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UK Children As Young As 12 Allowed Puberty Blocking Drugs

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posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Maslo

For people not attracted to anyone does'nt exist. To not want to have sex, I could be open to the suggestion of Asexual, but is it an anxiety issue? I know some adults who have contamination issues in regards to the idea of a being sexually active; some will allow themselves to be touched as in a mere hug while others refrain from it and don't like being touched at all.

In regards to Asexual, I think we need to study this much more.
edit on 18-4-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by jrod
reply to post by SyphonX

Are you a psychologist? If not your opinion really means nothing to this issue.

I think these drugs should only be used in extreme cases where the patient has shown a lifetime of transgendered behavior and is suicidal because of their GID. But I am no expert so my opinion really means nothing to this issue.

You TRUST those quacks?
I hope you take this as constructive criticism and not a personal attack: Yes, there is a time and a place for looking to higher "authorities". But if you can't make up your mind for yourself without the input of some "expert"... Well, there's a lot of folks like you out there, and I think that's why America is in such a fix these days. I really hope you learn to start manning up and making your own decisions, rather than letting your beliefs be spoon fed to you by The Powers That Be.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:03 AM
That's messed up. A drug is something that is unnatural causing all kinds of problems. Plus it'll be easy to slip in a poison that can dumb down these kids.
edit on 18-4-2011 by FreedomCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by Frater210

I sometimes dread the fact that some of us are going to have to share the world with these children when they become adults.

If that doesn't say it all.

The 'Gov' needs to just leave kids ALONE!


posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:34 AM
This is an absolute crime. These are children. They're in no way able to make these sorts of decisions, nor in any way comprehend the potential lifelong consequences.

How many adults have the same feelings and beliefs about life and themselves as they did when they were just 12 years old?

Giving children any kind of nature-blocking drugs is child abuse. The boys and girls who say they want the drugs likely need counseling, and urgent treatment if they're suicidal.

These are choices for grown adults to make for themselves only, and even then it's rarely an easy thing to decide even at an older age.

Many of the children allowed to do this will grow up and be angry about not having done things the natural way, and it'll be the fault of the adults of their time not stepping up and taking a stand against this craziness.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by boncho

I got 7/10 lol.
My key was to look at the area just below their nose as well as their necks.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:48 AM
I'm all for it.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by WolfLookout

You clearly don't understand the life of a trans person.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 02:22 AM
Anyone with understanding of the gender identity issue will realise this is truly a fantastic treatment. Gender of the brain can be medically diagnosed and it is important to guide the development of the body prior to puberty.

Many people (particularly on ATS) think nature is sacred and perfect, but it's not. Nature does not intend on nurturing a fulfilling life, but attempts to mutate individuals with the hope of striking a beneficial property at an individual's peril and suffering. No it's not the end of us. It's the solution to a problem.

I believe human evolution from this point is no longer at the mercy of natural genetic mutation, but intelligent intervention. I think that's what nature intended anyway.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 03:58 AM
As a transgendered person, I can say for certain that this is a good idea. I transitioned when was 12, I started taking hormones and went through female puberty. I am now 21 and have had the complete surgery. I have never been this happy...when I was a kid I was suicidal because I knew I was going to be a boy and I did everything in my power to not let that happen.

I am not a monster or a psycho or a pervert, just a normal girl. I can't have kids but neither can a lot of women.

Yes there will be cases where the kid will change their mind and decide not to go with the change, all they have to do is discontinue the puberty blockers and they will start puberty. The actual hormones are permanent, not the blockers.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 04:04 AM
Children know more than we give them credit.

Transpeople have been around for a long time. It's not a new phenomena. People of differing sexual orientations have also been around for a long time and as you can plainly see, it's not infectious. You can't turn someone gay or trans. For the record, sexual orientation is not the same as gender identity. Sexual orientation refers to what one is sexualy attracted to while gender identity is the gender one identifies as.
For people who experience no desire to have sex with others, this has been coined 'asexual' or 'ace'.
I am both trans and ace so I speak from experience as well.

We still don't fully understand what determines gender identity or sexual orientation but the diversity of it can be observed in nature and it seems there are some interesting indicators that one's biological sex may not necessarily be their gender. As one poster said, nature is not perfect, things happen. We don't fully understand nature either therefore it is pre-mature to outright say these are 'flukes'...they may very well have an important place in the way of things but that aside, if you really think about it, having a heart transplant isn't all that natural and yet most people accept it as a legitimate form of healthcare, especially if they are the one in need of it.

From my own experience as a transperson and the transpeople I know, you know at an early age that someting is 'off' . I've not met anyone nor have I myself had any doubts that I am transgender. Many transgender people still comit suicide. While much of our angst stems from the psychological discomfort that arises from being externally one thing yet feeling and knowing you are not what you appear to be, a great deal of of the torment also comes from the society we live in. Many transpeople will attempt to live their biological sex but in the end they can't live the lie any you can imagin, this is also a scource of anguish. Transgender people around the world also face persecution and violence. It's not hard then to see why depression and suicide rates are high. Unless you believe these individuals are sado-masachists, how can you logically conclude this is something someone just wakes up one day and says, "Wow, I really want that kind of life! It would add the icing on the cake if my family disowned me and my friends told me that i'm a sick pervert abomination with psychological issues. That would be awesome!"

