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The Book, Like The Man Is A Fraud...The Undoing Of Barry Soetoro....

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
Soteroe's ghost writer was Bill Ayers
a terrorist BOMBER...
you can't make this stuff up

Yes you can, as that claim was just made up by someone who hates Obama!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Absolutely STUNNING how uninformed some people are! Have you been living in a cave??? The above statement simply solidifies the dangers that naive and uninformed people cast upon society as a whole - and to think, they VOTE!
I'm in favor of an IQ test, current events test and US history test being passed prior to letting the mouth-breathing dolts of the world cast a vote.

Then you can show us when his name was ever legally Soetoro?

Originally posted by Skippy1138
reply to post by Sinnthia

According to his school records from Indonesia when he was a child, for starters...

You mean that one non-legally binding paper his stepdad apparently filled out for him? I cannot begin to tell you what that says about my real identity.

Do you have anything showing he ever legally went by that surname for any period of time?

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Xatnys

I have no problem believing the books were actually written by different people. The amount of ghost writers that work is amazing. V.C. Andews put out a lot of books for a dead person.

After being buried, "V.C. Andrews" has published 39 books, each one hitting The New York Times' bestseller list.
Ghost writers are far more common than most people would even begin to imagine. That being said.

The proof that it was written by Ayers?
edit on 23-4-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by Danbones
Soteroe's ghost writer was Bill Ayers
a terrorist BOMBER...
you can't make this stuff up

Yes you can, as that claim was just made up by someone who hates Obama!

Honestly! You Obama defenders all share one common trait, an uncanny ability to bury your head in the sand and avoid any form of current events - though I suspect that helps you cope with the knowledge that you support, and continue to support, a complete and absolute failure!

Um, Bill Ayers HIMSELF made the claim that he wrote "Dreams of my father" at Obama's... er, Soetoro's urging.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Sinnthia

Split hairs all you want Sinnthia. Obfuscate, spin, feign indignance... WHATEVER!
Doesn't change the fact that the man went by that name, period! You can attempt to use qualifiers like "LegallY" and any other nonsense you can drum up, but the facts remain the same. And the most important fact to pay attention to is that Obama is the greatest failure as president that this country has ever seen! OH, and let's not forget the most duplicitous, the greatest liar...

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by thektotheg

Originally posted by kylioneXsushi
Who is Sorotero? I thought his name was Obama? Weird. I think you need to fact check before posting thread titles.
Didn't watch the video because...well if the title isn't even right, then how correct can the rest be?

What flavor of koolaide is that?

As long as they use Jim's original recipe it doesn't matter what flavor.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
reply to post by Xatnys

I have no problem believing the books were actually written by different people. The amount of ghost writers that work is amazing. V.C. Andews put out a lot of books for a dead person.

After being buried, "V.C. Andrews" has published 39 books, each one hitting The New York Times' bestseller list.
Ghost writers are far more common than most people would even begin to imagine.

But ghost writers usually don't write autobiography's..

Do you have other examples of autobiography's that were ghost written.??

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
Why do birthers insist on destroying their own credibility?

You admit you never read the book yourself and this is the first time you ever heard Manning speak and even though he is obviously anti-Obama, you are just going to believe what he says is a true and objective analysis?

This is the logic that I see almost all birthers use and it only says one thing. You are not interested in what is true. You are only interested in hearing anything that supports your dislike for the man. I hope your post gets a lot of stars to show the rest for what you all are.

Any birthers that genuinely care about the truth should really show up at some point and make the movement seem like less of a joke.

Hahahaha. Where do I ever say that I am a birther, or that I dislike Obama? Does watching a video and recognizing someone being hilarious qualify as being a birther now? Yikes. Not writing your own biography is a little like getting a BJ in the oval office, I could give two sh*ts about trivial matters like this. I just thought the dude was hilarious, and in the process he did raise some pretty astute inconsistencies.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 01:23 AM
edit on 24-4-2011 by GuyverUnit I because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by Danbones
Soteroe's ghost writer was Bill Ayers
a terrorist BOMBER...
you can't make this stuff up

Yes you can, as that claim was just made up by someone who hates Obama!

