posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:24 AM
Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
Mitt Romney, PR
Tim Pawlenty, VP
with these two key appointments:
Ron Paul, Secty Treasury
Colin Powell, Secty Defense (formerly State)
That is a very likely pair for the Republican nomination.
If Romney gets the nomination...he will take a VP that the TEA Party likes to try to draw that vote.
There are two problems with the scenario of Romney getting the nomination.
1) There is a group (maybe two groups) of conservatives that will NEVER vote for Romney. One group is the anti-mormon group...the other group is the
anti-Obamacare group. In general, I don't think the TEA Party likes Romney...which is why he would pick someone like Pawlenty to try to get that
vote...but that might not even help.
2) I have a feeling that someone will run as an independent (Trump, Palin, or maybe Bachmann). It would take someone with a HUGE (or 'UGE in Trumps
case) ego like one of these to do that. If that happens...Obama coasts to his second term.
The Republican Primary will be interesting to watch. The names that are currently popping up aren't very impressive...but they all have huge egos.
So that will cause a very very ugly primary...lots of mud slinging...lots of fighting...and lots of divided conservative voters. Then they will have
to somehow all come together and support the winner. The Democrats are not going to have that problem...Obama will be organizing while the
Republicans have a long drawn out primary fight.