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The esoteric is still exoteric!

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:04 PM
I wasnt sure whether to put this post in this forum or the one about religous conspiracies, I chose this one because I feel there is a conspiracy perpetrated against not only those who hold their religions dear but also against those who turn to the mystery schools for answers.

I have been attempting to find the truth of things since I was 14.
I have read books.
I have browsed websites.
And although I have neither access to large vaults of knowledge and wealth, I do what I can.
And time after time, I come away dissapointed.
Granted I have not read everything out there, I find occult works give me a headache and after having grown up reading the Bible Ive little stomach left for "sacred" scriptures. But I have read and understand enough to notice a few trends, a common thread that seems to wind through every major religion (that Ive heard of) and its esoteric counterpart. And conspiracy theories also.


So what is this common thread? Well I dont need to go into religions, we all know what they say, we all know what they are for (not to sound disrespectful to those who have a religion), so what about their esoteric counterpart? Occultism? Well I dont know whats involved with all of it, but I have noticed a couple of things; largely to do with occult writers who have belonged to/created/played a large part of secret societies and or the agenda of secret socities (of which we will explore soon), now please understand that when I say Occult I am not refering to the common conception of the word. Many Ocultists are very well presented, well spoken, charitable men and women just trying to make sense of the world around them and become better people, as many Masons will tell you. My intention is not to offend anyone of any faith, instead I simply want to shine a light on where these ideas may come from and why.

First I would like to draw your attention to the book 'The Secret Doctrine' by Madame Blavatsky, as it contains a wealth of information, and though it certainly does not reflect the beliefs of all Masonic societies (or does it?) what I am reading on the web seems to reflect alot of what is contained therein. The question is why?
You can read it online here
Its a little hard to follow 'the secret doctrine' esspecially if, like me you are not well versed in the Occult or Hinduism, but from what I can gather, the woman who apparently is at the top of most occultists must read list, believed that earth (earth like planets?) go through a series of "creations" or "evolutions", and humanity goes through a series of evolutionary cycles with it.


It is an epic read that will take me forever and a half to get through but here is what I have gleaned so far;
Here on earth, there have been five races or root races rather, and her race (white, or perhaps she is refering to the elite since they do all believe they are born of holy seed) is the fifth root-race, which is evolved from Atlanteans (Tritons and cyclopseans), and is coming into its fifth evolutionary cycle (five is an important nuber as it denotes Rauch- spirit, the primordial mother, or so Im given to understand from another occult writing) which means they will evolve and become perfect, but some races who have not kept up will fall by the wayside.

"Nevertheless, as every sub-race and nation have their cycles and stages of developmental evolution repeated on a smaller scale, it must be the more so in the case of a Root-Race. Our race then has, as a Root-race, crossed the equatorial line and is cycling onward on the Spiritual side; but some of our sub-races still find themselves on the shadowy descending arc of their respective national cycles" (emphasis here and in further quotes mine)

"Few (men) remained. Some yellow, some brown and black, and some red, remained. The moon-coloured (of the primitive Divine Stock) were gone for ever (a) . . . .
48. The Fifth Race produced from the Holy Stock (remained). It was ruled by Her First Divine Kings.
49. The “Serpents” who re-descended; who made peace with the Fifth (Race), who taught and instructed it (b) . . . .
This verse (47) relates to the Fifth Race. History does not begin with it, but living and ever-recurring tradition does. History — or what is called history — does not go further back than the fantastic origins of our fifth sub-race, a “few thousands” of years. It is the sub-divisions of this first sub-race of the Fifth Root-Race which are referred to in the sentence, “Some yellow, some brown and black, and some red, remained"
(so in english, the fifth root race had a sub-race and that sub race was further divided into sub-divisions, so logically if the white race is not a sub-division then it must be the sub-race and the root race is what? TPTB?? As she was of "royal blood" I assume then she must be referring to those in the upper echelons of power that rule this world, which would explain why they encourage masons to read this book among others, and why they have no problems with spreading disease and poluting earth and causing whole countries to become waste, it also explains why white people were encouraged to veiw their slaves as less than human despite spouting a doctrine of love and betterment. It is popular today to vilify and blast Christians, Jews and Muslims as evil and the root of all suffering, why? If the Abrahmic religions are just a tool for TPTB then surely we should be asking ourselves what is it that "they" believe and why, for surely they are the bigger threat to humanity and the true root of all suffering. It is said that whoever wins writes the history, well what do we hear the historians and scientists say? What do we read plastered all over the internet? Why is it that just recently it has come out that Neanderthals (Atlanteans?) were not lumbering apes but actually intellegent WHITE humans that were far more advanced than the cro-magnons that suddenly showed up on the scene- cro magnons out of Africa no less! Who are the winners here? Whose ideas and beliefs are being proven right by the government funded institutions of our day, and who is it that funds the governments that funds these institutions? Could it be possible that it is not just religions that are a vehicle through which they spread their propoganda, but that the Masonic lodges, Occult websites and dare I say it, the "truth"/Conspiracy movement are also? What conspiracy is constantly being forgotten or obscured/distracted from, among conspiracy theorists? What organisation has their agents planted on conspiracy websites to "clear up" any mis-conceptions we may have about their organisation. Think about it!)


" For surely, it was not in or through the wickedness of the “mighty men” . . . . men of renown, among whom is placed Nimrod the “mighty hunter before the Lord,” that “god saw that the wickedness of man was great,” nor in the builders of Babel, for this was after the Deluge; but in the progeny of the giants who produced monstra quaedam de genere giganteo, monsters from whence sprang the lower races of men, now represented on earth by a few miserable dying-out tribes and the huge anthropoid apes."

Here is a clear reflection of how they veiw the world we live in, some are of holy stock, some are sub races of that holy stock and others, well I think the above sentance speaks for itself.

