiming that ' it was an honest lack of information' - I wonder how long that takes to percolate down to the kids, 'sorry mummy and daddy, I wasn't lying to you.....etc etc'.

IMO O'Reilly lost and lost clearly.

No doubt the Bush fans are determined to see it differently.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction

Besides the obvious fact that Saddam DID have WMD's (he used them on the Kurds AND the Iranians) that he has either hidden in the sand like he buried his Air Force, (we found the planes...they were much easier to find!), or trucked off to Syria

- well we all know Saddam used to have them - afterall the list of US companies that actually supplied much of that crap is well known.

I'm just interested in how this "he has either hidden them in the sand"...."or trucked off to Syria" thing works what with Iraq being the most heavily surveiled place on the planet since 1990.

It doesn't convince me, I have to tell you.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey

IMO O'Reilly lost and lost clearly.

No doubt the Bush fans are determined to see it differently.

The only thing that was lost was Moore's ability to claim he has the stuff to carry on a cogent debate with anyone. His refusal to say anything but "BUSH LIED!!!" and, "WOULD YOU SEND YOU KIDS TO FIGHT" only proves what a mental midget he truly is. It was truly sad to have wasted 8 valuable minutes of TV time on him...

No doubt liberal fanatics are determined to continue to tout him as the savior of our nation instead of the lying sac that he has proven himself to be....

[edit on 28-7-2004 by Affirmative Reaction]

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:21 AM
I watched part of it last night...

YOu know, I used to like O'Reilly but now that i'm trying to open my mind more and more i'm seeing both sides and O'Reilly is really an ahole, whenever someone tries to speak the truth with evidence he shuts them down, and then he added his comments and said "trust me"... This was a few nights ago btw, and I was like "why should I trust you"? HOw can he prove things, lot's of times he just goes off of blind trust..

Really, I'm starting to dislike him, Micheal Moore does have good points, I used to hate him aswell, but i'm opening my mind and he does hold some truths and if anybody is patriotic to their country it's him, excluding calling American's stupid overseas... That was wrong, but him exposing the bush co for their misleading lies deserves a round of applause, that takes balls, and i'm glad he's sticking it to them...

Note: Moore is heading to Crawford texas and playing his f-911 close by to Bush's ranch... He INVITED Bush to come and watch it...
source: linktv(democracy now)

Moore " the right wing is not the majority in America the majority believe in women's rights, want stronger environmental laws, majority is pro labour, american's don't like labels, but they are liberal and progressive, it's a small minority who hate they don't believe two consenting adults of the same sex living in peace , what business is it anyway of these people, they aren't patriots, their hatriots, it is where they stand, real americans stand in patriotism not hatriotism."

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
I'm just interested in how this "he has either hidden them in the sand"...."or trucked off to Syria" thing works what with Iraq being the most heavily surveiled place on the planet since 1990.

It doesn't convince me, I have to tell you.

Then how do you explain the fact that we were surprised to find aircraft buried in the sand all over the place? Who's to say that he did not do the same thing with his WMDs? We won't know for sure till we find all of them.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey

I'm just interested in how this "he has either hidden them in the sand"...."or trucked off to Syria" thing works what with Iraq being the most heavily surveiled place on the planet since 1990.

It doesn't convince me, I have to tell you.

Perhaps you haven't seen the photos. I've included a link to the Snopes site which is well known and respected for debunking urban legends. Iraq has an area of 171,599 square miles, most of it desert. That leaves a lot of room for burying things which could remain hidden for centuries.....

The boarder with Syria is mostly nonexistent. It's just desert as far as the eye can see. You could drive 1000 trucks a day over it and never get caught. They are also a known supporter of terrorism. They haven't in the past and most likely won't in the future hesitate to continue to do so.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 11:43 AM
I thought it was a bit of a let-down. Neither did very well, though I found Moore more annoying than O'Reilly. Moore's constant "Would you send your child?" question was inflammatory, more to incite than to gain knowledge. His asinine comparison of saying "There's nothing going on down there" referring to the action on the convention floor, to Bush saying there were WMDs, both being the same kind of "lie" was simply rediculous. He doesn't think well on his feet, I think. These are not children, they're volunteers in the military who realize, hopefully, that it's not all push-ups and college money.

