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Incredible! Live Alien Grey Video *Up Close & Clear* April 2011

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posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:35 PM
In Russia, people don't make Aliens, Aliens make people.

I have chicken and bread crumbs, you have vodka?

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by truther357
I've worked for the government..I've seen them and this is what they look like.

So..get over it.

This thread has descended into farce .

Is the Hoax forum full or are the Mods leaving it out for entertainment

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by discl0sur3

Great find!

What ever it is ....It's solid. The lighting matches perfectly with it's back ground. And I don't feel that it's movements are "puppet like" . I am an artist and have a good eye for small details.

We need to get to the source of this video and analyze the heck out of it. Look for any pixal manipulation.
This is worth furthur investigation.

Who ever filmed this must have Ball's of steel because the camera man is pretty steady considering his subject!
There must be more footage?
Looks like the subject was willing to get filmed and didn't seem on the verge of running completely away. And the video seems to cut short.

With the advancement of digital video manipulation today..where someone can create life like images to fool even the experts is always a possibilty.

But to label everything a hoax seems to be is a "cop out" and an easy high horse stance to take.

A to too good to be true attitude is what the Government is counting on.

Question everything!
The truth could possibly be starring you "quite literately" in the face here!

Anyone who knows anyone with the resources at their disposal to fund an investigation into this video should be urged to do so. Because I have about a million questions I want to ask this being.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by DreamVapor

It might help your credibility if you read at least some of the thread

Its a proven HOAX

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by sith9157

You could be totally right, and I'm not saying whether this is fake or not, but how does anyone REALLY know how aliens move? Maybe their bodies are designed to move differently and that is just the way they move. Sure it is very strange looking to us humans because we don't move like that, but maybe THEY do.

People should not be so quick to judge something as fake just because it is different that what we humans do (nothing personal to anyone here, just saying).

IMO, this is what has been the "problem" about people believing in aliens all along - there are all kinds of videos out there of aliens which could be real, but most people seem to expect aliens to do things and act like us, and when they don't people automatically scream FAKE. Hello, they are not like us, that is why they are aliens...

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by coloradokat

Well, anyone except the government that is.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by coloradokat

Read the thread

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:10 PM
There may be different types of greys, different body suits developed. The eyes were actually the right size, not too big, lenses. More of a twig like body, than that. They're not all grey some are pink.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by coloradokat

And yes, I did see too that it is a proven hoax. I was just saying in general for other videos or possible proof.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:17 PM
I thought this thread would have been put to bed shortly after I supplied the original video. Its turned out very strange indeed with people not even reading a couple of pages, just blindly believing at first glance.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by EnigmaAgent
I thought this thread would have been put to bed shortly after I supplied the original video. Its turned out very strange indeed with people not even reading a couple of pages, just blindly believing at first glance.

Welcome to ATS

The mods are taking a will eventually go into the hoax bin though..however, I am suprised it made it up the food chain without being swatted by a mod.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:23 PM
link! Still getting S&F's 7 pages after this was conclusively debunked. I wish I could edit my's a HOAX guys.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:33 PM
What's interesting is that all these videos have no more than few seconds and assuming that we are talking about CGI jobs, this can be explained by the fact that videos with animated 3D objects, demands lots of RAM to be rendered, depending on the quantity of moving objects, size, plus terrains, vegetation, etc and may take several hours to be finished, even days, depending on the settings of the computer.

Anyway, these parasites, Greys, are everywhere, acting freely without absolutely any interference of men governments. So, I don't jump in the bandwagon of the non-believers. They are here, they are NOT aliens, they are engineered bio-androids left behind by ancient alien colonizers, they are dangerous, they abduct humans to be used as guinea pigs in attempt to improve their genetic material of cloning and there's no surprise if eventually someone catches one of them with a camera...