"When mortals shall have become sufficiently spiritualised, there will be no more need of forcing them into a correct comprehension of ancient Wisdom"

This is why I have concerns, I'm dead serious guys, how many websites, books, spiritual "advisors" are there out there all pointing out to us that we are supossedly "wrong" about history and spirituality on so many levels? (yet who was it that taught us what we perceive as right about history and spirituality?) Look at all the vast wealth of supossedly "secret" information that is suddenly available to us, via the net, for free, that the everyday joe blogs back in our great-grandparents day could never have even dreamed of having access to? I can now sit at my computer and read books written/endorsed by the elite for free, but why now? You can talk about internet technology enabling the spread of information a lot faster all you like, they could have made this information, if it really is neccessary for our "evolution", available to the public long before now. Instead they conceal it until the information age??
But thats not all;

“The Great Dragon has respect but for the ‘Serpents’ of Wisdom, the Serpents whose holes are now under the triangular stones,” i.e., “the Pyramids, at the four corners of the world.”
(b) This tells us clearly that which is mentioned more than once elsewhere in the Commentaries; namely, that the Adepts or “Wise” men of the three Races (the Third, Fourth and the Fifth) dwelt in subterranean habitats, generally under some kind of pyramidal structure, if not...."

Sound familiar? What else are initiates being taught?

"Just as each planetary Round commences with the appearance of a ‘Root Manu’ (Dhyan Chohan) and closes with a ‘Seed-Manu,’ so a Root and a Seed Manu appear respectively at the beginning and the termination of the human period on any particular planet.§"

Termination of the human period, yeah that doesnt sound dangerous at all!

"Manvantara is the duration of the seven races on any particular planet, and a major manvantara is the period of one human round along the Planetary chain. Moreover, that, as it is said that each of the seven Manus creates 7 x 7 Manus, and that there are 49 root-races on the seven planets during each Round, then every root-race has its Manu. The present seventh Manu is called ‘Vaivasvata’ and stands in the exoteric texts for that Manu who represents in India the Babylonian Xisuthrus and the Jewish Noah. But in the esoteric books we are told that Manu Vaivasvata, the progenitor of our Fifth race — who saved it from the flood that nearly exterminated the Fourth (Atlantis) — is not the seventh Manu, mentioned in the nomenclature of the Root, or primitive-Manus, but one of the 49 Manus emanated from this Root-Manu"

"the reader must always remember that Manu is not a man but collective humanity"

Wow, thats confusing, I think what she is saying here is that there are 49 root-races of humanity on seven planets, each root race has its manu, which is a collective humanity, and that we are the seventh collective humanity represented by Noah who was the proginator of the fifth root race, so this Noah-who was not just one man, and if I am following correctly, was an Atlantean, is a seed manu? A seed, collective humanity? A group of humans who will survive (or be chosen by God?) to become the new humanity?


"It is the symbolical representation of the great struggle between divine wisdom, nous, and its earthly reflection, Psuche, or between Spirit and Soul, in Heaven and on Earth. In Heaven —because the divine Monad had voluntarily exiled itself therefrom, to descend, for incarnating purposes, to a lower plane and thus transform the animal of clay into an immortal god. For, as Eliphas Levi tells us, “the angels aspire to become men; for the perfect man, the man-god, is above even angels.” On Earth — because no sooner had Spirit descended than it was strangled in the coils of matter."
Pure Gnostism right there, we will come to Gnostism in a bit.

"Kabiri (the mighty gods as well as mortals), were of both sexes, as also terrestrial, celestial and kosmic. That, while in their later capacity of the Rulers of sidereal and terrestrial powers, a purely geological phenomenon (as it is now regarded) was symbolized in the persons of those rulers, they were also, in the beginning of times, the rulers of mankind. When incarnated as Kings of the “divine Dynasties,” they gave the first impulse to civilizations, and directed the mind with which they had endued men to the invention and perfection of all the arts and sciences. Thus the Kabiri are said to have appeared as the benefactors of men, and as such they lived for ages in the memory of nations"

“Now,” says Panadoras, “it is before that time (Menes), that the reign of the seven gods who rule the world took place. It was during that period that those benefactors of humanity descended on Earth and taught"

"To make the point clear once for all: that which the clergy of every dogmatic religion — pre-eminently the Christian — points out as Satan, the enemy of God, is in reality, the highest divine Spirit"

It also talks about poles and pole shifts.

Ok so heres what I conclude from attempting to read this doctrine, albeit rather sluggishly and with a growing headache, there is so much, she has managed to take myths and themes from all over and blend them into one big Gnostic driven gospel. Its hard to read, hard to grasp, and what I do grasp freaks me out! But what I can glean from this, coupled with the stuff thats going viral on the web is the following;


God is the unknowable(?) Monad or Lucifer who is either Monad or is his angel who is knowable (?), light or mind, this divine light/mind commited suicide, in a manner of speaking, in order to incarnate in the physical universe, it manifested as flesh on earth-of which there may or may not have been many previously and many to come(?), and is becoming, through us, God. The other story is that somehow earth, or matter, is evil, created by an evil God (YHWH?) to trap Lucifer-the divine light, in this evil world, and it is our job to connect with our inner Lucifer in order to become God and escape the confines of flesh, this evolution of humanity is playing out on many earths or planets (7?). When an earth is born it is seeded with a Root-race and its manu-collective humanity or sub races and sub-sub races. Before a planet is terminated a group of super manu are sent to guide humanity through its final evolutionary cycle, those who make it through are saved by the super manu to seed the new earth and keep cycling ever on towards Godness, and the super manu descend unto secret hideaways under pyramids and subteranean cities during the evolutionary cycles until humanity is once again ready to be guided to a higher concioussness, but before they dissappear they set the Root-race up as their representors and stand in rulers and or empower them to covertly spread the message through the ages....

Does that about cover it, master masons? if I have interpreted it all wrong then I am sure someone will "Illuminate" me.
Now I wouldnt give two hoots about what some guy trying to become a high level mason believes if it werent for this;

Maitreya is said "not to have come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes."

"They are returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. Maitreya is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense."

"He is here to inspire us to create a new era based on sharing and justice, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, health care, and education."

"Who is Maitreya?
He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Christians know him as the Christ, and expect his imminent return. Jews await him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah."
Here, though Im sure google will bring up more info
and here

Maitreya, super manu? Superman, Christs, Illuminati....... Saviours. Listen;
What about the reports of reptilians and hollow earth and subteranean cities, Atlantis and Lemuria? WHO IS PLANTING ALL THIS INFORMATION FOR US TO "DISCOVER" AND BELIEVE? Who is behind the scenes "guiding" humanity?
What is the common thread in many Occult works? I would say the common thread is the idea of Lucifer and Gnosis.

