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The Letter My Friend Says I Shouldn't Send - A True Story

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posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

It's very sad to see your daughter taken away from you and by your own sister nonetheless. This is a sick thing these people are doing. The besy of luck to you on getting this sorted out.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
I've been reading this drama for quite awhile now. If you take all the emotion out of this (which is just about everything) what we have here is one side of a story. We don't know what is really happening here. We know she gave up custody voluntarily when she was going through bad times.

Did she give up custody? I believe her sister used abandonment as the reason to get custody.

My brother once tried to take my kids away from me - - because he didn't agree how I was living.

They were not neglected or abused. He is just more conservative and materialistic then I am.

The one thing I would do though - - is move to where the child is.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Annee
Did she give up custody? I believe her sister used abandonment as the reason to get custody.

It's hard to tell exactly what happened, but apparently she shipped the kid off for awhile and when she went to get the kid back, the sister refused and mayhem ensued, as per her explanation. Apparently at one point sister sent back a whopping $49 she had been given by OP in "support" so that she could then claim she rec'd NO support to set up for the abandonment issue. THEN during her time in court the OP had a temporary lapse of sanity and AGREED to give up custody, but still wanted her XBox back. So, during this crucial court hearing she gave up.

For some reason her sister, her brother, and even the child's paternal grandfather have all allied themselves against her case. All three of these people are blood relatives of the kid. That makes me think we're not getting the entire story here. OP has set herself up for the sympathy vote, but it's not like we have full disclosure. Of course, we all may just be a focus group to help sell the script. Who knows?

I agree with you that moving toward the kid is a good idea.
edit on 4/25/2011 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:36 PM
So many issues in this case, and it would be less likely in Canada. To begin with, she is not physically capable of most jobs. But she is able to work, but must selectively choose. Her solution is to freelance and work for herself, and a home computer would be essential. I have a different situation myself, but won't share. In any case, everyone has a right to a home, and above the poverty living, and no one should be homeless, and the system is to blame.

However, that being said, what I would do, even with chronic fatigue, in the OP's shoes, IF, I didn't have 5 children, and a home situation that has differences, but health problems, that have different limits to them, is procure a second hand computer, look for donations, put one together. And start small, for things to create and do that can earm more like 1000-2000 a month put together. But the money earned from any of them should be put into more supplies and then diversifying to others.

Low income ways to make money include: fixing computers, installing harddrives and motherboards for people, and reformatting, dual booting, putting a safe linux partions on their windows computer for facebook, teens would really benefit and so would elderly. I've read that that many in seniors homes cant even keep in touch with their families due to computers being virus'd up.

Start a nonprofit and deliver a newsletter but drum up small craftspeople to advertise in it.

Paper mache. Recylce into art, into objects, into tools. Any kind of craft or hobby.

Learn how to build carding boards, or recyled looms. Check on ebay, they're really expensive, and theres always bids on the ones that are cheaper than suppliers.

And think out of the box. ie. survival items might sell.

But in addition, start a small online store, use a free website or platform and arrange a few products that drop ship.

Start one small thing, then buy and add another until you piece together income. That way whatever you're doing uses your true skills, and can be worked around health issues.

Also, move to the area where you daughter lives and if they move, move again. Simply being close is ideal.

Don't send that letter, both in terms of keeping your daughters emotions safe, and in terms of providing legal leverage against you. The letter will be used in court.

I share your political ideas,and there is no reason to allow anyone to suggest that no matter what your situation you have no right to work on behalf of a better world or awareness because you're not living the all american dream.

That is the very thing that prevents most people who are vulnerable, from speaking up. They don't get voices. Yet they're the MOST aware, and the MOST affected.

In fact the real solutions will come from the poor and indigenous the world over, we're the ones with the dreams for a better world, and the majority world wide.

Finding a way to create something from nothing and translating it into a survival skill should the world suddenly fall apart, would be ideal.

