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On the "King of all the World (Hiram Abiff);" the Masonic Messiah & other Masonic Conspiracies.

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posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:11 AM
On the Masonic "King of all the World (Hiram Abiff), and other conspiracy theories promoted by Freemason conspiracy theorists."

Lucifer 2011
Blasphemy, Heresy, War, Revolution, etc.

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by Lucifer777

]I am still awaiting to find out who the Messiah is in Freemasonry. How can you call us "messianic" but don't give definition of who our messiah is. Pretty illogical and irresponsible.

"The Hiram Key" and the alleged Egyptian King making rituals.

I have already responded to this matter on previous occasions; and thus rather than continually restating the matter, I have decided to make a new thread on this.

To restate: admittedly the Masonic authors and conspiracy theorists, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas are not really "historians" but tin foil hat wearing pseudo historians, however a central premise of their book "The Hiram Key (1997)" is that Masonic rituals are essentially derived from ancient Egyptian “king making rituals.” It seems that they begin with this premise, which they wish to "believe in," and work backwards attempting to make this case; this is not really an historical methodology acceptable to the academic world, which is why their writings are found in the "conspiracy theory" section of bookshops, next to David Icke, Dan Brown and Michael Baigent's ramblings, rather than in the "history" sections, and why it is unlikely that their writings would be recommended reading for history syllabuses in academic institutions.

I find no real evidence that Masonic rituals are indeed the rituals of the ancient Egyptians, any more than the drunken hazing rituals of American "Greek" frat houses and sororities are related to the ancient Eleusinian (Greek) mysteries. Part of the problem of understanding the Egyptian and Greek initiations is that they were, to state the obvious, mysterious and secretive, and thus Lomas and Knight's arguments are merely ahistoricial "special pleadings" and the the presentation of their own personal consipracy theories as if factual.

It will take much more than the existence of a Masonic ritual spoken in ancient Egyptian to convince historians of such a conspiracy theory; anyone can start a New Religious Movement and ramble on in Egyptian, as indeed Crowley would do in his evocations of Egyptian deities. Knight and Lomas then come across some ancient Egyptian mummy with signs of blows to it's skull (how unsurprising) and deduce that this must be the original "Hiram Abiff." It seems that "conspiracy theory" writing is very profitable and that Freemasons will go any lengths to come out with a new conspiracy title making fantastical claims claims to support their myths which those who are illiterate in the methods of historical methodology will become enthralled with. I did notice that at one time, "The Hiram Key" held pride of place in the window of the Masonic regalia (fancy dress) shop opposite the Grand Lodge in London's Great Queen Elizabeth Street, which itself I think is an indication of the Masonic ignorance of the difference between "historical methodology" and bizarre conspiracy theories.

Hiram Abiff and the cult of the Secret King.

The other claim made by Knight and Lomas is that "Hiram Abiff" is not a name but rather a title; "Hiram" meaning "king" and Abiff allegedly meaning "lost, secret or hidden." I have been unable to check whether such words have such meanings in the ancient Pheonecian, using Internet sources, thus I am unable to comment on whether this a modern fabrication of meaning or not; though in the Hebrew "Hiram" is generally considered to mean "exalted;" this argument is further laid out on the Masonic conspiracy theory site where it is alleged that “Abiff” is not Phoenecian but rather “Old French,” which I have laso been unable to confirm, but it is more likely since the Hiram Abiff myth may well have been an 18th century fabrication.

Because Hiram, King of Tyre provided the labor and the cedar, some have connected the two, but there is no possible link apart from the fact that they share a name. Hiram meant ‘noble’ or ‘kingly’ in Hebrew, while Abif has been identified as old French for ‘lost one’, giving a literal description of ‘the king that was lost.’

"Some of the Masonic seventeenth-century manuscripts [preserving the 'Old Charges'] do not refer to Hiram Abif, which has led some to believe that the character was an invention of this relatively recent period. However, the name Hiram Abif was only one designation for this central figure; he is also referred to as Aymon, Aymen, Amnon, A Man or Amen and sometimes Bennaim. It is said that Amen is said to be the Hebrew word for 'the trusted one' or 'the faithful one', which fits the role of Hiram Abif perfectly. But we also know that Amon or Amen is the name of the ancient creator god of Thebes, the city of Sequenere Tao II. Could there be an ancient linkage here?"
Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas, “The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus”

The text above is a good example of the contortions that Masonic pseudo-historians and conspiracy theorists are willing to go to, to in order to claim that their “Egyptian Mummy” of Sequenere Tao II, who appears to have suffered blows to his head, is the actual mythical Hiram Abiff.

Other Masonic authors simply consider the legend of Hiram Abiff to be a modern fabrication.

It is generally admitted by students that the elaborate ceremonial, and multiplicity of degrees which flourish to-day under the general terms of Freemasonry, are of comparatively modern growth, and that before the era of Grand Lodges not more than one, or at most, two degrees were in existence. The Freemasonry of to-day appears to owe a good deal to the enthusiasm and imagination of two brethren who were active in the first half of the eighteenth century. These were Dr, James Anderson, an Aberdonian, who was a Presbyterian minister in London, and Dr John Theophilus Desaguliers, a native of La Rochelle, an Episcopalian clergyman, who also laboured in the Metropolis. Dr George Aliver, another parson who, was keenly interested in the Craft, and contributed much to masonic literature, says that "the name of the individual who attached the aphanism of H.A.B. to Freemasonry has never been clearly ascertained; although it may be fairly presumed that Brothers Desaguliers and Anderson were prominent parties to it," adding that when "these two Brothers were publicly accused by their seceding contemporaries of manufacturing the degree " they "never denied " it. Brother Robert Freke Gould, noticing the statement of Oliver, says that Anderson and Desaguliers had been many years in their graves when the accusation was made, and that, consequently, their silence "is not to be wondered at." But if Gould himself does not lay the blame or credit of the Third Degree at the door of these Brethren he favours the view that Hiram became a prominent character in Masonic ritual during the years of their activity.

"When the legend of Hiram's death was first incorporated with our older traditions, it is not easy to decide," he says, "but in my judgement it must have taken place between 1723 and 1729, and,." he adds, "I should be inclined to name 1725 as the most likely year for its introduction."

Gould is led to this view from two considerations: first, the remarkable paucity of references to Hiram in the Old Charges and early catechisms of Freemasonry, and, secondly, the prominence given to him in the edition of Dr Anderson's "Constitutions," published in 1738. He thinks, wisely most people will agree, that if the murder of Hiram Abiff had been a tradition of the Craft in early days, not only would allusions to him be found in the literature of the Order, but he would have appeared in the earlier degrees, and not been thrust without any sort of warning into the third degree, much to the surprise of all who regard Craft Masonry as a gradually developing spectacle. As Palgrave says, "It is not well for the personages of the historical drama to rise on the stage through the trap-doors. They should first appear entering in between the side scenes. Their play will be better understood then. We are puzzled when a king, or count, suddenly lands upon our historical ground, like a collier winched. up through a shaft."

It is not improbable, that just about the time mentioned by Gould - the close of the first quarter of the eighteenth century - the traditionary history was enlarged, the ceremonial rearranged, and what was formerly the second degree expanded and then divided so as to form the degrees of Fellow-Craft and Master Mason. Countenance to this view by a comparison of the first and second editions of Anderson's "Constitutions." In the earliest editions, issued in 1723, the author dwells at some length upon the magnificence of King Solomon's Temple. This is repeated in the later edition, published in 1738, but a number, of details as to the manner of its erection are given which suggests that it had grown in Masonic ceremonial importance during the intervening years. For example, Anderson states that after "the Cape-stone was celebrated by the Fraternity, their joy was soon interrupted by the sudden death of their dear master, Hiram Abiff, whom they decently interred in the Lodge near the Temple, according to ancient Usage.
If it be assumed that the third degree was invented about 1725, and that the invention involved the introduction of the Hiramic legend the next point for consideration is, to what source did the founders turn for material? Beyond casual references to him, the Old Charges are silent concerning Hiram, and there is nothing to indicate that he was commemorated in any way. He is simply referred to as a "Master of Geometry, " and the chief of all the various classes of workmen engaged in the building of the Temple. He appears to have been slightly more prominent in the ceremonial of the Rosicrucians with whom Freemasons are sometimes identified. Professor Buhle, in his "Historico-Critical Enquiry into the Origin of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, says: - -

The Masonic King. The “Royal Secret.” The “King of Scotland.”