Noun: Knowledge of spiritual mysteries

Gnosticism was defined by Albert Pike, the Pope of Masonry, as "the soul and marrow of Freemasonry." A 33rd degree Mason

What is Gnostism?

Noun: A heretical movement of the 2nd-century Christian Church, teaching that esoteric knowledge (gnosis) of the supreme divine being enabled the redemption of the human spirit.
"Gnosticism (Greek: γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) was a group of ancient religions that combined different elements from Hellenistic Judaism, Greco-Roman mystery religions, Zoroastrianism (especially Zurvanism), Neoplatonism, and eventually Buddhism and early Christianity. It taught that some esoteric knowledge (or Gnosis) was necessary for salvation from the material world, which was created by some intermediary figure (or demiurge) instead of God. In some systems, the demiurge was considered evil, in others merely imperfect. Different gnostic schools sometimes identified the demiurge as Adam, Ahriman, Samael, Satan, Yaldabaoth, or Yahweh. Many schools inverted traditional interpretations of the Hebrew Bible, leading Jewish-Israeli scholar Gershom Scholem to call Gnosticism "the Greatest case of metaphysical anti-Semitism."[1] However, some scholars have argued that the Jewish mysticism Kabbalah is Gnostic.[2][3]

Jesus of Nazareth is identified by some Gnostic sects as an embodiment of the supreme being who became incarnate to bring gnōsis to the earth.[4] In others (e.g. the Notzrim and Mandaeans), he is considered a mšiha kdaba or "false messiah" who perverted the teachings entrusted to him by John the Baptist.[5] Still other traditions identify Mani and Seth, third son of Adam and Eve, as salvific figures.[6]
Some consider Gnosticism to be a branch of Christianity, but alternate theories trace Gnostic systems to centuries before the Christian Era, predating the birth of Jesus.[7"

Main article: Abraxas
The Egyptian Gnostic Basilideans referred to a figure called Abraxas who was at the head of 365 spiritual beings (Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, I.24); it is unclear what to make of Irenaeus' use of the term 'Archon', which may simply mean 'ruler' in this context. The role and function of Abraxas for Basilideans is not clear.
The word Abraxas was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which may have been used as amulets or charms by Gnostic sects. In popular culture, Abraxas is sometimes considered the name of a god who incorporated both Good and Evil (God and Demiurge) in one entity, and therefore representing the monotheistic God, singular, but (unlike, for example, the Christian God) not omni-benevolent. (See Hesse's Demian, and Jung's Seven Sermons to the Dead.) Opinions abound on Abraxas, who in recent centuries has been claimed to be both an Egyptian god and a demon, sometimes even being associated with the dual nature of Satan/Lucifer
Monad (apophatic theology)

Main article: Monad (Gnosticism)
In many Gnostic systems (and heresiologies), God is known as the Monad, the One, The Absolute, Aion teleos (The Perfect Æon), Bythos (Depth or Profundity, Βυθος), Proarkhe (Before the Beginning, προαρχη), and E Arkhe (The Beginning, η αρχη). God is the high source of the pleroma, the region of light. The various emanations of God are called æons.
Within certain variations of Gnosticism, especially those inspired by Monoimus, the Monad was the highest God which created lesser gods, or elements (similar to æons).


Gnostic myths relate that Lucifer is the Messenger of the Unknowable God. We had said that this God, the greatest one, unreachable and unknowable, is unable to penetrate this limited universe of impure and satanic matter. But according to these myths, he can send someone, Lucifer. Only with a supreme sacrifice can an incredibly Spiritual and pure being of antimatter fire break through into the infernal world of this universe. According to Gnostic legends and myths, the great Unknowable God sent Lucifer, angel of indescribable fire and light, to show man the light and to help him wake up and see his true origin, the origin of his Spirit, which has been perversely imprisoned in this impure matter called body-soul. He is an uncreated being, who came to the created world to bring Light: Liberating Gnosis

We all know the freemason quotes on Lucifer and satan so I dont need to repeat them here, masonry, they would have us conclude, is Luciferian Gnosticsim, the Gnosis they offer, their "Holy grail"; is the knowledge of man becoming God/ascending to God and becoming one with God, who is Lucifer (Lucifer/Monad?). Now you might be thinking that just because a few psycho members of the big boys club, believed this stuff, doesnt mean that the masons as a whole do. And you'd be right. Most of the initiates probably have no idea what they are signing up for, many probably would consider themselves Christian, but as Manly P Hall said it;

"The initiated brother realized that his so called symbols and rituals are merely blinds fabricated by the wise to perpetuate ideas incomprehensible to the average individual. He also realized that few Masons of today know or appreciate the mystic meaning concealed within these rituals. With religious faith we perpetuate the form, worshiping it instead of the life, but those who have not recognized that truth in the crystallized ritual, those who have not liberated the spiritual germ from the shell of empty words, are not Masons, regardless of their physical degrees and outward honors.
Manly P. Hall, Freemasons and Rosicrucian’s the Enlightened, Cornerstone Books, pgs.50-56

But I would contend that just as they claim that Christianity is the exoteric expression of the esoteric truth, so the esoteric truth that they allow us to "discover" is just another exoteric myth, only one for the thinking man, the new spirituilist.

All over the internet, new sites and videos are calling out for a revolution of the spirit, "seek the Divine light within" they say "here lies the path to peace and harmony" they tout "the ascended masters are waiting to guide us" they cry "come let us build a new world based on equality and love"....

