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Revelation... "The Opening of The 1st Seal”

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by angelmass

Regarding the repentance of the Angels of the Assemblies re.
”The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Ch. 1 verse 16 to 20
Ch. 2 & 3 verse 1 to 22

All refer to The “7 Angels” and NOT to the “Assemblies” themselves.

First in Ch. 1 verse 16 Quote;

16. He had in His right Hand Seven Stars,
out of His mouth went a sharp two edged sword,
and His countenance was like the Sun
shining in its strength.

And in verse 20. Quote;

20. “The mystery of the Seven Stars
which you saw in My right hand,
and the Seven golden Lamp-stands:

The Seven Stars
are the Angels
of the Seven Assemblies.

Note; there is a message to each of these 7 Angels (NOT the Assemblies)

And in each case starts of as... for example in Ch. 2 verse 1 Quote;

1.To the Angel of the Assembly of Ephesus,” etc. etc.

The emphases on “To the Angel of the Assembly of......

In each Case they are required to Repent !

Many think that the Assemblies are required to Repent..... But it does NOT say this, but these Instructions to Repent are to specifically the Angels.

If these Angels are ordered to Repent they must have fallen or they would NOT be Instructed to Repent.

So what are these Angels ???

What is described in both the bible and other literature, attempting to describe What Angels are, is very, very vague, to say the least, and only tries to attempt to describe what they do.

If the churches and the congregations knew what these angels are, they would be able to describe them in detail, and where they reside.
Yes I know some say they are in "Heaven", but what is Heaven, and where is it, as many writings describe many, many different heavens, which there in fact are.

I will try and describe what I have seen, and in detail show what the angels are, including some of their workings.

There is a verse in “The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to The Hebrews” Ch. 13 verse 1 and 2 Quote;

1. Let brotherly Love continue,

2. Be not forgetful to entertain Strangers:

Here is one example of the definition of the word “Stranger. Quote;

Different versions of the original Greek writings use different words to describe what is generally accepted to be in English as a Stranger.

stranger (plural strangers)

A person whom one does not know;
a person who is neither a friend nor an acquaintance.
An outsider or foreigner.
A newcomer.

This meaning goes along with what I was Shown through “The MAN Child”....

An “Outsider” or foreigner. Especially “An outsider

Here is an example of the definition of the Word “An outsider” Quote;

Noun... outsider (plural outsiders)
One who is not part of a community or organization.
While the initiated easily understand the symbols, they are wholly inaccessible to outsiders.
A newcomer with little or no experience in an organization or community.
Seeing the mess professional politicians have made of things is it any wonder the electorate is beginning to prefer outsiders.
A competitor or contestant who has little chance of winning; a long shot; a dark horse
Johnny was an outsider at this years karate tournament, but he still managed to win second place out of sheer determination.

This meaning goes along with what I was Shown through “The MAN Child”....

One who is not part of a community or organization.

Note: a Community or Organization is NOT necessarily Human.

So I was Shown the Angels which there are many different types and have a huge range of different functions.

Generally the “Species” refer to the Angels as being “Messengers of GOD", which includes the Fallen Angels i.e. were messengers of GOD and still are as I know, NO other besides GOD.

I was shown that One of the Functions of ALL Angels, is to “”Communicate” between the “Inner True Mind” and “The MAN Child” also known as “The SON of MAN” (A smaller Cloned version of “The SON of MAN”) and between “The MAN Child” and The ”Outer True Mind”.

The “Angels” in Question who had Fallen, were The 6 Pointed “Star” Angels, if this were NOT the case then they would NOT be required to “Repent”.

The Only Angels which could become “Corrupt” were the 6 Pointed “Star” Angels.

It is the Geometry involved in the “Workings” behind these 6 pointed Star Angels, that allowed this to happen but remember there is a very good reason for everything and is NOT just based on good & evil.

This is another story in itself to be told at another time.

The other Multi Pointed Star Angels could NOT become victims of “Double Logic” known as the 666 Algorithm, because the Geometry involved in their Workings will NOT allow this to happen.

In the Beginning “The First Born Soul” contained in “The Face of God” that is to say a 2DPlane” two formats were produced.

On One Outer Face The “Hexagonal” Format involving “The Star of DAVID” (Not David)..
On the other “Outer” Face of the “Plane” was The “Octagonal” Format involving Squares.

When a Soul produces its “Offspring” they are produced in what is known as ZION.

Here is a “Partition Map” of the Soul....

And each of these SquarePartitions” then have the same “Partition Map” known as ZION.

At this Point I have to say that GOD is in NO Way a “Primate”.

Referring to the Genesis in Ch. 1 verse 26 quote;

26. And GOD said, “Let us make GOD in Our Image, after Our likeness":

The Word “Our” means of course, more than One.

In “The Gospel According to John” Ch. 1 verses 1 to 13 explain those Components of GOD.

a. The WORD of GOD which was from the beginning of The ALL. (NOT the Roman Collection of ancient collection of Greek & Hebrew writings referred to as the bible today)

b. The LIFE of GOD which is The LIGHT of MEN or MAN.

And a primate is NOT in this Image, but The SOUL is. (The LIGHT of MEN or MAN.)

The SOULConstruct” is made of LIGHT.

The “Construct” as I have shown in the past is formed from a “Partition Map” looks like this.

This has been Rotated 45º to present or enable the E'NOCH "Square".

Now regarding the Angels there are as I said different types including a range of “Star” type Angels.

There are 4 Pointed Stars, 5 pointed Stars, 6 Pointed Stars, 8 Pointed Stars, and many others.

Some are in a “Square” Format, while others are in a “Hexagonal” Format, a “Pentagonal” Format, a “Round” Format and an “Octagonal” Format.

Here is a Pentagonal Format 5 Pointed Star, which is known as “The Epiphany Star” in the churches and is also known as “The STAR of JACOB”.

GOD changed the Name JACOB to ISRAEL recorded in the O.T. Writings.

Today This Star is Rejected, and is often said to be Evil by the Ignorant....