And the fact that you share the gift of your intellect, vision and spirit with us in your activism and efforts for awareness, in other words, doing what you can despite current situation, is very positive and don't listen to anyone putting you down.

Moving there but from a position of self motivated, doing your own alternative businesses, would be good in this situation. Its hard to undo spoiling, economically. My niece was alienated from her family, we have branches where one side is middle class, and pats themselves on the back for everything, and very materialistic, and the rest of us, black sheeps in the family who don't see things that way, and instead see through the world entirely. My niece ended up walking that path, and while she is very successful, I'm proud of her, she doesnt have alot of empathy. And between the two, I value the empathy and heart the most. So, being around, being positive and showing something else, gently would make her more well rounded regardless of whether you end up with custody or not.

edit on 25-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
It's hard to tell exactly what happened, . . .

Yes! It is - - and I don't think any of us can make judgment.

Courts have changed in regard to children. In the past - the legal parent would have gotten the child without question.

However - there have been too many cases where the child was removed from a secure environment - - to be returned to the legal parent - - when it wasn't in the best interest of the child.

The judge located where the sister lives - - sees a child in a secure - loving environment - with financial stability.

He sees no reason to disrupt that child's life - - - even to return child to the mother. It doesn't mean the mother is not capable of taking care of the child.

The judge is looking at what he sees as the best interest of the child.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
OP has set herself up for the sympathy vote, . . .

I'm not buying that at all.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by schuyler
OP has set herself up for the sympathy vote, . . .

I'm not buying that at all.

Sure she has. She's told one side of her story repeatedly. She's really happy when someone agrees with her. When someone does not, she lashes out at them, repeatedly. From her own words we can tell she created this situation. She signed the original paperwork. She agreed to terms. She set it all up. Of course, she was "misled." She was "temporarily insane" and all that, but when you look at the story versus the posts here, it's as if you are talking about two different people entirely.

In the real world we have someone who is easily misled, depressed, and dysfunctional in the most basic of ways. She's discriminated against, pushed around by others, has a multitude of problems. It's a wonder she can function at all. She's said this stuff herself. Read the two threads she has on this and it just keeps going like the energizer bunny. One bad thing after another has happened to her, never ever her fault.

Yet she comes on here at ATS like gangbusters. She answers every post and if she doesn't agree with you she tears you a new one. So in the real world you have a very passive individual, but here you have a very aggressive individual who fights (and fights very well) with words.

I'm not buying THAT at all.

And with that, I don't really want to involve myself in her train wreck any further, so I'm off to more interesting threads. Thanks. It's been real.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by Annee
I'm not buying that at all.

Sure she has. She's told one side of her story repeatedly. She's really happy when someone agrees with her. When someone does not, she lashes out at them, repeatedly.

OK - - I'm not agreeing with your interpretation.

IMO - - you are reading far more into her posts - - then what is there.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by gncnew

Originally posted by Amaterasu

No. Me and my daughter's father (my husband) have been living on one coast. My sister, her partner, her ex-husband and my daughter have been living on the other.

My home is very normal. One man, one woman, and a place in our hearts for our daughter. We rent an apartment.

Look, you don't have to agree with me - but you came on here asking ATS of all things for input. This means either you are seeking affirmation for your choices, or you're actually confused and need guidance.

I wrote the letter, brought it here to my "family" of sorts for advice. I got lots of it, and changed my mind about sending it based on input I received.

I suspect the former - but it doesn't really matter what I think. I'm simply calling things as I see them from the limited amount I know of your life from this post.

Fair enough.


If your lesbian sister is living with her girlfriend and her ex husband - and the judge still gave them custody over you - chances are you're not fit to be a mom.

First... My sister is involved with a man. The judge didn't let us testify. My sister works in Child Welfare and knows the ropes and the people. "My" atty screwed me. I live 3,000 miles away.

Unless your sister is related to the Trumps or something, she's not a power player with the money to make this a "conspiracy".

She works in Child Welfare and knows the ropes, the court system, and many of the people within it.

