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You've Been Abducted: Answers

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 05:08 AM
If we accept the theory that an alien race created us by genetic engineering(mixed their DNA with the apes), what tells us that they didn't do the same with the dinosaurs and created the reptilians.What if the reptilians are not aliens,but the first inhabitant of Earth.They are aggressive because they want their planet back.In their eyes we are the evil intruders.

As for the greys there are theories that they are either artificial,some kind of robots or androids,or that what we see is a jump suit.If that is the case we can assume that whoever created them, sent them for reckon mission.Now if they want to invade us or just make contact,i don't know that,but it can rationalise the abductions and as to why they haven't made official contact yet.

The creation of hybrids can be explained as the next step of evolution.We were apes and turned into humans.Now we are humans and we are turned to something more advanced.Maybe the hybrids are the answer to interstellar travel.It has been discussed numerous times that with the current technology our physical bodies wouldn't last long in space.What if the hybrids have some advanced physical bodies that can endure that enviroment.
Another thought is that our creators are very disappointed by us and they just want to replace us with a new race.

I do believe in ET visitors,but since there is no proof,only some evidence that could be easily been fabricated,i have to use many IFs.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 05:27 AM
One thing I have been thinking about is alien technology. Often people say that if aliens were to visit us then they would have to have come from far away and therefor need incredible technology. So I think that aliens where ever they are coming from are merely exploring space as we want to do yet our technology is not advanced enough. It is quite probable that they have only decided to land on earth a few times. Such as Egypt then maybe in the 2nd century and then maybe Roswell? But the universe is so vast if they have this technology no doubt they will have discovered other life as well and so are not so preoccupied with earth. Our planet may to them appear quite boring, and under developed.

So what I am getting at here is , I don't see aliens as any threat. I don't think they are constantly visiting us because what use would it have for them.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:18 AM
Interesting thread. S+F.

There are literally billions of alien lifeforms in the universe and i wouldn´t think for a second that we are only visited by a few of them. I have no doubt that we are already in contact with at least 4 or maybe more alien races but what they want from us i have no clue.

I read a lot about Dulce,Roswell,underwater bases,moon bases and so on but all stories are somewhat different when they describe the nature of the aliens. In my opinion could that only mean there´s more of them on our planet and they are either at war with themselfs or with another race and they just need help. Worst case sceanrio is they are in fact evil sons of a b*tche and have already infiltrated us on the highest level and we are just slaves to them.

Think of it i have never heard about one incident were a UFO used their weapons? That leads me to the conclusion that they aren´t hostile or at least i hope so. But how would we react if the disclosure finally came true and they tell us we are now at war to help our alien friends and we are launching a attack on the enemies home planet? What if they just need enough bodies to operate their fleet? What if the abductees are somehow altered in a way they can operate alien ships? A lot of what ifs i know but it just popped into my head.
edit on 8-4-2011 by Perfectenemy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by KingLeoric

I have seen infants and young children. Some look as normal as us with slanty eyes and an undernourished pallor while others look like experiments gone wrong. I've been in breeding rooms and where they house incubation facilities. For a long time I thought they were dreams. What they do to block memories is put dreams in of real babies and real children into the adbuctees head. Especially to block the bonding moments. When everything came back I realized they weren't. To be clear I've had no regression,no hypnosis. I knew I had been abducted years before because I've woken up during exams. I saw my surroundings and the beings around me. The recollections started about a year ago regarding the breeding rooms. They take eggs,sperm and also use human females for incubators. Then they remove the embryo from the woman before it gets too mature. They don't need a placenta or umbilical cord. It is bizarre. I feel nothing towards these infants but I think subconsciously it is one modicum of control I can take. I don't know if they are from my eggs or not. I won't allow myself to care.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:30 AM
The greys appear to lack an important feature common to all insects - an exoskeleton.