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by gortex

Thanks for trolling me.
I see now that it was a hoax...I was not able to see the replys and video evidence that were added while I was typing my response.
I know that makes you feel so much bigger than everyone else!
Once again your god like ego's have fooled someone and your status as an unpaid goverment disinformation pawn is assured for posting a video that has already been proven to be a hoax.
TPTB thank you ...I'm sure.
I replied to the original headline thread. And the blurred video! And my past reply is a reflection of that post.
It was the first time I'd seen this footage and I am not all knowing like some of you feel you are.
I think some of you should be flagged for perpetuating a known hoax.
If your only purpose was to get a laugh at someone elses expence.
A joke may be acceptable to a close friend or friends ....but to pull one on the genral public? What the hell's the matter with you?... Grow up!
You like to yell fire in a movie theater also?
I know alot of stuff on this site made up but I would also like to think there are some serious statements posted here.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Its fake...its is the original vid.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by discl0sur3! Still getting S&F's 7 pages after this was conclusively debunked. I wish I could edit my's a HOAX guys.

You have gained more flags from this after it was confirmed a Hoax, than before lol.

You gotta love the irony though.

Normally, the proof of a hoax isn't as undeniable as this. It would be in the Hoax bin with many questioning why it is there. They would not agree with the fact that it is in the hoax bin.

There is no doubt that this one is a hoax, but it somehow manages to continue to elude to hoax bin.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by DreamVapor
Thanks for trolling me.
I see now that it was a hoax...I was not able to see the replys and video evidence that were added while I was typing my response.

Yes. I am guilty. I have not read any of your previous comments, nor did I read past this first line.

However, I find it hard to understand how you, and many many others, were not able to read the FIRST TWO PAGES of this thread. That was yesterday, so I kinda doubt that it took you 24 hours to type your response.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

This HOAX has more lives than a cat in armor...

I think the only way we can get it to the hoax bin now is by sending it to Sorcha Faal and tell him to post it on All News Web...

edit on 21-4-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by DreamVapor
I see now that it was a hoax...I was not able to see the replys and video evidence that were added while I was typing my response.

I wouldn't worry...just take it as a lesson to at least skim through the first few pages to see if the resourceful skeptics can debunk it before weighing in.
There are some clever hoaxes out there..

I think some of you should be flagged for perpetuating a known hoax.
If your only purpose was to get a laugh at someone elses expence.
A joke may be acceptable to a close friend or friends ....but to pull one on the genral public? What the hell's the matter with you?... Grow up!

Actually, you might want to reconsider your assumptions
Video is found on the net...
it is brought here for the crowd to dissect, and if it is a hoax, one of the multitudes of people that visit ATS will spot it.
ATS is actually the opposite of what your saying...we are destroyers of hoaxes overall, hense why it is brought up here...not to further a hoax
anyone wanting to further a hoax simply posts it to youtube and disables comments..pretty simple.

We are seeking truth here overall, and often that can get quite passionate and sarcastic, however, the intention is to uncover and expose for whatever it may it a hoax or the real deal.
so...instead of being angry and calling everyone a disinfo agent for making you "fall for it"...take on the real perspective and give props to the ones that exposed it as the hoax it is

after all, thats what ats is for...hoax in videos, hoax in govermnent doublespeak, etc..

You like to yell fire in a movie theater also?
I know alot of stuff on this site made up but I would also like to think there are some serious statements posted here.

Tons of serious and in depth stuff
will everyone unanimously agree? hell no...and you don't want that either...truthseeking is about getting all ideas and perspectives on the table and seeing what fits where.

your new...I highly encourage you to go threadcrawling and check out some of the really interesting alien and ufo threads out there
search for "Zorgon" if you want some pretty interesting and intelligent threads about the subject, also I am sure you could be recommended hundreds of threads to check out for some pretty enlightening and potentially mind blowing stuff.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:56 PM
This thread has already been debunked HERE IMO. Why hasn't it been moved to the HOAX forum yet?

From the OP.

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