Yet it is “The Star of ISRAEL” or “Angel” of ISRAEL. (NOT the Israel on Earth which is Named after ISRAEL in The SOUL.

This Angel (a 5 Pointed Star) must NOT be confused with MICHAEL, The 8 Pointed Star Angel.

You will have heard of JACOBS Well.

Anyway “The 5 Pointed STAR of JACOB” or ISRAEL is The STAR of the “Pentagonal Stonethe Builders Rejected, which became “The Chief Corner Stone” also known as “The Rock of Offence” in ZION.

This STAR is the ”Angel” of “The Chief Corner Stone”.

This Star as I will show, Can NOT inherit “Double Logic” unlike the 6 Pointed Star and thus a “Stumbling Block” to The “Double Logic” in the “Species”, The Wicked One or descendants of EVE / A'DAM & EVE.

Here is “The Star of JACOB or ISRAEL” (NOT the Star of DAVID but instead the One Rejected by the Builders.)

This Star shows the “Octagonal” Registers of The MAN Child which allows Access to the “Pentagon” Format “Books” which are opened by “The LAMB of GOD” and NOTThe Good Shepherd”.

The Good Shepherd” looks after “The LAMB of GOD” and is NOTThe LAMB of GOD” as others would have you believe.

This next Drawing shows the “Head” Register of The 5 Pointed Star of JACOB or ISRAEL which Allows Access to “The City of 9 Gates” Refer to “The Acts of Peter and The 12 Apostles”.

The Head of The Star is in this case has a Cyan Register with a Blue Boarder.

a. BLUE is the Souls Colour Code, for “Importing”.
b. CYAN or Emerald (Blueish Green) is the combining of The Green Registers (Contents) and the Import Register.

This next Drawing Shows “The Inner City of 9 Gates” the “Octagonal” Register is used to interface with.

and “The Outer City of 9 Gates

Now if we try to produce “Double Logic” in this Function, we find we can't, for the following reasons.

a. The Green Registers on the Rear Face have been masked by the 5 Pointed Star Mask this prevents direct access and therefore can only access the Pentagonal Registers via the Octagonal Format of The MAN Child.

b. Even if we could introduce a second 5 Pointed Star, the first one does NOT match the Second 5 pointed Star.

See Drawing below.

The same applies, if The Star is rotated into another Position.

See Drawing below showing the Rotated Star (90° Left)

Another 5 pointed Star added to attempt to achieve “Double Logic

See Drawing below...

But if we now look at the 6 Pointed Star, see Drawing below showing the Star in the Ring of 12 (The 12 Apostles)

And this next Drawing shows the 6 Pointed Star which used to exist in the access to the “Hexagonal” Libraries, containing all the different “Geometry” (Images) and the “Stories” such as your body on the Earth and the Environmental program “Books” we had access directly to these Libraries. Each “Hexagon” had 6 Sub Libraries which A'DAM & EVE could also access directly through the Wings without “The MAN Child”. It was The Wicked One who was an Alien who showed EVE, how to Manipulate Her Angel to achieve this, thus deceiving Her.

So here are the access points through the BLACK Angel, to each of the Sub Registers within the 7Hexagon” partitioned Libraries on the Rear Face.

Each “Sub-Hexagon” has 6Partitions”, One of which in each “Hexagon” the “Horn” or “Trumpet” could Access.

The Colour BLACK is the Colour Code for “The Father”.

Because of this if the Star was Rotated 180º and Added to the original “Double Logic” was Introduced.

But when the Angels (6 Pointed Stars) were ordered to Repent see written at the beginning of this Post Quote;

Regarding the repentance of the Angels of the Assemblies re.
”The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Ch. 1 verse 16 to 20
Ch. 2 & 3 verse 1 to 22

All refer to The “7 Angels” and NOT to the “Assemblies” themselves.

First in Ch. 1 verse 16 Quote;

16. He had in His right Hand Seven Stars,
out of His mouth went a sharp two edged sword,
and His countenance was like the Sun
shining in its strength.

And in verse 20. Quote;

20. “The mystery of the Seven Stars
which you saw in My right hand,
and the Seven golden Lamp-stands:

The Seven Stars
are the Angels
of the Seven Assemblies.

Note there is a message to each of these Seven Angels (NOT the Assemblies)

And in each case starts of as... for example in Ch. 2 verse 1 Quote;

1.To the Angel of the Assembly of Ephesus,” etc. etc.

The emphases on

To the Angel of the Assembly of......

In each Case they are required to Repent !

Many think that the Assemblies are required to Repent but it does NOT say this, but these Instructions to Repent are to specifically the Angels.

If these Angels are ordered to Repent they must have fallen or they would NOT be Instructed to Repent.

A Mask was then Introduced in the Star to prevent “Direct Access” through The “Horns” and “Trumpets” of The Star. And The MAN Child returned to Introduce The Octagonal Format which required access then through the Octagonal Registers Only The MAN Child then Controlled what was taking Place thus denying Evil in “The Processing System” of the Soul.

So the 6 Pointed Stars then Repented i.e. accepting The MAN Child and Accepting the Changes in Format so they then looked like this....

So now the Libraries are accessed through The Apostles, i.e. The Ring of 12Octagonal” Registers.

This Drawing Shows The “Outer” Registers.

And This Drawing The “Inner” Registers.

edit on 22-7-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:58 PM
There are 2 "Primary" groups of "Angels".

a. Those which access the "Outer" Permanent Libraries.
b. Those which access the "Inner" Temporary Libraries of the Soul.

These Angels access the “OuterPermanent Libraries which are both “Hexagonal” & “Pentagonal” Formats.

The “Hexagonal” Libraries...

The BLUE 5 Pointed Star Angel.

The YELLOW 5 Pointed Star Angel.

Note; There are 2 Rings of 12 ("Apostles") and 2 Different 5 Pointed Star Angels.
Both The BLUE and YELLOW Color Codes, are used in the 2 Different Shaped 5 Pointed Stars.

The 5 Pointed Star, is "The Star of JACOB or ISRAEL".
Often referred to as "The Epiphany Star" in the churches...