Some of the responses on this thread surprise me considering the nature of this site yet I see some very ignorant comments being made and I don't mean that to be insulting. I can however understands the concern regarding what this thread is about as I myself do have to wonder if this is such a good idea considering how early this is in a persons developement. I wonder what the long term effects of this are. For example, when a child is giving powerful medications such as anti-depressants and mood-stabilzers while their bodies and braines are still developing.

I think I should also mention that the process of gender reasignment isn't something you can just go out and skip to and I know of no case involving a child given the go to have surgical reasignment, for obvious reasons.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Two points:

1. Twenty + years of drinking milk laden with female hormones interfering in the 'natural inclinations' referred to and defended on this thread.

(Everyone blasting this pill because it interferes with 'the natural state' of any human is in denial. Pretty much every human technological advancement, including antibiotics- is created explicitly for that purpose.)

2. 7+ billion people on the planet- millions of which suffer hunger on a daily basis.

(The human species wants to consider itself above nature and superior- and is surprised when nature enacts a self-regulating breeding mechanism commonly seen when a population explodes in excess of its resources. In the absence of human self-control- nature provides a control.)

The pineal gland develops at 42 days of gestation. This is also when the reproductive organs develop, denoting gender.

"The human pineal gland grows in size until about 1–2 years of age, remaining stable thereafter,[16][17] although its weight increases gradually from puberty onwards.[18][19] The abundant melatonin levels in children are believed to inhibit sexual development, and pineal tumors have been linked with precocious puberty. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is reduced. Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults."

In animals, the pineal gland appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation, metabolism, and seasonal breeding

Take care of yourself...especially if you're planning on reproducing.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:49 PM
I see a couple of programs at play here .
1 the distruction of the family
2 the gender nuetrifation of society (drone workers )
3 lowering the population so that it is more easier to control

At what point will people finally say enough is enough , this isn't about creating a fair open society , this about engineering slave race devoid of ethnicity , gender, identity , culture and free thought .

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by OpusMarkII
I see a couple of programs at play here .
1 the distruction of the family
2 the gender nuetrifation of society (drone workers )
3 lowering the population so that it is more easier to control

At what point will people finally say enough is enough , this isn't about creating a fair open society , this about engineering slave race devoid of ethnicity , gender, identity , culture and free thought .

Yes Obviously a giant homosexual/transgender conspiracy to control/rule the world.

Ugh. This thread is disgusting me. I've already posted all the evidence that people need to see (in my previous comments with links to research, primary sources, AMA documents, medical consensus by vast majority of doctors/psychiatrists/medical community, actual transgender children speaking about their condition in their own words, etc.) that this is a medically diagnosable condition, to which there are physiological markers, and in which treatments like this save lives. READ the frakin' scientific literature instead of getting all your ideas from a bigoted tee-vee pundit about how everything's just a vast homosexual conspiracy...Seriously, do you know how ignorant/stupid that sounds? Obviously not. You will just say that I'm not listening to what you have to say because I choose to get my information from reading medical/scientific literature that deals in FACT instead of getting it from someone else's OPINION on the tee-vee or and the DIS-INFO in my head. geez.

I hear from old timers that ATS has become less and less about finding the truth/denying ignorance, and more and more about just looking for conformation that ones own ideas and previously held beliefs are the only correct ones. Yeah, seems I agree.

Deny Ignorance my a**. I'm outta here.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

How grand it is to deem a person ignorant simply because they don't agree with transgenda kids; I hear much the same from the gay groups. Fact is, you can not expect everyone to agree with transgenda and homosexuality; it's not ignorance, it's an opinion based upon a whole lot of reasons. You are just going to have to accept the fact that you are not going to get 100% support from the majority out there.

"IGNORANCE", if you look in the dictionary means a state of been uniformed.

Most people are quite well educated enough to be informed on the subject so I would hardly use the term "ignorance" to describe well informed people on the topic as ignorant just because they do not agree with transgendas and homosexuality.

I accept you as a human being and you should be treated with the same courtesty and dignity as everyone but I would expect the same in return....but if that is not forthcoming simply because you and I may not agree on certain topics or lifestyles then you have the problem, not me. I don't force my lifestyle or beliefs on anyone and I bloody well expect the same in return.

So are not doing yourselves any favours by name calling people ignorant just because they have their own opinion. It's when people have no educated knowledge and jump to conclusions then yes go ahead. A majority of the population are quite well knowledged on transgendas and homosexuality. It's been around for thousands of years so it's nothing new.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

It's not the difference of view in a respectiable and mature debate that is the issue here, it is people using threads like this to have a vent fest rather than explore the subject and its implications. It's not the difference of view in a respectiable and mature debate that I take issue here, but the lack of maturity and a cascading of knee-jerk reactions from suposed mature individuals seeking the truth and denying ignorance.

This ofcourse does not apply to all but to the above mentioned which I am seeing more and more on ATS.