Of course, I haven't got close enough to one to confirm this assertion. Yet.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:21 AM
I have psychic abilities which were extremely strong in childhood but I spent many years ignoring them as an adult because I didn't want them. My question for other abductees? Were you or are you more psychic before the abductions or after? Mine started at such a young age I can't say for sure if they are the reason or if I'm just more aware naturally.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by gortex
reply to post by KingLeoric

I have long held the belief that the Greys are an insectoid race , the head shape , spindly limbs and lack of teeth all point to an insect origin in my opinion .
It is said that in the event of a Nuclear war insects would rule the world as they are the most hardy creature on the planet , so we can theorize that on an alien planet with what we would consider extreme environment nature would favor an insectoid species to evolve and develop .

It would also explain why they aren't keen on the big reveal , how many people would be ready to accept our ET brothers if they knew they were related to what we would term creepy pests on this planet .

lol yeah. I think it makes sense in my opinion. Ever sense I thought about what they could insect seems to be the best fit. Thanks for the post.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Terraplot

I don't know if you seen that show on either animal planet or nat geo but they was talking about monster bugs. I know this was stated for them to grow larg and all but it might also be a clue as to why greys may be insectoid without an exoskeleton. Exoskeletons while helping insects do alot of cool things are actually a hinderance to the species.

I would think for insects to be greys they would need to shed the exoskeleton and acquire a fleshy type substance for covering.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by KingLeoric
I am an abductee all the way back to 5 years old, but I have only been to 2 UFO conferences and only 2 TV interviews, and you can be sure no one has ever heard of me in UFO circles.. There are so many people that this has happened to that never reveal their experience with the public. This is my first time to relay it on the internet. I have been in contact with other contactees. Dr J Allen Hynek was a great friend and the first time I ever talked to him on the phone 1978, he asked me where did these Aliens come from. I told him, "From another Dimension" . He then asked me how they got here, I said, "Through white worm holes they create". He then told me if I had answered anything else; he would have hung up the phone on me. I did attempt to write a book at the sametime Whitley wrote "Communion". We exchanged letters talking about how the whole experience is like becoming a Shaman. I mentioned writing a book to one of the military intelligence guys in the UK, and he just laughed and said, "No, one would ever believe it anyway." I was in the UK, in 1991, and talked to a group of Military physics students from Cambridge, about different Dimensions and what they were like. Also while I was there, the strangest summer of my life. You can read about on Cyber Space Orbit,

He used the image of Alice in Wonderland, because they referred to me as Alice the whole summer. You will find many Government sites in the deep web net, referring a lot to "Through the Looking Glass". There are no mirrors are machine that takes one into another Dimension, and sorry I can't talk about that. I was taken into the past in 1985, to a year before I was born[1946], to 1945, in White Sands, New Mexico. But nothing to do with the instellation, or the governemt, that time.

I have only been involved with 3 of the 57 different Alien Species. The Grays, The Prefect Human Looking Ones, and the Light Beings. It was the Perfect Humans that took me back in time, and they come in and out of our reality a lot. You could see one and not even know it.

Conversations with a Time Traveler:

I will try to type more later, If anyone is interested. But, most people are greatful for the experiences. The ones afraid are the only ones publicised. For me it is the Greatest experience of my life. I have had many of people I have talked to about it say, the Movie, "What the Bleep Went Down the Rabbit Hole, " was about me. The part of that movie that was never explained was the Movie Theater scene. I will talk about later.. But this life has been the Greatest Adventure, and still is. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by KingLeoric
You said this was an open minded conversation. The Perfect Human Time Travelers, are not from the future Earth, but from another Dimension. The Grays are A sexual, nonsexual, and my granddaughter when she was younger use to call them "the Little White Doctors". They are not empathetic because their feeling and emotions are not as strong as ours. Kinda like Spock, they are very logical. They also help mothers and fathers of hybrid children create a bond. And yes, these children are not just produced and we never have any contact with them. They know how important the bond of the parents, fathers and mothers, are very important to the well being of these childern. Time Travel is not just a reality, but study what a Time Loop is and Paradoxial Intervention is. The Reptilian I have never incountered. And from what I know, They are Earth bound. At the first UFO conference I went to in Laramie, WY, my roommate was a Clinicial Phsychiatrist from Atlanta, GA, she told me all about her Reptilian lover. She wrote me months later that she divorced her husband, because of this Reptilian lover. That is about the most discript info I ever had about them.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by KingLeoric