I did raise this matter of the "Masonic King" with one of the curators of the Grand Lodge in Queen Elizabeth Street in London, during one of the "guided tours" I took of the Temple, and he did at admit that (I paraphrase) the "Masonic King" to Masons was the Christian equivalent of the Messiah, since "Messiah" anyway means "king," or "saviour king," and is not cosidered to be "God, the Creator" to the Masons, but rather merely a mortal person; however I suspect that he was speaking only for himself and not for all Freemasons, since the Freemasons seem to have a habit of contradicting their own conspiracy theories. When they wish to sell sensationalistic books, they may claim to be the cult of a secret king and when the matter is raised on the Internet, other Masons they may well claim that there is no secret king; such is the nature of their verbal tomfoolery and their typical conspiracy theory obfuscation. Of course religious fanatics anyway never have a problem with holding numerous contradictory beliefs anyway.

With regard to the nature of the "Royal Secret" (i.e., the identity of their secret king), obviously were I to know who this was, it would hardly be a "secret," and I very much doubt if many Masons are aware of who it is either. I don't see the point of having a cult with a secret king, if his identity is not a guarded secret, and since the Scottish Masons are rather "snobbish" and tend to look down on the American Masons as if they were a bunch of circus clowns and pranksters, I very much doubt if this would be common knolwedge among the heathens (i.e., the Americans)..

I can only speculate on this matter, but based on my impression of the Scottish Masons, the "King of Scotland" and his consorts are likely to be of the older generations of Masons, most of whom are not Internet literate and many of whom are rather senile now and may even have trouble writing their names, or even remembering their own names. If the Scottish Masons are anything to go by, I would expect him to be just another boring old Capitalist Devil.

The advantage of having a "secret king" is of course that he is "mysterious" and his humanity and frailty are thus not apparent; he cannot be subject to judgement and analysis. If he is bound to a wheelchair or has to wear diapers and dribbles his food, or is blind in one eye, this is irrelevant to the Masonic acolytes, for whom reputation is always greater than the reality.

I don't think that it is really necessary to identify this person, as when he dies, another Capitalist Devil will simply take his place, and one can anyway assess his character by assessing the character, behaviour and ideology of the Capitalist Devils who are members of his cult; we can judge a person by the company they keep, by who their allies are. The power of the Freemasons is the economic power of a Capitalist gang; absent the eradication of private banking and the Capitalist system in general, such power will not be extinguished.

It has often been the case that tyrants have used "body doubles" or "fake tyrants," who would be given temporal power and fame, but who were subservient to another more secret king, who was in reality the real king who was protected from the possibility of assassination or discovery. For example, it is quite clear that the current Russian government is an alliance between the government and the Russian Mafia, with the Mafia controlling most of the banks and having their own private armies, which include the police and the military, and that Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin are simply "puppets" and "front men" for the real rulers of Russia, whom they live to appease

Originally posted by KSigMason
How can you call us "messianic" but don't give definition of who our messiah is. Pretty illogical and irresponsible.

If you consider Knight and Lomas' arguments, or my own statements to be illogical and irresponsible, that is not a proper "argument;" it is just sophistry; a reasoned "argument" would state "why" you consider such arguments to be illogical and irresponsible. With regards to the "definition" of the Masonic king, since my judgement of the Freemasons is that they are generally a cult of Capitalist Devils, I think it highly unlikely that their king would be an Anarchist Lesbian Communist, and is more likely to be just another Capitalist Devil like the members of his cult / gang, but if you disagree and cconsider him to be a lesbian Anarchist Communist (for example), please state your case.


On Various Masonic Conspiracy Theories.

Aeon of Light 2009 (edited 2011)

On the ‘DaVinci Code’

Michael Baigent, the editor of Freemasonry Today, unsuccessfully sued Dan Brown in the British courts for copying the central theme of his book “Holy Blood and the Holy Grail;” a central theme of which is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and begat a lineage which has been hidden behind various secret societies. While Baigent's book does not claim to be fiction, it is certainly relies on 'conspiracy theories' rather than historical evidence and he has been widely criticised by academics and historians for “conspiracy theoryism” and fabrication.

An international bestseller upon its release, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail spurred interest in a number of ideas related to its central thesis. Response from professional historians and scholars from related fields was universally negative. They argued that the bulk of the claims, ancient mysteries, and conspiracy theories presented as facts are pseudohistorical

In The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln presented the following myths as facts to support their hypotheses:

Rhere is a secret society known as the Priory of Sion, which has a long history starting in 1099, and had illustrious Grand Masters including Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton; it created the Knights Templar as its military arm and financial branch; and it is devoted to installing the Merovingian dynasty, that ruled the Franks from 457 to 751, on the thrones of France and the rest of Europe.

The authors re-interpreted the Dossiers Secrets in the light of their own interest in undermining the Roman Catholic Church's institutional reading of Judeo-Christian history.[8] Contrary to Plantard's initial Franco-Israelist claim that the Merovingians were only descended from the Tribe of Benjamin, they asserted that:

the Priory of Sion protects Merovingian dynasts because they are the lineal descendants of the historical Jesus and his alleged wife, Mary Magdalene, traced further back to King David;
the legendary Holy Grail is simultaneously the womb of saint Mary Magdalene and the sacred royal bloodline she gave birth to; and the Church tried to kill off all remnants of this bloodline and their supposed guardians, the Cathars and the Templars, in order for popes to hold the episcopal throne through the apostolic succession of Peter without fear of it ever being usurped by an antipope from the hereditary succession of Mary Magdalene.

The authors therefore concluded that the modern goals of the Priory of Sion are: the public revelation of the lost treasure of the Temple in Jerusalem, which supposedly contains genealogical records that prove the Merovingian dynasty was of the Davidic line, to facilitate Merovingian restoration in France; the re-institutionalization of chivalry and the promotion of pan-European nationalism; the establishment of a theocratic "United States of Europe": a Holy European Empire politically and religiously unified through the imperial cult of a Merovingian sacred king who occupies both the throne of Europe and the Holy See; and the actual governance of Europe residing with the Priory of Sion through a single-party European Parliament.

The authors also incorporated the antisemitic and anti-Masonic tract known as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion into their story, concluding that it was actually based on the master plan of the Priory of Sion. They presented it as the most persuasive piece of evidence for the existence and activities of the Priory of Sion by arguing that:

The original text on which the published version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was based had nothing to do with Judaism or an "international Jewish conspiracy". It issued from a Masonic body practicing the Scottish Rite which incorporated the word "Zion" in its name; the original text was not intended to be released publicly, but was a program for gaining control of Freemasonry as part of a strategy to infiltrate and reorganise church and state according to esoteric Christian principles; after a failed attempt to gain influence in the court of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Sergei Nilus changed the original text to forge an inflammatory tract in 1903 in order to discredit the esoteric clique around Papus by implying they were Judaeo-Masonic conspirators; and
some esoteric Christian elements in the original text were ignored by Nilus and hence remained unchanged in the antisemitic canard he published.

CriticismThe claims made in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail have been the source of much investigation and criticism over the years, with many independent investigators such as 60 Minutes, Channel 4, Discovery Channel, Time Magazine, and the BBC concluding that many of the book's claims are not credible or verifiable.

Pierre Plantard stated on the Jacques Pradel radio interview on 'France-Inter', 18 February 1982:

“ I admit that 'The Sacred Enigma' (French title for 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail') is a good book, but one must say that there is a part that owes more to fiction than to fact, especially in the part that deals with the lineage of Jesus. How can you prove a lineage of four centuries from Jesus to the Merovingians? I have never put myself forward as a descendant of Jesus Christ.”

There are no references to the Jesus bloodline in the "Priory of Sion documents" and the link exists only within the context of a hypothesis made by the authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. From the Conspiracies On Trial: The Da Vinci Code documentary:

“ The authors of the 1980s bestseller The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail re-interpreted the Dossiers in the light of their own Biblical obsessions – the secret buried in the documents ceased to be the Merovingian bloodline and became the bloodline of Christ – the genealogies led to Christ's descendants.”

While Pierre Plantard claimed that the Merovingians were descended from the Tribe of Benjamin, the Jesus bloodline hypothesis found in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail instead hypothesized that the Merovingians were descended from the Davidic line of the Tribe of Judah.

Despite the “Priory of Sion” and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion” being notorious hoaxes, which have been exposed by academics, journalists and historians, Michael Baigent still defends his ahistorical conspiracy theories and fantastical fabrications.