And your common-law husband (funny how you left that out at first) was fighting for custody on his own? What the hell is going on exactly? The whole thing sounds high degrees of absurd.

They have to take parental rights away individually.

You've been out of work for 5 years, and per your own ridiculous estimation you've applied to 35,000 jobs (an average of 20 a day, every day, for five years???).

Yes. And 35,000 is a low estimate.

We can just ignore that entire statement as it's patently fictional. You need to get a job. Period. Then, you need to get married - in front of a judge or a pastor - with a legit license.

It is not fictional. And you have nothing to base that on. There were days I applied to 50 jobs. Most days were about 30. And there were days I did not look. All in all I have applied to at LEAST 35,000 and maybe as many as 50,000. If I could get a job, I would have one now. And what matter is it whether some dude waves his magic wand?

Then, you need to take your sister to court with a lawyer that you've hired.

Well, that will not happen anytime soon. I have been looking for five years, competing with all the younger ones out in the glutted job seeker market.

Your lawyer will cite precedent after precedent where the state consistently awards custody to the birth parents even after previous judgements. Your lawyer can then cite the obvious unstable home life your sister is providing by living a confusing mix of lifestyle.

My sister used a clever bit of legislation designed to make legal kidnapping a snap. If the parents have nopt had "enough" (undefined) contact with the child and the child has been living for two years with them, they can claim "abandonment" - even though we have been trying for three years to bring her home.

But - my guess is that you'll do none of this, you'll instead choose to fight poverty with ATS links and forum posts (still just shaking my head at this whole gimmick you've got going) and pretty much have zero impact in any measurable way in either your own life, or your daughters.

I am looking for work and fighting for a better world for my daughter. Amazing what One can do. (What "gimmick?" Oh, please do elaborate on THAT bit of wise commentary.) IF someone hires me at MUCH better than minimum wage, I will be able to afford an attorney. So far I haven't been able to get even a minimum wage job.

Like I said before - it's harsh, but someone needs to tell you the truth in love. I don't judge you a bit. Do your thing girl, just don't expect others to placate to it.

I expected no such thing. I asked for advice. I got it. Off with ye then.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
I've been reading this drama for quite awhile now. If you take all the emotion out of this (which is just about everything) what we have here is one side of a story. We don't know what is really happening here. We know she gave up custody voluntarily when she was going through bad times. We know that the opposing party has been successful in court and the OP has not. Given the reported relationships between the parties that is puzzling. What kind of case did the opposing party make that was so compelling that a judge was willing to terminate the OP's parental rights? That's really very rare, so it has to be something pretty dramatic. OP says it's all lies, but the fact is we do not have the benefit of being able to talk to the opposing side.

My sister had a report done in a county she had done some work in - to eliminate "conflict of interest" - or at least the appearance of it. She is two years younger than me and has been unable to conceive. She works in Child Welfare and has for decades. She knows virtually everybody. The report was very biased, with a great deal of what we said either omitted or incorrectly recorded. Some of the things that were said by others were lies. My husband tried to speak up and the Judge told him he would have a chance to testify and then started reading her ruling - without giving him that chance.

I think you can see hints of what has happened by simply reading this thread. OP is a good writer and has laid out an extensive set of grievances. When people reply to her and the reply is not to her liking, she just attacks and more often than not, calls them names. She seethes in anger, whether it is in court where her own lawyer says she is screwed, or whether she is on ATS taking on all comers, lashing back at every single point made, defending her every phrase. And doing all this on ATS?

Excuse me? I explain. I give additional information. Please show one name I have called someone. Please do.

Man, this is so far from the truth of things I just don't know what to say. Maybe call you a name? Geez.

Is this rational behavior? Has she really applied for 35,000 jobs and not got a one? She blames it all on age discrimination, but maybe it's her attitude. Albert Einstein said the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Clearly, what she is doing is not working, therefore her goals must be somewhat different than what she claims. I suspect she gets quite a lot of satisfaction coming here on ATS and throwing her weight around. It's cathartic. Unlike the real world, she can always "win" here because she ALWAYS has the last word.