I agree with most of your theory,although why do we always refer us as the " inferior species out of the two.As we still do not know if they exist ,then they could easily be less forward as ourselves.I for one am convinced they do exist ,due to the fact that out of the billions of stars out there we surely are not the only form of race.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by KingLeoric
FBI inter-department " Memorandum of Importance." This is about the Prefect Human one.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by coolottie

I love your attitude on this. I'm trying to be more optimistic. The thing I am most disturbed about is I beg them not to take my children. I know they abduct them. My middle child when she was 3 told me the men with 4 singers(fingers) took us in the yard and put us on their puters. She tells a beautiful recollection of 4 nights of being with a teacher and room of students while mommy and daddy went to go get exams. No fear,just acceptance and love. I have not found that place yet. I am not afraid but troubled is a good word. I won't write a book for my family's well-being. As for the hybrids I recall being given something to create a milk let down so that a infant could nurse. I feel bad right now after reading your post about the bonding. It is difficult for me to relinquish that control . They take our eggs,use us as an incubator. Did we choose this?

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by of the Ether
Now this is why we abductees should talk more. My granddaughter when she was little, use to talk to someone she just called Angel. She would carry on these conversations for hours. All her mom and I could here was her side of the convesations. She was in basic training not long ago, and in her first Jump out of a Plane, I told her to ask Angel to jump with her. [she is now an Army Paratrooper] Her mother didn't have the experience directly. But when I was abducteed in 1971, she was about 2 1/2, she screamed the whole time. She was not in the same room with me but they brought her, as soon as they could to give her back. My daughter did stay with me through every Regressive Hypnosis session. A Naval Officer and Dr. of Phsychictry did mine. I have a son up there, that I have got to spend time with through the years. He is about 19 earth years, I named him "John Jay". They have told me the reason they do not let us remember a lot about being with the children is because of us getting upset when we have to leave and that upsetting the children. Oh, Great when you find someone that knows what you are talking about. The way this world is going I would stay in a heart beat.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by coolottie

I had imaginary playmates as a child and so did my kids. Mine were a boy and girl. I saw them everyday. I was born in '74. One of my siblings and myself watched a huge winged creature come out of a mirror in our room. I would have been 6 at the time. I don't remember anything with the aliens until I was about 8. That was when I started to know when people were going to die. I have not been regressed or anything. The memories just came flooding back. In my 20's I woke up in an exam room. I suspected for years they were more than just demons attacking me while I slept as my minister told me. When I looked at them and my nude body secured to a table that floated,my legs elevated and stirruped I was told telepathically not to panic.The strange glyphs on the wall with the light control panel became my focal point. Then I saw a being that wasn't the typical grey of my "dreams". I think it may be the race where the idea of buddha came from. He was very Buddha like,tannish gold.round belly,long toe nails. A short being with a smile that took up his entire face. He observed while the short greys and the taller spindly ones who did the dr-ing worked on me.After that it didn't matter if I stayed asleep or not.It got ridiculous there for awhile. Everynight for 3 months straight. I would go to sleep or almost be asleep and there they would be. In my face with those eyes. Sometimes just one,other times 4 of the small greys.Off my bed and out the wall we would go,then they would return me to my sleeping husband. My ears and head hurt so bad. I was angry he could sleep like that while I was floating out with these things who wanted something I had no answer for. I cannot say I had positive experiences but its because I fought for years which made it worse. I quit that eventually. The feeling of violation is still present. Especially for my own children.I understand my part much better than I used to. It has changed my world forever. I want their worlds to feel a little more normal than mine. They all think I'm a bit obsessed. Only one of my children realize they are being abducted.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by of the Ether
It is really hard when family members have a problem and I think their attitude sometimes effect ours. My daughter does not even want to hear one word about it, but she has never minded me and my granddaughter talking about it even when she was young. You were talking about knowing when people would die. That is something I have gone through that really upset me. It is like why know if I can't do anything about it. When I knew the Challenger shuttle was going to explode on take off or re-entry, I called and talked with someone named Danny for the Houston NASA facility, this was on Sat. I told him and he said they could not stop it and told me to call back after launch. Well, it was delayed until Tuseday morning. I had left the TV on all night and woke up just in time to see it. They explained it to me that time goes in a circle, I have always thought of it as a slinky toy, and all I am doing is seeing across the curve. I still cry and get all upset when that happens and can't help it. And I know you have these same feelings. I have learned so much from them things that no books could hold and knowing things can sometimes just be a great burden. I guess you also know when people are going to have car wreaks too. God has helped me get through the really hard times and they made me laught a lot. The Light Beings are the most fascinating. I use to call the little grays marshmellow men and was terrorified of that "little dough" boy ad. It's funny now. Please U2U me.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Terraplot
The greys appear to lack an important feature common to all insects - an exoskeleton.

