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Oprah Winfrey, The Eighth Sphere and the Secret War for Your Soul

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

Yeah, it totally was. The vast majority of them are.

Despite being manufactured, I still feel that they can offer insight into how and why this phenomena can occur. I doubt the PR people who stage these things understand the mechanism anymore than we do. I hope.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
reply to post by AuranVector

Yeah, it totally was. The vast majority of them are.

Despite being manufactured, I still feel that they can offer insight into how and why this phenomena can occur. I doubt the PR people who stage these things understand the mechanism anymore than we do. I hope.

There must be a social scientist somewhere studying flash mobs. If the mechanism that triggers it can be uncovered, you can be sure it will be used badly by evil people.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Anyhow, here are the links that were included in the said lost-post, and some keywords as well.


Eighth Sphere, Hod, Da'ath, Binah, Uranus inverted or Chokmah inverted, and Klipoth.


Clarion, Persephone, Vulcan, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Earth, Pluto, and the "Yellow Planet" (Hercolubus is not listed here because It is part of a different Solar system).


Adenosine Triphosphate

ATP Synthase and Oxidative Phosphorylation

Hydrogens (as explained by Samael Aun Weor and Gurdjieff)

Dry Mercury

Dried Mercury

Arse nic Sulphur

Hod: Ceremonial or Ritual Magic

Loo se Cathexis and Bound Cathexis

Tarot: Arcanum 15 – Samech/Passion and Phosphorous

Manly P. Hall 33° on the Gnostic Egyptian Cosmic Drama

Where Does Scientology Stand With the Gnostic Movement?

Perhaps I'll be back here to elaborate on the above information, and actually participate more in this discussion.

So when are you coming back to explain this, Tamahu? Very intriguing topics.

Why did Weor consider the Aryan Race doomed? This is disturbing. You know the Melchedekans (blond ETs) are still around.

So do you believe that "Earth is hollow, a network of caverns constitute Agharti" ?

It's been ages since I read parts of "The Secret Doctrine" -- I don't even have a copy of it.

Your mentioning Manly Palmer Hall reminded me that I have a book by him, "Journey in Truth." This book is 66 years old. The only reason I bought this 1945 edition was because it belonged to John Thomas Head, Ph.D. OXON and I wanted a "connection" with him. He died in 1999.

Dr. Head was considered an authority on the Enochian language. He wrote the "The Enochian System" in Voume Ten of "The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic" by Israel Regardie.

L. Ron Hubbard was such a fraud. I have doubts that he was a serious OTO member. Many conflicting stories on this.

Interesting that Weor completely ignored Aleister Crowley, as if he were beneath notice.
edit on 11-5-2011 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 07:56 PM
I've been studying other clips of the Sasquatch festival dancer. There are quite a few taken before the dance party occurs. Here's what I notice:

1. That dude was dancing all by his lonesome for a while before the flash mob was precipitated.

2. He appears to be completely unselfconscious, neither is he exhibitionistic. He is not dancing to be noticed; but out of pure, goofy joy. I wonder if he wasn't spinning out some kind of field which eventually acquired its own specific gravity?

3. I feel that in answer to a question posed by another poster, that it the first person to join in that is the brave one. The guy seems to display an initial degree of chagrin, he almost seems to be taken aback by his own actions.

My S.O., looking over my shoulder; "That dance shall be known henceforth as the 'ecstacy prance'."
edit on 11-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: blurp.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Tamahu

Tamahu, I forgot to ask: are you familiar with Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov? Aivanhov was a Bulgarian Christian mystic of an unconventional sort. He taught in France for years before he died in the 1980's. He never wrote anything himself, but his disciples had the good sense to record his lectures and turn them into books.

So OMA's books are actually transcripts of his lectures. Absolute treasure trove of authentic occult lore. Once you start reading these little books, you can hardly stop.

The reason I mention Aivanhov to you is because there's a correlation to Weor's teachings. I'm looking at one of Aivanhov's lectures "Toward a Solar Civilisation."