I'm not a "Bush fan", nor did I vote for him, but I support this action. The war is on terrorism, not just Al-Qaeda. Saddam has supported terrorist organizations in the past and also used WMDs in the past. The UN would not rein him in. He just continued and continued to get away with it. Moore's assertion that we should never remove a tyrannical government is absurd. Saddam and Sons were a problem and were going to continue to be because people were simply too afraid to rise up against him. The price for losing would be too horrible. The price for just being suspected of saying something against them was bad enough, what would be done to you if you led a failed coup? Their removal was important and necessary. I'd like to go after a few other guys, to be honest, but we'll never get the money or backing now. And now Saddam will stand trial for his actions, something that no Arab leader has ever had to do. They're all watching with interest, I've no doubt.

In the end, I was disappointed. I thought it was going to be a rousing, forehead-vein popping, yelling, pointing kind of throwdown and it was just an inconclusive talk. Blah.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 12:25 PM
So what is it?

A. CIA lied/Gave Bush bad info.
B. WMDs moved.
C. WMDs buried.
D. All of the above.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
1. Weapons programs, nothing about him storing them.

2. Who said he was going to abide to the rules? He woud've broken every international law to do what he wanted.

3.Other words, "other terrorist orginizations", he could've sent themt o any othe America hate group. al-Qaida is not the only terrorist org ESK.

4. You saying that those 3 sourcses are "unreliable", so I'm asking you what nations would you rather see them come from?

All your points have been proven wrong.

What I mean by sources is documentation, as in what are you relying on to be of that opinion? What NewsMax says? Read the 9-11 report. Here's something to start with:

Bush's 9/11 Farce
By Richard Cohen
Washington Post

Tuesday 27 July 2004

Boston - Back before Jonas Salk developed his polio vaccine in 1952, summer could be a bad time for America's children. The fear of polio often kept them indoors, away from the beach or out of the pool. So it came as something of a surprise when the government somehow ran out of the vaccine and the secretary of health, education and welfare, Oveta Culp Hobby, uttered one of the great dumb remarks of American history: "No one could have foreseen the public demand for the vaccine."

The spirit of Mrs. Hobby lives on in George W. Bush. Almost three years after the events of Sept. 11, 2001 - the biggest intelligence failure in U.S. history - and after his own administration went to war for reasons that did not exist, the president has ordered his crack staff to see which of the Sept. 11 commission's recommendations can be implemented fast and without congressional approval. Bush, you will recall, opposed the creation of the commission in the first place.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 12:40 PM
To put this all simply, George Washington gave the country it's best advice when he left office: "No matter what changes in the country, heed my warning, do not get into foreign politics and affairs."

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction


b- The Iranians also gassed the Iraqis. It's funny how the media and political hacks always seem to leave that little detail out

Prove usual, you show no verifiable proof what so ever.

It's true. If you take the time to do the research you will see.

And � is not a reputable source�sorry�.

WRH is a news compendium site that takes news and analysis from legitimate news outlets from across the nation and world; therefore your comment doesn't hold water.

Yeah, keep raising the "YOUR GOING TO BE DRAFTED!!!" bull...takes an act of congress, won't happen for this, period.

We shall see. I hope you don't have any kids that will fall into that age group.

I guess you have a very short memory, ECK. I'll be retiring very shortly. I've done my time, your time, and 3 other people's time. I know the score, so your rhetoric doesn't fly with me....

It sounds like you need some serious deprogramming, friend.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 12:58 PM
An outsider's point of view...

What this thread is re-enacting is how very, very divided America is right now, and how dug into its positions each side is.

But what I find really amusing is the logic behind some of the arguments...

For example "No matter what he says, Michael Moore must be wrong, because he's fat and rich!"

