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Forget the Birth Certificate! Wheres the Proof He Even Existed?

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posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:04 AM
The inclusion of testimony based on the memory of a guy who, as noted, couldn't distinguish between his high school and college reunion was certainly the weak point that tipped me off to the smell of cow remnants. As noted previously, he is remembered from college. nd by people who know the difference between what high school and college they attended.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:07 AM
I caucasused for the guy, volunteered to campaign. We got all these promises of transparency, free energy, jobs, and i know these things take time. But from what i can tell is he put on a front for the first year as if he was going through with his so called agenda. Then just fell off the radar after the whole health care debacle? Now he basically does nothing but say yes sir no sir. What happened? Did he give up or was this the intent all along.

The birthers had me face palming for so long. But still these questions i can not ignore. And now his puppet like behavior? You cant ignore it. I don't know what came over me, what magic does this man weave ? The republican ticket was obviously designed to fail! The whole election was a set up imo, i see that now.

This has nothing to do with hate, more like WTF?

Is he the antichrist? An Alien? I don't know.

Was he assassinated and replaced by a android?

Seems like a CIA jobber, certainly not the same guy. I stuck up for the man so many times yet, now i see no reason. Something is seriously wrong I know that much. With or without Obama, there is no Government working in Washington. The republicans made that clear last week - we dont have to work, let alone for us. Obama would certainly not be the first plant. We had no choice but to elect him in the face of McCain and stupid. The PTB are laughing their butts off and who can blame them. They pulled off 911 after all why not plant a puppet in the oval office.

edit on 21-4-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:12 AM
Deliver Doubt, What we doubt we are compelled unconsciously to REJECT. Manipulated Doubt is very different to truthful questioning. It is easy to get people who are too lazy to cook a healthy meal for themselves to doubt the harm they are doing to thier own bodies through high intakes of fat, sugar and salt all which dull the brain even more as it is to doubt the reality of thier own President. America is a corporation of states, it is not a country. How about that delivery of doubt. You are owned by a bank who owns the corporations that you are reliant upon which own the governments that you have the freedom to vote for. Doubt that and see what happens in the next couple of years...

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by DCPatriot
reply to post by mudbeed

I predict Big Flop.

Drudge Report is a sensationalist Right Wing blog.

They are often wrong and often filled with malware. I know because I too got Malware from that site even on my own work computer.

That's just not true. The site commands a BILLION hits a month.

No site that popular would be serving up malware, IMO.

Back OT.....the book will change the entire Democratic leadership. Obama is finished. (fingers crossed)

For the record, malware can be found on any legitimate site. A hacker can embed their own code right over any legitimate site. Any site owner has to stay on top of it at all times. But in the case of Drudge, someone was talking about that on Talk Radio, I think it was Michael Savage, and said that they guys on the Hill were being told they cannot connect to Drudge from their computers and it was ostensibly because of malware.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

I agree with you! The repubs did almost nothing to promote their candidate. They sabotaged McCain and Palin when they could have put their support behind them. Instead they sat back and watched from the sidelines. The McCain campaign staff even bad mouthed Palin. McCain outlasted Romney and the others through Soros money. McCain himself did almost nothing to really debate Obama. It was almost as if he himself did not even care if he won.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:35 AM
I dont mean to talk down to anyone but you really need to start paying close attention to fictional entertainment in tv shows and film. They rub it in your faces...the truth is sandwiched nicely between 2 slices of fiction with scifi and fantasy as condiments.

Keep in mind that during and even before project paper clip a hell of alot more than just rocket science came over to the US.

I invite you all to review all you can about Goebbels,,..The Hegelian Dialect,,all forms of mind control,, disinfo,,psyops..counter intelligence,,NLP...the technologies involved,,emf..elf..ulf..quantum physics..and much more.

And a very important detail...dont poo poo it away that you are already well educated in these matters and dont need to look further into these subjects and never fall for the premise you are mind control proof. Arrogance over confidence will get you dead in this arena. I dont care anymore and have nothing to lose nor do i care if you hear me or not.

Hope this helps.
edit on 21-4-2011 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Buford2

Barry is not going to bring down the NWO(at least not by their design), unless it's because Americans woke up from their slumber. Barry himself has talked about the World Order as something "we all would like" so he's definitely part of it. It's so obvious. Anyone who is here because they think they are fighting the NWO then supports Barry is under some kind of crazy hypnosis. Oh wait, Barry uses mass hypnosis techniques. I read a paper on it. That little thing he does with his thumb and forefinger when he's trying to make a point...
Here's the PDF, it's worth the read. Maybe some will snap out of it.'s_Use_of_Hidden_Hypnosis_techniques_in_His_Speeches.pdf

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

I agree with you! The repubs did almost nothing to promote their candidate. They sabotaged McCain and Palin when they could have put their support behind them. Instead they sat back and watched from the sidelines. The McCain campaign staff even bad mouthed Palin. McCain outlasted Romney and the others through Soros money. McCain himself did almost nothing to really debate Obama. It was almost as if he himself did not even care if he won.

Thats because the economy was tanking fast...McCain was the sacrificial lamb they put forward to shut the old man up once and for all and threw the election

When your driving a hundred mph at a brick wall, you don't put in one of your own to pilot the last few throw in the opposition and blame him when it crashes.

Limbaugh was calling it the "obama recession" long before election day, after Bush came out when it was obvious obama was going to destroy and told the facts of how he accidentlyed the entire economy..good luck

McCain wasn't a candidate...he was a sacrifice. They ensured that also by having him flipflop on every single issue that made him popular with independents.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Buford2

How could the CIA have set up the KKK 80 years (or 30 years for the second KKK) before the CIA existed?

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Buford2

How could the CIA have set up the KKK 80 years (or 30 years for the second KKK) before the CIA existed?