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
I've been studying other clips of the Sasquatch festival dancer. There are quite a few taken before the dance party occurs. Here's what I notice:

1. That dude was dancing all by his lonesome for a while before the flash mob was precipitated.

2. He appears to be completely unselfconscious, neither is he exhibitionistic. He is not dancing to be noticed; but out of pure, goofy joy. I wonder if he wasn't spinning out some kind of field which eventually acquired its own specific gravity?

3. I feel that in answer to a question posed by another poster, that it the first person to join in that is the brave one. The guy seems to display an initial degree of chagrin, he almost seems to be taken aback by his own actions.

My S.O., looking over my shoulder; "That dance shall be known henceforth as the 'ecstacy prance'."
edit on 11-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: blurp.

Did it seem to you that the original Sasquatch dancer didn't want the second dancer to join him? As if he found it distracting from his own trance dance? Or am I reading something into this? I'll have to watch it again.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

Hi, Auran Vector...

But which brand of Gnosticism?

I don't know if everyone experiences it the same way but when I realized that I was leaning towards what is called Gnosticism I had to figure that out on my own. For myself I tend to stick to the most conservative and traditional stuff I can lay hands on and I make up my own mind. So my personal form of Gnosticism is just really pretty much representative of however I am understanding all of this stuff at the moment. It changes (some of it. Some does not. Like a filtration process.).

I don't know about Icke and his Reptilian bloodline...

I don't either. All I know is that if you 'study' this stuff log enough you eventually run into Agharta and The Reptilians. I do not know what it means. When I arrived at that point in my 'career' I actually set the whole thing down for about 18 months. But , ah well...
I don't know what the hell the reptilian thing means.

All I can say is: Good Luck.

Yeah. I don't advise that anyone make any sudden and drastic changes in the sexual arena. Take things slowly.
Get educated. There is plenty of good stuff from India and China. I imagine most guys will have their hands full just dealing with the porn if that is the route they wish to go.

Yes, I'd like to hear an explanation of what the Demiurge is.

Yah. Me, too. Too lazy at the moment. Check Apocrypha.

Most people today dismiss Wicca as the mid-20th century invention of a potty Englishman named Gerald Gardner. I'm of the mind that there is more to this, than just Gardner. I believe that bits & pieces of a pre-Christian paganism survived in England (and elsewhere in Europe). Gardner just added his kinky touches to it and popularized it.

There really is more to this than Gerald Gardner. Witchcraft from all over but especially Britain and how it has been transplanted to America is a big personal interest of mine. I try to keep my finger as close to the pulse on it as possible. You are on the right track. There is a whole world of 'Witchcraft' that has nothing to do with Gardner and persists without him.

Thank you for your posts, Auran V. You are very well informed and have a very broad appreciation for this material. I really appreciate it.

edit on 11-5-2011 by Frater210 because: Added to.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:14 PM
Oprah is the devil. Just saying.

This post is very informative. Thank you.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Did it seem to you that the original Sasquatch dancer didn't want the second dancer to join him? As if he found it distracting from his own trance dance? Or am I reading something into this? I'll have to watch it again.

Quite the opposite, actually. I think he was initially oblivious to the new guy, but once he became aware of him, he reached out and joined hands. Big, big smile. He seemed very happy to have been joined.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by mistermonculous

Did it seem to you that the original Sasquatch dancer didn't want the second dancer to join him? As if he found it distracting from his own trance dance? Or am I reading something into this? I'll have to watch it again.

Quite the opposite, actually. I think he was initially oblivious to the new guy, but once he became aware of him, he reached out and joined hands. Big, big smile. He seemed very happy to have been joined.

You'e right. I watched it again. I misinterpreted the original dancer's hand movements. He wasn't pushing the other guy away (as I thought), he was joining hands with him in welcome.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Frater210

I don't know if everyone experiences it the same way but when I realized that I was leaning towards what is called Gnosticism I had to figure that out on my own. For myself I tend to stick to the most conservative and traditional stuff I can lay hands on and I make up my own mind. So my personal form of Gnosticism is just really pretty much representative of however I am understanding all of this stuff at the moment. It changes (some of it. Some does not. Like a filtration process.).