Now Im no thrill kill, for sure I got caught up in it all myself. Who doesnt want to have a direct experiance of the creator? Who doesnt want to see a world of equality and Justice? But; what exactly is the Divine light and who is funding the outpouring of information? It puts me in mind of this;

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled ...”
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma pp. 104-105

Now its interesting the way he said that, all religions, mysteries, Hermitism and alchemy conceals its secrets from ALL except the Adepts and Sages, or (who are) the "Elect". So who are the true Adepts then? The Elect, and who are the Elect?
And if they conceal all the true secrets why would we think that they would write said secrets into books and scream them from the sound systems (Internet) or allow it to be done by so called "insiders"? I expect they have a very strict pre-requisite policy for each new stage in an adepts journey, and if what I am driving at with all this is correct then the true Adept (or Elect) would never spill the beans anyway..... Why would he, he'd be in on the biggest scam ever!
The Gnostic doctrine that much of the current spiritual "awakening" is based on plants it in peoples minds that we (humanity) are not of this world, that we are one in spirit; but its the spirit of God trying to break free of the world of matter, we are aliens in an evil world. We are not perfect but we can become perfect through spiritual evolution. It says we dont need Jesus in our hearts to become God or one with God, but they have replaced Jesus with ascended "masters" or Maitreya who sounds suspicously like the super manu of 'the secret Doctrine'.
We have many lives with which to work off our karma and evolve and the ascended masters/angels/inner light/Lucifer can guide us and will return in flesh very soon to help us. A lot of these themes can be seen in most religions also. Then you have the other side of it all which says that we have become entirely base and vile due to being trapped in our physical shells and thus have almost destroyed the planet we depend on to survive till we evolve, so we need to get our act together and recycle, and accept carbon taxes and whatever else they proclaim as necessary to save earth.... But because we dont the Maitreya is going to come and "assist" us.

Now I have a few issues with this doctrine, first of all if we ever want to heal and grow as a society and as a race (not as a root race and different "sub" races but as ONE race) then we need to see our selves (bodies) and our enviroment (matter) as an extension of our souls, part and parcel and wholly sacred, we are not seperate from our physical shell and our physical shell was not created by evil to bind our spirit. We are not entirely base and evil, we are however gulliable and easily led and this they know all too well, and it is this they prey on. Second of all, these ideas are neither new nor constructive, if TPTB have indeed been directing the course of humanity, both spiritually and materially, then it stands to reason that this "new" "awakening" movement is also part of the course. But to what end? Where does this course we are on, that the "elect" are directing, take us? They have planted clues and riddles and myths and symbols and misinterpretations to keep the people who thirst for truth, for something real, running around chasing their own tail.... But where is it going!?! And what is the real truth that they conceal?
All you men who run to join Masonic Lodges in order to become "better men", have you ever wondered why one of the criteria for acceptance into the lodge is that you be a male with a God? Ponder it for a second.

"Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true.” Eric Hoffer

Have they been lying to us for Millenia? Through their religions and their philosophies and their mystery schools and their myriad of spiritual movements? And even worse, are they bringing certain lies into fruition?
Could the truth be so simple as to be immediatly discarded for lies? Could the truth that they dont want us to take hold of simply be that we dont need a Messiah? That we dont need them? That we as one race, have it within ourselves to make our world a better place without the guidance of "ascended masters", possible to become "Christ" like without the need for religions and established doctrines?

Wouldnt the ultimate freedom be to stand on our own two feet and say "No! I write my own destiny! I will not be forced to interpret the mysteries of the universe according to what other men, who would be so arrogant as to think they are above me, would have me believe! I will not bow down to any God, Christ, pope, Government or Throne! I will not allow my life both inner and outer to be dictated and led by those who have shown nothing of themselves but that they are a self serving, patronizing, greedy, megalomaniacal den of theives!"
In the words of Howard Beale; 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, God damn it! My life has VALUE!' So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!'

Why must we conform to the norms of the day? If our "divine" overlords tell us that God is in fact not God but Lucifer, who is sending a pack of Jesus's to us to help us ascend and become God, then why should we believe them? Esspecially when it involves the genocide of complete nations/races! Why should we believe that these books that they write are speaking the truth about our history and our future and are fact and or contain "jewels" of "Gnosis", when we know, WE KNOW already that they lie to us on a daily basis? Do we seriously have no common sense??
Admittedly I got taken in by the whole "humanity is ascending in 2012" bull hucky too, luckily I did the research on where these concepts come from, and Im telling you right now that a whole world of hurt is going to come crashing down on us and we are going to be dumbfounded, rendered speechless, and in one fell swoop the Abrahmic religions and Atheism will be done away with and their light of Lucifer will arise with "healing in his wings" and who will stand against him?

I will.
For I am sick to death of being treated this way, I am sick of being manipulated, I am sick of being led around by the leash, I am sick of being thrown from one rabbit hole to the next in the illusionary pursuit of "Gnosis",


I am sick of being made a fool by those who would force humanity to become what they want us to become when they want us to become it, I am sick of chasing a trail that for reasons that have finally become clear to me-lead straight to an unidentifiable clandestine group who would control our lives and continue to control our lives, even to the destruction of those they despise.
All roads lead to Rome, all roads lead to Lucifer.
Who may or may not be evil.

In closing;
I know its been a long read and I hope that even if you have not reached the same conclusions as I that you have been able to take something from it of use in your own journey.
Some sites that provide an interesting read (but remember, Just because it sounds acedemic or mysterious doesnt make it true, learnt that the hard way myself)

The true supposedly "good" Illuminati I personally dont believe they are but I am partial to their idea of meritocracy and Greek style states.... Just not institusionalised by NWO!" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
121 free esoteric ebooks
Massive range of ebooks including but not limited to occult works

There is a ton of information out there, the hard part is sifting through it all, but I firmly believe that if we do have a creator he/she/it would probably encourage us to throw off the bonds of slavery, whether to dogma, christ or king and start using our common sense, our own intuition Divinely gifted to the human heart. Now is the time to start forging our way without the "Elect", now is the time to break free.
"And all the saints say?.... AMEN!"

Oh no! Haha, the images didnt work properly! Please forgive this, I am new to posting threads with more than just words!

edit on 5-4-2011 by Rhebefree because: Because my attempt at adding pictures sucked!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:16 PM
Oh and also I gots to go now so if you post a reply and I dont reply to your reply, dont despair! Its because Im washing dishes and vacuming and everything else I should have done this morning instead of this!
But I will be back so hopefully I'll be able to get a good discussion going then, anyho, tata!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:29 PM
Thanks, great post...It will take awhile but I'll get back to you also when I go through it all....I am aware of a lot of it but no where near all...There is a sea of Knowledge out there if peeps will just take the time to research it...You will be rewarded for it in the end....Thanks for the post....S & F....