In Tony Robinson's 2005 TV documentary exposure of Baigent's fabrications, where despite universal ridicule by historians, and the evidence that the “Priory of Sion” was a fabricated hoax, Baigent embarrasingly continued to defend his claims (the entire documentary can be watched on: ). Perhaps the sales of his conspiracy theory books are more important to him than intellectual honesty; it is rather unsurprising of a Masonic religious cultist, since the Freemasons themselves seem to be devoted to the accumulation of Capital as if a holy religion.

That Baigent continues to be the editor of “Freemasonry Today” indicates the importance that Masons give to conspiracy theorists who offer fantastical ahistorical fabrications and hoaxes as “history.” It is further unsurprising that anti-Masons and Neonazis use the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” hoax as evidence of a Masonic conspiracy, when even prominent Masonic “historians (I use this term satirically)” such as Michael Baigent believe that the “Protocols” were genuine.

The Sadducees and the modern Solomonic Temple cultists

If we consider Baigent's 'lineage' theory, we have to ask why Jesus, the alleged son of a Sadducee (i.e., Zechariah), who was allegedly executed at the request of the Sadducees, who placed a reward on him for his arrest, would then build a cult around his memory?

By "Jesus being the son of Zecheriah," this of course is another conspiracy theory based on the fiction of the Gospels. Since Zecheriah's wife Elizabeth could not become pregnant, her younger sister Mary allegedly came to live in Zecheriah's house, where she allegedly became pregnant. The Biblical form of marriage is of course not monogamy, but polygamy, and it was not unusual in polygamous societies for wealthy individuals (the Sadducees being rather wealthy due to their highly lucrative religion business) to purchase additional women to bear children, or to take one's wife's unmarried sister. This is just a speculation of course, but certainly a more rational position than the ridiculous belief that the Christian God (i.e., Jesus) impregnated his mother in order to give birth to himself, only to die as a ritual human sacrifice.

The Sadducees 'were' the Solomonic temple priesthood of that age, just as the Freemasons today represent the modern Solomonic temple priesthood. Wherever you go in the nations of the world where Freemasonry exists, it is the Freemasons who have a habit of building temples whose inner sanctum is always a copy of Solomon's temple. Although it would be rather strange if the Sadducees, having had the fictional Jesus of the Gospels executed, built a cult around him, it is even stranger that that the modern Sadducees or "Solomonic Temple cultists (i.e., the Freemasons)" would claim to represent his legacy; this is of course only an ahistorical conspiracy theory presented by Baigenet around a character (i.e., Jesus) who is almost certainly based on a fourth century fabrication (i.e., the New Testament).

Anachronism (out of historical context).

Bear in mind that the fictional Jesus of the Gospels clearly despised his father's religious cult (the Sadducees) and frequently cursed them. The idea that modern Solomonic temple ritualism has within it the lineage of Jesus is clearly anachronistic revisionism; there are after all numerous cults which claim to represent the religion (i.e., fundamentalist Judaism) and teachings of Jesus; even many NRM's (new Religious Movements) claim to have an ancient legacy, and Freemasons make the claim that they are of 18th century origin "and" that their legacy goes back to the ancient Israelite patriarchs and even to the Egyptians and as far back as Noah; however with regards to the modern Solomonic Temple cultists, it is as if a cult which claims to represent the legacy of the Pharisees who were allegedly responsible for the execution of a martyr claimed to represent the martyr; this is not unknown however, since today for example Joan of Arc (whom the Catholics executed for witchcraft) is a Catholic saint.

Anti-thesis (opposite idea).

If one considers what Freemasonry today represents, they represent a Capitalist gang entwined with the economic and religious establishment, and yet the fictional Jesus of the fabricated Gospels is depicted as being an enemy of the economic and religious establishment of his age and as a primitivist Communist who demanded that his followers, sell "all" their possessions, refuse to carry money, abandon their occupations, have no more than one robe, and become wandering unemployed exorcists, fake healers and fake miracle workers (unless one believes that these primitive religious fanatics discovered a miraculous cure for leprosy and blindness) who depended on begging for food. Clearly the Masonic agenda is clearly quite the opposite of that of the Jesus of the Gospels, and the Masonic "God" could wery well be defined as a Capitalist Devil, since the accumulation of Capital, loan sharking (banking) and Anglo-American economic Imperialism, state terrorism & narco-terrorism appears to be a "holy" and "sacred" aspect of Masonic behaviour.

Power, Money and Esoteric (Secret) Knowledge.

Part of what defines the Freemasons is the acquisition of power, money and the claim that they have access to esoteric knowledge; “knowledge” which we can identify by Knight, Lomas and Baigent's inane ramblings which is nothing more than fantastical fabrications. Loan sharking and the accumulation of Capital was hardly the objective of the religious fanatic depicted in the fictional Gospels; on the contrary.

Masonry must be seen as part of the multi-billion dollar religion business, and in the religion business, “truth” is always irrelevant and it is the “profit” which is the purpose of the "prophets" of the God of Capitalism and state terrorism; if a cult is financially successful, truth seems to always be irrelevant to it's beneficiaries, and there is no doubt that the Masonic buying and selling of fake degrees and pompous titles has been financially successful, in addition to the rewards of being part of an economically incestuous Capitalist gang of assorted aristocrats, loan sharks and Capitalists.


Bear in mind also that Moses as described in the Torah was allegedly an anti-monarchist and a republican; he set up a non-monarchic system of 12 elected judges who in turn ruled over other judges. This period of Judges allegedly existed for 400 years or so after the alleged Egyptian slave revolution; it is not until Saul, David and his son Solomon that the Israelites reverted to tyranny (monarchy), and it is such tyranny that the prophets cried out against. The New Testament of course is a “Messianic” work which further proposes the future rule of a theocratic monarchy of a global tyrant (a king of kings.)

'Solomon' is clearly portrayed in the Biblical book of 1st Kings as an 'evil king' whose religious faith represented everything that Moses had rebelled against, and who reinstigated human sacrifice cultism (1 Kings 11: 7) and Pheonecian Temple worship; whereas Moses and Joshua had a habit of raising such temples to the ground and submitting the priesthood and their cultists to genocide.

By the time of the reformist king Josiah (who was executed by Pharaoh, according to one account, for executing the priesthood and the temple prostitutes, destroying all idols, etc.), the religion of the Israelites bore no resemblance to the Mosaic reforms and was little different to the cults of the surrounding regions; the fact that Pharaoh could summon and execute Josiah for his religious reforms gives an insight into where the real religious and political power in the region lay.

The King of all the World.

”For every slave a master and for every master a slave.”

If one accepts the Masonic conspiracy theorists, Knight and Lomas' arguments in "The Hiram Key (1997), it would appear that 'Solomon' was merely a 'puppet' king and that the 'real king' was an Egyptian god king / priest.

The Book of Kings, itself of dubious historicity, describes Hiram Abiff as a Phoenecian, but Knight and Lomas, based on finding an Egyptian mummy with a hole it's skull, argue that he was an Egyptian; either way his influence over the Israelites was not that of a fellow Israelite, but of a devotee of a ‘foreign (Gentile)’ religion.

Masonic “Conspiracy” Racism

2000 years ago the Israelite Diaspora spread throughout the Hellenic world, however many of these individuals were Hellenic converts; the concept of an 'Israelite race' was one that would have been antithetical to evangelical Israelites who sought to proselytise and 'covert.’ The ancient Israelites themslves were almost certainly however a Semitic people (i.e., of Arabic appearance) and were probably more insular and xenophobic that their contemporaries in the Diaspora, for even the Jesus of the Gospels referred to a Gentile woman as a dog and told his followers not to go into the towns and cities of the Gentiles.

Pharaoh many have been an imperialist but he certainly did not capture German and Scandinavian slaves. What you will find in Egyptian art is a record of slaves of African (i.e., black Nubians) and North African Semitic appearance. However the Freemasons today are mostly ethnically European, and if their cult was dominated by the alleged descendants of Jesus, we would expect them to be of Arabic appearance and to look more like perhaps the Saudi Royal family. Further this idea of the fictional Jesus spawning a "Master Race" is simply a racist idea; if 2000 years ago a person was a primitive religious fanatic (as Jesus is depicted in the Gospels), such religious fanaticism is not anyway genetically inherited, since religious fanaticism is a consequence of religious hypnosis and indoctrination, not genetics. Further the "religion" of Jesus was that of a fundamentalist adherence to the primitive and savage "Mosaic Law and the Prophets" and his criticism of his contemporary religionists was that they did not adhere strictly enough to the letter of the Law; once certainly does not find this tradition in Masonry.