I can understand the appeal of some of the Gnostic ideas, but it can be confusing. There are different brands of Gnosticism and they all have really complicated cosmologies. Of course, a person's understanding changes as it evolves.

I don't either. All I know is that if you 'study' this stuff log enough you eventually run into Agharta and The Reptilians. I do not know what it means. When I arrived at that point in my 'career' I actually set the whole thing down for about 18 months. But , ah well...
I don't know what the hell the reptilian thing means.

I'm going to have to re-examine ideas I had dismissed a long time ago.

Yeah. I don't advise that anyone make any sudden and drastic changes in the sexual arena. Take things slowly.
Get educated. There is plenty of good stuff from India and China. I imagine most guys will have their hands full just dealing with the porn if that is the route they wish to go.

Have you read Mantak Chia?

There really is more to this than Gerald Gardner. Witchcraft from all over but especially Britain and how it has been transplanted to America is a big personal interest of mine. I try to keep my finger as close to the pulse on it as possible. You are on the right track. There is a whole world of 'Witchcraft' that has nothing to do with Gardner and persists without him.

Sounds like you're involved in some form of Witchcraft.

This is an amazing thread, packed with many different ideas. It's attracted a very interesting collection of minds.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:13 AM
I would like to offer my own probably flawed analysis of the 'Sasquatch Dancer' video. And I sure hope that we are talking about the same one or I am going to make a fool of myself. I saw two videoi of the same dude in dark blue or black trunks from two anglei. One about 7+minutes the other 3 and some change.

I get the impression that the first few people to approach him to dance are doing so on a dare from friends. The big Asian kid is an obvious one and you can see at least two from that party go to (IMO) harass him. Once the butt spanking starts in, other groups send in their most foolhardy members for a laugh.

Then things get temporarily dark. The kid in the green shirt and dark shorts looks like a friendly Scooby Doo but his body language and movements are of one who only dances with others probably in nasty mosh pits. When he goes to the ground the first time it is intentional and if you have an eye for it you see it is a set-up for a leg-sweep.

Then the rotund kid joins in and the Scooby kid sort of points at Sasquatch Dancer and SD goes down. Then I think it gets really interesting.
Already in my mind I am seeing how SD seems to be protected by a field of some kind. It is as if anyhow. Then Scooby gets back up and heads for SD again and SD sort of gestures and Scooby goes flying (cooperating with gravity) and all hell (heaven) breaks loose like some force has finally been overcome.

I see most of the young men that approach at first as representative of that quality i described in myself as being at first embarrassed until being overcome by my better parts.

It is truly a powerful video. I am so glad I watched thoroughly. My fave is the short video where you see the people run past the camera.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

Have you read Mantak Chia?

You bet. Mr Chia's books were like my life raft when I started out on all this stuff. I think they are for a lot of people.

Although I have never done the practices, I especially like his book on the different ways that saliva and the way it is swallowed is connected to Qigong practices.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Jeezum Crow, you're totally right! Those guys were joining in with intent to mock, and that green-shirt guy totally did an abortive leg-sweep move. Not only did SD seem utterly unaware of their cruel intent, he also appears to have somehow averted actual physical bullying, indeed, he incorporates green-shirts's down-to-the-ground maneuver into his dance.

How about that "field" theory then?