But it is The Angel of the Stone, ("Pentagonal" Stone) The Builders Rejected.
Also known as "The Rock of Offence" placed in ZION.

This is the Stone the "Flesh" Stumbles on, as it can NOT be Corrupted with "Double Logic", thus bring about the end of "The Wicked one" (the Flesh).

One of the Angels of "The City of 9 Gates"...

MICHAEL The Archangel....

There are other Angels as well, I have Not Mentioned in this Post, which I will present at a later date.

The Drawings below are 3 different functions involved in “Opening the Books

The LAMB of GOD...
There are 144 "Octagons" on the Disc, involved in each of these Functions....

The LAMB of GOD is NOT "The Good Shepherd".

"The Good Shepherd" looks after The LAMB of GOD.....

edit on 22-7-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors...

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

I see friend how this process is going, now let me get this more clear. At first, ADAM and EVE could only access the libraries trough the Man Child, Correct? But then, the hermaphrodite Alien enters the scene and this Alien copulated with EVE, and this brings several consequences and changes including the induction of double logic in some of the Angels (I/O ports) in EVE's soul.

Because of this, now EVE was able to bypass the Man child and access the libraries directly. But this double logic also affected her human body, as now the bodies were doomed to suffer from, among other things, confusion, diseases and ultimately, death.

This fallen I/O ports are then told to repent, this is to accept the new "hardware" and "software" of the new soul (The new Jerusalem). And this is the ultimate ending of this planet, this universe and this story. Its all about the changing from the old soul format (The Old Babylon) to the new Soul. The return of the Man Child and The Discovering of ones true self.

Could you please friend explain a little more about the drawings showing the 3 different functions involved in “Opening the Books” using the Lamb of God?
edit on 24-7-2011 by angelmass because: typo

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by angelmass

Hi Angelmass


I see friend how this process is going, now let me get this more clear. At first, ADAM and EVE could only access the libraries trough the Man Child, Correct? But then, the hermaphrodite Alien enters the scene and this Alien copulated with EVE, and this brings several consequences and changes including the induction of double logic in some of the Angels (I/O ports) in EVE's soul.

Because of this, now EVE was able to bypass the Man child and access the libraries directly. But this double logic also affected her human body, as now the bodies were doomed to suffer from, among other things, confusion, diseases and ultimately, death.

This fallen I/O ports are then told to repent, this is to accept the new "hardware" and "software" of the new soul (The new Jerusalem). And this is the ultimate ending of this planet, this universe and this story. Its all about the changing from the old soul format (The Old Babylon) to the new Soul. The return of the Man Child and The Discovering of ones true self.

The Alien First committed Adultery with EVE then showed Her how to Corrupt “The 6 Pointed STAR” Angels in Her own Soul.

The Alien knew she would only consider the Corruption of “The 6 Pointed STAR” Angels in her own Soul, if he could first Confuse her thinking by inducing “Double Logic”, into her genes by committing Adultery with Her.

When the Wicked One or Alien had achieved this, he then showed EVE, how to Discover the Knowledge of Good & Evil, by Manipulating the “The 6 Pointed STAR” but did NOT tell Her it would Corrupt these Angels...

The 6 pointed STAR Angels then became known as “The Fallen Angels”.

Every Soul has Its Own copies of All the Angels including All types, in their "Operating System".

There are Thousands and Thousands and Thousands of Angels, in Each SOUL.


Could you please friend explain a little more about the drawings showing the 3 different functions involved in “Opening the Books” using the Lamb of God?

No problem but first a little back ground which you already know but I will put this on ATS for others to read also.

This will take a few Posts to explain how to access the Books, request the Book desired and for "The LAMB of GOD" to open the desired Book for you to either Read or Experience.

This is all about the return to Paradise....

Jesus said, “I Shuteth a Door that No MAN can open.” This refers to Direct access to Paradise (The Libraries of Paradise).

and Jesus also said “I Open a Door that No MAN can Shut." This Refers to access through “The MAN Child

Jesus said,

“I am a Door to them who know Me, Knock on Me.”

To understand how these things work we first need to know what The HOUSE of DAVID (NOT David) is....

But First we have to Understand WHAT GOD IS and WHATThe HOUSE of GOD” actually IS.

So first let us Look at the Geometry of The Letters involved in The WORD GOD...

We start with “The Gospel According to John” Chapter 1 Verses to 13.

The words in the bible, where it is said “Jesus Said” are NOT His actual words, but instead what He was reported, to have said, some time after Jesus was Crucified in some cases 80 to 120 years (referring to the writings of John, NOT John The Baptist) after the Crucifixion...

Jesus NEVER told anyone to write these Books, or to Compile these writings, into what is known as the bible today.

Nor did Jesus make any Mention at all to the New Testament bible Compiled by the Romans...

Nor did Jesus make any Mention whatsoever regarding the Roman church, the Roman catholic church, or any other denomination on Earth...

All the Claims about the writings Authenticity, are made by the Descendants of The Wicked One, through EVE and A'DAM.

But never the less these writings are Inspired by GOD, just as ALL things are Inspired by GOD, for there is only ONE ALL, I Know NO other.

Even though it is believed that John, NOT John The Baptist, wrote this book some 80 to 120 years after Jesus The Carpenter was Crucified...

John The Baptist never wrote in this way, however the disciples did get involved with writing, which included drawings just as I have shown on ATS.

These were their own private writings, which they sometimes sent to or shared with each other regarding the return to Paradise, which involved the Drawings I have shown on ATS.

It was the Roman church who chose the books, and they were the ones who declared the writings to be authentic, by their own human reasoning, to build what is called the Roman church today, claiming falsely to be Christians, but in fact are the "Opposite".
This also includes all the denominations, which broke away from the Roman church.

But in saying this, they have made available The Parable for “The Inner True Mind” contained within these records handed down, even though the writings today are copies of copies of copies, and have been corrupted by the writers.

Perhaps some doing this deliberately, to uphold what is referred to “the holy Roman empire” while others corrupted the writings through ignorance, NOT knowing Themselves, “The MAN Child”, “The Father” or even the SOUL.

