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Trump Uncovers TruthAbout Obama/AKA-(Barry Soetoro)Obama Is Not His Real Name. He's A Fraud

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posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by truther357
You anti-American, left wing, ' shallow-brain' , idiots...Your saying what?..."I get my information from FactCheck, Fight The Smears, DailyKos, St. Peters Times- PolitiFact, Huffington Post-AOL, Marxist-Soros-MoveOn & Media and Snopes!"
All owned and operated by members and x-members of the American Communist Party(New Party) I would say.."Do your research and see if the information is right."...but your all to MF lazy to dig up the 'truth' and will believe one sentence of information and worship it. You are simple ' prime meat ' for these neo- socialist and their loving every minute of it....They are using you and you can't even see it...
But I will say one thing...Snopes did get Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama's birth place right..One Time...

Snopes- Obama was born in Kenya:

Yep! Even his family have said he was born in Kenya, and even the Kenyan Parliament claim him as their own...

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

It's great to see some real educated people back on here again rather than these self proclaimed people with high IQ's.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Hey you with the high IQ, get a load of your source called Snopes.

2008 Snopes Article Reports Barack Obama born in Kenya and is not a legitimate U.S. Citizen. Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:21 Dr. Ron Polland found an article from the online self proclaimed "fact checkers" in an April 21, 2008 article published by SNOPES saying ... Barack Obama born in Kenya ... can be proven by hospital documents and witnesses ... Obama is not a legitimate U.S. Citizen. This was back in time over 2 years ago when was on Hillary Clinton's side in their coverage during the Democratic Party primary campaign and was not actively engaged in covering up and playing tag team partner with and other sites who are now active protecting and covering up Obama's lies about his nativity narrative like they are now with their so called "fact check" articles. What evidence did have in April 2008, or access to people with evidence, and when exactly did they learn it and from whom ... in the way of hospital documents and witnesses saying Obama was born in Kenya ... such that they could state that it will take time to prove it but "Obama is not a legitimate U.S. Citizen" and "He has Citizenship established in Kenya, where he is recorded as an Arab-American"? Are they now at this time committing misprision of a felony by not revealing these hospital documents and naming the witnesses and the sources that proved to their statement that "Obama is not a legitimate U.S. Citizen" as reported in their article on April 21, 2008, and that "Barack Obama born in Kenya" ? .html

Thanks truther357 for this awesome info.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:40 PM
And yet, here's more great videos to this whole fraud issue to all you propagandist.
Fraud In The USA: It's the conspiracy, Stupid!

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:56 PM
This as everyone can see has been out for a long time, an elections official came forward, and no one seems to want to expose this. I've read the article dated back in June 2010, and thought this would come out in the open, and it never did. Well, once and for all here's more of it on what WND had reported on back then.
BREAKING NEWS! Hawaii Elections Official: Obama not born here! JUNE 10, 2010 - SMOKING GUN?

What makes me laugh is when blogs get ridiculed and called down. Thank goodness for blogs, if the MSM is not going to report the news, someones else has got to do it. I think many people are getting tired of the MSM reporting their opinions instead of the news. Many are also tired of the MSM trying to brainwash and tell people what they should and shouldn't do, what they should believe and not believe.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by truther357
You anti-American, left wing, ' shallow-brain' , idiots...Your saying what?..."I get my information from FactCheck, Fight The Smears, DailyKos, St. Peters Times- PolitiFact, Huffington Post-AOL, Marxist-Soros-MoveOn & Media and Snopes!"
All owned and operated by members and x-members of the American Communist Party(New Party) I would say.."Do your research and see if the information is right."...but your all to MF lazy to dig up the 'truth' and will believe one sentence of information and worship it. You are simple ' prime meat ' for these neo- socialist and their loving every minute of it....They are using you and you can't even see it...
But I will say one thing...Snopes did get Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama's birth place right..One Time...

Snopes- Obama was born in Kenya:

Sigh...Really doing your homework I see...

Strike# 1 - Here's the link to the original post on Snopes:
You'll notice that it was not taken down as "Dr Ron" states flatly at the 8:21 mark of the referenced video by him.

Strike # 2 - Look carefully at the original post I provided, and the chopped up one provided by "Dr. Ron"...notice anything missing in "Dr. Ron's" altered image? Perhaps the thread directory which clearly states "Snopes>Urban Legends > Politics ?

Strike # 3 - This is the actual 1st paragraph of that post: "Today, we have a new matter before us. There is an article out today on the internet that says that Barack Obama's mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy." However, you won't see that statement on "Dr. Ron's" image as it was conveniently overwritten with a text box. I suppose "Dr. Ron" felt what he had to say was more important the the actual comment he was quoting from...