Microbiological terms that might apply:

Avidity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In proteins, avidity is a term used to describe the combined strength of multiple bond interactions. Avidity is distinct from affinity, which is a term used to describe the strength of a single bond. As such, avidity is the combined synergistic strength of bond affinities rather than the sum of bonds. It is commonly applied to antibody interactions in which multiple antigen binding sites simultaneously interact with a target. Individually, each binding interaction may be readily broken, however, when many binding interactions are present at the same time, transient unbinding of a single site does not allow the molecule to diffuse away, and binding of that site is likely to be reinstated. The overall effect is synergistic, strong binding of antigen to antibody (e.g. IgM is said to have low affinity but high avidity because it has 10 weak binding sites as opposed to the 2 strong binding sites of IgG, IgE and IgD). If the clustered proteins form a matrix, such as a clathrin-coat, the interaction is described by the term matricity. [edit]

Somatic hypermutation and affinity maturation. Following activation with antigen, B cells begin to proliferate rapidly. In these rapidly dividing cells, the genes encoding the variable domains of the heavy and light chains undergo a high rate of point mutation, by a process called somatic hypermutation (SHM). SHM results in approximately one nucleotide change per variable gene, per cell division.[8] As a consequence, any daughter B cells will acquire slight amino acid differences in the variable domains of their antibody chains. This serves to increase the diversity of the antibody pool and impacts the antibody’s antigen-binding affinity.[35] Some point mutations will result in the production of antibodies that have a weaker interaction (low affinity) with their antigen than the original antibody, and some mutations will generate antibodies with a stronger interaction (high affinity).[36] B cells that express high affinity antibodies on their surface will receive a strong survival signal during interactions with other cells, whereas those with low affinity antibodies will not, and will die by apoptosis.[36] Thus, B cells expressing antibodies with a higher affinity for the antigen will outcompete those with weaker affinities for function and survival. The process of generating antibodies with increased binding affinities is called affinity maturation. Affinity maturation occurs in mature B cells after V(D)J recombination, and is dependent on help from helper T cells.[37]

Somatic Hypermutation: When a B cell recognizes an antigen, it is stimulated to divide (or proliferate). During proliferation, the B cell receptor locus undergoes an extremely high rate of somatic mutation that is at least 105-106 fold greater than the normal rate of mutation across the genome.[2] Variation is mainly in the form of single base substitutions, with insertions and deletions being less common. These mutations occur mostly at “hotspots” in the DNA, known as hypervariable regions. These regions correspond to the complementarity determining regions; the sites involved in antigen recognition on the immunoglobulin.[4] The exact nature of this targeting is poorly understood, although is thought to be controlled by a balance of error-prone and high fidelity repair.[5] This directed hypermutation allows for the selection of B cells that express immunoglobulin receptors possessing an enhanced ability to recognize and bind a specific foreign antigen.[1] [edit]

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

B cells that express high affinity antibodies on their surface will receive a strong survival signal during interactions with other cells, whereas those with low affinity antibodies will not, and will die by apoptosis.[36] Thus, B cells expressing antibodies with a higher affinity for the antigen will outcompete those with weaker affinities for function and survival. The process of generating antibodies with increased binding affinities is called affinity maturation. Affinity maturation occurs in mature B cells after V(D)J recombination, and is dependent on help from helper T cells.[37]

When a B cell recognizes an antigen, it is stimulated to divide (or proliferate). During proliferation, the B cell receptor locus undergoes an extremely high rate of somatic mutation

I don't know what to say, MM. I am just so glad that you are here and contributing such fine nuggets of unknown precious metals and gems from the repository in your head. I hope I am as capable some day.

All I can do is squirrel this away and think about it for however long it takes.

You found the Amulet!

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:44 PM

I don't know what to say, MM. I am just so glad that you are here and contributing such fine nuggets of unknown precious metals and gems from the repository in your head. I hope I am as capable some day.

You fully are, mang. I assure you. Our minds (everyone who has contributed) cross-pollinate, and none can take sole credit for the sweet, sweet fruit.
But we all get to taste it.

All I can do is squirrel this away and think about it for however long it takes.

I feel that we'll all get it at once. Avidity.

You found the Amulet!