Honestly! You Obama defenders all share one common trait, an uncanny ability to bury your head in the sand and avoid any form of current events - though I suspect that helps you cope with the knowledge that you support, and continue to support, a complete and absolute failure!

Um, Bill Ayers HIMSELF made the claim that he wrote "Dreams of my father" at Obama's... er, Soetoro's urging.

Research much?

Immediately AFTER which he said "And if you help me prove it, I’ll split the royalties with you. Thank you very much.” (laughter ensues) See video here:

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
But ghost writers usually don't write autobiography's..

Do you have other examples of autobiography's that were ghost written.??

Yes they do. All the time. To quote from the other thread you asked in...

Originally posted by Sinnthia

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by Sinnthia

BTW, how's your search going for other autobiographies written by ghost writers..
That will be interesting.

I did not realize that I was supposed to be looking for any. Is your google broken? Again, stunning ignorance of common facts!

Until recently public awareness of ghostwriting centred on books 'written' by celebrities, in particular autobiographies by politicians, entertainers and business figures who are either too busy - or textually challenged - to provide a text of the requisite coherence and polish.
This one was too easy. Did you ask in that other thread?

Charles Brifaut supposedly ghosted the 1851 memoirs of Lola Montez. Balzac concocted memoirs for one of Napoleon's chamberlains, the Paris executioner and the Duchesse d'Abrantes (1835). Less notable scribes manufactured the Memoires of Louis-Constant Wairy, Napoleon's valet (1830) and Memoires of Joseph Fouche, Duke of Otranto (1818). Alexandre Dumas used up around 70 'assistantes' (such as Auguste Maquet, whose unhappiness about rewards for work on The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo resulted in an 1859 lawsuit), to manufacture first drafts that were then tweaked by the master and published in Dumas' name. HP Lovecraft ghosted for a range of competitors. Herman Klurfeld served as ghostwriter for columnist Walter Winchell over 29 years, often manufacturing four newspaper columns a week. Sociologist Robert Park assisted Booker T Washington in works such as My Larger Education, becoming "for all intents and purposes, for the time, a Negro, myself". Sanford Dody ghosted Bette Davis' 1962 The Lonely Life: an autobiography. Earl Conrad ghosted My Wicked, Wicked Ways, Errol Flynn's 1960 autobiography. More recently Dorothy Jane Mills appears to have been responsible for much of the output of sports historian Harold Seymour. Memoires of Joseph Fouche, Duke of Otranto

Geoffrey Hartman notes that employing a ghostwriter is an accepted status symbol in government and business. That was echoed by ghost Lucie Cave, responsible for Big Brother winner Jade Goody's 2006 My Autobiography.

Here is a fun one Sarah Palin’s ghostwriter raises questions

Was this ghost writer thing even in question? Seriously? By you?

Please educate me on how an industry famous for using ghost writers to tackle politician "auto"-biographies, how is it rare?

Here is a treat for all you righties out there.

The autobiography "Ronald Reagan: An American Life" was ghosted by Robert Lindsey.

Rarely happens huh?

“Learning to Sing”, the autobiography of American Idol star Clay Aiken, was written with ghostwriter Allison Glock

The autobiographies of Doris Day and Sophie Loren were written by A.E. Hotchner.

I can do this all day so I hope you get lots of stars for even suggesting this is something that does not happen.
You are my favorite poster on ATS by far. Too much fun!

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by Sinnthia

I can do this all day so I hope you get lots of stars for even suggesting this is something that does not happen. You are my favorite poster on ATS by far. Too much fun!

When a celeb uses a ghost writer is because they are NOT good writers themselves..
It's also KNOWN before the book is written usually..

Did Obama say his book was ghost written..