Most today use the word Soul but is used as an EMPTY word.

So The Roman church promoting “Roman Doctrine” should NOT be Condemned, but rather understood, in what part they played in the overall “Story”, i.e. The STORY (experience on Earth) which InvokesThe Metamorphosis of The Soul”.

The best place to STORE Valuable treasure, is in your enemies Hands, so they will NOT be able to STEAL the “Contents”, as they already have it, but can't believe the knowledge is HIDDEN within the writings.

But by their Boasting, they have make available the writings, containing the “Parable” for “The Inner True Mind” which is the Enemy of their own Flesh.

This is why it is said, “The Flesh Wars after The Soul”.


So now let's Look at the Writings of John.

We start with “The Gospel According to John” Chapter 1 Verses to 13.

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2. The same was in the beginning with God.
3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

8. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11. He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13. Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Note; Here the Writer of this Gospel, is referring to another, other than himself, who was also called JOHN, portrayed in this Verse which most people Overlook...

6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

Also Note the Gospel is titled “The Gospel According to JOHN”. But JOHN who ???

It is generally accepted by Historians, this writing was written more than 80 years after The Crucifixion of The Carpenter Jesus. This is according to both Historians and the Roman church.

The book was written by John who was NOT around at the time of Jesus “The Carpenter, but wrote according to the verbal memories passed down from those who knew Jesus the Carpenter.

But never the Less these Writings are Inspired by GOD, even though the John who wrote these writings was NOT known as John The Baptist.

As I said earlier, Jesus did NOT instruct the disciples to write books for what would become the bible.

There was Already a BOOK called "The BOOK of LIFE" which exists in the Libraries of EVERY SOUL.

Jesus made reference to "The BOOK of LIFE" but NOT to the Roman bible....

However the Disciples did write and Draw as I do today, as a result of Instruction from Jesus Christ through “The SON of MAN” or “The MAN Child”, NOT “The Son of A'DAM” just as I too have received Instruction From Jesus Christ through “The SON of MAN” also known as “The MAN Child”.

There are Two Jesus to keep in Mind...

a. Jesus The Carpenter (a common Name in those Days) "The WORD made Flesh"
b. Jesus Christ. "The LIFE of GOD"

These two have been mixed together, as though one and the same, Falsely...

This was done by the teachings of the Roman church, NOT for the people, but for the holy Roman empire”. The church was under the Roman empire.

The Carpenter was Unique, in that His flesh was the WORD of GOD made Flesh.

In other Words Jesus The Carpenter contained in His Genes “Single Logic” unlike the Descendants of The Wicked One through EVE, and A'DAM, whose Flesh (A'DAM) was contaminated by EVE, whose Flesh was Contaminated by The Wicked One, NOT an Angel but rather by an Alien of the world or Universe "Story".

The Angels (6 Pointed Stars) were Corrupted in EVES SOUL, by The Wicked One or Alien who deceived EVE.

But in the Case of The Carpenter Jesus, His flesh was NOT fathered by Joseph or any other person.

Joseph was an old man while Mary was only 12 years old.
Joseph felt that He should Look after Mary and also not to be accused by others, and so married her, after she became pregnant of herself brought about by the Workings (the Virgin Conception) Produced by The WORD of GOD i.e. through The Program.

So The WORD of GOD that was made Flesh, was The Carpenter Jesus.
For a description of this Component of GOD, we find it in “The Gospel According to John” verses 1 to 3 Quote;

1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2. The same was in the beginning with God.
3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

So if Jesus “The WORD of GOD Made Flesh”, who was talking through Jesus The Carpenter ???

It was The LIFE of GOD mentioned in verses 4 & 5 Quote]

4. In him was LIFE; and the LIFE was the LIGHT of men.
5. And the LIGHT shineth in ; and the darkness comprehended it not.

LIGHT is NOT a Human or the Species....

This is why “The LIFE of GOD” said through “The WORD Made Flesh” Quote;

I Am The WAY, The TRUTH and The LIFE.”

Because the One talking ThroughThe WORD Made Flesh” was The LIFE of GOD.

And in other verses Quote;

I Am The WAY, The TRUTH and The LIGHT.”

Because The LIFE of GOD is The LIGHT of MEN or MAN, and NOT the Flesh, as in the Case of The Wicked One, EVE, and A'DAM, including the Descendants of The Wicked One through EVE.

Now lets look at WHAT “The WORD of GOD” actually IS ???

In Verse 1 Quote;

1. In the beginning was The WORD, and The WORD was with GOD, and the Word was God.

NOTE Here, it says Quote;

and the WORD was GOD.

Who's Letters are, G, O, D...

To understand What the Letters G O D means, we have to go back to ZION, NOT the Languages of The Earth or Flesh, but instead to The Language of “The True Mind” as well as The Language Format used in The Souls “Processing System”.

Because All is Based on Geometry i.e. the Science of Form, even Math can NOT exist, without Form, as Math is an expression involving Form, and even the very symbols used in Math, involves Geometry in the Form of “Stick Pictures” forming the Letters and Numbers.

So we have to then Consider the Geometry of The Letters G, O, and D.

As All languages were Inspired by GOD i.e. “The True MindThrough The Brain, so these Letters have All come from ZION involving “The True Mind” and “The SOUL” known as “The HOUSE of GOD”.

One of the Interesting Languages, which came out of ZION is the ION Greek written Language, which used Upper Case Letters from The Control Letters of “The Souls Operating System used to make up their own (Greek) Language.

In the this area we don't treat the Words as though translated from one language to another, but instead Consider the “Geometry of The Letters Only.

These Letters (Greek) were obtained by using only Half of the Form of the ZION Glyphs.

As the “IONic Greek” Language does NOT have a Letter “G but does have the sound, expressed as Gamma, so the “G” is replaced by the Gamma in Greek.... Γ.

This Letter Came out of The ZION Language of “The True Mind”, from a form, that of a Square in ZION. (There is also a rectangle as well)

See how the Gamma came from The “Square” ?

There are 2 Gamma, which make up the “Square”. (2OppositeGamma)

Now for The “O” see....