You were the vortex!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:42 PM
寧可永刧受沈淪、不從諸聖求解脱: I would rather sink to the bottom of the sea for endless eons than seek liberation through all the saints of the universe. Shih-t'ou (石頭) (The Golden Age of Zen 270, 323 n.57)

丈夫自有衝天志: The full-grown man aspires to pierce through the heavens
莫向如夾行處行: Let him not walk in the footsteps of the Buddha! Ts'ui-yen
(翠巖可眞) (The Golden Age of Zen 270, 323 n.59)


許多死漢、送一個活漢 :"At the funeral of one of his monks, as the Abbot joined the procession, he remarked, 'What a long procession of dead bodies follows the wake of a single living person!' " (The Golden Age of Zen 145, 309 n.47)

And of course...

有一物上拄天下拄地。黒似漆。常在動用中:There is one thing: above, it supports Heaven; below, it upholds Earth. It is black like lacquer, always actively functioning. Ch'an master Tung-shan Ling-chia (洞山良价 Tõsan Ryõkai, 807-869) (The Development of Chinese Zen After the Sixth Patriarch 74)

語是謗、寂是誑、語寂向上有路在: "Speech is blasphemy, silence a lie. Above speech and silence there is a way out."

I-tuan (義端) one of Nan-ch'uan's great disciples (The Golden Age of Zen 250, 322 n.13)

edit on 13-5-2011 by Frater210 because: Thanks for that Star. Whoever you are.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
寧可永刧受沈淪、不從諸聖求解脱: I would rather sink to the bottom of the sea for endless eons than seek liberation through all the saints of the universe. Shih-t'ou (石頭) (The Golden Age of Zen 270, 323 n.57)

Maybe this is for why I find the idea of gurus, masters, etc., so distasteful. I would rather discover and communicate than be taught. Intending no arrogance.

丈夫自有衝天志: The full-grown man aspires to pierce through the heavens
莫向如夾行處行: Let him not walk in the footsteps of the Buddha! Ts'ui-yen
(翠巖可眞) (The Golden Age of Zen 270, 323 n.59)

The route to understanding is highly personal, differs with each individual, therefore imitating the behavior of one who understands will never yield understanding?


許多死漢、送一個活漢 :"At the funeral of one of his monks, as the Abbot joined the procession, he remarked, 'What a long procession of dead bodies follows the wake of a single living person!' " (The Golden Age of Zen 145, 309 n.47)

Fully, full on gnositc there. You plant some seeds, some germinate, some don't. Get some seedlings. Next, thin the seedlings. If you're growing melons, you even have to pinch off most of your wee bitty melons so as to ensure you will have one or two truly tasty ones. Does this apply?

And of course...

有一物上拄天下拄地。黒似漆。常在動用中:There is one thing: above, it supports Heaven; below, it upholds Earth. It is black like lacquer, always actively functioning. Ch'an master Tung-shan Ling-chia (洞山良价 Tõsan Ryõkai, 807-869) (The Development of Chinese Zen After the Sixth Patriarch 74)

That which is impregnated? Is also that which seeks to devour. Maybe. Both ways lead out, and to a union of sorts, but as a matter of personal taste (hee,), I'd rather be friend than food.

語是謗、寂是誑、語寂向上有路在: "Speech is blasphemy, silence a lie. Above speech and silence there is a way out."

Communication that transcends language? Conversing in the style of plants?

I-tuan (義端) one of Nan-ch'uan's great disciples (The Golden Age of Zen 250, 322 n.13)

edit on 13-5-2011 by Frater210 because: Thanks for that Star. Whoever you are.

That was me, mang.

edit on 14-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: Twinkle, twinkle.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 03:18 PM
許多死漢、送一個活漢 :"At the funeral of one of his monks, as the Abbot joined the procession, he remarked, 'What a long procession of dead bodies follows the wake of a single living person!' " (The Golden Age of Zen 145, 309 n.47)

Alternatively, the recently deceased monk is now truly alive, trailing bereaved "meatwagons", to use your hilarious and apt term, behind him?

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 04:00 PM
I wanted to make everyone aware of WilTimes' thread. If you can believe it WT has found a great article on the psychology of mutinies and is discussing that on this thread...

Good stuff.

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