I really don't know what I did to you, man, but this is bovine excrement. I have been trying everything I can think of to get a job. And as I said, I have MANY friends in the same boat. There are so few jobs and so many seeking them. It has nothing to do with "cathartic" effects. I asked for advice, got much, took the most prevalent. What is your agenda here?

If you were in a position to do so, would you hire this person? I surely would not. I wouldn't hire her for the front line at McDonald's. This is a package of C-4 that could explode at any moment. If you were a judge and this is what you had to go on, would you award custody? I surely wouldn't do that either. Kids need stability and you're not going to find that here.

Yeah. Ok. I know you are clueless. S'arright. Tell you what. You respond to this and I will ignore you - just so that you can have the last word, mmmmkay?

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by Annee
Did she give up custody? I believe her sister used abandonment as the reason to get custody.

It's hard to tell exactly what happened, but apparently she shipped the kid off for awhile and when she went to get the kid back, the sister refused and mayhem ensued, as per her explanation. Apparently at one point sister sent back a whopping $49 she had been given by OP in "support" so that she could then claim she rec'd NO support to set up for the abandonment issue. THEN during her time in court the OP had a temporary lapse of sanity and AGREED to give up custody, but still wanted her XBox back. So, during this crucial court hearing she gave up.

HUH!?! Wanted my xbox back?!? No. My husband wants to have our daughter to get an xbox with a camera so we can see and talk to her. I begin to see your would appear to be reading comprehension.

For some reason her sister, her brother, and even the child's paternal grandfather have all allied themselves against her case. All three of these people are blood relatives of the kid. That makes me think we're not getting the entire story here. OP has set herself up for the sympathy vote, but it's not like we have full disclosure. Of course, we all may just be a focus group to help sell the script. Who knows?

And the Paternal Grandmother who saw us nearly every day is on our side, while the rest were many miles away. Whatever. I JUST ASKED FOR ADVICE.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by schuyler
OP has set herself up for the sympathy vote, . . .

I'm not buying that at all.

Thank you, Annee. I'm not looking for "votes" of any kind. I asked for advice and many good people looked over what I wrote and gave me info. Now I have a couple of crappers who think I'm hunting sympathy and otherwise displaying their inability to comprehend what they're reading.

So... DING DING DING! You win! [grin]

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by schuyler
OP has set herself up for the sympathy vote, . . .

I'm not buying that at all.

Sure she has. She's told one side of her story repeatedly. She's really happy when someone agrees with her. When someone does not, she lashes out at them, repeatedly. From her own words we can tell she created this situation. She signed the original paperwork. She agreed to terms. She set it all up. Of course, she was "misled." She was "temporarily insane" and all that, but when you look at the story versus the posts here, it's as if you are talking about two different people entirely.

I asked for advice - I was very torn on the issue - and I received it. Some came in here judging ME and making statements saying such things as I am lying. And I cleared up they misapprehensions. But I did not attack the people who said I shouldn't send it - my first thought was to send it - and I did not attack those who told me to send it either. (I signed under false pretenses, I tried to terminate guardianship, and my childless sister fought (in the system she knows well) that effort, and then moved to take our rights away so she can adopt.

Please point out what you're talking about? "Two different people." Clarify that. No. Don't. I forgot. Lack of reading comprehension. Never mind.

In the real world we have someone who is easily misled, depressed, and dysfunctional in the most basic of ways.

Oh geez. Are YOU way off base. But, yeah. Reading comprehension issues would explain that.

She's discriminated against, pushed around by others, has a multitude of problems. It's a wonder she can function at all. She's said this stuff herself. Read the two threads she has on this and it just keeps going like the energizer bunny. One bad thing after another has happened to her, never ever her fault.

Good luck to you with that reading comprehension issue.

