posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:13 PM
I wanna write this,not to compain,but to give some advice to the newer members of this site. I myself am a newer member but I feel that I have gotten
to be comfortable enough to be a contributor to ATS. I recently recieved a post from someone, on a thread I started, complaining about the subject and
going off about it telling me to give him a break. All it was, was a video that I found to be interesting and felt like sharing. And the member wasnt
even new but only had a few posts under their belt. Coming from someone that adds no contribuations to ATS at all I was a little offended that they
had the nerve to complian in the matter they did.
When I first joined I spouted off about a few things that I really shouldnt have and I was put in my place. I didnt get mad but rather I understood
where the veterans were coming from when they told me I didnt have any reasons to complain and maybe I should wait til I have been a member longer
before speaking out about certain things. I appreciated their advice and appreciate anyones, those who care to advise and not critsize. Anyway lessons
learned and I moved on.
For new members its crucial for you to sit back and get used to things and how they work instead of jumping right in and thinking you know it all and
how ATS works after being here for a few days. Because I definately dont know everything there is to know and everyday I get on here I try to figure
out as much out as I can. Myself and many others on ATS try offering advice to newer members to help them along in knowing how things work and to feel
more comfortable while theyre here. My advice to new members is to take all advice for what it is and dont think that its people trying to critisize
you. People are trying to help make things better for you so everyone here can have a good experiance.
Another thing is for posters that are newer or only have a few posts under their belts. Heres some advice before you slam someone elses posts or
threads that are only trying to contribute. Make sure you at least have attempted to contribute something informational or interesting before
attacking someone that has at least tried to. Before cutting someone down please make sure that you have at least earned something for your
contribuations before ridiculing someone who has. Or at least start to contribute something, rather than nothing, other than rude posts directed at
others that at least try...I feel people should earn their way like myself and many others are trying to do.
So in short,to all new members please try to take advice from those who know what theyre talking about and are only trying to help you. You can tell
who these members are by just by looking at their stats. Please dont slam members or leave rude comments on those posters threads that are only trying
to contribute especially if you yourself have done nothing to try to do so...Ats is a great place to be on as long as people dont act the way the
example i mentioned did...
edit on 18-4-2011 by gdaub23 because: (no reason given)