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Rhebefree

I am a Christian and not a Mason; however, like you I have read their stuff also many other "occultists". I think you gave a good summary of what they all have in common at the highest level. In some ways Blavatsky, Crowley and LeVey were more honest with their followers about what conclusiions it leads the initiates to. As for tptb or illuminated ones, they ain't running the show right now and are very confused. Excellent job on your part. Be well.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Rhebefree

You have made a lot of assumptions in your essay, Madame Blavatsky was not a regular Freemason and besides individual Masons can't speak for the fraternity. Her books are interesting but some of her theories are just out there IMO, especially her ideas about race. Also, Pike is NOT the "pope" of Freemasonry! He was Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, one of many SGC of various Jurisdictions. I am familiar with Gnosticism but I am by now means an expert, but there are Gnostics here that could set you straight there too. Not that it really matters, because you have framed your essay defending your belief by stating that anyone that says otherwise is either in the know and lying about it or they don't know anything about it, but consider that you are ignoring a third possibility...that what you think is Truth is not true.

edit on 5-4-2011 by no1smootha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:09 PM
There are some interesting references posted here, although let's go a bit further:

ATS Thread: "The White Lodge and the Aryan Race"


Originally posted by Tamahu

Originally posted by Tamahu
Manly P. Hall 33º, V.M. Samael Aun Weor, and V.M. Huiracocha on Freemasonry, the Rosicross Brotherhood, and the Gnostic Church

To add on to the above linked post:

"Therefore, whosoever does not know how to consciously project himself in the astral body, does not know occultism, even if they have the “33rd social degree of Masonry,” even if they are Aquarian devotees, even if they are named Theosophist or even if they self-qualify themselves as a Rosicrucian Knight."

– The Major Mysteries

“Let not one of those who are present here dare to self-qualify himself as a Rosicrucian, because we are nothing but simple aspirants of Rosicrucianism.” Then he added with great solemnity, “Rosicrucians are Buddha, Jesus, Moria, K.H., etc.”

The Three Mountains by Samael Aun Weor


"Samael Aun Weor & "Crowley's" Thelema"

"The "conspiracy theory" that you read about in the books on the shelves of Borders don't even scratch the surface and only serve to lead someone away from themselves and that is a problem.

"It is OKAY to look into these things, so long as you understand where this aspect of the teaching fits into your understanding of yourself."

Lastly, but certainly not least, Sexual Magic–due to its controversial nature–has been discussed and debated almost every time I've posted regarding Gnosis on these forums; nevertheless, we have to acknowledge the Great Arcanum (which evidences that Aleister Crowley's "sex magick" rituals are the opposite of what Samael Aun Weor and H.H. the Dalai Lama teach in regard to Sexual Magic), Daath, and the Foundation Stone of Yesod.

edit on 6-4-2011 by Tamahu because: edited text

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by no1smootha
reply to post by Rhebefree

You have made a lot of assumptions in your essay, Madame Blavatsky was not a regular Freemason and besides individual Masons can't speak for the fraternity. Her books are interesting but some of her theories are just out there IMO, especially her ideas about race. Also, Pike is NOT the "pope" of Freemasonry! He was Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, one of many SGC of various Jurisdictions. I am familiar with Gnosticism but I am by now means an expert, but there are Gnostics here that could set you straight there too. Not that it really matters, because you have framed your essay defending your belief by stating that anyone that says otherwise is either in the know and lying about it or they don't know anything about it, but consider that you are ignoring a third possibility...that what you think is Truth is not true.

edit on 5-4-2011 by no1smootha because: (no reason given)

Ok maybe instead of saying "Masonry" I should have said "the secret society that keeps secrets perhaps even from masons"? I didnt say that madame B was a Mason, I said that her book was on many Ocultists reading list! The reason why I focused in on her book was because I have seen a lot of simularities between stuff said in her book and what is being spread on the net, in my opinion on a large scale. It was not my intention to offend or to say that every single mason believes what she wrote (please read the whole post before replying), maybe I shouldnt have said Pike was a pope without being able to justify it, I apologize.
It does matter because if I am wrong about things that I have taken for fact then for sure I need to be shown my error. As for Gnostism, I know only what I have read and I can assure you that what I wrote about Gnostism is correct according to what I have read. Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps there is no secret organisation running the show and deceiving us all, even learned individuals like yourself, however when people have only so much information to go on of course they are going to form their own assumptions. I have based my conclusions on what information I have been able to process in conjunction with my intuition, it is not just her book alone, everything I have read and paid attention to since I was 14, experiance and intuition, theres no substitute, you could read all the books in the world and still not understand whats really going on, and thats my point!
These people, from their own mouths, say that they leave clues and information and symbols and whatever else strewn about to mislead and misinform, how do you know that the higher ups in your organisation are willfully misleading you??? And before you chose to be a mason did you ever wonder why one of the criterior was that you beleive in a God? Why is that? Where did I state that anyone who disagrees with me is "in the know and lying" or dont know anything about it? I know only what I have read, from the pens of occult and "secret society" authors themselves. I am not a mason because 1 I am a woman, you guys dont let women in, and 2 Masonry is just another form of religion and my experiance with religion is that it does not best serve the interests of your soul. I have considered that I am wrong, and I have decided I am not in accordance with my intution. I may be wrong about some of the facts, I may have taken a path to this truth through the wrong gate, but in the end my intuition tells me that the end truth I have arrived at is correct.
There is a covert operation in place by a clandestine group who is misleading and using groups that are "exoteric" and groups that are "esoteric" in order to present themselves as humanities benefactors after they have made their lies truth.

I have presented this conclusion along with a small glimpse into why I believe it here for others to speculate and disscuss, if you dont agree with me, thats fine, your entitled to your opinion just as I am. However as you are a mason member, I do not veiw your opinion or your facts as partial. I am neither religous nor mason and am seeing things from the outside looking in. If I am wrong then I am wrong, however if you are wrong then you are being manipulated. Why did you want to be a mason anyway? If thats not a too personal question, many people on here blast religions as being cults and just social climbing tools and brainwashing scams, but how do those of you, who believe esoteric books, know that what your reading isnt also brain washing material?

Thankyou for contributing

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by Rhebefree

I am a Christian and not a Mason; however, like you I have read their stuff also many other "occultists". I think you gave a good summary of what they all have in common at the highest level. In some ways Blavatsky, Crowley and LeVey were more honest with their followers about what conclusiions it leads the initiates to. As for tptb or illuminated ones, they ain't running the show right now and are very confused. Excellent job on your part. Be well.

