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Christopher Hitchens Goes After Rabbi Harold Kushner

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by lostinspace

Seems like a lot to interpolate from scanty writing from long ago that, to my knowledge, have nothing external to back them up.

After all that, to base what God did on it and infer that the penis was good then but not good now seems well beyond what the rational adult might view as reasonable. I think you'd be hard pressed to defend any of this, which makes your point entirely moot unfortunately.

At the end of the day you have to be able to create opinions on your own and back them up without mystical intervention. I'm still surprised you even said something so odd honestly and can't really understand why you'd bother extrapolating so far.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:19 PM
So be it Jedi!

Go fight something more important. End world hunger.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

You can call me whatever you want.....words don't faize me in the slightest. There are plenty of videos about circumcisim but you did intentionally target the Jews.....and I would had stuck up for the Arab Muslims if you chose one of theirs on the subject too.

My sons don't even remember their brit, they suffered no more than 2 minutes, a hell of alot less than if they were done in a hospital under the environment you profess to be more "humane". Ever seen a kid in hospital after circumcisim? I had a friend who had their son done in this manner and it aint a pretty sight let me tell you! The kid suffered for days.

I don't see any Jewish or Muslim parents let alone their sons complaining about circumcisim; it's ALWAYS those who don't circumcise their sons that starts these debates......equipped with poor information I might add.

The choice to circumcise is the business between parents and their Mohel or GP.....but to come out in all your ignorance and deem these parents child abusers is about as stupid as it gets; it shows how weak your debate is. Since you obviously have'nt seen a brit, my bet is you have seen a little girl get her ears pierced???

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Shamatt

You can call me whatever you want.....words don't faize me in the slightest. There are plenty of videos about circumcisim but you did intentionally target the Jews.....and I would had stuck up for the Arab Muslims if you chose one of theirs on the subject too.

My sons don't even remember their brit, they suffered no more than 2 minutes, a hell of alot less than if they were done in a hospital under the environment you profess to be more "humane". Ever seen a kid in hospital after circumcisim? I had a friend who had their son done in this manner and it aint a pretty sight let me tell you! The kid suffered for days.

I don't see any Jewish or Muslim parents let alone their sons complaining about circumcisim; it's ALWAYS those who don't circumcise their sons that starts these debates......equipped with poor information I might add.

The choice to circumcise is the business between parents and their Mohel or GP.....but to come out in all your ignorance and deem these parents child abusers is about as stupid as it gets; it shows how weak your debate is. Since you obviously have'nt seen a brit, my bet is you have seen a little girl get her ears pierced???

You really don't get the point, do you?
You say your children only suffered for 2 minutes - but WHY MAKE THEM SUFFER AT ALL? For an unnecesary mutilation of the penis? There is no medical or ethical requirement for you poor children to suffer "for only 2 minutes."

And please try to pay attention to my words I did not target anyone, I have explained this to you already. Why do you continually ignore my explanation of this? What is your issue?

And, why would a Jew or a Muslim complain about circumcising their sons? It is what they do, it is part of their beleif system - of course they don't complain that would not make any sence - so nor does you point on this. And any way - I am not "complaining" I am accusing you of being a child abuser! Get it right man! My debate is not weak. I have not seen a little girl get her ears peirced, but it does not compare. Comparing the slicing off of one of the most sensative parts of the human body without anastyhetic with the peircing of one of the least shows how weak your argument is!

Here - I'll do you a deal! Lets go together to a clinic were you can get your ears pierced, and then we will cut open your penis with a scalpel, you can tell me which hurts more, OK?

As far as I am concerned, untill you learn to dabate I have nothing more to say to you. You, and all other people like you who willingly torture your children by slicing off part of their penis without any anesthetic, withhout any regard for the mutilation you cause to their sexual organs are abusers and should be punished. You have no reason to do this medically, so you fall back on stupid religoious or other reasons. And you say I am ill informed. You, all of you, Jew, Muslim, Christian, Athiest, whatever, who mutilate your infant boys in this way are shameful. You make me sick, you should read and learn and grow some compassion, and some sence. Instead all you can do is tell me how illinformed I am. Yeah, well at least I am entact. I have full function, I am natural, I am healthy, and I would never be a part of the child abuse you so happily proclaim to be so trivial.

If you had the guts to read just a few articals, or items of research which back up my opinion you might at least learn something. You might at least be well informed. Unfortunatly you are too closed minded to even think about doing that. I suggest you prey to your god for forgiveness.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

I can hammer this thread with more medical research on why a young boy should be circumcized to a point I'd finish this thread off once and for all; but I won't because I'd rather enjoy watching you and your ilk sink yourselves slowly but surely.

It's not ok to circumcise a baby boy....but it's ok to subject a girl to having her ears pierced? The little girl having her ears pierced suffers just as much pain as a baby boy having a circumcisim however the discomfort of piercing ears lasts for at least a week or so. All for just a little piece of jewellery to dangle from her ear?
edit on 14-4-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Shamatt

I can hammer this thread with more medical research on why a young boy should be circumcized to a point I'd finish this thread off once and for all; but I won't because I'd rather enjoy watching you and your ilk sink yourselves slowly but surely.