Further the British Israel movement which such ideas are based upon is simply an ahistorical fabrication and a racist ideology which considers certain British people to be the descendents of the Israelites, rather than the Semitic and African peoples; it is no more of a credible form of racism than the medieval Germanic idea that Jesus was some kind of blond haired, blue eyed, Jew hating, Teutonic knight; the Aryan Jesus portrayed in some German stained glass windows is simply an ahistorical fabrication.

Further anti-propertyism / anti-monetarism (i.e., primitivistic Communism) cannot be genetically inherited; it is an ideology. If within Freemasonry the ‘King of all the World’ was a Semitic anti-propertyist / anti-Capitalist who sought the liberation of the motherland (Africa) and the economic liberation of humanity from the slavery of Capitalism, the world today would be a very different world; and we would find that the Freemasons were similarly anti-Capitalists and anti-monetarists; it is simply not the case; on the contrary, their God is clearly a definition of a Capitalist Devil.


Tyrants, economic slavemasters and oppressors of the poor have often claimed to represent some historical martyr or celebrity religious fanatic whom their forefathers or those of their ilk, murdered. They who are most evil must disguise themselves as good, and it is a common form of hypocrisy.

Global Resistance

It is the Communist / anti-Capitalist movement, and temporarily the militant Islamic movement (which is also a primitive and barbaric faith) which in my judgement have the power to undermine and resist the rule of the kings of Capitalism, and in the end they shall and must defeat them; however I think that this cannot occur without global nuclear war and rivers of blood; the kings of Capitalism cannot be expected to simply surrender, and they are armed with weapons of mass destruction which they can be expected to use in order to expand their Imperialist Empire of the "International Dictatorship of Capitalism.” Beyond the "kings" of Capitalism, if there is a "King of Kings" as some Masonic conspiracy theorists suggest, his power is economic, and it will require the eradication of Capitalism to defeat him

"Perhaps the greatest myth of all is that myths are just myths"......"The point of prophecy is not to predict future history but to change future history

Armageddon and the “Triumph of the Will.”

When people "believe" in myths, they often tend to spring into life, just as the myths of the Teutonic Knights and the Jew hating Aryan Jesus sprang to life with the Nazis. The Book of Revelation is similarly clearly a fantastical myth, penned by a primitive religious fanatic, which predicts the eventual defeat of the King of Capitalism in a global and genocidal apocalyptic war, however the global war it predicts, would not be impossible or improbable to to a great extent. I do not believe in "divine predestination;" I believe that the future is decided by the triumphs or failures of individual and collective human will, however we live in a world of overly superstitious persons, and there are numerous individuals who have attempted to invoke (personify) the Messianic prophecies; it would only take a few "actors" who believe that the prophecies speak to them, to incite the global nuclear war which is prophesied in the Book of Revelation and to bring about the total collapse of the Capitalist system and of the Kings of Capitalism.

The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse.

What is possible often becomes actual. Just as the "rocket scientist" and esotericist Jack Parsons believed that the development of advanced apocalyptic weapons were part of his "divine mission," and that he was an “angel of the apocalypse,” so too do many of the enemies of the Capitalists and Imperialists, and it would only take a few among the "Revolutionary Vanguard" to invoke such prophecies. The Seven Angels of apocalyptic war have long been evoked (summoned) from the pages of myth, and they could not possibly fulfil such prophecies unless they were apocalyptic militants with the power to transform matter into energy and light; a power which is a great equaliser in guerilla warfare, for the mightest conventinal armies on earth are no match for even one person with the power to transform matter to fire.

Great and Terrible and Dreadful and Wrathful shall be the fall of the "International Dictatorship of Capitalism." On a day and an hour when expected least, like a thief in the night, on the clouds of heaven, the economic command and control centres of the empire of Capitalism shall turn to dust, and it shall not be a miracle, but the military application of physics. Long have I cried out in warning of the wrath to come. Were the Anglo-American state terrorists / narco-terrorists intent on the economic salvation of humankind from the disease of Capitalism, they would be loved and admired and wlecomed, but they have chosen instead the path of Imperialism, exploitation and conquest; all the evil that they have sown will come back upon them 7 times 77 and more.

Words are weapons. Physics is War. Propaganda is the first stage of war.

No mercy on they who deserve none.
Fire, plague and poisoned waters.


For further reading on Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, Solomonic Temple ritualism, ritual magick, Masonic conspiracy theories and on the ‘alternative history’ of ancient civilisations: a good collection for any researcher of the ancient mysteries can be found by following the links on the The Temple of Knowledge forum on:

edit on 18-4-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Text was not blasphemous and diabolical enough; not enough Christian flesh and blood sacrificed and devoured.

Mod Note : In future please limit the amount of quoted external text to a few paragraphs per source .
edit on 21-4-2011 by xpert11 because: trim quoted text , mod note

edit on 21-4-2011 by xpert11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Masonic authors are entitled to their opinions, but do not represent Freemasonry. Although not talking about the same character, this excerpt makes an important point:

Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, authors of The Second Messiah (London: The Arrow Books Limited, 1997), are entitled to their opinions. But they do not represent Freemasonry. Jacques de Molay plays no role in regular Craft Freemasonry. A messiah plays no part in the teachings or beliefs of Freemasonry.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason
Masonic authors are entitled to their opinions, but do not represent Freemasonry. Although not talking about the same character, this excerpt makes an important point:

Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, authors of The Second Messiah (London: The Arrow Books Limited, 1997), are entitled to their opinions. But they do not represent Freemasonry. Jacques de Molay plays no role in regular Craft Freemasonry. A messiah plays no part in the teachings or beliefs of Freemasonry.

It is quite clear that different Freemasons have different opinions on Freemasonry, much as in the parable of the blindfolded men and the elephant; all of whom could only touch a different part of the elephant and all of whom had different interpretations on what the object was that they were touching.

The same is true for Christianity where there are a myriad of opinions and beliefs, based on selective "cherry picking" and "quote mining" of the Bible, and based on the religionists own personal bigotry, beliefs, education, society, cult membership, etc., and where individual cults often claim that their opinions and ramblings represent "true" Christianity even if they are just a small marginalised cult.

This disparity of opinion is not a barrier to the scholar of religion, since "Religious Studies" is an academic study which tends to look at all the differing perspectives of a religion, including that of critics and apostates; similarly with Freemasonry, where we have a number of well known Masonic authors who are "professional" conspiracy theorists and published authors and who promote views which other Freemasons may disagree with; we find this in almost all religions and the acolytes of the numerous Masonic cult franchises are no different.

It is unsurprising for example, that an American Mason whose initiations involve sexual and physical humiliation, electric schoks to the genitals, fake executions, etc., and whose functions involve an abundance of strippers and prostitutes would have a different view of Masonry to a Scottish Mason who dresses up in the pantomime costumes of the "Knight's Templars," has a "fancy dress" fetish, etc., and for whom his experience is purely homo-erotic (i.e., there are no women in attendance), just as devotee of Elizabeth Windsor's Christian cult would have a different view to Joseph Ratzinger's Christian cult or Fred Phelp's Christian cult.

Probably the "best selling" authors of the modern "conspiracy theory" genre are Lomas, Knight and Michael Baigent, and they are essentially not acadmic writers in the fields of history or religious studies (both disciplines having quite strict methodology), but rather of the "tin foil hat brigade" of conspiracy theory-ism; however their writings need to be taken into account in addition to other Masonic cultists who may disagree with them.

Since ATS is predominately American, and Knight, Lomas and Baigent are all British, I should point out however that these three authors seem to be well respected among British Masons (Baigent being the editor of the journal "Freemasonry Today;" it is unsurprising that there may be differences of opinion between Masons however.

On The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

I really should have added this to my list of Masonic conspiracies. The "Protocols" are a well known hoax; however, even as a hoax it is an important historical document, just as the fabricated fiction of the New Testament is an important historical document; even "hoaxes" have the power to affect history. Many fictional titles such as George Orwell's writings, despite being fiction have turned out to be rather insightful and prophetical regarding the future direction of society. This is not to suggest that the Protocols or the New Testament are "genunine" in the sense that they accurately describe the dialogues of historical persons.

