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Overpopulation? Elitest Propaganda and Damned Lies Lies Lies!

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by OhioPariah
I quit reading when water was so quickly glossed-over because it covers 74% of the earth. I am an environmental scientist, and I can assure you, even of the water we can drink (only 2.5% of the Earth's water is fresh; of that, 70% is inaccessible in the icecaps, deep aquifers, or as humidity and moisture) the water is so polluted by nitrates or halogenated solvents or gender-bending endocrine disruptors that it is impossible for a society to survive beyond a few generations without a significant loss of life.

Water is the key limiting factor here - and what we can actually get at, will kill us without extensive treatment and energy input. The earth absolutely has a K value, and our actions are lowering it. You don't need a global elitist conspiracy to see that.

You see this is the problem, we already have the technology to overcome this very simple barrier, Zero Point Energy will take care of our energy problems, its 100% clean and costs virtually nothing to run, we already have very fast and efficient desalination technology, we have extreme battery technology, these things are on this planet right now!! but they are being suppressed because the so called elitists wont make money from them, we can sustain many more people comfortably but this is not on their agenda, they want war because war = money they want to try and keep us living in fear because this separates us, what we need is unity and peace to make this work and this is the elitists most feared nightmare that we will think for ourselves and take control of OUR planet.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Maslo

Ok, resources may be abundant until that is all the forests have been cut down to make way for more buildings and people and guess what???? this will creat overcrowded places so then they will move onto the next bunch of trees to cut down to produce more land for people to live and guess what???? This will become overcrowded!!

The cycle will continue to produce overcrowded areas and while the cycle continues... the less resources will become available.... so in all essence, it ay not be overcrowded/overpopulated at the moment but it will become overcrowded/overpopulated in the long run

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

You have to keep in mind that when energy becomes essentially free we will be able to make alternatives. Nano glass out of say sand which is stronger than diamonds.. At this point why would we need to cut trees? It's all about changing the mindset of humanity and embracing the new technologies (that make sense). Our system is one that holds us back and despite what many people say, capitalism does the opposite of raising the bar and pushing technology forth.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:00 AM
The next time you're in a traffic jam and frustrated as hell, take that time to ponder a world with far fewer people in it.

Research Easter Island and ponder that as well. That's an example of the repurcussion of overpopulation.
edit on 19-4-2011 by 3dman7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by 3dman7
The next time you're in a traffic jam and frustrated as hell, take that time to ponder a world with far fewer people in it.

It is a good summary of a large percentage of sentiments expressed on this thread.

Yeah, how dare they be in My Way? Sterilization and death to them all! I am elite!

Respectfully, ignored.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by pilotx

Sterilization (even if temporary) of those on social assistance would be a good place to start since they tend to breed like rabbits.

There is no reason they should be crapping out more children for the taxpayers to feed.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:40 AM
wow very interesting opening
isnt it funny how all these ideas are there and seemingly available..but the one thing that is missing is that the corporations that run the world will never do some thing like that. its all about the money..big money. think mansanto or bp or exxon ect ect ect would every spend the money to do that on a viable scale or that 'elected officails' would spend the money as well.
that said, i have a friend that just got back from india..and wow, the stories he has of just how many people are packed in the cities and houses ect, just incredable. i guess that sorta brings up another do you 're-distribute' people? our planet may be able to sustain more people but certain localized areas cant take much more humans and the destruction we seem to naturally do.
the earth can live without humans, humans cant live without the earth...we seem to forget this

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by pilotx

Originally posted by 3dman7
The next time you're in a traffic jam and frustrated as hell, take that time to ponder a world with far fewer people in it.

It is a good summary of a large percentage of sentiments expressed on this thread.

Yeah, how dare they be in My Way? Sterilization and death to them all! I am elite!

Respectfully, ignored.

Glad you took the effort to quote me and post the fact that you ignored my post!

I'm curious what happens when these floating farms, covering all these water surfaces, blocking the natural evaporation and prohibiting cloud formation, thereby ceasing rainfall, thereby drying up the farms......oh, I forgot, no such thing as man-made climate change.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by die_another_day

Originally posted by rwfresh

Originally posted by die_another_day

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by die_another_day

How about each person that requires a resource be allowed to creatively use the resource.

Or.. you distribute it the same way everything else is distributed. How do you think all the JUNK gets from China to the US Walmarts?? DAILY.

There is no distribution problem.

With property rights, courts, patents, and HOARDING behavior.

How can resources be "distributed?"

Suicidal behavior (Greed, hoarding, fear of lack of resources) are not consistent with reality. So maybe the first question would be how do we encourage reality? Or eliminate delusion? Just by living in reality and not propagating unreal myths like "overpopulation" is a start.
edit on 18-4-2011 by rwfresh because: (no reason given)

There is no such thing as "fear of lack of resources."

Scarcity is what creates value.

Scarcity is what creates the market for people to exchange what they don't have in.

No such thing as "fear of lack of resources"? What do you believe greed to be? The opposite of love is fear. Greed is born of fear. And specifically it is a fear of lack. Lack of food, lack of space, lack of peace, lack of power, lack of control.