Edit: I should also like to add that I have no issue with individuals who object to non-orthodox sexuality and gender identity. My objection lay as I have said above.
edit on 18-4-2011 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Arles Morningside
reply to post by bluemirage5

It's not the difference of view in a respectiable and mature debate that is the issue here, it is people using threads like this to have a vent fest rather than explore the subject and its implications. It's not the difference of view in a respectiable and mature debate that I take issue here, but the lack of maturity and a cascading of knee-jerk reactions from suposed mature individuals seeking the truth and denying ignorance.

This ofcourse does not apply to all but to the above mentioned which I am seeing more and more on ATS.

Edit: I should also like to add that I have no issue with individuals who object to non-orthodox sexuality and gender identity. My objection lay as I have said above.
edit on 18-4-2011 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

Totally agree, it's about trying to have a mature debate about the issue, (which is this medication used for GID in youth)...Whereas people refuse to look at FACTS and SCIENTIFIC/MEDICAL EVIDENCE, but instead speak lies and opinion as if they were truth. It's about failing time and time again to look at these FACTS and EVIDENCE placed before you and instead continuing to spew lies about a"homosexual/trans agenda" and "trans people all being gay" and "growing up to be pedophiles" and how it's a "medical/parental conspiracy in order to 'force' kids to be transgender" and blah blah blah, all spoken as if it were truth. This is not intelligent conversation, this is just people being a bunch of moralizing d-bags and expecting their opinion to be given just as much credence as established medical/scientific facts. It's like me trying to argue that water isn't wet and then complaining because no one will "respect" my "opinion".

I didn't think I was going to come back here again, but I wanted to support your comment, Morningside, because I know it's awfully lonely trying to "rationalize the dictionary to a bunch of illiterates" just to use an analogy.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Arles Morningside

This topic is not for the faint hearted and like afew other topics I can think of, this is one of them that most certainly can bring out the worst in people.

I do not agree with all parties involved in those videos especially when it comes to little children who are having difficulty accepting their biological genda; what I found really quite sad was the self mutilation of one's private parts more than anything else. I was brought up in a generation where boys became men and girls became women. For kids to worry about their sexuality as young as 5 years of age tells me society and the system itself is in a very bad way. I have'nt walked in the shoes of these parents so I can't in all honesty say I understand where these kids are coming from but I know what I would do if it had ever happened. The issue here is not me or my kids. But ignorant? I'm not ignorant by any means. Just when I'm sure I've seen it all, something new comes along that goes beyond the relm of real shockers. Transgenda people don't shock me; transgenda children do.

I'm in a business that caters only for women and many of my clients are transexual "women". Like kids and adults with disabilities, transexuals want to be accepted in mainstream society....I treat them as human beings and as equals; they are not without a wholesome soul. If men want to run around in frocks, they can run around in frocks. All men in past ages wore dresses and accessories that we today regard as female attire. I don't have a problem with that. But to mutilate and take unnatural medication to change their agenda is a whole different ball game. It's going way too far just as some women cross the line having too much plastic surgery; some of them look like they are standing in a severe wind tunnel of 1000km ph.

In regards to transgenda children; this has to stop and these kids should not be enabled in any shape or form. Doctors allowing any child, I think, under the age of 21, treatment to change their natural genda should be stopped. First, treat the self esteem and anxiety issues just as a plastic surgeon should demand proper treatment for an overweight patient before even contemplating using a scaple except that of those suffering from a disease that borders on a life/death suituation or accident (overgrown tumors, severe scarring, road accident victims etc).

There is nothing worse than seeing a man of any age have transgenda surgery that includes having his private parts completely removed only to regret it later. They will never feel the natural sensation of intimate intercourse; once his manhood is gone, it's gone for good. At least a woman going through transgenda gets to keep all her goodies (downstairs).

By saying all that, I could think of alot worse that is happening out there and we have alot more to worry about than transgenda society. I will finish this off and say, some transgenda "women" are really quite incrediably beautiful and I think some of the people on this thread will be quite shocked if they knew who some of them were on the catwalk of the large fashion houses.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by meeneecat

I've read medical evidence for both for and against.

I will agree with you on one point someone else had made earlier about transexuals are allegely pedophiles. Even I know a vast majority of transexuals are NOT pedophiles. Pedophiles come in all sizes and shapes, all soci-economic backgrounds, both sexes (although a majority are males), all religions etc. Hell, many of them are judges, police, military, politicians, religious leaders, all occupations.

You have to accept there are going to be opinions from many different people....this is afterall a message board on public domain accessable to all, worldwide.

edit on 19-4-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

I can understand your concern in regards with children. I also share a similar concern. I think they need to wait until they are adults though difficult this may be. However, once they are adults, they have that right to make that descision on what not to do and what to do with their own bodies and deal with the consequiences. That's part of being an adult.
To a person who may not strugle with their own biological sex, the idea of removing your sexual organs is very shocking and I can understand that but to most transpeople, it is a dream come true and even if it is not a perfect dream, it nontheless provdes for that long need of transition to conform more in line with how they feel on the inside. Each transperson must decide what is just. Much of medicine could be said to be unnatural and perhapes to contridict some people's notions of God's Will or what is Natural.

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