"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (first appeared around 1897)" are clearly "based" upon Maurice Joly's "Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864)." The entirety of the protocols can be read on the Neo-nazi Internet site and Joly's work can be read in entirety on and a comparison between the two works can be read on: .

The "Protocols" have often been referred to as an "anti-Jewish" hoax, however I consider them to be more of an "anti-Masonic" satire and hoax, since most European Jews are certainly not Freemasons, and it is Freemasonry which is the alleged origin of the Protocols satire; it is quite clear that the author of the Protocols hoax is clearly anti-Jewish "and" anti-Masonic, and they should be read for what they are, an anti-Jewish, anti-Masonic hoax.

By "anti-Jewish" this should not be confused with the descendents of the ancient Israelites but with the "British and European Israelism" conspiracy theory, which was a conspiracy theory derived from predominantly 17th, 18th and 19th century authors who argued that that "people of Western European descent, particularly those in Great Britain, are the direct lineal descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The concept often includes the belief that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David ( )." This kind of popular European "conspiracy theory" is of course ahistorical, patently ridiculous and an offshoot of Christian religious fanaticism; however such a bizarre and ahistorical conspiracy theory unfortunately became entwined with the Messianic religious cult which is "Freemasonry." The original Israelites were of course an African and Semitic people, whom the modern Freemasons would be more likely to drop depleted uranium on, since the aquisition of Capital and global economic imperialism is central to their religion.

The source of the Protocols is "allegedly" the Mizraim Masonic Lodge in Paris; they depict the complete Masonic takeover of the banking world and the control of society through puppet presidents who would ultimately all be subservient to the Masonic "King of Kings (i.e., the Masonic Messiah)," and so I mention this as it is relevant to the title of this thread.

The Nazi sympathiser Henry Ford, who paid for the publication of half a million copies of the Protocols' hoax remarked that "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on ( );" thus even if one treats the Protocols as a fictional hoax, this does not mean that they have no relation to reality, just as we cannot say that George Orwell's fiction or George Carlin's political and religious satire had no relation to reality. Clearly, at least from a British perspective the Freemasons certainly have been as successful in their dominance in the fields of banking as the Russian Mafia have in their homeland, and this "economic domination" is certainly an aspect of both the "Protocols" and the "Dialogues in Hell" satires.

Although I don't consider the Protocols to be "genuine," popular Masonic conspiracy theories are derived from them and the current editor of "Freemasonry Today," Michael Baigent apparently considers them to be genuine. I am quite sure that other Masons will claim otherwise and there will be different opinions among Masonic cultists, however it is quite clear in the "Protocols" hoax that the "King of all the World" and the "Messiah" is the king of the Masonic cult, whose power is described as being economic and covert, and since prominent Masons such as Baigent consider the Protocols to be an historical document, rather than a hoax, it is thus certainly not the case that "all" Masons would dispute that they are members of a Messianic religious cult.

There seems to be a tendency for Masons to express their opinions as if "fact" or as if they speak for "all" Freemasons, when they make claims such as "Freemasonry is X and Freemasonry is Y;" the Christian religious fanatics have this habit also. The truth is closer to a statement like "Some Freemasons appear to be members of a Messianic Religious cult, whereas other Freemasons deny it or may be unaware of it."


edit on 19-4-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Text was too diabolical; too much Christian flesh and blood consumed; too many virgins sacrificed.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

A couple of authors don't set he policy of Freemasonry world wide. I have yet to hear any Grand Lodge to accept their theory as an accepted belief. I've read Knight's and Lomas's books, and they make for a good read, but I regard in them in the same light as 'Holy Blood, Holy Blood'.

None of the rituals I have gone through involved anything sexual or humiliating, quite the opposite in fact, the ceremonies are solemn and when done right, quite impressive. Again, there are no stripper events. Just because we're a fraternity doesn't mean we are homo-erotic. Not everything has to have a sexual connotation attached to it. You seem way too obsessed with sexuality.

The Rites of Memphis and Mizraim is not an accepted branch of Freemasonry.

I love bow you paint authors as "prominent" Masons whether they are or not to support you theory.

For the most part I express my experience and internal knowledge.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

I am no Mason, but I believe that the first three, universal degrees and its members make up a society of charitable brothers. No strippers or Jesus-haters live in these degrees.
As for the higher degrees of the Scottish Rite, I have no sympathy . . .


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by seraphnb

Except there is much more than just Scottish Rite and Blue Lodge. I'm a York Rite Mason as well.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by Lucifer777

A couple of authors don't set he policy of Freemasonry world wide.

Knight, Lomas and Baigent are probably the world's best selling "professional" conspiracy theorists who are Freemasons themselves, and that fact that Michael Baigent, who is the definition of a "Tin foil hat" wearing conspiracy theorist, is the editor of "Freemasonry Today," indicates the general level of respect that it is given to ahistorical professional conspiracy theorists who are willing to fabricate historical evidence in order to sell books.

Part of the reason that "conspiracy theorists" are probably attracted to Masonic issues is that so many Freemasons are the definition of "tin foil hat" conspiracy theorists themselves; or perhaps I should say "Templar pointy hat" conspiracy theorists or "fancy dress fetishists."

None of the rituals I have gone through involved anything sexual or humiliating, quite the opposite in fact, the ceremonies are solemn and when done right, quite impressive. Again, there are no stripper events. Just because we're a fraternity doesn't mean we are homo-erotic. Not everything has to have a sexual connotation attached to it. You seem way too obsessed with sexuality.

I really cannot be bothered with your constant denialism, and repeatedly responding to the same BS, so I will repost your response over on the thread "On Masonic Charity. The world's largest non religious charity scam. On the Shriners and Jesters." on: where I have posted a vast array of evidence and testimonial from American Masons themselves that stripper events and homo-erotic BDSM rituals are commonplace in American Masonry. I should point out that I have no objection to homo-erotic behaviour or to gay BDSM as I am hardly a virgin myself with regards to such matters; however I merely attempting to portray American Masonry for what it is.

The Masons are the only people I know of who swear an oath to obey the command of a "Master" if the slave's "cable tow (the BDSM equivalent of a collar and chain)" is in grabbing distance of the Master (part of the Masonic oath) is the Masons; even most of the BDSM fetishists are only role playing; they don't take such matters too seriously; however it is very commonplace in Capitalist gangs to swear similar oaths of obedience.

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by seraphnb

I'm a York Rite Mason as well.

So after your constant denials that you belong to a "religious" cult you now claim to be a York Rite Mason, whose highest rituals are reserved only for "Christian" vermin, and which defines itself as a "Religious and Military Order;" i.e., the Knight's Templars.


edit on 20-4-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Text was too diabolical; too much Christian flesh and blood consumed; too many virgins sacrificed.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

When you have a minute, please re-examine your post and see if you see anything remotely similar to your previous posts. Yes bandwidth and hard drive space have gotten less expensive over the years, but I would think that the staff will eventually frown upon you continuous spamming of the same post time and again. I know I for one would like to either see some new thoughts, or nothing at all from your exalted highness.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Mason mike
reply to post by Lucifer777

I know I for one would like to either see some new thoughts, or nothing at all from your exalted highness.

Dear slave.

I am limited to speaking in terms of what I understand to be "truthful," and "what is true" is usually very simple, and since the same questions arise again and again, I am placed in the position of having to restate the same simple answers; and since I have to respond repeatedly to statements by the "men of god" who are compulsive liars, and a lie is usually very complex, I am limited to repeating the same simple truthisms.

His Exalted Highness
"Inimicus Deus (Enemy of God)"

edit on 20-4-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Text was too diabolical; too much Christian flesh and blood consumed; too many virgins sacrificed.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Lucifer777

Originally posted by Mason mike
reply to post by Lucifer777

I know I for one would like to either see some new thoughts, or nothing at all from your exalted highness.

Dear slave.

I am limited to speaking in terms of what I understand to be "truthful," and "what is true"

I certainly do understand what you mean about people form the UK being of much greater intelligence. Slave? that one alone must have taken literally hours to come up with.

How is it possible that you "know" anything about masonry or it's counterparts for sure? Even an american with limited intelligence would understand that unless he had been on the inside, he doesn't "really" know anything for sure, he only guesses he has an idea.

But since you seem to fancy the company of other men, I am confused as to why you would not seek to find similar company, especially since you think it has to do with BDSM, one of your admitted pleasures.

But I will save you the effort of initiation and all the work associated with it (assuming you haven't been a bad boy in your youth and told you cannot be part of our great order) and assure you that the sexual fantasies you are looking for are not found in masonry. Prison is the best bet to find what you are seeking.
edit on 20-4-2011 by Mason mike because: dicks are for chicks

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Lucifer777

Dear slave.