Thanks for the reply! Im glad you like me!
TPTB arent running the show? Please explain how this is the case... Or do you think Lucifer is a physical being and he's running the show? Either way has the same outcome doesnt it. I dont know about any of them being honest, I still think they were just leaving false trails for "thinkers" to pick up on and run with and then decieve others into running with....

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Tamahu

You fascinate me.
I must admit I have not done enough research on Rosicrucian's to form an opinion rather than assumption, but arent they just another secret society? The point I was trying to make with my OP was that it is very possible and in my mind probable, that certain people are creating lies, passing them off as wisdom, convincing us all that we are smarter than the next guy, just so that they can continue to run the show.
Search for truth yes, allow your interpretation of truth to be guided by institutions that require something of you in return for higher truths?? I dont think so, thats dodgy.
Are you a mason too?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Rhebefree

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by Rhebefree

I am a Christian and not a Mason; however, like you I have read their stuff also many other "occultists". I think you gave a good summary of what they all have in common at the highest level. In some ways Blavatsky, Crowley and LeVey were more honest with their followers about what conclusiions it leads the initiates to. As for tptb or illuminated ones, they ain't running the show right now and are very confused. Excellent job on your part. Be well.

Thanks for the reply! Im glad you like me!
TPTB arent running the show? Please explain how this is the case... Or do you think Lucifer is a physical being and he's running the show? Either way has the same outcome doesnt it. I dont know about any of them being honest, I still think they were just leaving false trails for "thinkers" to pick up on and run with and then decieve others into running with....

I am not quite sure how I want to answer this. TPTB don't make the plans, they have others make them. They pay think tanks full of people who are smarter than them to make the plans. Think of the song "We don't get fooled again". As for Lucifer, he is a sentient being or does not exist. If he is a sentient being than what prohibit him from having an earthly body? Honesty is a tougher question, you can be wrong and be honest at the same time. I believe people lie to themselves because they want the cookies of the world more than they want to be themselves.

Sorry if I am not clear enough. In the end I believe we exist. If I believe we exist than I have a math problem. How can there be a zero of sentient beings? Math starts with zero, reality does not, it starts with one and there cannot be a zero if we are sentient beings. One therefore leads to two, not zero. There cannot be a zero if there can be a one. Be well.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by Rhebefree

Dear Rhebefree,

You can read the Rosicrucians lessons on line at wikileaks, they published them and it pretty much sets out their occult agenda. Very much into what christians call witchcraft. Levitation, mind reading and such.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by Rhebefree

Thank you Rhebefree, easily one of the best reads i have had on ATS while not agreeing with all your summations you have certainly joined some dots for me. Look forward to following this thread further.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

Im not much of a mathmatician! I do believe we have a creator, but having such an influx of information, and finding out that a belief you have held on to for years may have actually been a lie.... I dont know perhaps I let things fill my head too much and confuse me! I dont think Lucifer is a real physical entity, however I do believe that there are entities out there who do not have our best interests at heart, be they spirit or flesh same outcome really.
I look at what was created, all the beuaty all the wild, chaotic wonder of it all, and then I look to our rulers our "benefactors" of humanity who have "guided" us behind the scenes and the result of their "guidance", and I think to myself well if there is a God why hasnt he/she put a stop to it all, and then I think well maybe he/she/it just wants us too, maybe their is no true messiah because God wants us to be our own messiah's......
Anyway thanks for your contribution.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

Thankyou I will give it a squiz
I do think there is an occult agenda but I think its much more than that too, when you read all the quotes about the supposed ascension and awakening thats coming, the theme is always the same, it always talks about the spirit ascending, not the body, the spirit... sort of like the rapture that christians believe in but its not physical.... I dont know but the whole thing freaks me out!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by lestweforget

I'm glad you enjoyed it, took me ages to put together properly makes me more in awe of all those whove posted outstanding threads! If even one person took something from it that they can chew on then Im glad
although I think I may have offended the mason who replied, which wasnt my intent, if we've all been fudged over then we need to face that reality and stop being taken in by self-proclaimed guru's and dusty old books, perhaps its time we wrote our own books and decided for ourselves how best to bring humanity forward?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Caji316
Thanks, great post...It will take awhile but I'll get back to you also when I go through it all....I am aware of a lot of it but no where near all...There is a sea of Knowledge out there if peeps will just take the time to research it...You will be rewarded for it in the end....Thanks for the post....S & F....

You were my first comment and I didnt reply!! Sorry! Thankyou for reading, I hope it proved interesting and or informative

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:08 AM
Ok I just checked out the thread Tamuhu mentioned, which explains a bit better about the whole root race and sub race thing, and I swear it just gets weirder and weirder! Seriously, I really dont understand why you people want to believe this stuff! A seventh sub-race who is evolved from the fith root race, which is apparently not just white people but all of us whom you call aryans, is coming and the rest of us are going to die!!??? WTF!!

My head hurts

Im logging off now and taking a panadol, I cant believe what I just read......

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 08:04 AM

It does matter because if I am wrong about things that I have taken for fact then for sure I need to be shown my error. As for Gnostism, I know only what I have read and I can assure you that what I wrote about Gnostism is correct according to what I have read.

It may well be (I honestly don't know), but Gnosticism is only one thread of Masonic tradition.

Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps there is no secret organisation running the show and deceiving us all, even learned individuals like yourself, however when people have only so much information to go on of course they are going to form their own assumptions.

What more information would you need to come to a different conclusion?

These people, from their own mouths, say that they leave clues and information and symbols and whatever else strewn about to mislead and misinform, how do you know that the higher ups in your organisation are willfully misleading you???

First, because you misunderstand Pike. His references to "Adepts" and "Elects" are not in terms of degree but in the thirst for knowledge that some have and others do not.

Second, because there are no "higher-ups" in Masonry, save the Grand Officers, who are of no higher degree than myself. Anything beyond the 3rd degree is of another body related to Freemasonry but having no control of it.

And before you chose to be a mason did you ever wonder why one of the criterior was that you beleive in a God? Why is that?

I didn't need to wonder. I knew it was because the lessons of the fraternity are theistic in nature, and the ritual references God throughout.