Now, does this mean Snopes really didn't like Obama, or were they presenting another unsubstantiated internet claim with no small amount of tongue-in-cheek attitude? Well, here are some other quotes from Snopes within that same thread. (In all cases, Snopes is the respondent to the upper of the two quotes.):

Obama speaks of change and many of those around him spew the racist, hate filled messages.

Republicans should stop hanging around him, then.

- snopes

Under the Independence Constitution of Kenya, Obama became a Kenyan citizen on December 12, 1963. He has never renounced his Kenyan citizenship.

That's old crap. He's not obligated to renounce something he never claimed in the first place, and the fact that he might meet the requirements for Kenyan citizenship doesn't preclude him from being a U.S. citizen.

- snopes

Originally Posted by Thrifty
Wait, does Orly think you can appeal a U.S. Supreme Court decision?

Presumably, once you move high enough up in the judicial hierarchy (e.g., past the galactic level), you may be able to find a court that isn't within the sway of the evil Obamabots. (Userid1 - Do I detect a small amount of tongue-in-cheek in that answer?)

Finally, the following is an unsolicited comment by Snopes - still within the same thread:

Very recently one of the birthers got his Freedom of Info Act request for
Mama Obama's passport records answered. He succeeded in getting her
records when he still cannot get the Prez's records because Mama Obama is
dead and therefore not covered by the privacy laws.

Here's the file:

It shows that Mama Obama (Stanley Ann Dunham, born 1942) didn't have a
passport until 1965, when the future Prez was already four years old.
This means, in turn, that on 4 August 1961 she must have been in the
United States.

Now, follow this very recondite logic: If, when the baby was born, the
mother was HERE then it seems unlikely that the baby was born elsewhere.
Yeah, I know, it's practically rocket surgery but think about it a bit and
you'll see that I am probably right.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

Thanks Hawaii, I plan to locate some of those BlogTalk archives a bit later when I Have time.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 08:31 PM

That link went to an empty page 404 error- Page not found!

Here's a link that works.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 08:42 PM
More to read...

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by userid1
Now, follow this very recondite logic: If, when the baby was born, the
mother was HERE then it seems unlikely that the baby was born elsewhere.
Yeah, I know, it's practically rocket surgery but think about it a bit and
you'll see that I am probably right.

LOL I'm a sucker for sarcasm infused logic.

Nice work. Big
The facts, as they say, are stubborn. Well put.


If Trump runs for President he'll need to forfeit his role on his hit TV show "The Apprentice" but after the election I'm sure he'll earn a spot on "The Biggest Loser."

edit on 15-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: add bad joke

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

You are mistaken whereas this has already been disproven time and time again and for you to bring it up means you lack a thinking brain and intelligience.

Remember, when a lie is repeated so many times there will always be idiots who fall for the lies hook line and sinker.

Hook, line, sinker, SUNK!

Refer to this website before you try and debunk anything further :
edit on 15-4-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

This has not been disproven. Only obamas supporters and the RINOS and CFR claim this because it suits the agenda of the NWO. The BC that was presented online is a digital and not a photocopy of an original. It was created digitally to put online to fool the foolish who are entranced by his devious ways and his magician trickery. Also, there is a document online that explains how he uses mass hynosis.
having a high IQ does not trump political aspersions and partisanship.

A digital copy was made from a photocopy and is in jpg form. Comparing him to the likes of Merlin, witches and sorcerers, that's gotta be a new one. Wow, how far will someone sink to win? Any photo on any social networking site or any photo housing website is digitized the second it goes online so that it would be compatible throughout the internet. DUH!
edit on 15-4-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 09:15 PM

By being born in Hawaii in 1961 makes him a legal born US citzen so there goes your argument there. His mom when they moved to Indonesia in 1967 his mother never filled out something called a "Renunciation Of US Citizenship" which is the only legal way a current US citizen by either birth or naturalization can surrender said citizenship.

Information found here at The United States Department Of State Website :
edit on 15-4-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Who's arguing? Aren't we on the same page here?

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by userid1
Who's arguing? Aren't we on the same page here?

I'm not, just reinforcing what you said.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Oh, I'm sorry that would be an insult to Merlin. But cmon you guys should know better than to use OBama's own website FightTheSmears and Huffpo and Factcheck which is Annenberg Foundation(Bill Ayers the Weatherman).
You guys just must have a need to believe the Pied Piper.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

How many times do you have to be told that a "legal born citizen" is not the same as Natural Born? A baby born to an undocumented worker here illegally apparently is awarded citizenship, but this is not adequate for eligibility for POTUS. So either your IQ is not as high as you say, or you are blinded by your partisanship and desire for the Socialist Utopia presented by the Marxist in Chief.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

I don't mean to be rude, but the source you are citing is so totally dimwitted, it surely must be obvious to you.