I am limited to speaking in terms of what I understand to be "truthful," and "what is true" is usually very simple, and since the same questions arise again and again, I am placed in the position of having to restate the same simple answers; and since I have to respond repeatedly to statements by the "men of god" who are compulsive liars, and a lie is usually very complex, I am limited to repeating the same simple truthisms.

His Exalted Highness
"Inimicus Deus (Enemy of God)"

So only what you consider to be true is truth whether or not it holds water or not? And only what you say is to be taken as truth whether or not it has any validity or proof to back it up or not? Your post IMO are usually very wordy, very long and have very little to no factual evidence to them at all. There may be some truth to them but all the gibberish and double speak in them makes it difficult to take with any grain of truth. Your general lack of knowledge on a subject is proven by your redundant references to articles and books and people who have been proven time and time again to be either liars, dishonest, or no truth at all to them. A refreshing breath of air in your posts would be to gather some actual empirical fact and present it not just fill up space on a server with massive amounts of nonsense.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Mason mike

I certainly do understand what you mean about people form the UK being of much greater intelligence. Slave? that one alone must have taken literally hours to come up with.

My sincere apologies if you found the term "slave" offensive, Mason Mike, darling; since you are a "slave" in a cult religion and you have pledged your sacred will to a Master, obviously you are a trained submissive; I thought that you would take it as a compliment on your willingness to become a sycophant to your master and be flattered by the term; after all in the BDSM world, the neophyte begins as a "slut" and a "whore" and only after a great deal of training comes to be rewarded with being referred to as a "slave;" but since you reject my flattery, I shall refer to you by other terms.

How is it possible that you "know" anything about masonry or it's counterparts for sure? Even an american with limited intelligence would understand that unless he had been on the inside, he doesn't "really" know anything for sure, he only guesses he has an idea.

I refer you my previous post on the "Study of Religion;" I have not been a Mason, a Muslim or a Christian, so I have no understanding from the perspective of being a hypnotised and indoctrinated slave; I am only an observer. I have been a Hindu and been involved with NRM's in my youth and they all smack of the same techniques of religious hypnosis and indoctrination; but you are quite correct; I will never fully understand what it is to be a hypnotised and indoctrinated slave in a Masonic cult and have electric shocks applied to my genitals or have whipped cream and strawberries applied to them by a cult master, nor do I wish to.

But since you seem to fancy the company of other men, I am confused as to why you would not seek to find similar company, especially since you think it has to do with BDSM, one of your admitted pleasures.

Oh well with men, I like to imprison, humilate and abuse them in my torture dungeon, so I could probably be an ideal Masonic Master for the Masonic cultists who are in training to be eternal slaves of their Masters, but unfortunately I prefer women these days and I tend to be submissive with women, so this would disqualify me I think from Masonry, since most Masons seem to be paternalists (male supremacists) and prefer the company of other men, and to be abused and humiliated by other men.

But I will save you the effort of initiation and all the work associated with it (assuming you haven't been a bad boy in your youth and told you cannot be part of our great order) and assure you that the sexual fantasies you are looking for are not found in masonry.

Oh I can assure you that I would love to beat and humilate Masons and apply electric shocks to their genitals and so forth.

Prison is the best bet to find what you are seeking.

Oh no darling, you don't understand me at all, I would probably get gang-raped in the showers in prison, I would hate that; I would much rather be a Freemason and torture you, brand you, sexually humiliate you, put you through mock executions, electrocute you, etc., etc; that would keep me amused for hours and days on end; I am getting aroused just thinking about it.


Perhaps we could chat later on http// and I could arrange a personal torture and humilation session for you, and you won't have to pay a penny on Lodge fees; I may ask you to pay the electricity bill for your electrocution sessions, and for the coals for the branding irons, but it is entirely optional.

His Exalted Highness
"Inimicus Deus "

"I guarantee to will beat any price on sexual humiliation and torture rituals sold by Masonic franchises, or double your money back in the afterlife plus 144 devils who are experts in torture, submission and humiliation."

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:10 AM
That will be enough of the childish name calling, it stops NOW


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:12 AM

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

You truly know nothing about Freemasonry. You misconstrue random pictures to suit your agenda regardless of their true intent or use. You use 'catalogs' not the ritual or ceremonial books to misconstrue our rituals; catalogs are not proof of your accusations. You try to defame us all what a small group of people did. You try to paint someone "guilty by association". You say you're a pacifist, but say genocide is okay as 'war is war' and the ends justify the means. You say anyone who is Christian or Islamic has to be militant so genocide is justified, and also say it's 'karmic justice', but yet don't see that you'll become the evil you think we are.

You would in your life fight to stop the fundamental rights I hold dear. Right to free speech, to assemble, to religion, to a fair trial, and, most importantly, my right to life.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:44 PM
i don't know how you can make a fool out of a mystery system that is as old as man itself.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by Lucifer777

You truly know nothing about Freemasonry.

Again this is just more of the same childish abuse and contradiction which I have come to expect from yourself and from other Masonic gang members here. Clearly it is a totally false statement that I "truly know" no-thing about Freemasonry; I clearly know many "things" about Freemasony, as does anyone who has ever studied them, irrespective of whether you disagree with their analysis and judgement or not.

Freemasony is not a "thing" but an abstract concept in the minds of all Freemasons, but Freemasons can be studied, their writings and the writings of their apostate cultists and opponents can be studied, as can the writings of authors and investigative journalists who have themselves studied the Freemasons, as can many "things" which they have constructed such as their Temples, fancy dress costumes, regalia, hazing equipment and so forth, as can the "behaviour" of Masonic cultists be studied, as can their history, etc. If one were to simply describe a religious cult based only upon the propaganda of the cultists and cult apologists themselves, such a person could be accused by shcolars, historians and journalists of lacking objectivity and of being Masonic propagandists themselves.

Further an intelligent argument would seek to offer evidence and argument which establishes that I know "no-thing" about Masonry, rather than just offering statements of contradiction and abuse typical of a football hooligan, a gang member or a drunk at a bus-stop; however you seem to be totally addicted to such methods and I find this common among Masonic cultists and apologists on the Internet.

You misconstrue random pictures to suit your agenda regardless of their true intent or use.

Well the images of Masonic fancy dress costumes and Masonic hazing equipment are presented to give persons a better understanding of Masory; if you wish to explain what you consider to be the "true intent of use" of such fancy dress costumes and hazing equipment, please do so.

You use 'catalogs' not the ritual or ceremonial books to misconstrue our rituals; catalogs are not proof of your accusations.

We have been over this time and time again on the 240+ posts on the thread "On Masonic Charity. The world's largest non religious charity scam. On the Shriners and Jesters" on

Just repeating the same old denialism over and over does not make it any more true.

To restate

Originally posted by Lucifer777

the points in the catalogues mentioned so irritatingly by Lucifer takes the debate in the other direction and makes the cult look silly...


Impersonating His Satanic Majesty and prodding canditates with and electric baton is a holy and ancient rite which dates back to ancient Egypt; Devil's Tridents with portable electric batteries have just never been discovered in Egypt because it was such a secretive and holy rite.

Similarly with the sacred Egyptian rite of the Hula Hula Bull Dance; this is not silly; it is a totally sacred Egyptian rite, as is the playing of the Egyptian sacred hymn, "How Dry Am I (i.e., I am not drunk enough)" on the bells attached to the candidates' testicles. The sacred Human Shimmy Bell outfits have not been discovered by Egyptian archeologists because this holiest of sacred rites was preserved in secrecy by the ancient Pharoahs on penalty of death..

What blasphemy and heresy is afoot on this thread to suggest that these sacred and holy Masonic rites are silly?

Similarly with other Masonic rites alleged on this thread, such as the covering of the testicals with whipped cream and strawberries, applying electric shocks to the genitalia, fake branding, the caging of candidates, simulated "golden showers (spraying the candidates with water from an attached rubber pensis)" and knocking the candidate unconscious.

The secrecy of these sacred and Holy rites are protected by blood curdling oaths, and the "good men and true" of Masonry cannot speak of them; however I have raised such matters here simply to show what sacred and holy priests and preservers of the ancient mysteries they are and just how seriously they take their cult religion.

Holy, Holy.

