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I was followed and spied upon by a religious organization.

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:03 PM
Sorry people, its a bit long...

I've decided to share this story with you as I just noticed that it belongs here, on ATS.
I am not trying to bash a religious movement for another. In fact, even if I consider myself to have faith, I have never sworn any kind of allegiance to any churches, nor will I ever.
They are obviously corrupted, and they all pretty much work like a Ponzi scheme, in my opinion, leaving little to no place to faith. ( Governments also, but that's another story!

What follows happened less than ten years ago, and it involved the Church of Latter Day Saints.

The people I met while in contact with this church were all nice, clean people. Well behaved, always smiling, at peace, always... It is hard to put a judgment on them at face value, but the more I interacted with them, the stranger things became. I fell in a sort of Twilight Zone and was like in the middle of a spy movie. But the clean kind of the 50s.

The door knocked at the beginning of the afternoon. Winter was in its last weeks. When I opened the door, two young men were standing in front of me, smiling calmly. They presented themselves as American Missionaries from the CoLDS ( Church of Latter Day Saints ) that just got in the country for their mission of spreading the Word.
As they were presenting themselves, their plastic name tags kind of flashed. Since the sun was behind them with no reflecting surfaces on me or behind me, I got intrigued. Did I just dream that? Being busy at the time, I decided to invite them for the following week. It would be a nice opportunity to get to know people from a different religion and culture, learn new things. Maybe even find the "real deal"...

So they came back, and we discussed, learning the way they lived their faith in their religion. It was interesting, though it felt like we were just in kindergarten at times... But I noticed that every week, as they passed, we were living something "miraculous"... Every time we met the Missionaries, the points they addressed were always related to what my wife and I had talked about the days before.
Of course, as they said, it was God inspiring them, which showed how powerful He was and was proof unto itself that their religion was the One God had in favor...
My faithful conspiracy buff kicked in and I began to pay attention to what was going on around us.

I immediately noticed a car standing in the street right in front of the house. Being in a somewhat small neighborhood, these things get easily noticed.
When I woke up in the morning, at 7, the car was already there, and it disappeared at around 7 pm.

You can believe that whatever I was doing, I had my eye on the car. And so it happened, to my disbelief, that when we were coming back from the groceries, for example, the car was empty and so was the street. When we got to the door, just before unlocking it, the car still looked empty, from afar. But as soon as I got inside, and turned around, they both were sitting in it, looking at me with a smile, and getting out as if they had just arrived...

We got suspicious, but the conspiracy probability got the better of us, and we kept on meeting with them.

We were invited to their church. It was relatively new and there was still more empty places than filled ones.
The moment we got there, they asked for the children to go in a class to study in a relaxing way what the church proposed.

What our child reported surprised us a lot. Very much. They spent their time watching Disney cartoons and Scooby-Doos while the oldest kids were bullying the newest and youngest ones, with the approval of the adults that were there... At the end, one of the people watching over the kids brought us a paper to fill with every imaginable information about our child, plus a recent picture... I think they were shy to ask for DNA right away... Needless to say, the following times we went, our child kept with us at all times.

While this happened, I noticed something even more disturbing. We were presented to a family we had never seen before in the neighborhood. The family had 5 children, three being adopted Mayans. A little girl of about 5, a boy of 6 and another one of about ten.
I had noticed them a few weeks before we were introduced to this family.
Every time I went to buy something at the store, or went to the park, name it, the kids were there. Day after day, without stop, even around 7pm... They never mixed with people, talked to anybody, or went to the public access pool. They never even played, when in the park. They were only sitting a few hundred feet away, looking at us, doing nothing else. Other people began noticing them, towards the middle of summer.

One Saturday morning, I woke up to the sound of rocks hitting a steel sheet. Ploingk! Ploingk! I got up and went to the window and looked outside without moving the blind. The oldest of the Mayan kids was standing in front of my house, throwing rocks at a road panel in front of my home. I quickly opened the blind. When the kid saw me, he immediately dropped the rocks and started walking as if to make me believe he was walking already... I was really annoyed to see children being used that way, and we were thinking of ending this "relationship" with the church and its members...

So the following Tuesday afternoon I told my wife that I found it strange that the churches were never lead by other people than Americans, and that there seemed to be no Black Missionaries... The same night, we were called on the phone and asked if we wanted to meet new people that had just got to the country for their mission. We agreed, knowing we would tell them then we didn't want to see them anymore.