Yeah, you're fun too Sinnthia..
It will be a shame if Obama is outed and we don't see you again..

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
When a celeb uses a ghost writer is because they are NOT good writers themselves..
It's also KNOWN before the book is written usually..

That is quite a change in tune, now isn't it?

Originally posted by backinblack
But ghost writers usually don't write autobiography's..

Do you have other examples of autobiography's that were ghost written.??

So that huge list of autobigraphies that were written by ghost writers does not exist because of your justification or is this your way of admitting you were WAY OFF on this one? I can admit when I am wrong, why can't you?

You said it did NOT happen. I just posted a list and an explanation the specifically highlights POLITICIANS and yet you skipped right past that word somehow. I even underlined it for you. Come on, just pretend you are an honest person and admit that that list is what it is, a direct refutation of your claim that it does not usually happen.

Did Obama say his book was ghost written..

Did Reagan?

Yeah, you're fun too Sinnthia..
It will be a shame if Obama is outed and we don't see you again..

You should probably hold your breath.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Split hairs all you want Sinnthia. Obfuscate, spin, feign indignance... WHATEVER!
Doesn't change the fact that the man went by that name, period!

Sounds to me like you are the one doing all those things. You are spinning his dad writing it down once to him going by it. How is that not spin? You have yet to prove that Obama ever for any amount of time "went by" that name. If I write your name down on a form differently than it is, can we then say you went by that name or might that be spin?

You can attempt to use qualifiers like "LegallY" and any other nonsense you can drum up, but the facts remain the same.

Just as you can interject notions like "went by" with absolutely no facts to back that up even a little.

And the most important fact to pay attention to is that Obama is the greatest failure as president that this country has ever seen! OH, and let's not forget the most duplicitous, the greatest liar...

Your opinion is your opinion and you are certainly welcome to it but do not pretend how you feel is a fact.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by dontdrinkthewater
Hahahaha. Where do I ever say that I am a birther, or that I dislike Obama?

Right here.

and in the process he did raise some pretty astute inconsistencies.

Neat how you did that, huh?

Does watching a video and recognizing someone being hilarious qualify as being a birther now? Yikes. Not writing your own biography is a little like getting a BJ in the oval office, I could give two sh*ts about trivial matters like this. I just thought the dude was hilarious, and in the process he did raise some pretty astute inconsistencies.

Openly admitting you did not read something and then choosing to draw a conclusion about what you never read based on a video from a man you never heard of is pretty much the standard birther MO. You know jacksquat about the "Reverend" or the book but you like the anti-Obama stuff he said and even though anyone genuinely interested can find answers to his "inconsistencies" you decide to just accept them as valid. I am sorry that I responded to the words you used.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by bluestar.ranch

(how many Michelles were named "michelle" during the civil rights movements? The common "Negro" names 1960's were. Laytoya, La Tisha, de Nita, LaShay and Shaquisha...

Look up popolar "black names for females in 1960's) TPTB gave "first lady" a name too..... She and kids are a set up as well.. "Michelle" was a popular name... just not for African Americans.....

What crazy 'reasoning'! First, his name is not Barry Soetoro.
Second - just because Shaquisha was a popular name for black women doesn't mean no black woman is allowed to be called Michelle!
Third... 'Negro'? It's the 21st century, buddy.. You just gave away your Stormfront affiliations. Burnt any crosses lately?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by bluestar.ranch
how many Michelles were named "michelle" during the civil rights movements?

All of them, them were named "Michelle" so they were called by their name, Michelle. What else would they be called?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by dereks

That response must have been just too much fun to type out

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by userid1

OH, thank you! Something else to add to the list - an uncanny knack to not be able to recognize sarcasm or place comments in context. Amzaing how you folks will rationalize anything to support this failure. He could whip it out, pee all over your face, tell you it was rain and YOU'D BELIEVE HIM!!!

Come to think of it, that is EXACTLY what he is doing!

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:54 AM

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