One special think you should now that when you use a verb (first person singular) the last o is always omega

Γραωω, τρεγγ, πειναω ..etc

But this is not the only case where for the same sound is used, 2 letters!

η, ι, υ, is all of them pronounced as ee in bee. Also ει and οι

Same goes with ε and αι . (sounds like e in the). If its written like αι then is pronounced like a and ee ...


So in the Case the “O” (English) is replaced by Ω is used....

See how the "Omega" came from “The Circle and Diagonals” ?

There are 2Omega” that form this Glyph. (2 OppositeOmega”, One inverted over the other)

And in the case of the English “D” this is Replaced by The Greek Delta.... Δ...

See how the “Delta” came from “The 6 Pointed STAR” ?

The 2DELTA” form a 6 Pointed Star... (One Delta Inverted over the other...)

Now if we superimpose all these 3 Glyphs, we get “The STAR of DAVID” in “The HOUSE of GOD”.
So This is “The ROOT of DAVID

The “A” or Alpha” comes from “The ROOT of DAVID” (NOT David)

From “The Infancy Gospel of Thomas” Verse 6 Quote;

6. Now a certain teacher, Zacchaeus by name,
who was standing there, heard in part Jesus saying these things to His father,
and marveled greatly that, being a child, He said such things.

And after a few days he came near to Joseph and said to him:

"You have a clever Child, and He has understanding.

Come, hand Him over to me that He may learn LETTERS,
and I will teach Him with the LETTERS All knowledge,

and to salute all the older people and honor them as grandfathers and fathers,

and to love those of His own age."

And he told Him all the LETTERS
from ALPHA to OMEGA clearly,
with much questioning.

But He looked at Zacchaeus the teacher and said to him:

"How do you, who do NOT know the ALPHA according to its nature,

teach others the BETA?

Hypocrite, first if you know it, teach the ALPHA,

and then we shall believe you concerning the BETA."

Then He began to question the teacher about the FIRST LETTER,
and he was unable to answer Him.

And in the hearing of many The Child said to Zacchaeus:

"Hear, teacher, the arrangement of the FIRST LETTER,

and pay heed to this, how it has LINES and a MIDDLE MARK
which goes through the PARE of LINES which you see,

how these LINES converge, rise, turn in the dance,

That is to say: of the SAME LENGTH

subject to and supporting one another, of EQUAL proportions;

hear you have the lines of The ALPHA."

And in verse 14 Quote;

14. And when Joseph saw the understanding of The Child
and his age, that He was growing to maturity, he resolved again
that He should not remain ignorant of LETTERS;

and he took Him and handed Him over to another teacher.

And the teacher said to Joseph: "FIRST I will teach Him GREEK,


For the teacher knew The Child's knowledge and was afraid of Him.
Nevertheless he WROTE the alphabet
and practised it with Him for a long time; but He gave him no answer.

And Jesus said to him: “If you are indeed a teacher, and if you know the LETTERS
well, tell Me the MEANING of The ALPHA,

and I will tell you that of The BETA."

And the teacher was annoyed and struck Him on the head.

And The Child was hurt and cursed him, and he immediately fainted
and fell to the ground on his face.

And The Child returned to Joseph's house.

But Joseph was grieved and commanded His mother:

"Do not let Him go outside the door, for all those who provoke Him die."

The BETA is Made From Ι and Σ

One Form of The ZION BETA looks like this....

As you can See there are 2 "Opposite" Sigma (IONic Greek Sigma)
And Iota in The vertical Centre.

The BETA... Greek Style... Later modified by the Greeks...

Showing The IOTA and The SIGMA (One of The 2 Sigma.)

From “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” Chapter 22 verse 16 Quote;

16. Jesus have sent mine angel
to testify unto you these things in the Assemblies.

I am the root and the offspring of David,
and the bright and morning STAR.

And here is “The Alpha STAR

Also from “The Epistula Aposolorum” verse 13 Quote;

13. And what He revealed is this, as He said to us,
“While I was coming from The Father of The ALL
passing by the Heavens,

wherein I put on the Wisdom of The Father
and by His Power clothed Myself in His Power,
I was in The Heavens.

And passing by the Angels and Archangels
In their form and as one of them,
I passed by the orders, dominions, and princes,
possessing the measure of the Wisdom of The Father
who sent Me.

And The Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel
Followed Me until the fifth Firmament of Heaven,
while I appeared as one of them.

This kind of Power was given Me by The Father.
Then I made the Archangels to become distracted
With a voice and go up to The Altar of The Father
And serve The Father in His work until I should return to Him.

I did this thus in the likeness or Form of His Wisdom.

For I became ALL in ALL with them,
that I having the will of Mercy of The Father
and perfected the Glory of Him who sent Me,
Might return to Him.

Do you know that the Angel Gabriel came
and brought the message to Mary?”

And we said to Him, “Yes, O Lord.”

and He answered and said to us,
“Do you remember that I previously said to you
that I came like an Angel to the Angels?”

And we said to Him, “Yes O Lord.”

And He said to us, “At that time I appeared in the Form
of The Archangel Gabriel to The Virgin Mary
and spoke with Her, and Her heart received Me;

She believed and Laughed;
and I The WORD, went to Her and became Flesh;
and I Myself was servant for Myself,
and in the Form of The Image of an Angel;
so I will do after I have gone to My Father.

So “The ALPHA STAR” came out of “The DELTA STAR

Just as it is written....

Hence it is written in “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” Ch. 22 verse 16 Quote;

I am the ROOT and the Offspring of David,
and the bright and morning STAR.

Of Course. the Name “David” should have been written as DAVID
But the Scribes (Writers) would NOT understand This...


Now to where the Books are, and How “The LAMB of GODOpensThe BOOKS

This is a Drawing of The Great (Large) Star of DAVID The Bright and Early Morning STAR.

As this is NOW the “ALPHA STAR” it can NOT be Rotated in the NEW SOUL....

The “DELTA STAR” Could be Rotated in the Old City, as the Workings were a little different...