The CIA has a tardis, obviously.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by something wicked

Originally posted by hawaii50th
reply to post by something wicked

If you think people as you put it in the real world don't speak of things such as this fraud, then you must live on another planet.
There sure is a strong amount of those that continue to deny these questions, and they always get upset. In life, when someone is confronted with what appears to be truth, they usually get upset. Many do not like being confronted with truth, and why is that? Pride, not wanting to be wrong or guilty.

No, you are just all mouth, sorry, you have all opinion, nothing to back it up against, sorry, I'll wave to you on whatever planet you are on. Deny, deny deny, you want proof, proof, proof, sorry, you are the wooly one with lots of questions, but no answers that suit you.

Edit to add... you have nothing in the way of proof to anything, frankly my friend, you are a troll doing the boards.
edit on 20-4-2011 by something wicked because: a little more added

So I see more bobble headed trolls have joined the chorus of fools singing there songs.
And so where's your proof, I don't see nothing coming out from your end that say anything of value. The only thing coming from you lovers of the man that is destroying freedom is more of the same b.s.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:21 AM
People who complain about a President who was elected by majority vote are, in effect, saying that over half the people who voted are stupid, ill-informed, naive, retarded, numb-skulls, morons, etc.. etc...

Have to wonder why these complainers didn't do more to ensure that another candidate was elected. What a country of irresponsible whiners we have become.

Next election cycle, take a few months off of work and go do a full-time volunteer gig to get your preferred candidate elected.. if you REALLY feel so negative about this (or any other) President. Geeez.


posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:41 AM
My alternative theory

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

I agree with you! The repubs did almost nothing to promote their candidate. They sabotaged McCain and Palin when they could have put their support behind them. Instead they sat back and watched from the sidelines. The McCain campaign staff even bad mouthed Palin. McCain outlasted Romney and the others through Soros money. McCain himself did almost nothing to really debate Obama. It was almost as if he himself did not even care if he won.

Thats because the economy was tanking fast...McCain was the sacrificial lamb they put forward to shut the old man up once and for all and threw the election

When your driving a hundred mph at a brick wall, you don't put in one of your own to pilot the last few throw in the opposition and blame him when it crashes.

Limbaugh was calling it the "obama recession" long before election day, after Bush came out when it was obvious obama was going to destroy and told the facts of how he accidentlyed the entire economy..good luck

McCain wasn't a candidate...he was a sacrifice. They ensured that also by having him flipflop on every single issue that made him popular with independents.

Ahhh yes I agree, he is the fall guy. But still what the hell is Barry doing these days? Kissing rings, bowing down, bending over ? He lost his back bone... he has lost his balls. And look how he handled the BP disaster? And sending MORE troops to Afghanistan? He is a tiger that changed his stripes over night. He is NWO all the way IMHO.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:26 AM
Wow been gone all day and come back and this thread just took off. It seems the Obama jock rider apologists just repeat the same non-sense over and over and try to muck up these threads by calling anyone who questions the lack of Obamas past "birthers". And the mentally challenged that dont seem to understand that questioning his existence is a figure of speech for the existence of his persona. We know he physically exist but his persona that is portrayed to us does not exist as portrayed. Now you can stop writing useless posts that say i saw him at such and such place so he exists.

Then we have those who say there are web sites were people from his past have come forward. OK great first prove it because anything can be put on a website. And second the point is he has made specific claims like he went to Columbia University, yet no one remembers him there and we can't get a transcript of his records or even his enrolment. those specific questions need to be answered. But the jock riders tactics are to obfuscate, name call and create strawmmen rinse and repeat.

It is amazing how many of them will come out of the woodwork and quite entertaining at times and annoying at times. Of course their goals is to suppress meaningful discussion on the subject by annoying teh rest of us. makes one wonder how long the government has been using the sock puppet software and why it was only announced just recently they have it.

So lets keep it simple He supposedly graduated from Columbia yet no transcripts or enrolment records and not a single person student or faculty or janitor for that matter remembers him... Why?

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by SlyingFaucers
reply to post by SaturnFX

What are you so afraid of that you need this labeled a hoax and thrown into the hoax forum immediately? I would imagine someone with such great reading comprehension as yourself understands that people have reservations about buying what others have claimed to be facts. Why not get some more facts on the table?

Why would you want to make a decision with less facts rather than more?

Sure, I started on this thread at page 5, even then, this entire (debunked by snopes) chain email from 2009 was...yep, re-debunked in completion
its verifiably false, the whole thing, lock, stock and barrel

If your so inclined to see what I have added however, feel free to navigate back to page 5...I went on pretty steadily until about page 16-17, when most of the wingnuts backed away and seen the hoax dead horse for what it was...

there is no possible more that can be added to this beyond a time machine (which appearantly the CIA have to plant stuff in his past to debunk this stuff).

So, is this thread about obama, or time machines? If its about obama, its back if your interested...if its about time machines, then perhaps its time to change the thread title...

Snopes has been caught in so many lies it is ridiculous. It is a known Soros front... You have debunked nothing

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:26 AM


posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:28 AM


posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

How do you know that transcripts and enrollment records for Obama at his old high school and college don't exist? I would like to see the source on this. And a bit of information regarding his past:

Some of the sites list names of professors as well as other people.

Take the information on these sites with a grain of salt because I haven't validated the sources and I haven't cross-checked anything. And likewise, I would like you to provide some sources that claim specific records -- aside from Obama's birth certificate -- don't exist, and that people in Obama's past don't remember him during those times.
edit on 21-4-2011 by arbitrarygeneraiist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Buford2

How could the CIA have set up the KKK 80 years (or 30 years for the second KKK) before the CIA existed?

More likely the Illuminati, or hmmm maybe some Democrats.

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