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by COOL HAND

Then how do you explain the fact that we were surprised to find aircraft buried in the sand all over the place? Who's to say that he did not do the same thing with his WMDs? We won't know for sure till we find all of them.

- and you can prove there was genuine surprise by.......?

You see just cos it said so on the news doesn't mean the military weren't watching the aircraft - or anything else - being buried in realtime via satellite 10yrs ago.

At the very least, is this not a reasonable possibility?

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 01:17 PM
This one really has bugged some hasn't it?

Maybe that's because what it does is personalise the issue in a very real way for all......and there's some folks who just don't want peope thinking too hard over this one do they?

Nevertheless the question remains....

....would you (God forbid it actually happen) just accept the death of your own child as reasonable, right and ultimately OK with you - knowing what we now know - to pacify Falujah today?

Those on the right hate this question as the answer is so self-evident and it high-lights all thats wrong with this war right now.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by COOL HAND

Then how do you explain the fact that we were surprised to find aircraft buried in the sand all over the place? Who's to say that he did not do the same thing with his WMDs? We won't know for sure till we find all of them.

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey

You see just cos it said so on the news doesn't mean the military weren't watching the aircraft - or anything else - being buried in realtime via satellite 10yrs ago.

The airplanes were probably hidden during the Gulf War.

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid


b- The Iranians also gassed the Iraqis. It's funny how the media and political hacks always seem to leave that little detail out

It's true. If you take the time to do the research you will see.

You haven't changed one bit. You still think everyone is supposed to believe you because you say, "It's true", without a single CreDIBLE source. Get real!!

Here is yoUR research....

WRH is a news compendium site that takes news and analysis from legitimate news outlets from across the nation and world; therefore your comment doesn't hold water.

Do you really believe the drivel you post? In admitting that you use it as a source, you have now lost any smidgen of credibility you may have had. Oh my GAWD, I'm LMAO!!! WRH is nothing but a radical left wing conspiracy site that takes the most preposterous crappola in the world today and tries to color it up as the truth!!! You need a lesson in what a real news site is, and what fact checking is. Try applying it to your loony WRH site and an actual main stream site...."and the twain shall never meet..."

It sounds like you need some serious deprogramming, friend.

I fail to see where my serving my country for over 20 years requires any programming what so ever. I think you need a healthy dose of reality and some education on truth and honesty, as well as a shot of duty.

Either come up with some reputable, verifiable facts, or quit posting the, "because I say so" crap. It makes you look like a child.....

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

The airplanes were probably hidden during the Gulf War.

Out of which orifice do you pull this stuff????

posted on Jul, 28 2004 @ 02:27 PM
I watched the interview last night.
I'll have to say that this thread attracted me like a moth to a flame. LOL

Nothing was accomplished, because Moore, refused to accept answers to
his LOADED questions..

Since when have we EVER sent CHILDREN to war?
Moore asked OVER and OVER, would you send your CHILD to Fallujah.
Our military is made up of ADULTS, who ENLISTED...

He used the term CHILD, and CHILDREN so many times, I had a picture in my head, of hundreds of 1st graders being detoured, on their way to school, and ending up at boot camp..

But thats Moores game, repeat it over and over, create mental imagery, count on KNEE JERK reactions. It's pretty easy to fall for that..Unless, you remember that it's your BRAIN that does the thinking , not your heart. He's manipulative.

About the WMD...
Until about 15 years ago or so, DOCTORS would tell Ulcer patients that
Spicy foods and worrying were the cause of most ULCERS. The ONLY Treament
for the bad cases was the REMOVAL of portions of the stomach.

THEN, a bacteria called H. Pylori was discovered to be a MAJOR cause of ulcers.
A SIMPLE infection!!!! Treated with anti-biotics patient after patient was cured.

I ask you....were the DOCTORS in the PAST, LYING????
They certainly weren't telling the truth right?
Should all these lying Doctors be sued?

Hardly, they acted upon current information, which later was proven incorrect.
GET IT? Oh worshipers of MOORE?

on another note, Is there such an animal as a Badgering Weasel?

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