It's not ok to circumcise a baby boy....but it's ok to subject a girl to having her ears pierced? The little girl having her ears pierced suffers just as much pain as a baby boy having a circumcisim however the discomfort of piercing ears lasts for at least a week or so. All for just a little piece of jewellery to dangle from her ear?
edit on 14-4-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

You have sunk to talking rubish. Pierced ears or sliced penis. You really are talking crap. You have no evidence at all, only propoganda. Your mind is washed by those whom would convince you, and have convinced you. You are one of the sheep who blindly follow. Poor you. I would have sympathy if you would at least attmept to educate yourself. Instead you aragantly assume you have the answers. So go ahead, mutilate your children who'm you are supposed to love and protect. May your god find it in his heart to forgive you, as I do not.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

Well, I'm calling you out on your have'nt put up much of anything to prove me fact you have'nt put up anything at all except one single video of a commoner smearing a Rabbi on the topic of cirumcisim.

Got anything else?; I love a good read, then I can come back and shoot it down.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Shamatt

Well, I'm calling you out on your nonsence....

What exactly does that mean?

Originally posted by bluemirage5

you have'nt put up much of anything to prove me wrong....

Have you read any of this thread?

Originally posted by bluemirage5

in fact you have'nt put up anything at all except one single video of a commoner smearing a Rabbi on the topic of cirumcisim.

So you missed the other video and the multiple links to external sites then?

Originally posted by bluemirage5

Got anything else?; I love a good read, then I can come back and shoot it down.

Why would I waste my time? Have you heard the expression "putting pearls bfore swine?"

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

I've read every post on this thread......

is that all you have?

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Did you read the sites I linked to?

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

What links? You only put up about 3 or 4 and one of them; one was a commoner idiot who showed no manners nor respect towards a highly educated and respected Rabbi; and the other was a Jesus link.......

Jesus was circumcised too.

The other links did'nt say much worthy of even a mention on your part.

Can't you find anything else I can get my teeth in to?
edit on 14-4-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Very typical behaviour. Deny that the very educational links I posted have any value in order to try and further your own argument. The few you do comment on you are rude about and dismisive of. You call a highly educated and extremly intelligent social commentator a "commoner" by way of dissmissing him. How arrogant and disrespectful you are. Go on, be brave and put yourself out of your comfort zone and actually read some of the information on the links I posted. If you had even a modicum of inteligence and decency you would read the information available to you and make a cogent argument against it. I guess you are unable to do so. This speaks volumes about you. How can anyone repect your argument when you have no respect for anyone else, or even, judging by your lack of ability to express your opposition, yourself?

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

that social commentator was RUDE, NASTY and down right disrepectful to a highly respected Rabbi........

and you call that commoner idiot intelligent? He was a nast piece of works who thinks he knows it all.....but in fact knows squat.

I did read your links except the Jesus one.....come on, surely you have something better than that!

Perhaps you need to do thorough research before posting up a thread!
edit on 14-4-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Is that it? All you can manage is to make disparaging remarks and moan about how your precous rabi was spoken to, rather than make any intelligent argument. All you are capable of is to call someone an idiot commoner? How messed up is that? What disgraceful language. You sound like a religious zealot. I have no more time for you, I am surprised at myself that I have humoured you this far.

Fair enough. Don't bother posting any more. This thread is about child abuse, not your ignorance. I hope that one day you see the light, but I don't expect you will.

Serioiusly - don't post here any more, I will not respond to you. You are not worth the effort. Unless you can manage to say someting intelligent. Just go away, and try very hard not to abuse any more children.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Shamatt

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Shamatt

Well, I'm calling you out on your nonsence....

What exactly does that mean?

Originally posted by bluemirage5

you have'nt put up much of anything to prove me wrong....

Have you read any of this thread?

Originally posted by bluemirage5

in fact you have'nt put up anything at all except one single video of a commoner smearing a Rabbi on the topic of cirumcisim.

So you missed the other video and the multiple links to external sites then?

Originally posted by bluemirage5

Got anything else?; I love a good read, then I can come back and shoot it down.

Why would I waste my time? Have you heard the expression "putting pearls bfore swine?"

That is strange. Why did you quote a verse from the bible when you do not believe in it?

Pearls before swine refers to a quotation from Matthew 7:6 in the discourse on holiness, a section of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, implying that things (such as pearls) should not be put in front of people (or in this case, swine) who do not appreciate their value.

What parts of the bible do you believe in then?

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by lostinspace

Pearls before swine refers to a quotation from Matthew 7:6 in the discourse on holiness, a section of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, implying that things (such as pearls) should not be put in front of people (or in this case, swine) who do not appreciate their value.

What parts of the bible do you believe in then?

Have you heard the expression "Clutching at straws"? That is what you are doing my friend.

Some phrases become part of the modern vernacular, and the origin of that phrase looses it's importance. Ther are many phrases that come from the bible, from our old sailing hreratage, from Greek, from Latin, from Roman occupation, from the first and seccond world wars, from prize fighting, from a million other places. Just because we use them in our modern world does not mean we subscribe to the beleifs of the origional source.

I do beleive that a lot of ths information in the bible is good advice to live your life by. Don't kill people, don't steal, love thy neighbour (But not his wife, so much lol ) All good advice.

Now, have you anything to say about mutilating children? I feel we are creeping off topic.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

I don't have anything else to say on the subject. I would now think twice before getting my child circumcised. What you need is a discussion with a top physician on the ATS board. Maybe he or she could change policy locally if you are very convincing.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

Circumcision was a rite given to Abraham...
...who was surrounded by hybrid tribes at the time.

It was a way of reminding his descendants that they should be careful where they place their 'member'.

If you read the introduction of circumcision in context... will quickly realize that it was introduced soon after Sodom was destroyed...
...and many hybrid tribes were eliminated.

The biblical manuscripts are not just about a 'spiritual' battle...
...but also a genetic struggle to preserve the original human species... reach to Messiah who would set the race free.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

That reminds me of the Dyslexic Atheist. He didn't believe in DOG.

Only kidding.

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