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I Protested For The First Time.

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:45 PM
Hello, and may I wish Peace upon you all.

• Economic Slavery and Wars for Wealth.
• Central Banking, Pharmaceutical Companies, Mega-conglomerate Corporations, Media Propaganda Machine, and the Military Industrial Complex.
• Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
• Fluoridation, Television Programming by Alpha Brainwaves, microwave ovens, cellphone radiation, GMOs, Nutrient Deficient and Toxic Food, and Monsanto.
• Manipulated currencies, planned economic crashes, and global debt.
• Education systems that dumb us down.
• Rights, Freedoms, Liberties, and Privacy being stripped.
• Destruction of strong families with 2 loving parents.
• Clear-cut logging, Animal and Plant Extinction, Pollution, BP Gulf Spill, and Fukushima.
• Blood diamonds, Human trafficking, Genocides, and Shell Gas in South Africa.
• Starvation, Poverty, and Slavery.
• Biological Genocide, Eugenics, Created and Induced Diseases, and Depopulation.
• Funding and creating 'problems' to "fight"; War on Drugs, War on Terrorism.
• USS Liberty
• Separation: Religion vs Evolution vs Aliens vs Skeptics vs Nations vs Ethnicities vs Political Party vs Sports Team.
• Royalty, Nobility, Bloodlines, and the Elite.
• The Vatican, Zionism, Saudis, and Religious Separation and Manipulation.
• CIA, MI5, Mossad, DHS, TSA, and FEMA.
• Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones, and Bilderberg.
• Fear, Anger, Hate, Worry, and Separation.
• Lies... Deceit... Secrecy...

Topics that will yield colossal amounts of information about our true world behind the charade, yet barely scratches the surface.

Oh my dear Soul, how me and my fellow common humans are faced with overwhelming distractions and threats!

"I'm a human being goddamn it, my life has value!! I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!!!"

Saturday afternoon I made two signs and bought a third, went to the busiest road in my city near shopping centers and a mall, and I walked up and down the street for 2 hours.

I am utterly concerned that we are on the brink of global catastrophe. I believe true Love, Equality, and Helping can solve all of our problems. I'm just trying very hard to alert any oblivious people to some of the threats we face. I'm trying to remind some people that we are all fellow humans, and that we all should be more loving and understanding. I'm getting a sense and feeling of extreme urgency to cleanse my heart, help others unite, and figure out how to fix things NOW. I'm no prophet, messenger, or leader; I just want to do all I can to be a good person and make a positive impact on the world.

This was my first time protesting, and I started completely alone. One friend of mine saw me as he drove past, he then parked his car, carried one of my signs, and joined me. There were many honks, thumbs up, peace signs, and shouts of agreement from passerbys. There were many people that gave mean looks or refused to make eye contact with me. There was one guy that was pretty hatefilled... he yelled and cursed at me, but I wasn't moved by his hate.

If you protest or are thinking about voicing your opinions, be mindful to remain peaceful. Anger or violence will nullify your efforts. From this experience I learned that;
It takes more courage to protest than to fight.
It is easier to argue, hurt someone, or pull out a weapon than it is to have self-control to resist violence.
It takes more strength to return anger, insults, and threats with proclamations of peace.

Thanks for your time. May Peace be with you.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:49 PM
How does it feel to know that you are a

Terrorist ?

Sad but true...

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:52 PM
Good for you. I am proud of you as a fellow human being.

It takes a lot of guts to stand up for what you believe in, and thats exactly what we need to do. Stand up, and be counted.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:58 PM
Good for you . Citizens in action . My last protest was the G 20 in Toronto . I don't quite believe in the love that you do . I'd hang the banksters , fraudsters along with most two faced lying politicians from a bridge and after we bleach the planet of the criminal parasites , then we'll try love and peace . Remember what the most peaceful person on the planet , the Dali Llama said . If someone is trying to shoot you with their gun it would be reasonable to shoot them with your gun . Well , they're killing us . Nelson Mandella blew the tyrants to bits with high explosives and took his country back and Nelson is a peaceful man who just got pushed too far .

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:05 PM
I LOVE 'Network' it's such a good movie, and that scene, Mad as Hell, is one of my favorites!!!!!!

If that's being a terrorist, sign me up.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

Well done, sir; I salute you! And I like your signs, especially the last one which reminds me of this: "Only the dead have seen the end of war." Lets change all that though...

Much love.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:09 PM
I applaud your spirit.
It is the big banks and the fed that we must rally against.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Signals

It really sucks to know that by simply voicing my opinions I may be monitored or put on any list. To be completely honest, going in to my protest, I was nervous about harassment or arrest... sad but true.

reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

It sure did take a lot of guts. I've done a few large-scale performances and I'm very good socially in groups, but by far this was the most nerve racking thing I've ever done. But the moment I stepped out onto the sidewalk I felt a surge of confidence and energy. It was a wonderful experience. Getting out and standing up is exactly why I did this.

reply to post by bandito

Thank YOU for protesting at the G20 summit. How was it?
The propaganda, deception, lies, manipulation, distractions, disinformation, and illusions have many people blinded or oblivious. To go into violence will be fully counter-productive. John F. Kennedy warned us of the monumental enemy we have;

"We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. On infiltration instead of invasion. On subversion instead of elections. On intimidation instead of free choice. On guerillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knight, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed not published. Its mistakes are buried not head-lined. Its dissenters are silenced not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, and no secret is revealed."

Going head first into violence will do nothing on a small scale. Look at Andrew Joseph Stack (flew plane into Houston IRS building) or John Bedell (Pentagon Shooter). Their stories were sensationalized for political bipartisan bickering, then buried. They accomplished nothing but personal death. Massive peaceful resistance has always changed systems for the better. Love can move mountains, violence only destroys them. If you fight or grow violent, you have given 'them' a reason to kill, arrest, detain, or abuse you.

reply to post by PennKen2009

Very interesting how 'The Network' seems more relevant today than it did in the 70's!
I truly am mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm going to keep spreading awareness of threats and propagating Love, Peace, and Understanding until this madness ends. This is my favorite clip from 'The Network':

reply to post by AdamsMurmur

Thank you! That quote is very true! I do have hope that one day we will build a better world instead of this materialistic, militarily-pharmaceuticalized hell.

reply to post by illuminatitanimulli

You are correct on the need to rally against the central banking system, but that is only one rallying point. I really do get overwhelmed thinking about how 'they' are hitting us from every perceivable angle. That's why I'm now rallying against everything I mentioned in the OP and more.

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