Yet she comes on here at ATS like gangbusters. She answers every post and if she doesn't agree with you she tears you a new one. So in the real world you have a very passive individual, but here you have a very aggressive individual who fights (and fights very well) with words.

Hmmm.... I would think that if I can " a new one," that means I have solid points. Otherwise it would be much like your innuendo and spew here, with nothing to support it - except a reading comprehension issue.

I'm not buying THAT at all.

[shrug] Have a nice life.

And with that, I don't really want to involve myself in her train wreck any further, so I'm off to more interesting threads. Thanks. It's been real.

If you have anything to offer in the way of advice on the sending of the letter (on topic), feel free to stop by again. Otherwise... Have a nice life.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by schuyler
OP has set herself up for the sympathy vote, . . .

I'm not buying that at all.

Sure she has. She's told one side of her story repeatedly. She's really happy when someone agrees with her. When someone does not, she lashes out at them, repeatedly. From her own words we can tell she created this situation. She signed the original paperwork. She agreed to terms. She set it all up. Of course, she was "misled." She was "temporarily insane" and all that, but when you look at the story versus the posts here, it's as if you are talking about two different people entirely.

In the real world we have someone who is easily misled, depressed, and dysfunctional in the most basic of ways. She's discriminated against, pushed around by others, has a multitude of problems. It's a wonder she can function at all. She's said this stuff herself. Read the two threads she has on this and it just keeps going like the energizer bunny. One bad thing after another has happened to her, never ever her fault.

Yet she comes on here at ATS like gangbusters. She answers every post and if she doesn't agree with you she tears you a new one. So in the real world you have a very passive individual, but here you have a very aggressive individual who fights (and fights very well) with words.

I'm not buying THAT at all.

And with that, I don't really want to involve myself in her train wreck any further, so I'm off to more interesting threads. Thanks. It's been real.

Key word: Train Wreck.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
So many issues in this case, and it would be less likely in Canada. To begin with, she is not physically capable of most jobs. But she is able to work, but must selectively choose. Her solution is to freelance and work for herself, and a home computer would be essential. I have a different situation myself, but won't share. In any case, everyone has a right to a home, and above the poverty living, and no one should be homeless, and the system is to blame.

However, that being said, what I would do, even with chronic fatigue, in the OP's shoes, IF, I didn't have 5 children, and a home situation that has differences, but health problems, that have different limits to them, is procure a second hand computer, look for donations, put one together. And start small, for things to create and do that can earm more like 1000-2000 a month put together. But the money earned from any of them should be put into more supplies and then diversifying to others.

Low income ways to make money include: fixing computers, installing harddrives and motherboards for people, and reformatting, dual booting, putting a safe linux partions on their windows computer for facebook, teens would really benefit and so would elderly. I've read that that many in seniors homes cant even keep in touch with their families due to computers being virus'd up.

Start a nonprofit and deliver a newsletter but drum up small craftspeople to advertise in it.

Paper mache. Recylce into art, into objects, into tools. Any kind of craft or hobby.

Learn how to build carding boards, or recyled looms. Check on ebay, they're really expensive, and theres always bids on the ones that are cheaper than suppliers.

And think out of the box. ie. survival items might sell.

But in addition, start a small online store, use a free website or platform and arrange a few products that drop ship.

Start one small thing, then buy and add another until you piece together income. That way whatever you're doing uses your true skills, and can be worked around health issues.

Also, move to the area where you daughter lives and if they move, move again. Simply being close is ideal.

Don't send that letter, both in terms of keeping your daughters emotions safe, and in terms of providing legal leverage against you. The letter will be used in court.

I share your political ideas,and there is no reason to allow anyone to suggest that no matter what your situation you have no right to work on behalf of a better world or awareness because you're not living the all american dream.

That is the very thing that prevents most people who are vulnerable, from speaking up. They don't get voices. Yet they're the MOST aware, and the MOST affected.

In fact the real solutions will come from the poor and indigenous the world over, we're the ones with the dreams for a better world, and the majority world wide.