The LAMB of GOD” Rotates over the “STAR” of DAVID and reads out the Letters through “The 144 Octagons”.
These Letters are then Decoded automatically through the workings of both the SOUL and The brain of “Species” you are experiencing through.

These Systems are Automatic, but there is a “Communication Format” which is available between The “Inner” and “Outer” Mind (Father) in each Partition of “The first Born SOUL”.

This “STAR” is Stretched out over your whole Field of Vision.
Your Field of vision is known as The SHIN.

So before we can understand the whole system we first need to know the Components of ZION which you are looking at right now, in front of you.

It is ZION which is the Body of your Experience.


So the first "Components" are The OuterPartitions” of The STAR which there are 6 Triangles on a third Component which is The Face (Plane) of GOD.

The STAR has NO thickness but Conceptually is Eternally Deep, known as “The Deep” in the Ancient Writings.

As a LINE is produced by its Ends, so is this Experience between 2 Faces representing the 2 Ends...

One Face Represents “The Inner True Mind” (Centre in this Case) and the other Face Represents “he Outer True Mind.

And just like a Book, the “Story” is Contained in the Pages between the Covers.

So between the 2 Faces is the “Experience” which is the result of Interactions between the 2 Ends which are the 2 Faces....

The Colour Codes for these 2 Faces are....

1. BLACK, which represents the “Outer” of “The True Mind” also known as “Our Father”.
2. WHITE, which represents the “Centre” of “The True Mind”.

Between these Faces, exists the Experience.

This is the set-up in every Soul in the Network, Contained in “The First Born Soul.” shown here in Cyan...

Next involves 6Triangles” Forming The “Hexagon” in The Centre of “The STAR of DAVID”...

As shown earlier in this post.

This is where the Understanding of the Trinity comes from...

The Algorithm of the Trinity is...

a. Two Similar
b. One Different

One simple example in Math is “Ohm's Law”...

There are also “Parallelograms” within the “STAR”.

First The Vertical “Parallelogram

This represents a Rotated Book which is slightly Rotated about the Vertical Axis.

And there are 2 other Books which have been Rotated out of The Vertical Book. The Vertical Book consists of these other 2 Books. One is Rotated Clockwise while The Other is Rotated Anti Clockwise.

These are “The Outer BOOKs


The “STAR” also Contains Rectangular Books also. These are “The Inner Books”...

And the other 2” Rectangular Books....


To be Continued....

edit on 26-7-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
But never the less these writings are Inspired by GOD, just as ALL things are Inspired by GOD, for there is only ONE ALL, I Know NO other.

edit on 26-7-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

g--o--d is divided on himself.

good and evil.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:49 PM
Thank you Matrix Traveler, now I see better the way the the Lamb of God, The STAR of DAVID, The SHIN is used to open the books. I can also understand better the real meaning behind "The holy Trinity" with the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Now John, Can you give us now a brief description of each of the books?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
But never the less these writings are Inspired by GOD, just as ALL things are Inspired by GOD, for there is only ONE ALL, I Know NO other.

edit on 26-7-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

g--o--d is divided on himself.

good and evil.

I don't see the division? Good and Evil are still part of the All right?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by angelmass
Thank you Matrix Traveler, now I see better the way the the Lamb of God, The STAR of DAVID, The SHIN is used to open the books. I can also understand better the real meaning behind "The holy Trinity" with the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Now John, Can you give us now a brief description of each of the books?

Hi Angelmass,


Can you give us now a brief description of each of the books?

The first things to understand before going any further, is that we are NOT 3D individuals within a 3D material universe as we are taught today, supported by Science, but rather the universe is generated in our Sight through a link with a "Memory Map" which is both interactive and is kept up to date, much like as in the case of a "3rd Person" computer game.

The World we experience appears on a pair of "Faces" which interact through The SHIN of “The MAN Child

"The MAN Child" is a bit like a Mediator and Umpire between the 2 Ends of “The True Mind”, that is to say between the Ends of your Real Self which is a “Partition” of "The First Born Soul".

So what we call your "Father" is your “Outer True Mind”, that is to say the "Outer" of your “Partition” of “The First Born Soul”.

There are 2 Worlds you/we experience,

1/. The "Inner" World consisting of 2 Programs that interact with each other.

a. The "Species Program" i.e. the flesh you wear.
b. The "Environmental Program" i.e. which is Linked to The "Memory Map".

2/, The "Outer" World some refer to as Heaven, which also is made up of 2 main Programs involving.

a. The Program we (“The True Mind”) experience things through.
b. The Program we have selected by “The True Mind” through The Soul, the so called Heaven.

But at this stage, I will deal with the "Secondary" experience you call your Universe and body you experience this through.

The world you experience as I said is on/In The 'SHIN of “The MAN Child”.

So The "Species Program" you refer to as your body or Flesh, is actually The "Outer" Program and NOT the "Inner" Program as you may have expected.

The Universe which your body interacts with, is The "Inner" Program, instead of perhaps what you would expect, especially if you thought you were/are in a 3D Universe.

To understand these 2 Programs we need to look back at my Last Post, where I mentioned that The 2 Ends of "The True Mind" is represented by 2 Faces of a "Plane".

The "Outer" End is represented by One "Face", while the Centre (Having No Size or Shape and thus Non Dimensional) is represented by the other "Face". These 2 "Faces" are the "Inner" Faces of a "Plane" and between them is "The MAN Child.

The Mind on the other hand, occupies the “Outer” Faces of the "Plane". One end of "The True Mind" on one "Outer" Face and The other End of "The True Mind" on the other "Outer" Face.

This "Plane" in known as the "Secondary" experience Involving the Earth, Flesh and Universe.

The "Plane" exists Inside The Primary Plane which Experiences what some refer to as "Heaven" and Others "Paradise".

Now let's see how we access the Programs Regarding The Primate or the flesh you wear.
It is the "Outer" Program and can be accessed through "The Star of DAVID".

So we Open the Program by displaying The "Star" in the Correct Format.

We can do this, either through "The True Mind" Directly or we can achieve the same, through an "Interface" comprising of an "Animation" displayed on a screen, such as your Computer Monitor or Screen.

