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Can't believe I identified with them!

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:34 PM
I'm not from America. I do live in Sweden which is tenfold more liberal than the U.S. though, so I know all about the left and their misguided, destructive and naive ideologies.

Out of touch feminism, unconditional support for insane immigration policies, treating women and immigrants like second class citizens by always painting them as victims.

They want to be rebels but they're siding with the status quo - the Bilderberg candidates.. disgusting.

If this makes you happy I was on the verge of cussing out an american Obama supporter this weekend.
Talkin' bout Obama being superior to Ron Paul.. the heresy! It's maddening!

I don't have a beef with the "Right" cause "I don't know what that is".. if I lived in the U.S. I would probably be defined as a liberal but I have quite conservative stances other than that.

I'll remain undefined.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by TheLaughingGod

I'm thinking that the "Right" is religious and socially conservative, but -seperate- in my opinion, from Republicans. Republicans in 2011 are the party which represents Big Money. Corporate lobbyists. The "robber Barons" per the 19th century. Those to which the bottom line is profits, with NO patriotism probably don't care about a globalist government one way or the other. This is the Republican to me. The Left tries (I know, I'd listen to them try, on progressive talk [radio] shows) to propagandize that the Republicans and ("the religious") Right are one and the same thing. But I would caution, to not accept that, I think it's (in general) a lie. Or incorrect, at the least. A good example of what I mean is, merely to learn about the secret Luciferian Skull And Bones and Bohemian Grove affiliations of top former White House Republicans. (I know, top Dems are so affiliated as well.) There is nothing right wing Christian about such. But ya can't get that through to devout Lefties.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by simone50m

I know what the Right, conservatives and republicans stand for, its just that I haven't experienced them myself in my life really.. I guess I framed it in a weird and confusing way.

US politics to me -> both the left and the right is corrupt to the bone - The Tea Party has balls & backbone at least.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 08:22 AM
You should never, ever identify with a political party, or even ideology. It will almost inevitably lead to some form of groupthink.

Not to sound like a damn hippy but you are an individual and it's really time you started acting like it.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by sara123123

There has actually been a steady rightward trend in much of the developed world during the last 30 or so years.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by UngoodWatermelon
You should never, ever identify with a political party, or even ideology. It will almost inevitably lead to some form of groupthink.

I agree! There are despicable things about the left, but there are just as many about the right. Liberal, conservative, left, right, Democrat or Republican, none is worse than the other.

The left AND the right BOTH want to take our rights.
They BOTH operate with a "team" mindset that is very destructive and divisive.
They BOTH have closed minds and don't know the meaning of compromise.
And they BOTH support or reject the SAME positions, depending on who is in power.

reply to post by simone50m

If you're embarrassed that you identified with the left, don't make the same mistake and identify with the right. Because it's the same stuff, different name. Go on a conservative website and start talking about the wonders of gun control or freedom to choose abortion and you'll get kicked off, too.

The real trick is to NOT identify with either extreme, but find your OWN beliefs and stop with the groupthink.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by simone50m

I agree that we need a president whose a U.S. citizen, and not affiliated with any of the forementioned parties, but I don't believe he has to be christian for him to be good.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by simone50m
The "them" is the slimy Left. I am and always was and will be, staunchly in favor of this nation looking after it's most vulnerable, staying out of foreign wars, and abolishing free trade. But I came from a "Democratic" chat forum and realized under a harsh light, that is where my commonality (with at least some of them) ends. All I saw was trash-religion/pro-abortion trash-religion/pro-abortion trash-religion/pro-abortion. And a liberal smattering of Liberal sexuality. Thats the Left. I posted my protest that some of "us" are OFFENDED by the assault on faiths, and my post is DELETED! So much for democratic ----- freedom of speech!

You're learning some valuable lessons. Speak out against the pack and you will be silenced. That's just one of the ways the left/right discord maintains itself. It all stems from the horrible flaw in human nature of aligning in groups against other groups, rather than championing independent thought.

It is somewhat amusing, though, how easy it is to be labeled a "liberal" by disagreeing with conservatives, and a "conservative" by disagreeing with liberals. Nothing else exists in their childish universe; individuals with their own ideas certainly don't exist.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I agree! There are despicable things about the left, but there are just as many about the right. Liberal, conservative, left, right, Democrat or Republican, none is worse than the other.

Just based on mathematics alone, it would be almost impossible for 2 groups of any ideologies to be equally bad. It's equivocating to say they are identical. However, they are identical in the sense that they are both miserable failures of any attempt at rational thought.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
The left AND the right BOTH want to take our rights.
They BOTH operate with a "team" mindset that is very destructive and divisive.
They BOTH have closed minds and don't know the meaning of compromise.
And they BOTH support or reject the SAME positions, depending on who is in power.

You're a bit off base here too. The people in power are mainly just users of the system. They make use of people's real hatred for their own selfish benefits. So you have to draw the distinction between:

- The fools at the bottom who are "true believers" in one of the two brainwashed ideological camps
- The few at the top who say whatever they have to to make the fools at the bottom vote for them

The left/right fools aren't the ones taking away rights, it's the criminals in power. And if you want to really critically analyze it, the left is more guilty of taking away rights than the right. The concept this country was founded on is that people should be free and independent, and the ones with the power. That is closest to a libertarian position, but in terms of left/right it is closer to conservative than liberal.

Some fools on either side will now chime in with their brainwashed replies, either praising me or condemning me as being a hypocrite, but that does not negate the fact that I, as an actual independent, am free to pass judgment on both of them as much as is warranted, and that a true independent is not someone that forces himself to equivocate for the sake of appearance.
edit on 15-7-2011 by Observer99 because: edit

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:03 AM
Congratulations on breaking free of the Left.
Now, don't forget to break free of the Right, too, or you will just end up back where you stated only on the other side of the same lookinglass. Tweedledee, meet Tweeedledum.

A helpful thing to remember: There is just enough truth split between the two parties to keep people guessing, but the number-one job of the two parties is making sure that truth never coalesces and solidifies outside the two-party system, because if this happens, it will immediately become apparent that the left-right paradigm is a sham and all those lovely cash cows like national committee dues and lobbying donations and good old fashioned hand-in-the-till graft would be up in smoke. So they have to keep the merry-go-round trundling on. And a great way to do this is to split the truth in two and hide the fragments of the truth in bits n' pieces within the two parties, surrounded by hype and stupidity of course.

I hope your political wakeup call completes itself without trauma.

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