Finding a way to create something from nothing and translating it into a survival skill should the world suddenly fall apart, would be ideal.

And the fact that you share the gift of your intellect, vision and spirit with us in your activism and efforts for awareness, in other words, doing what you can despite current situation, is very positive and don't listen to anyone putting you down.

Moving there but from a position of self motivated, doing your own alternative businesses, would be good in this situation. Its hard to undo spoiling, economically. My niece was alienated from her family, we have branches where one side is middle class, and pats themselves on the back for everything, and very materialistic, and the rest of us, black sheeps in the family who don't see things that way, and instead see through the world entirely. My niece ended up walking that path, and while she is very successful, I'm proud of her, she doesnt have alot of empathy. And between the two, I value the empathy and heart the most. So, being around, being positive and showing something else, gently would make her more well rounded regardless of whether you end up with custody or not.

edit on 25-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I really like that you're trying to give her realistic and solid advice. I personally think (again - I'm speaking from a platform of almost complete ignorance in this) she's unemployed by choice at this point and is using her political ideals as a crutch to sustain her unsustainable choices.

Just look at some facts:
-She's trying to start a political movment or "tipping point" about poverty awareness...
-- But she's only doing it on ATS? Every link she has is nothing more than ATS posts?

Man, a domain name is $10 a year... she can't even get a website for this political cause? If she's that passionate about it - maybe she should try to branch out of ATS?

This is a freaking joke.


posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I am looking for work and fighting for a better world for my daughter. Amazing what One can do. (What "gimmick?" Oh, please do elaborate on THAT bit of wise commentary.) IF someone hires me at MUCH better than minimum wage, I will be able to afford an attorney. So far I haven't been able to get even a minimum wage job.

I live in Alabama. Things are very tough here, not much work to be had. But I see goons every day who I'm not really positive they can spell their name working. Sometimes it's manual labor. Sometimes it's desk jobs.

You talk about "if I can get one above minimum wage"... hell you HAVE no job - take a minimum wage job and work your way up.

And has been pointed out before:
If you have seriously applied to 35k+ jobs in the last five years and not landed one there are only two possibilities:
1. You're insane. You are repeatedly trying the same jobs and same approaches regardless of the lack of success.
2. That's a patent lie - a piece of fiction you're using to garner sympathy for your cause.

Delivery papers, drive a mail car, work at ADT Home security. They just sent me a flyer today saying they're looking for help.

Of course this will mean you'll have to get off of ATS during "working hours" and actually do something productive.

Lastly, it's a gimmick because if you were serious about this poverty/alien/terra thing, you'd be running a website with your own web address. GoDaddy sells them for $10 a year. Tell you what, if you can't pull the scratch out for that - I'll do it for you. But considering you're able to eat, I think you could probably find the cheddar for it if you really were that passionate about saving the world.

Peace out.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 09:14 AM
One last note, I just read that bizarre "Terra Papers" thing...

Again - I'm not judging, but if that's where your head is, it's no surprise that your entire family is thinking that you shouldn't have custody of your daughter.


posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by gncnew

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I am looking for work and fighting for a better world for my daughter. Amazing what One can do. (What "gimmick?" Oh, please do elaborate on THAT bit of wise commentary.) IF someone hires me at MUCH better than minimum wage, I will be able to afford an attorney. So far I haven't been able to get even a minimum wage job.

I live in Alabama. Things are very tough here, not much work to be had. But I see goons every day who I'm not really positive they can spell their name working. Sometimes it's manual labor. Sometimes it's desk jobs.

Well, I can't do manual labor. I have a rheumatological condition and standing more than about 1/2 hour starts the pain in my hips, knees, ankles and toes. If I keep standing, it just gets worse and worse - and the longer I stand, the longer it takes to recover. I have applied for desk jobs up one side and down the other. In person, via the web, cold calling, job fairs. I have a HUGE number in the competition pool these days and I am not selected.