Originally posted by JoshNorton
The problem is that what little time I've wasted reading Lu's posts, it seems like all he's got are overarching, broad generalizations that simply aren't true to begin with. All attempts to refute his claims, or request that he narrow things down to be more specific, have either been ignored or deflected by him.

This is simply untrue; in the ten pages of this thread there have been "no" attempts to refute the allegations presented here; all that I have witnessed is Masonic temper tantrums, denialism and abuse. Further all the allegations are very specific.


Again, I might have missed it, because I'm really not interested in wasting my time on the guy, but have there actually been any real accusations of branding and electrocuting by Masons? Or just out of context pages from a fraternal supply company catalog from 80+ years ago? As far as I've seen, there's nothing to answer...

Yes you obviously missed it. The fraternal supply catalogue merely establishes that such behaviour has been going on since the 1930's, but the allegations are contemporary.

For example:

Man sues Shriners over initiation injuries Trial exposes secret ritual in which electric shock is used on initiates.
December 10, 1991|By Knight-RidderLEXINGTON, Ky. -- The veil of secrecy that shrouds the initiation rites of Shriners has been lifted as the result of a Lexington man's lawsuit against Oleika Shrine Temple.

The opening of the trial was shown live yesterday by local cable television, enabling people to sit home and learn all about what Shriners call their "hot sands session."

Michael G. Vaughan, 44, a brick mason and would-be Shriner, told jurors of being blindfolded and having a jolt of electricity applied to his bare buttocks as part of the initiation rites in June 1989 at the temple. He also told of having to walk on an electrified mat that was supposed to simulate the hot sands of the Sahara, of being knocked unconscious and suffering other injuries during the initiation.

Vaughan claims he was was humiliated and embarrassed by the ordeal. The humiliation, he said, causes him to suffer anxiety, a sleep disorder and nightmares.

He is seeking an unspecified amount for medical bills, lost income and punitive damages.

Attorneys for the shrine and six of its members say that Vaughn was not injured and that he filed the suit out of greed.

The defense attorneys said they would bring in witnesses who say the ritual was not painful, but fun.

By the time a jury was seated yesterday there was time for but one witness to take the stand -- Vaughan.

On direct examination by his own attorney, John Hamilton, Vaughan described three electrical shocks he received during the induction ceremony. The first -- the one to his buttocks -- was the most painful, he said. Vaughan said he was led blindfolded into a room where the blindfold was lifted long enough to let him see a red hot branding iron bearing a shrine emblem.

Vaughan was then told to lay on a table and pull down his boxer shorts. That's when he was given an jolt with a stick wired to a 12-volt motorcycle battery. He was not branded with the hot iron.

He said the pain was so great it lifted him off the table.

"It lifts you off the table a foot or two," he told the jury.

He also told of being shocked while sitting on a metal bench and while standing on the electrified mat.

"At any time, did you feel like you could walk away and quit and still be accepted for membership?" Hamilton asked.

"No, you were intimidated to the point to where it never entered your mind that you could get out of this place. It was a very fearful situation," Vaughan replied.

The testimonial above speaks of the initiate sitting on an electrified metal bench in 1991; however the electric bench was sold in the Demoulin catalogue in 1930.

The testimonial above speaks of the initiate being electrocuted with a metal stick wired to a battery, in 1991; however this item was sold in the Demoulin catalogue in 1930.

The testimonial above speaks of the initiate being being shown a red hot branding iron being heated in 1991; however this item was sold in the Demoulin catalogue in 1930.

The testimonial above speaks of the initiate having to walk on an electrified mat in 1991; however this item was sold in the Demoulin catalogue in 1930.

There are numerous other images of devices used in these sacred and holy rituals designed to terrify, electrocute and humiliate the victim on:

All these sacred and Holy Rites have of course been passed down through the ages, since the age of the Pharaohs; thus establishing the ancient legacy of the Holy priesthood of theTemplar Warrior Knights.

Holy, Holy.


Originally posted by network dude

And I assure you, it has nothing to do with twisted BDSM, or any hazing rituals. All of the garbage that has been posted about hazing tools are for college fraternities I would assume. None of them show up in craft masonry at all.

Again this is just more of the same "argumentum ad ignorantiam" which litters this thread. The "appeal to ignorance," does not refute allegations of acts which you are unaware of. An example of such an argument would be "I have never seen a stripper or had sex with a prostitute at a Masonic function; therefore no strippers or prostitutes attend Masonic functions."

In Masonry there are cults within cults within cults, and there are so many side degrees that I doubt that anyone apart from his Satanic Majesty Himself and the Masonic "elect" could possibly gain them all.

Further Masons are anyway bound by their sacred oaths to His Imperial Majesty not to speak of such matters.



In a court of law "evidence" is either "material" evidence or "testimonial" evidence. The evidence presented on the above thread is of both types; for example the images of hazing devices from Masonic supply catalogues is "material evidence" and the numerous testimonies on that thread from Masons and ex-Masons regarding hazing rituals, for example is testimonial evidence; constant denialism and abuse would not be accepted at a defence; you would have to establish that the material evidence had been fabricated or had nothing to do with Masonry and you would have to establish that the testimonial evidence of Masons and ex-Masons (including police reports in the case of the New York Msonic hazing ritual where a murder / manslaughter occurred) which establish that such rituals occur have been fabricated and are perjurous. That would be the basis of an intelligent argument; not your constant denialism and abuse.

Of course since you have consisently praciticed deception, obfuscation, denialism and made totally false statements in defence of your cult, in a court, you would be considered to be guilty of perjury and as being an unreliable witness, and a person of "no moral worth" whatsoever.

You try to defame us all what a small group of people did.

Not at all; in common with many religious cults, since Freemasonry is essentially a religoius cult franchise with many sects (sections), the study of "Freemasonry" would have to take into account as many of such sects as possible; however with regards to American Freemasonry, it would seem that such hazing rituals are endemic and widespread in various Masonic sects, including the Shriner and Jesters, the former of which approximately a third of all US Masonic cultists are members of.

You try to paint someone "guilty by association".

If you live next door to a Nazi or a member of the Masonic Mafia, and you are accused of being a Nazi apologist or a Masonic apologist, just because you live next door to them and know them personally, that is an "unjust" legal definition of "guilt by association;" however if you are a Nazi or Masonic apologist yourself, then "guilt by association" applies; we are judged by others on the basis of who our allies are and whom we justify and defend.

You say you're a pacifist,

That is a diabolical lie. Of course I am a rather peaceful and non violent person in my personal life; however militant, genocidal, imperialistic, ideological Capitalism and Anglo-American state terrorism, narco-terrorism (which you represent) demands an appropriate dialectical response, which is militant anti-Capitalism. Karl Marx similarly was not a violent person in his personal life; he was not a football hooligan or a US army grunt, but he realised that militant Capitalism demanded a militant response.

Philosophers have the power to be far more genocidal than even your current employers (the US army intelligence, as you allege)" for the sword of their pens and their judgements can be ressurected throughout history for centuries and aeons after their deaths. My ideological militancy will long outlive my mortal form and my vengeance will ressurect throughout future history. Great and terrible and wrathful and dreadful shall be the execution of my judgements.

but say genocide is okay as 'war is war' and the ends justify the means.

Well "you" are one of the US army grunts here, whom, as I am continually impelled to remind you, Kissenger referred to as "(Military men are) dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for (US) foreign policy;" it is you who are clearly part of the world's largest terrorist and narcotics trafficking organisation, which has a long history of practicing an "ends justifies the means" policy of genodice, torture, covert and overt wars, military coups, assassinations, false flag operations etc., including even genocidal actions against the US population.

Personally I don't have such a barbaric and diabolical "ends justifies the means" policy; as far as I am concerned the ends justify "some" means, including revolutionary warfare and disseminating anti-US imperialistic propaganda to your Islamic enemies and inciting hostility between the Muslims and the Anglo-American state terrorists (both sides in the conflict being the tradition enemies of the Communists), etc., however I consider myself to have a higher moral standard than the Capitalist Devils of the US army.

You say anyone who is Christian or Islamic has to be militant so genocide is justified, and also say it's 'karmic justice', but yet don't see that you'll become the evil you think we are.

The Biblical and Islamic texts depict a bigoted, primitive and barbaric, genocidal war god, and both systems are not merely religions, but rather primitive systems of law and government; when a person accepts such genocidal barbaric war gods as their highest definition of goodness, this has an effect on their behaviour and you and many other US army grunts, US army chaplains and the US Christian RIght are all evidence of that; in addition to which there is the centuries' long history of Christian tyranny, genocides, wars, Inquistions, slavery, etc. I take a similar view with regards to ideological Nazis, for example; they may only be "ideological" and may have never harmed anyone personally, but they adhere to a militant and genocidal ideology, and thus will ultimately demand a militant "Final Solution."