Scarcity -> Who believes this more than the market makers? Create false scarcity and get paid.

I will tell you that there is ONE thing seriously lacking in our civilization and that is LOVE. It is no more complicated then this and you are delusional to believe otherwise. And the REAL joke is that the greediest, most (false) powerful people in the world have made it their expressed agenda to ensure everyone believes Love is in short supply. Well i am here to tell you that Love is literally in INFINITE supply.

They make war and scare you into murder.. and then call it humanitarian. And deep down you support it because you believe it's good that people on the other side of the planet are dying because they were just eating your food, drinking your water, using your oil. When you live by the sword you will die by the sword. And if you believe the world is overpopulated and the only solution is population reduction then PREPARE to line up to be exterminated because you are definitely NOT on the list of the privileged. I guarantee it.

Fear is the number one commodity and it is sold to you from birth. You are fed it DAILY. Love is about life, solutions, hope. And when you have love you need NOTHING. The desire to collect garbage, dominate people, steal and murder cannot exist when you are full of love. When you see someone in need you share knowing that there is ALWAYS more.

If you can tap into the eternal, infinite supply of Love you will NEVER experience lack.

And you might say I'm a dreamer. But it is literally this UNDERSTANDING (of love) that directly challenges those suicidal, murderous powers. And the only thing they can do is murder incarnations of love. Murder the spirit of sharing and life. And that is what is happening on this planet. Do not align yourself with false scarcity and overpopulation. It means your death.. and i am not talking about your physical death. If you do not understand what love is you cannot live in truth. And either can i. I don't except overpopulation. What does it mean? It means be fearful and die because there is no other way.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:04 AM
The problem with the overpopulation discussion is that the people who do not believe we are facing an overpopulation crisis cannot argue fact. They rely on emotion based arguments, which is the wrong path to take.

Emotion has no place in an intellectual debate, and whining about "oh, well we could power everything with Unicorn piss if it wasn't being held back by the evil powers that be blah blah blah" doesn't do any good since that isn't a reality in these current times.

Crying that "we cant let people starve!!!!!" , or "we cant just exterminate people!!!!" is 100% emotion and it has no logical fact behind it.

The fact is we can and should let people starve. That is exactly what happens when overpopulation of the ecosystem occurs.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by JessicaS
I keep wondering where this idea of over population keeps comming from, or the idea that we can't substain our own species.

Nevermind the fact that greed has put the planet in it's peroloius position in the first place
It's not the Earth we need to save.... The Earth will be just find after our exinction. WE WON'T!!

That's exactly what I mean by asking the Real questions. Where does this concept come from in the first place? Why is life on Earth the way it is now? Could it be different? Could current resources be shared more equally? Could we actually cooperate and work together in improving things as they are now? Who is it really that's damaging Earth?

No. Instead, we settle for the elite's ultimate tool of deception: making us think we are elite. We accept any trendy idea such as overpopulation at face value without asking these questions, and blindly leap to quick solutions which they themselves have paved:

"the solution of overpopulation is undoubtedly depopulation."

Self-centeredness and greed are disorders not only of the elite, but of the many as well. The only difference is the elite work together to keep us divided. Thus, they keep the spotlight away from them, while keeping us fighting each other.

Originally posted by ipsedixit
Definition for the "limits to growth": what we the elite can control and dominate without working up too much of a sweat.

That definition will have to be made obsolete in order for humanity to survive...

People barely have the mental energy to mutter 'the limits of growth is self-evident given study X and Y and my subsequent observations in rush hour, now let's be proactive and look at depopulation' and feel content for getting to the very fundamentals of everything upon which the almighty Doctrines of Overpopulation stand.

This is shallow in the extreme. This is not even critical thinking. This is "the almighty experts said so, it is therefore so, and they can prove it to my shallow satisfaction beyond a doubt, so lets get to depopulation which really means easter bunnies and butterflies finally roaming the beautiful earth."

Originally posted by AndrewJay
If overpopulation was a problem, which its not, how would you go about 'fixing' said problem? Because thats really what this thread is talking about. You have people that are living on this planet that literally hate you simply for being alive.... yet you defend them. I simply cannot understand the logic.

This is for real, they really do hate you for being alive, but they won't dare admit it publically. They use their right to life as a way to curtail everyone's right to life. You can't threaten people yet its somehow o.k. to threaten everyone, especially from positions of power. Undoubtedly, many of these find this a form of self-improvement; to hate others as a way to love themselves for being so much better.

Too much of disney's cuddly animal kingdom since infants perhaps, making some of us chase some utopia of life on planet Earth. By all means, add prefrontal lobotomy to 'your' list of 'solutions.'

Thankfully, we are learning to see each other's positive qualitites, learning to work collaboratively, and learning to tame our minds and finally redirect its power to uncover every dark corner with the power of illumination.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by WhiteHat

Have you been to India? I have. I saw tons of people living on less than 10 bucks a day and many of them spiritual fulfilled more than most living in McMansions disgustingly protecting their gluttony.