Of course, I haven't got close enough to one to confirm this assertion. Yet.

I can confirm this. yeah yeah, no proof, oh well.

I had (I think) posted one encounter along time ago where the bastards were interacting with family members of mine and I didn't like it. I ran over to belt the SOB in his big ugly head, and right before him getting KTFO, I froze up somehow. it extended it's arm and then a long, warm, clamy, finger touched my tightly clenched fist. as it did this I could feel it's laughter and enjoyment at my expense right then. also though, it was a mamalian type of touch, somewhat soft skin, and an obvious underlying bone structure. not to mention it stank like old mushrooms.

I don't like them, thier message, looks, odors, whatever! they know theres no easy routine going down when they come for me.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:26 AM
I went checking around the newly released UFO documents in the FBI Vault. What we have here folks is
"Disclosure" Not publicly anounced but thousands of batches of UFO related all over the Vault. Plus these are two of the Videos. I was shocked to see all of the video in just a training film from 50s to 90s, I had no idea there were that many locked away. Also a video of some US Air Force Pilots having a lot of fun chasing one. These were just posted on Youtube 4/9/2011

I just hope they anounce this on MSM because people on ATS are even saying this is Hoax. So People can't even wrap their heads about it when the FBI realeases it.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:41 AM
It sent come chills down my body when I saw this title a couple seconds ago. When I saw this title I remembered a dream last night. It was with Linda Moulton Howe and I called her Barbara (for Barbara Bartholic). We were discussing my involvement with the actions of the aliens and asked me if I ever remember being abducted. I said no but she said that I wouldn't remember anyway, and I would have to do hypnotic regression. The biggest fear overwhelmed me and I chose not to be regressed because I did not want to even know if it were true. Real life: I was involved in the actions of the aliens, but I doubt I was ever abducted. I camped alone by the 4 corners for 3 weeks, but no they wouldn't need to come and pick me up, they already have a developed plan of actions that have already been taken place, and it all fits into the scheme of things. Do I feel special that I was part of alien action? Not really because I came to understand that the Grey aliens suck the life energy from your body, a lot of the experimentation they do is beyond our mental capacity, they orchestrate events on earth to produce emotions which they digest and study for themselves. After the whole experience I can believe that the tale of DULCE is in fact a reality and Paul Bennewitz did discover and alien base. More chills to come to such an amazing conclusion.

Originally posted by Phantom traveller
As for the greys there are theories that they are either artificial,some kind of robots or androids,or that what we see is a jump suit.If that is the case we can assume that whoever created them, sent them for reckon mission.Now if they want to invade us or just make contact,i don't know that,but it can rationalise the abductions and as to why they haven't made official contact yet.

I have heard the andriod theories and they might be relating to the short greys. The ones I became aware of through an abduction of a woman from Texas are around 5 feet tall and very skinny, they do not have extremely large heads but big for their body size. These aliens are COMPLETELY alien in nature, they would not be robots of any sense because of the actual nature of their being. They would never make contact with the world because they are not our friends, they are here to observe us and to take over our lives from the inside. In order for an alien to completely study a human they have to almost invade the life of a human like a demon would. They are here for pure study not friendship and I doubt we would except an entity such as a grey. Why did they move out of Dulce? Maybe they completed their studies, maybe the government had a deal with them and kicked them out from breaking it, who knows.
edit on 10-4-2011 by greyer because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2011 by greyer because: misspelled Barbara's name

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by coolottie

Thans for sharing all that you have. I will watch the videos later. Some interesting story you have. Hope truth comes to us sooner or later.

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