When they got home, a young German was with them, as well as a young Black girl, but I can't remember her country of origin. When the German young man began to talk, he immediately told us that what he liked about the church was that it was not only Americans that led the churches as many in his country were led by Germans!!!
My wife and I briefly made eye contact in disbelief. The young Black girl, well, she was a Missionary!

We told them then how we felt and what we had noticed. They acted all "saints" and innocent, but it was game over for them. They kept on having people calling us, innocently for a while. We never saw again the family with the Mayan kids... Nor did we ever see again the other families we were introduced to.

I would like to say it ends here, but there is one other point that need to be put here. At the same time the CoLDS came knocking on our door, Jehovah's Witnesses also came. They even went on more than a few occasions to see my wife where she used to work as she was working with the public.

Why did this happened? I have an idea, but have no proof that what I have in mind is really linked to the events told above.

One sure thing; God came knocking in the strangest of ways on that day.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:28 PM
What? You think this was some kind of conspiracy and not the inspiration of God? You'd prefer to believe in some kind of hidden listening devices; you'd prefer to rely on your own common sense? Do you not know that the Mormons are the One True Faith and has the only answer?

My goodness--you conspiracy nuts with your silly ideas and your humorous tinfoil hats....

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by NowanKenubi

That is the oddest thing that I've heard. What were your "ideas" about what happened?


posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Ex_CT2
What? You think this was some kind of conspiracy and not the inspiration of God? You'd prefer to believe in some kind of hidden listening devices; you'd prefer to rely on your own common sense? Do you not know that the Mormons are the One True Faith and has the only answer?

My goodness--you conspiracy nuts with your silly ideas and your humorous tinfoil hats....

Is this serious?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:33 PM
T he LDS church has the largest database of human geneology in the world....Why is that? The LDS has a very violent past, especially in Missouri. I do Not doubt any of your suspicions nor would I just blow it off. You were definately being watched and handled. The CIA has used the LDS for projects and surveillance before because i used to know a few agents and they were casually talking to me about it a few years back. Watch your back!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

You read at the beginning of my post when I said I had faith? It is true. I know that He is there for us, and I can see when He answers my prayers.

Do you assume they miraculously appeared in the car, or that they were hiding? Since they were hiding, they must have things to hide...
I'm sorry you feel offended. IF I am wrong, God will teach me, don't you think?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by RainboStar

I did something that might have brought on me the attention of a certain agency... It was nothing related to criminality in any ways. I simply inquired about a certain topic, and feels this was the answer. It never really felt about religion.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by NowanKenubi
reply to post by Ex_CT2

You read at the beginning of my post when I said I had faith? It is true. I know that He is there for us, and I can see when He answers my prayers.

Do you assume they miraculously appeared in the car, or that they were hiding? Since they were hiding, they must have things to hide...
I'm sorry you feel offended. IF I am wrong, God will teach me, don't you think?

Sorry. Perhaps I laid it on a little thick. I was joking.

Perhaps I should learn to use those little emoticons, much as I hate the things....

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by agentblue

I have to admit that since then, the telephone always clicks and clocks when we talk of politics or the news...
But I also pick up my neighbors calls sometimes while on the phone!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

It's OK. He forgives you.

Thanks, tho!

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 01:57 AM
LDS is a rather nasty cult. Moreover they have some hooks into the US government. Some say they fund black projects and may even hold some unusual technology.

That they are not christian can be determined by what they believe about Jesus. Jesus is just another avatar and the brother of satan. They teach that you can become gods like Jesus.

Their teachings are inherently occultic. Here is a nice side by side comparison of doctrine:

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I'd just like to make a note on your link: Not to defend...I have grown tired of typing the same rebuttals and explanations over and over. The note however, is very important.

In the "Salvation" section, the site lists only LDS sources as to the resurrection of the body...'immortality' being a gift. This implies the LDS church teaches everyone gets a free pass to heaven. Not so.

The LDS church does teach that Christ's death unlocked resurrection for all, but His suffering in Gethsemene, where he took upon the sins of the world and bled from every pore, was where spiritual salvation comes from. This is not applied to all, and (just to be clear) without the Atonement there is nothing ANYONE could do to redeem themselves of their sin.

It gets so old being called a cult, not Christian, CIA shills. I'm not going to mount a defense on the first two, you won't listen and I don't want to waste time, but the CIA thing:
I have heard the the ABC agencies have traditionally favored LDS candidated (particularly Secret Service) because the moral integrity, trustworthiness and loyalty of LDS agents was higher than the general public. So I heard.