The "Matrix" is used as a Map and gives us the Correct sizes and Locations for the Graphics displayed in both Geometry and Text, in any Language, that exists in any of the Universe...

We are using a “Communication” Format, which is Identified as the “CommunicationPort between the “Inner” and “Outer” Minds.
This is based on both The “Geometric Language” of The Mind and also The Processing Language of The Soul.

It is "The Outer Mind" which has chosen the Program for "The Inner Mind" to experience, and the 2 Players are "The Inner & Outer Mind" of yourself, i.e. your "Partition' of "The First Born Soul".

Its a bit like playing “Tennis”, “Table tennis”, or “Squash” I guess where one player is "The Inner True Mind" and the Other "The outer True Mind' regarding what we experience.
This is modified by the actions of the the "Environmental Program", whose boundaries of experience are Controlled by "The Outer True Mind" of Yourself and the Program chosen.

So if we want changes to take place, regarding the experience, we need to communicate with our “Outer” Mind and to do this, we have to use The "Communication Port" selected, by using the correct Format to do this.

We can Communicate with "The Outer True Mind" to Access either our Flesh we wear, or Edit the "Environmental Program" through what is known as "The City Program".

In this case we will deal with the "Outer Program First. That is to say the "Outer" of "The Outer Program".

Now we need to understand there are 2 different "Outers" involved.

a. The Other End of "The True Mind.
b. The Outer "Program.

The Other End of the Mind involves a “To & Fro” action between the Ends of "The True Mind" and is represented by changing Colour Codes etc. and/or Geometry. This involves "Strobes" of different Geometry or/and Colour Codes.

Whereas the “Outer” Program we are going to access, is Across our Vision as well as The Other End of “The True Mind”.

If we are transferring between the 2 Ends of the Mind a Strobe is used, alternating between Colours.

For example you may be Importing, so the Colours used in the Strobe are BLUE and BLACK if “The Outer True Mind” is the one being accessed.

The BLUE Represents The “Import” and The BLACK represents “The Outer True Mind” known as your Father, i.e. The Contents of “The Outer True Mind”.

Note; Priests wear Black robes sometimes, to represent the Father.
NOT a good thing for a priest to do as there is only One Father who is in Heaven, that is to say “The Heaven of Heavens”...

Sometimes they wear White robes which is just as bad, where the White represents "The LIFE of GOD", in "The MAN Child". NOT a good thing for a priest to do either.

And at other times priests also wear other Colours to represent other Components or Functions.
Also NOT a good thing for a priest to do.

Now Back to programming....

We can also Transfer Information using Dynamic Lines etc. that is to say using travelling lines.

Often we use Dotted Lines (using Small Discs) to Transfer information across our Vision involving “The True Mind”.

First we set up a Square Frame Coloured YELLOW as The YELLOW refers to The NOW. This will be a Static YELLOW Frame of the Correct size set by the Communication Format.

And inside this Square, a Circle containing "The Star of DAVID" Coloured BLUE.
The BLUE Represents an “Import”.

Inside this BLUE STAR is an “Inner” Star which is “The Import Instruction' we are going to use.
I have Shown this Star Angel before, and this Glyph can be found all over the Earth in Most cultures in the Past.

The “Outer” Star Represents The Main Libraries While the “Inner” Star accesses this Library.

The “OuterPermanent Libraries are, as you know “Hexagonal” Format.

When I refer to these being “Hexagonal” format I am referring to the Geometric Instruction of that of a “Hexagon” presented as a “Hexagonal” Frame.

The Frame itself is the “Outer” Instruction and The “Outer” controls or determines the “Inner” function which may be in the form of Glyphs i.e. stick pictures often identified as Letters & numbers etc, however other Geometric forms are used in the “Inner” as well as many other Glyphs.

The Purpose of this “Inner” Star is to ImportPictures”, rather than “Stories” i.e. Pictures of Mobile or Dynamic experiences .

Here are the “Octagonal” Registers that are with the “Inner” Star Angel.
The “Octagonal” Format is indicated by the “OuterBLUE "Octagons", indicating the “Import Ports”.

The “Octagons” (Octagonal Format) are the “Instruction” Registers (a location of temporary storage).

The Purpose of the Star is to import the “Hexagonal Format, Permanent Library Contents into The Temporary Registers of The Soul.

These Temporary Registers of the Soul are also in the form of Temporary Libraries and are both “Squares” and a different style of “Hexagonal Formats (Formed from Squares).

There are also “Rectangular” Libraries which are the TemporaryInner Libraries of the Imported Contents, as well as “Parallelogram” Libraries which are also Temporary Libraries of the Imported “Outer” Contents.

The first stage is to select the Program/s you wish to experience. We find these in two different Permanent Libraries.

a. The "Hexagonal" Libraries, The Geometric Contents, Pictures or Form.
b. The "Pentagonal" Libraries. The Stories regarding this Geometry, Pictures or Form.

In this Post, I will deal with the “Hexagonal” Libraries Only.

To Achieve the "Import", we need to be able to select what we want, and this is achieved through a "Communication Port" linked to the 6 Pointed Star.
This Star is referred to as "The Apostles Star", which is the Angel Star of the Apostles.

Here are the 2 Sets of "Hexagonal' Libraries.

Again but showing its Angel, "The Apostles Star".

And now the Second Set of "Hexagonal" Libraries.

And its Angel Position (Rotated 90°)

And this Drawing showing both Hexagonal Libraries, One superimposed on the other.

And this Drawing showing "The Ring of 12 Octagons" known as the Apostles, and The Star of the Apostles shown in their two positions.

Here is an example of the “Communication Register” attached to a Import Port of the Star.
This is to do with the Importation of The Control Folder or Programs. These are like movies or Dynamic experiences containing all The Control functions.

Note the little BLACKX's” in the "Upper" of the Part BLUEHexagon”, this is The Title box which we can write to. This is part of what selects the Program. The Second box down in this Part Hexagonal register is The Request box, which is used to either access the whole program in the Library or just a section of the Program.