Pull up India on google maps. IT'S EASY and you will see literally 1000's of square HECTARES of unpopulated land.

The issue is NOT scarcity of resources. It is the delusional protection and defense of suicidal behavior.

GLUTTONY, FEAR, GREED. THAT is the problem. Defending it by suggesting we need to eliminate human life is absolutely insane.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by rwfresh

Again, you are arguing on emotion and not fact.

If the 3rd world needs to be eliminated in order to the "first world" to survive, then so be it.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by ViperChili
The problem with the overpopulation discussion is that the people who do not believe we are facing an overpopulation crisis cannot argue fact. They rely on emotion based arguments, which is the wrong path to take.

Emotion has no place in an intellectual debate, and whining about "oh, well we could power everything with Unicorn piss if it wasn't being held back by the evil powers that be blah blah blah" doesn't do any good since that isn't a reality in these current times.

Crying that "we cant let people starve!!!!!" , or "we cant just exterminate people!!!!" is 100% emotion and it has no logical fact behind it.

The fact is we can and should let people starve. That is exactly what happens when overpopulation of the ecosystem occurs.

Can't argue the fact? What is there to argue? If someone is willing to commit suicide to protect their greed, fear and gluttony there is no compromise. There is a solution to "overpopulation" and it has nothing to do with intellectual debate. How can it be so hard to understand what the problem is?

"There are too many people using up my resources so let's kill them". Is this your solution? Man the NWO is looking for suicidal murderers with that kind of delusion.

I will tell you that if you act on those emotions you clearly are defending, you will live eternally in a state of lack rather than an infinite supply of abundant resource which is your true nature.

I would challenge you to take a look at the facts. The fact is justifying murder, gluttony, fear, hate, greed with intellectual mumbo-jumbo is a dangerous tactic which only leads to more of what you ultimately DO NOT want.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by 3dman7
Glad you took the effort to quote me and post the fact that you ignored my post!

Apologies for making an example of your post in saying that I respectfully ignore some comments as a way to carry forth a good discussion. You made a good point even if I don't agree with it

a star is better than a redundant quote I guess. here it is.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by rwfresh

You whined about thousands of unpopulated hectares in India. Obviously the infrastructure isn't in place to use that land, or it simply isn't arable land. India is an old country, think if that land was prime for the pickin someone wouldn't have jumped on it by now?

Before we go on any further, I need to ask:

Are you coming at this from a religious angle? You mentioned spiritually fulfilled people in India and some of the "deadly sins".

Is religion the root of your argument?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by ViperChili

Are you willing to pick up a gun and shoot a family in the "3rd world" dead so that you can continue shopping at Walmart? You will be asked to.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by ViperChili
reply to post by rwfresh

You whined about thousands of unpopulated hectares in India. Obviously the infrastructure isn't in place to use that land, or it simply isn't arable land. India is an old country, think if that land was prime for the pickin someone wouldn't have jumped on it by now?

Before we go on any further, I need to ask:

Are you coming at this from a religious angle? You mentioned spiritually fulfilled people in India and some of the "deadly sins".

Is religion the root of your argument?

Whined about land in India? I understand the need to discount fact by labeling it "emotional". It is a tactic and has nothing to do with truthful communication. Someone stated that going to India would change one's idea's of overpopulation and i was demonstrating that it would not.

Religious? Absolutely not. I subscribe to no religion. I love the truth. And the truth is people are driven by what you might label emotion. What makes someone want something? What makes someone eat until they puke? Buy until they require more space for things they don't use? The facts point to them being driven by FEAR. Fear of lack. It's lack of contentment. So they scramble to collect and consume with ZERO fulfillment. Because the fear is NOT remedied by their consumption. So the problem persists and even grows. They are stuck on a hamster wheel. So is this intellectually sound behavior? Mindlessly feeding a behavior in the name of a solution that the behavior can never result in?

If can look at reality with a clear and open mind. Except the facts that are laid out before you, you will see that temporary relief of hunger (of any kind) through sick behavior does not eliminate the hunger then you will understand what the problem is. Population reduction is not a solution because Overpopulation is NOT the problem.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:54 AM
hehe and the Brilliant compassionate dems want to basically tax oxygen to boot!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:58 AM
okay, so Im new here, and this is aside from my introduction , ,my first official reply.
If one were to assume the writings in the Bible were mostly true, does it not say we should be fruitful and multiply?
Does God not ensure that those who have faith (not greed) will be provided for?
What if those who thought this overpopulation crap was bull, and put out of misery those who run the show, the proverbial PTB, maybe then our resources would be considered limitless and we could be fruitfully multiplying with blind faith in the abundance of love and our creator ....
It is not our place to decide who and how many should live. genocide is murder, plain and simple. and money, well thats just another tool used to control people.
oh but if you have enough money, you can buy yourself into the belief that you are equal to God. ha ha. so while the elite purchase there underground condos, I will feel humbled knowing that they are surviving themselves for judgement. and that day will come. and money cannot buy you a seat in eternity.

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