As for the rest of you all latching onto this poor guy's delusional story and stoking the fire...shame on you! How many of you honestly believe that the LDS church is bugging and staking out his house? That a 'plant' family was inserted into the neighborhood, only to be pulled once he went cold? If this was the MO of the church, ya think we would have heard a few more accounts from people?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 06:17 AM
I've been a lifelong member of the LDS church and I've never heard of anything like any of the negative experiences you described happening to anyone. I have seen missionaries that would phone or visit people often as you describe, but I have never seen or heard of any spying or anything like that.

I don't know where you live, but I will say that around here, the vast majority of the members of the LDS church are white. Part of that is that we don't have very many black people around here (maybe like 1 or 2% of the population, about the same amount as there are LDS, actually) but the other racial groups that we do have here in significant numbers, like Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern, etc, are underrepresented in the church.

In the church's earlier years, there were virtually no nonwhite leaders, but as the LDS church becomes more global, this is slowly changing. One of the top three leaders in the church worldwide is a German-born man,, and I know that there are a few in the 'seventies' who are of visible minorities, including one Japanese man that I have met twice in his visits locally, but there are a few others as well.

If I might ask, where did this happen? If you don't want to share, that's fine; I'm just curious is all.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by blamethegreys

Sorry you think this is delusion! It took us a few months before getting in our head that something was fishy. It saddened us as we thought the people we were meeting were nice and well behaved... We learned many things very interesting, about the foundation of the church, etc.

But the fact remains we were followed and spied upon, whether you like it or not. If you feel that the church is beneficial for you, it's great! For us, it was something else.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by DragonsDemesne

Maybe people don't notice being followed because they are not used to notice those things; it is the domain of movies after all.
Or because we are "trained" to look the other way. At least, it is the case for the vast majority of people.

I was baptized a Catholic, but as soon as I received my first "threat" to be a good catholic, I stepped out of it. If I have to be threatened to be sure I am a good devout, there is no merit to it. Unless some believe the Inquisition was a good publicity stunt for the catholic church.

I remember that yes, some of the high ranking members of the church were not whites ( in the states ). And as you say, they were not that many. But here, whites seemed to be "above" the few ethnic people that were present, and not mixing a lot with them... that alone bugged me. You have to consider everyone equal horizontally, not vertically...

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by agentblue
T he LDS church has the largest database of human geneology in the world....Why is that? The LDS has a very violent past, especially in Missouri. I do Not doubt any of your suspicions nor would I just blow it off. You were definately being watched and handled. The CIA has used the LDS for projects and surveillance before because i used to know a few agents and they were casually talking to me about it a few years back. Watch your back!

Don't worry none, I was a mormon for roughly..oooh a month & even worked inputting information for the geneology database. If anyone stumbles upon X Files type incidences of complete families showing up on the planet from nowhere & disapearing again just as quick...That was me that was.

Oh they are all sweetness, light and cheesecake at first, but when you get to know their ways you realise the flock are just as corrupt & devoid of morals than those they harp on about destined to roam their dark cold version of hell.
Bless their big cotton Temple knickers when they trumpeted one sunday that they should beware the devils concubine in their midst and I walked out laughing.

They've never bothered me since. Matter of fact some 20 years on their *Missionaries* (mostly beautiful Fox Mulder lookylikeys in their US Government paid for suits) STILL give me a wide berth. It's like they get warned or something.

edit on 8-4-2011 by Suspiria because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Suspiria

Oh they are all sweetness, light and cheesecake at first, but when you get to know their ways you realise the flock are just as corrupt & devoid of morals...

I ended up thinking the same thing!
I did not see faith in their hearts and eyes, only "deadlines of production" to meet. It gave me that impression.

BTW, did you repent for helping them achieve world domination?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:50 AM
JWs have come to my former place of employment looking for me. They knock on my door all the time (as do Mormons).

These people don't "get it": Forcing your nonsense upon people only drives them further away.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by NowanKenubi
reply to post by Suspiria

Oh they are all sweetness, light and cheesecake at first, but when you get to know their ways you realise the flock are just as corrupt & devoid of morals...

I ended up thinking the same thing!
I did not see faith in their hearts and eyes, only "deadlines of production" to meet. It gave me that impression.

BTW, did you repent for helping them achieve world domination?

Are you joking?

I achieved much in my short time with them, mostly for my own twisted entertainment. (I even managed to con them into allowing me to get baptised in a linen dress - you know what they do when they hit water)
I think they were all too busy hitting the midnight snacks to achieve much in the way of world domination that month.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Suspiria

I even managed to con them into allowing me to get baptised in a linen dress - you know what they do when they hit water

You know ATS rules; if there are no pictures, it didn't happen! ( But I shouldn't say it on this thread... )

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