Where did I state that anyone who disagrees with me is "in the know and lying" or dont know anything about it?

It's a common riposte from anti-Masons. For the record, you did imply the possibility that "Masonic higher-ups" were keeping something from us.

I know only what I have read, from the pens of occult and "secret society" authors themselves.

Not all of these are created equal. Even authors of some authority like Pike and (to a lesser extent) Hall should be read with caution. Hall wrote all his books on Masonry before becoming a Mason, and Pike is famous for being dense reading; as anti-Masons have shown us, it's very easy to say "this is what Pike thought about X" from three sentences when the one before or after it contradicts that position completely.

I am not a mason because 1 I am a woman, you guys dont let women in

Actually, his obedience does.

Masonry is just another form of religion

Masonry has no theology, no clergy and no dogma. Calling it a religion severely twists the meaning of that word.

There is a covert operation in place by a clandestine group who is misleading and using groups that are "exoteric" and groups that are "esoteric" in order to present themselves as humanities benefactors after they have made their lies truth.

This may well be, but it isn't Freemasonry.

However as you are a mason member, I do not veiw your opinion or your facts as partial.

That he is biased does not mean he is incorrect. Too many people these days find a way someone could be biased and presume they've won the argument without addressing any of their arguments. You haven't done this, but I want to nip this in the bud.

I am neither religous nor mason and am seeing things from the outside looking in. If I am wrong then I am wrong, however if you are wrong then you are being manipulated.

Or he's just wrong. Freemasonry has no stance on a lot of this, and it certainly isn't discussed in many lodges.

Why did you want to be a mason anyway? If thats not a too personal question

Because I have a strong interest in ritual, because I admired the men I knew who were Masons, because I wanted to improve my avenues to provide charity, because I prefer organized socializing to just standing around at a party, and because as a college student I only knew other college students in Jacksonville and thought it might be nice to meet some older people.

many people on here blast religions as being cults and just social climbing tools and brainwashing scams

No real Mason would ever say this about religion.

but how do those of you, who believe esoteric books, know that what your reading isnt also brain washing material?

Because it says things like this in the preface:

The teachings of these Readings are not sacramental, so far as they go beyond the realm of Morality into those of other domains of Thought and Truth. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite uses the word “Dogma” in its true sense, of doctrine, or teaching; and is not dogmatic in the odious sense of that term. Every one is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound. It is only required of him that he shall weigh what is taught, and give it fair hearing and unprejudiced judgment. Of course, the ancient theosophic and philosophic speculations are not embodied as part of the doctrines of the Rite; but because it is of interest and profit to know what the Ancient Intellect thought upon these subjects, and because nothing so conclusively proves the radical difference between our human and the animal nature, as the capacity of the human mind to entertain such speculations in regard to itself and the Deity.

Preface to Morals and Dogma

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:09 AM
Samael Aun Weor wrote that the Rosicrucians are no longer active in the physical world under that name. And that they are not merely "just another secret society", as the Rosicrucians are said to be Resurrected Masters. Here is a Gnostic glossary entry that explains the Rosicrucian Order.

And no I'm not a Freemason belonging to any physical "regular" lodge. And even though Samael Aun Weor did not forbid his students from joining physical Masonic lodges, he did point out that the contemporary physical institutions of Freemasonry are currently overall devolving.

Manly P. Hall (see The Hermetic Marriage, MELCHIZEDEK AND THE MYSTERY OF FIRE, and Occult Anatomy of Man) and Samael Aun Weor both wrote that the only ones who definitely will survive the destruction of the Aryan Root Race, are those who will be capable of Raising the Kundalini.

Originally posted by Rhebefree
Search for truth yes, allow your interpretation of truth to be guided by institutions that require something of you in return for higher truths?? I dont think so, thats dodgy.

Concerns for the World

"Nevertheless, the wisdom of the creative Demiurge of the universe is magnificent. It is not irrelevant to emphatically tell you that transformation is only possible by means of sacrifice. I.e. if we did not sacrifice the coal in the steam engine, we would not have the steam-power to move the train. Similarly, we will say that by means of a great sacrifice, the transformation of the world will also be possible." – Samael Aun Weor

Types of Spiritual Schools

Gnostic Groups and the Mind

Seeking the Master: Teachers and Students

edit on 6-4-2011 by Tamahu because: added text

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:37 PM
Thankyou for taking the time to explain some things, I am not anti-mason per'se, and I never meant this thread to turn into a "Im right and your wrong" kindve thing so perhaps I couldve worded my position a bit better. It was my assumption that all Masons regardless of what God they start off with, are encouraged if not required to read, and learn, this stuff as they progress through the different levels, is this assumption wrong? Because if it is, then my position on Masonry is wrong and I will post so.

Originally posted by OnTheLevel213

It does matter because if I am wrong about things that I have taken for fact then for sure I need to be shown my error. As for Gnostism, I know only what I have read and I can assure you that what I wrote about Gnostism is correct according to what I have read.

It may well be (I honestly don't know), but Gnosticism is only one thread of Masonic tradition.

(Ok that may be so, but what Im worried about is that people seem to be in the grip of this "awakening" idea and "ascended masters" idea and they are easily accepting Gnostic concepts that dont quite feel right about, when I follow the trail to see where some of these concepts come from to try and understand their true intentions and I read about occult authors who were masons or who have influenced secret societies and I try to read their books and their saying stuff like; "When mortals shall have become sufficiently spiritualised, there will be no more need of forcing them into a correct comprehension of ancient Wisdom" and;
"To make the point clear once for all: that which the clergy of every dogmatic religion — pre-eminently the Christian — points out as Satan, the enemy of God, is in reality, the highest divine Spirit" and; "symbols and rituals are merely blinds fabricated by the wise to perpetuate ideas incomprehensible to the average individual. He also realized that few Masons of today know or appreciate the mystic meaning concealed within these rituals."
Then of course I put two and two together based on what information is available and conclude that masons are either involved in forcing the rest of us to suitable spiritualisation, or are being manipulated the same way, in many peoples minds it seems, religion has.)

Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps there is no secret organisation running the show and deceiving us all, even learned individuals like yourself, however when people have only so much information to go on of course they are going to form their own assumptions.