You would in your life fight to stop the fundamental rights I hold dear. Right to free speech, to assemble,

No these are basic humanitarian, post-Enlightenment rights which have been fought for by philosophers, anti-Christians, socialists and the political left in general, in the face of tyrannies and monarchies (The political philosophy of Christianity being that of the global theocratic tyranny of a "king of kings;" i.e., a global dictator).

Latin American is littered with the blood of political leftists, tortured and mudered by CIA backed Neonazi dictators, so don't give me any of your "freedom of speech" and "freedom to assemble" nonsense.

to religion

One will never be able to control "thought crime," however "freedom of belief" to an Anarchist is different to freedom of religion in Capitalism; if you wish to have irrational religious beliefs, that is your own problem, but in the multi-billion dollar religion business of Capitalism, freedom of religion is the freedom to start Capitalist religious cults, to exploit the weak and the vulnerable, to claim to be able miraculously cure leprosy, blindness and various illnesses by "exorcism" and to hypnotise and indocrinate innocents; such freedom is simply the freedom to be evil and to exploit others; that has nothing to do with freedom of personal belief as far as Anarchists generally define that.

to a fair trial,

In a post revolutionary environment, the right to a fair trial is a basic right which almost all philosophical humanists support, but in a revolutionary environment, you are part of the US state terrorist military, which anyway rejects the Geneva convention; war is war, and the point of war is to either exterminate or defeat one's enemies. If US soldiers were subject to "extraordinary rendition" or "Guantanamo Bay" or "Abu Ghraib" type treatment, I would not support that on principle, but it would consider it a natural karmic response by your enemies. Personally I share Guevara's preference for the firing squad, which is a relatively humane form of eradicating political subhumans and militant enemies.

and, most importantly, my right to life.

You are a part of the US state terrorist, narco-terrorist military and you do not accord your militant enemies the right to life. Of course, you are totally unworthy of life and as far as I am concerned and morally subhuman; you are anyway just an expendible "dumb stupid animal, to be used as a pawn for (US") foreign policy;" as the statements and behaviour of your own poitical and miltiary elites, who consider you to be expendible animals, indicates.

When you are dying of depleted uranium poisoning or the modern version of "Gulf War syndrome" and are being referred to as a "parasite" by the Veteran's Administration of the future, I doubt if your militant, genocidal ideological fanaticism will give you much comfort.

His Imperial Majesty

Ex officio Satanas.
Blasphemy, Heresy, War, Revolution, etc.

edit on 20-4-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Text was too diabolical; too much Christian flesh and blood consumed; too many virgins sacrificed.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

Originally posted by Lucifer777
I like to imprison, humilate and abuse them in my torture dungeon, so I could probably be an ideal Masonic Master for the Masonic cultists who are in training to be eternal slaves of their Masters, but unfortunately I prefer women these days and I tend to be submissive with women, so this would disqualify me I think from Masonry, since most Masons seem to be paternalists (male supremacists) and prefer the company of other men, and to be abused and humiliated by other men. I would much rather be a Freemason and torture you, brand you, sexually humiliate you, put you through mock executions, electrocute you, etc., etc

It was not uncommon historically for doctors & bonesetters to provide advice for torture devices. For instance, Dr. Guillotin, a French doctor & Freemason, invented the Guillotine.

the Masonic lodges have been using hypnotism and electric shock in their initiation rituals for a long time. The combination of fear and hypnotism combine to help seal the lips of an initiate from telling what in some lodges are secrets of criminal activity.

"Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo. He was, until recently, a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. Leo decided he'd had enough of all the evil he was exposed to, and a part of, and the horrifying Satanic, black magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside the lodges, behind closed doors." ---- Leo Lyon Zagami.

Mind control techniques are used on masons to make them completely subservient and loyal to their cult. Freemasonry only accepts those people who have strong religious beliefs, because they have already proved themselves to be an excellent candidate for various thought reform techniques by accepting and believing the indoctrinations of various organized religions.

The programming and torture must remain hidden from the slave, he should not know that he is under thought reform. For this the slave is subjected to various fear based torture techniques to induce severe trauma, which creates altered personalities separated from each other by amnesia walls. Worst traumas make better amnesia walls in the mind. So a mason who has went through torture based mind control techniques, would not be able to access those memories and hence will never know he is under mind control, unless he put a conscious effort towards discovering the truth.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by illuminazislayer

Yeah the P2 Lodge is not exactly a beacon of Masonic conduct ad they lost their charter. And not everyone recognizes the GOI which P2 fell under.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by illuminazislayer
reply to post by Lucifer777

"Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo. He was, until recently, a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. Leo decided he'd had enough of all the evil he was exposed to, and a part of, and the horrifying Satanic, black magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside the lodges, behind closed doors." ---- Leo Lyon Zagami.

Leo Zagami seems to declare hmself to be the "Second Coming of Christ" and the "Grand Master of the Illumnati." I have watched a number of his videos and ramblings, and although he is quite amusing, he seems to be suffering from some of the symptoms of religious schizophrenia. Zagami was born in 1970 and it seems to be rather strange that he claims to been a high ranking member of the anti-Communist terrorist organisation P2 which was disbanded in the late 1970s, when he was just a child. He is a rather bizarre phenomenon.

More on: which is a Masonic ridiculing of Zagami. On 's list of Masonic opponents they seem to tend to ignore their Communist opponents as there are millions of us, and tend to focus on the more bizarre ones, and Zagami does seem to be a bit of a fruitcake.

By referring to Zagami as a "frutcake ("a crazy, deluded or an eccentric person)" I am sure that the Masonic gang here will concur, so I must offer a disclaimer that the Masons are often the definition of "fruitcakes" and "tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists" themselves; it is just that Zagami is a counterculture fruitcake and that the Masons are professional, establishment "fruitcakes."

Mind control techniques are used on masons to make them completely subservient and loyal to their cult. Freemasonry only accepts those people who have strong religious beliefs, because they have already proved themselves to be an excellent candidate for various thought reform techniques by accepting and believing the indoctrinations of various organized religions.

The programming and torture must remain hidden from the slave, he should not know that he is under thought reform. For this the slave is subjected to various fear based torture techniques to induce severe trauma, which creates altered personalities separated from each other by amnesia walls. Worst traumas make better amnesia walls in the mind. So a mason who has went through torture based mind control techniques, would not be able to access those memories and hence will never know he is under mind control, unless he put a conscious effort towards discovering the truth.

"Fear," gang culture and religious hypnosis and indoctrination."

The Masonic hazing rituals, oaths, fake executions and so forth seem to instil the same "fear" of betrayal that the Nazis had when they made their oaths to their God and their Fuhrer. Fear seems to almost always be an element of organised religion.

The Christians, for example, are indoctrinated live in fear of not being able to enter heaven in the afterlife where they can spend eternity with other religious fanatics like themselves, and it does seem that some of the more vulnerable (to hypnosis) Masons have a dread of breaking their sacred oaths; even my offers of 144 virgins in the afterlife, and my offer to beat any price on ritual humiliation, torture and BDSM style submission rituals is not enough to dissuade them.

Apparently the Masons who take their cult seriously believe that they get to spend all eternity in the "Grand Lodge" in the afterlife with other Masonic cultists, gangster Capitalists and state terrorists such as themselves. This is the problem with swearing eternal oaths; the more vulnerable persons actually believe that there will be eternal consequences for breaking them and that they perhaps won't get into the eternal Grand Lodge and will be considered outcastes by other Masons.

There are numerous religious cults and Capitalist gangs where once you leave the cult or the gang, the cult members disown you; it is very sad really. When one is not bound by any oath to any cult Messiah or religion, then one can study and observe such matters and find it to be ridiculous, but the indoctrinated cultist can take it very seriously; however with the Masons it generally seems to be only up until the point that they are challenged by their "incitement to ritual murder oaths" and "obedience to their masters within cable tow distance," where they then generally claim that such things are metaphorical or symbolic and that they do not take them seriously at all, and that their will is not enslaved to the will of a Master and so forth; but ultimately I think that this is just cult apologetics, as they simply do not wish to admit their enslavement and may be rather embarrassed by it.


edit on 21-4-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Formatting

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