If the Part “Hexagonal” Register is Placed on the other side of The Library Port then The Program itself is Accessed, which involves All the Instructions and Images.

Both these involve The "Upper" Programs.

Now The "Lower" Programs involving the Earth (So Called Physical)

First the Picture Library involving All the “Outer” Images.
The “Outer” Images involves The Body or Flesh you Wear, and NOT what you may expect, the Universe.

And Lastly The Scratch Pad.

This drawing shows the 4 Registers, and the 2 Import Ports (The Upper & Lower) they Control.

If we Choose the "Lower" World Port we can Edit those things of The Individual Flesh we wear.

And after the Port Register is removed then Many letters (In some cases Thousands) appear one after the other in the Port which communicate with the Soul indicated by the “X”.

Now to Load the Temporary Library of The Soul.
A Letter “Z” is placed in the Register as Shown in this Drawing and it “Rotates” the Information Anti-Clockwise using The Ring of 12 up into the Temporary Program Library Register of The Soul.

Here are some Drawings showing the sequence of events that take place in the Soul.

First the Temporary Library the Imported Contents are Stored in. This Library acts as an Import Buffer.
The Buffer is highlighted with a BLUE "Mask" in the "Lower" Centre Register.

Next the Ring of 12 is reintroduced but this time is Empty and becomes a Carrier.

And Now The Instruction ( “Z” )to transfer the Program to The Program Register in the "Upper Left.

Ending up in this Location.

The Program is then Loaded into the Register above this Location, indicated by The BLUEMask”.

The Chosen Program is Now Stored in The Temporary Program Library of The Soul ready to be used or Edited.

To be Continued....

edit on 1-8-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Left Drawing out Now inserted.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Greetings friend and thank you for your good posts.

It is just amazing that we can edit our own experience if we know how to do it and also how we can explore other experiences as well. The possibilities are endless, much more than we can ever even imagine.

I'm interested into how to edit the current experience if you can please go a little more into that. Also how to import objects from the libraries to the current experience. If we learned how to do this, the learning would go so much more easier.

Im looking forward your reply Matrix Traveler! have a wonderful day!

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

where are all these students?, as you said, "speed to the little ones" like you was meant to be above the non existent so called students as well.

don't be so depressed with it all the time, it was silly when you tried to act like a modern day jesus christ at times as well.

told you so as well.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

good information though, keep posting, your information is sound, even if the audience appears small.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by angelmass
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

I'm interested into how to edit the current experience if you can please go a little more into that. Also how to import objects from the libraries to the current experience. If we learned how to do this, the learning would go so much more easier.


i too am interested MT, also have you printed works or a compilation of files we could look at ?

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 11:50 PM
Hey MT.
I am still anxiously awaiting more info. Thanks!

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by xizd1

I will attempt to continue this thread a little later on.

There is much, much more I would like to show, but I was getting a little tired of the abuse from some others, which made me wonder why I was putting in the time just to be abused by them.

I know there are others who are genuinely interested, so I will resume this in another couple of weeks....

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 05:00 PM
did you get my email?? havent heard from you MT

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by truthseeker10

I will send it again.... Thank you for letting me know....

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:29 PM
looks like the chinese government is going to start using this tehnology as much as possible, the russian secret military actually aced on a lot of the tech as well, in the cold war, when they used to go against the usa, the trouble always was the deviants in the usa.

all that was left to really do was to put the subversives/deviants trying to control america and europe into a kind of PRISON CELL
, it looks like it is all coming together now and the subversives are not so much hot shots anymore.

that is the main thing really to get the subversives out of action in this world, they need to be put down.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

i did tell you all about that in advance, you had said it meant nothing to you, turn the other cheek etc, so i said, when you have to experience it, like every other idiot, it then you will complain and you did as predicted.

the deviants in the usa and europe had been so ruthless that even the wisdom of jesus would struggle against there manipulation, this is what you had not appreciated, and so, you had to see it, the subversives need to be exposed if to be dealt with.

even in metamorphosis of the soul they mess even that process up for souls if left unchecked, that is what you did not appreciate there messing up of souls.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:03 AM
they had gone outside there boundaries a lot they would jump into peoples books in a ghostly form into and through peoples sleeping minds/selves and wreck there books souls more than god had permitted, they would try and run around on this planet as there own power and control the processes of peoples soul though deception in the matrix.

they would jump into peoples books and souls to steal there goodness for themselves this is why they are called vampires, but they look as angles of light and have fooled most of you, through stealing other peoples light and depositing there evil into the sleeping innocent and taking there goodness in exchange, and pretending they was the good lights.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by ThePunisher

i did tell you all about that in advance, you had said it meant nothing to you, turn the other cheek etc, so i said, when you have to experience it, like every other idiot, it then you will complain and you did as predicted.

Get a grip of yourself...

You never said the above to me....

You are obviously Confused..... and confusing me with someone else... Perhaps in your Fantasies ?

I haven't read your U2U's as I have Not got the time to waist...
I would read them if they made sense....

For example in this post.... Quote;

even in metamorphosis of the soul they mess even that process up for souls if left unchecked, that is what you did not appreciate there messing up of souls.

You obviously Hate and Resent LIFE, and Perhaps suffer a little Persecution Paranoia...

And in your next post Quote;

they had gone outside there boundaries a lot they would jump into peoples books in a ghostly form into and through peoples sleeping minds/selves and wreck there books souls more than god had permitted, they would try and run around on this planet as there own power and control the processes of peoples soul though deception in the matrix.

they would jump into peoples books and souls to steal there goodness for themselves this is why they are called vampires, but they look as angles of light and have fooled most of you, through stealing other peoples light and depositing there evil into the sleeping innocent and taking there goodness in exchange, and pretending they was the good lights.

Definitely Paranoia...
This is why I don't Bother reading your U2U's....
As You are totally alone..... All that you experience comes from the "Libraries" of your own Self...

Each Soul is Totally alone.... i.e. A "Partition" of The ALL
If The Man Child has returned to your Soul then you would not write so much rubbish...

Sorry don't waist your time, and find another thread to express your Ideas on, rather than having a Paranoid delusional fixation on me....

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