What more information would you need to come to a different conclusion?

(thats the thing, the only information available to the seeker of truth is what he/she has access to, on the internet a lot of information is free, I am a single mother so free is good, when I delve into the occult section, books from these authors that you say I should read with caution, if I have misunderstood Masonry it is only because the information about masonry and its "secrets" is scarce outside of whats available online. And if Masonry does not have the different degrees and initiations that we are given to understand it does have what is meant by these authors in reference to degrees and initiation.... Understanding? So a "higher" degree denotes a higher level of understanding the mysteries? If so understanding comes from learning and doing, if what you understand pertains to knowledge someone else has given you then you are only wise in the regards of that knowledge they have given you, so they not you are shaping your wisdom......)

These people, from their own mouths, say that they leave clues and information and symbols and whatever else strewn about to mislead and misinform, how do you know that the higher ups in your organisation are willfully misleading you???

First, because you misunderstand Pike. His references to "Adepts" and "Elects" are not in terms of degree but in the thirst for knowledge that some have and others do not.

(I apologize, I am still attepting to learn, I see terms used by certain people in similar ways and assume they always mean that way)

Second, because there are no "higher-ups" in Masonry, save the Grand Officers, who are of no higher degree than myself. Anything beyond the 3rd degree is of another body related to Freemasonry but having no control of it.

(So what makes them a "Grand officer"?)

And before you chose to be a mason did you ever wonder why one of the criterior was that you beleive in a God? Why is that?

I didn't need to wonder. I knew it was because the lessons of the fraternity are theistic in nature, and the ritual references God throughout.

(Ok? Well what if these lessons that are theistic in nature are meant to sufficiently spiritualize you according to how they would have you spiritualised?)

Where did I state that anyone who disagrees with me is "in the know and lying" or dont know anything about it?

It's a common riposte from anti-Masons. For the record, you did imply the possibility that "Masonic higher-ups" were keeping something from us.

(Only because many people claim that TPTB, which many people believe are involved with the formation of and the running of secret societies, are just using religions (the exoteric) and keeping things from the religous, I was simply attempting to explore the possibility that they were commiting the same act against members of secret societies and that the reasons for doing so look like they reflect the things said in the book 'the secret doctrine')

I know only what I have read, from the pens of occult and "secret society" authors themselves.

Not all of these are created equal. Even authors of some authority like Pike and (to a lesser extent) Hall should be read with caution. Hall wrote all his books on Masonry before becoming a Mason, and Pike is famous for being dense reading; as anti-Masons have shown us, it's very easy to say "this is what Pike thought about X" from three sentences when the one before or after it contradicts that position completely.

(I did not know this, but the fact still remains that something is going on that is Gnostic in nature, that doesnt sit right with me and I believe I have found out what it is, even if the path I took to reach my conclusions are wrong doesnt neccessarily mean my conclusions are wrong...... Either way I trust my intuition)

I am not a mason because 1 I am a woman, you guys dont let women in

Actually, his obedience does.

(I dont understand this remark)

Masonry is just another form of religion

Masonry has no theology, no clergy and no dogma. Calling it a religion severely twists the meaning of that word.

(Hence why I said "another form", I could say its a cult but I dont want to offend anyone since that word has an even more negative connotation to it than religion)

There is a covert operation in place by a clandestine group who is misleading and using groups that are "exoteric" and groups that are "esoteric" in order to present themselves as humanities benefactors after they have made their lies truth.

This may well be, but it isn't Freemasonry.

(Ok, but could it be using Freemasonry?)

However as you are a mason member, I do not veiw your opinion or your facts as partial.

That he is biased does not mean he is incorrect. Too many people these days find a way someone could be biased and presume they've won the argument without addressing any of their arguments. You haven't done this, but I want to nip this in the bud.

(This is true, I apologize)

I am neither religous nor mason and am seeing things from the outside looking in. If I am wrong then I am wrong, however if you are wrong then you are being manipulated.

Or he's just wrong. Freemasonry has no stance on a lot of this, and it certainly isn't discussed in many lodges.

(Really? Ok, so if I understand correctly, Freemasonry is more like a life skills/self help social group??)

Why did you want to be a mason anyway? If thats not a too personal question

Because I have a strong interest in ritual, because I admired the men I knew who were Masons, because I wanted to improve my avenues to provide charity, because I prefer organized socializing to just standing around at a party, and because as a college student I only knew other college students in Jacksonville and thought it might be nice to meet some older people.

(So what makes Masonry different from any religion? And if its not different than any other religion, why the entry criterior? Why cant anyone who wants to learn and grow and improve their avenues to provide for charity (although I dont know what you mean by this dont charities have websites and phone numbers and campaigns?) who want to socialize with others, and become "better" why cant they join? Why do they have to believe in a God? Arent their plenty of Atheists who are good men?

many people on here blast religions as being cults and just social climbing tools and brainwashing scams

No real Mason would ever say this about religion.

(I didnt mean here as in, in the secret society forum, I meant here as in ATS, here as in the internet. Shouldve made that clear my bad.)

but how do those of you, who believe esoteric books, know that what your reading isnt also brain washing material?

Because it says things like this in the preface:

The teachings of these Readings are not sacramental, so far as they go beyond the realm of Morality into those of other domains of Thought and Truth. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite uses the word “Dogma” in its true sense, of doctrine, or teaching; and is not dogmatic in the odious sense of that term. Every one is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound. It is only required of him that he shall weigh what is taught, and give it fair hearing and unprejudiced judgment. Of course, the ancient theosophic and philosophic speculations are not embodied as part of the doctrines of the Rite; but because it is of interest and profit to know what the Ancient Intellect thought upon these subjects, and because nothing so conclusively proves the radical difference between our human and the animal nature, as the capacity of the human mind to entertain such speculations in regard to itself and the Deity.

(Ok but if your being taught that these authors are wise and their books are to be read with the anticipation of gaining wisdom (if you are initiated?) then you are going to take it at face value that what is contained within is true? Or are these books lessons in discernment? Is that what seperates an initiated mason from an un-initiated mason, or the average reader, being able to discern what is truth in these dusty old books to what is fairy tale?)

Preface to Morals and Dogma

I thankyou for taking the time to read my thread and address what maybe misconseptions on my part.

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