Barack Obama has written his autobiography in two best-selling books, "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope" so his past is hardly a secret. Apparently most of his critics disdain things like books.

Yes, though he was born Barack Obama to an American mother and a Kenyan father (also named Obama), he did spend the years between ages 6 and 10 in Indonesia. His mother was divorced from Obama and remarried a man named Soetoro who lived there. His friends called him "Barry" because kids generally use nicknames. You don't hear many of them saying "Hey Harold!" or "Hey Alexander Richard James!" I don't recall whether Obama said he was legally adopted by his step-father or not.

Even if he was legally adopted, he could change his name back to Obama if he wanted to. People often do. After I was divorced, I wanted to change my married name back to my maiden name. I consulted a lawyer who assured me that one alias is legally allowed to every citizen, so I wouldn't have to go to court about it. I'm neither lying nor hiding my married name, and I will tell anyone who asks. I just preferred my maiden name, until I married again.

Oh no! I've had three names!!!! I must be deceiving the America public (most of whom don't give a damn) or hiding from the law or trying to confuse my credit card company!

BTW when a person is adopted, the birth certificate is NOT altered to reflect a name change. A birth certificate is just that -- a certificate of birth. It is not a record of anything that occurred after that and never was. He was born and named Barrack Obama (after his father) and that is all that is ever required on a birth certificate.
edit on 15-4-2011 by Sestias because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

How many times do you have to be told that a "legal born citizen" is not the same as Natural Born? A baby born to an undocumented worker here illegally apparently is awarded citizenship, but this is not adequate for eligibility for POTUS. So either your IQ is not as high as you say, or you are blinded by your partisanship and desire for the Socialist Utopia presented by the Marxist in Chief.

It is, and when that is disproven they fallback on The Constitution's original clause that decreed an African as 2/3 of a person and is a clear mandate by The Baggers.

You either are a legal born citizen or you are not, there is not 2 citizenship tiers and to continually push this lie means you are the one who is wrong.

In a ruling of "Craig V The US in The 10th Circuit of Appeals ruled the following :
QUESTION: If natural born citizen status is not a right, then what is it?
ANSWER: It’s a description of a certain path to citizenship.

There are various paths to citizenship:
- naturalized citizen
- 14th Amendment [+ Wong Kim Ark] native born citizen
- statutory citizen
- natural born citizen

All of the above citizens have exactly the same right

SCOTUS upheld this in 4 different cases that defined what a Natural Born Citizen is :
edit on 15-4-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
reply to post by hawaii50th

I don't mean to be rude, but the source you are citing is so totally dimwitted, it surely must be obvious to you.

Barack Obama has written his autobiography in two best-selling books, "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope" so his past is hardly a secret. Apparently most of his critics disdain things like books.

Yes, though he was born Barack Obama to an American mother and a Kenyan father (also named Obama), he did spend the years between ages 6 and 10 in Indonesia. His mother was divorced from Obama and remarried a man named Soetoro who lived there. His friends called him "Barry" because kids generally use nicknames. You don't hear many of them saying "Hey Harold!" or "Hey Alexander Richard James!" I don't recall whether Obama said he was legally adopted by his step-father or not.

Even if he was legally adopted, he could change his name back to Obama if he wanted to. People often do. After I was divorced, I wanted to change my married name back to my maiden name. I consulted a lawyer who assured me that one alias is legally allowed to every citizen, so I wouldn't have to go to court about it. I'm neither lying nor hiding my married name, and I will tell anyone who asks. I just preferred my maiden name, until I married again.

Oh no! I've had three names!!!! I must be deceiving the America public (most of whom don't give a damn) or hiding from the law or trying to confuse my credit card company!

BTW when a person is adopted, the birth certificate is NOT altered to reflect a name change. A birth certificate is just that -- a certificate of birth. It is not a record of anything that occurred after that and never was. He was born and named Barrack Obama (after his father) and that is all that is ever required on a birth certificate.
edit on 15-4-2011 by Sestias because: (no reason given)

To add, why would someone who's worth is estimated at about $6 Million spend 1/3 f it on legal fees, that is a complete waste of money.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

About the digitization, an article can be photocopied then digitized, but in this case it was found that it was not based on a photocopy of an actual document. I know you do not want to hear that because Obama is your savior.

Polarik explained to WND his four months of research on the images, including nearly 1,000 test images using actual scans and photographs of real certificates, indicate there are several "giveaways" on the image itself. For example, the document has gray and white between the lettering, not green pixels as the rest of the background document, suggesting someone cut-and-pasted or typed new information that was embedded on top of the background.

Dan Purdy of Forensic Document Examination Services Inc. told WND that the origins of the Internet images aren't known. He raised questions over whether the "original" was a photocopy, the equipment used to create the digital image and the compression processes of the various formats.

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