You talk about "if I can get one above minimum wage"... hell you HAVE no job - take a minimum wage job and work your way up.

I talked about it in reference to being able to afford an attorney. I never said I wouldn't take minimum wage - but I DID say I couldn't even get hired at minimum wage. Please don't take my comments out of context.

And has been pointed out before:
If you have seriously applied to 35k+ jobs in the last five years and not landed one there are only two possibilities:
1. You're insane. You are repeatedly trying the same jobs and same approaches regardless of the lack of success.
2. That's a patent lie - a piece of fiction you're using to garner sympathy for your cause.


3. I am old competing with a butt-load of 20- and 30-somethings in this economy that is going to the dogs and haven't been lucky enough to find the employer who will hire me for my skills and not my youth. (Y'know, somebody has to be unlucky - it seems to be me.)

If you have a suggestion as to what I should do beyond what I have been doing, please let me know. I have scoured my brain for a solution.

Delivery papers, drive a mail car, work at ADT Home security. They just sent me a flyer today saying they're looking for help.

I have no vehicle to deliver papers in (can't do it walking...). Do you know how long it takes to get into the Post Office? Years. I'm waiting and hoping, even still. I don't think I have seen an ADT in town. I just checked their site - and I have to give them information just to take a look around and see if they're anywhere near. And I bet if I applied, one of the 20-somethings or 30-somethings will get the position(s) I apply to. 100 to one odds.

Of course this will mean you'll have to get off of ATS during "working hours" and actually do something productive.

Geez. You assume much here. Like I must spend 8 hours looking for work. I exhaust daily options in a few hours on the Interweb, I look for signs hiring for positions I can do, I used to go into local businesses (still do, but not as often) and let them know what I can do and that I'm available... There is PLENTY of time for job seeking and ATS. That's all I have to do.

Lastly, it's a gimmick because if you were serious about this poverty/alien/terra thing, you'd be running a website with your own web address. GoDaddy sells them for $10 a year. Tell you what, if you can't pull the scratch out for that - I'll do it for you. But considering you're able to eat, I think you could probably find the cheddar for it if you really were that passionate about saving the world.

Food stamps only work for food. I'm still using the same toothbrush I had a year and a half ago because other things - like toilet paper - have taken precedence. But what would I say on the site? Same as I say here and in my blog ( ). I'm not trying to make money - trying to get rid of it.

So why a site?

And... My ideas don't deal with "aliens." That I am sure They are here and amongst Us is irrelevant to the ideas - Our numbers would make the freedom from money a reality if enough of Us were aware that We CAN do it. And FYI... I also have been courting Stephen Colbert - read my novella, The Abundance Paradigm, included in the co-written book linked in my sig to understand why Him.

And that is something We tried, my husband and me. Writing and publishing a book. It's free here on ATS, but if people buy copies We make money - our last royalty check was $13. For a quarter.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I can't tell you how much I feel for you, and sympathize with your situation. My wife faced a similar issue with her children from a previous marriage, and it's been one nightmare after another. As it is, we won't be able to see the kids until they are adults. Luckily, for one of them, that is later this year. Of course, nothing will replace all those lost years, not to mention the rift between family members, etc.

The backstory is too long and too ridiculous to even start here (though I've posted it before), but suffice to say that it's amazing how it takes almost no due process to remove (and then keep) children away from their parents, without even a charge being filed, etc. It's just insane.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

To be frank, I was aghast. We have hours and hours of Our daughter happy, cutely mischievous, goofy, intelligent and being the reasonable Being We were allowing Her to bloom into. In case anyone was wondering, Our daughter was quite a ham in the bath-tub and there's a fair few pieces of her performing. Uh... Lest anyOne suspect any "inappropriate" nudity. My favorite is "Splish and Splash in the Royal Tub!" That was 3 3/4ish of age.

To her, our humble plastic bin in the shower (we had no tub in the apartment) was a royal tub. How awesome is that?

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